توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب کمک های بررسی شده توسط همسالان ارائه شده در کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی سازه و مدیریت ساخت و ساز (Secon'21) را که در 12-15 مه 2021 برگزار شد ، جمع آوری می کند. ایده های جدید در مورد موضوعات مربوط به ساخت و ساز پایدار برای آینده. مشارکتهای مربوطه به جنبه های مختلف مدل سازی و شبیه سازی عددی در مهندسی سازه ، دینامیک ساختاری و مهندسی زلزله ، تجزیه و تحلیل پیشرفته و طراحی بنیادها ، BIM ، مدیریت انرژی ساختمان و مدیریت پروژه فنی می پردازد. بر این اساس ، این کتاب ابزاری ارزشمند ، به روز و مروری اساسی در مورد موضوع را برای دانشمندان و پزشکان به طور یکسان ارائه می دهد و الهام بخش تحقیقات و تحقیقات بیشتر خواهد بود.
فهرست مطالب :
1 Utilization of Paper Sludge Ash in Lime Based Geopolymer Concrete: An Experimental Study
1 Introduction
2 Materials Used
3 Experimental Investigations
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusions
2 Seismic Resisting Performance and Strengthening of Single and Double Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Wall
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
4 Conclusion
3 Use of Parametric Software for Selecting Building Materials Based on Embodied Energy
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Selection of Materials for Components
2.2 Model Generation
2.2.1 Material Definition
2.2.2 Component Construction
3 Simulation and Discussions
3.1 Model Generation
3.2 Zone Networker and Energy Plus Inputs
3.3 Component Selection Based on the Minimal Embodied Energy
4 Conclusions
5 Conflict of Interest
4 Application of Generalised Beam Theory in Predicting Lateral Torsional Buckling of Thin-Walled Steel Sections
1 Introduction
2 Generalised Beam Theory Formulation
2.1 Assumptions of GBT Theory
3 Analysis Using GBTUL
3.1 General
3.2 Theoretical Analysis
3.3 Validation
3.4 Limitations
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
5 Design of Standard Questionnaire for Occupational Risk Perception Caused Due to Air Pollution
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Discussions
3.1 Elements of a Research Survey
3.2 Factors Influencing Perception on Occupational Exposure to Pollution
4 Conclusion
6 Studies on Performance of Isolated Footing with Load Transfer Platform
1 Introduction
1.1 Literature Survey
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Material Collection
2.2 Basic Properties of Clay
2.3 Clay-Fiber Mix for Compacted FRLTP
2.4 Model Plate Load Test
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Properties of Clay
3.2 Properties of Polypropylene Fiber
3.3 Compaction and UCC Test Results on Clay-Fiber Mix
3.4 Bearing Capacity for Different Conditions
3.4.1 Effect of Soil Reinforcement on the Bearing Capacity of Compacted FRLTP
3.4.2 Percentage Increase in Bearing Capacity and Optimum Thickness
4 Conclusions
7 Experimental Investigation on Artificial Light Weight Fly Ash Aggregates in Concrete
1 Introduction
2 Pelletization and Cold Bonding
3 Materials
3.1 Cement
3.2 Fine Aggregates and Coarse Aggregates
3.3 Fly Ash
3.4 Metakaolin
3.5 Superplasticizer
4 Experimental Programme
4.1 Mix Design
4.2 Procedures
4.3 Casting and Curing of Specimen
4.4 Compressive Strength
4.5 Flexural Strength
4.6 Split Tensile Strength
5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Compressive Strength
5.2 Split Tensile Strength
5.3 Flexural Strength
6 Conclusion
8 Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Fly Ash on Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Self-Compacting Concrete
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Investigation
2.1 Materials
2.2 Mix Proportion of Normal and SCC Mix
2.3 Assessment of the Rheological Properties of the Mix
2.4 Plastic Shrinkage Tests
2.5 Compressive Strength
3 Experimental Results and Discussions
3.1 Rheological Properties of the Mix
3.2 Compressive Strength
3.3 Plastic Shrinkage
4 Conclusions
9 Development of a Spreadsheet Solver for Regional Bus Timetabling
1 Introduction
2 Problem Description
3 Model Formulation
3.1 Multi-start Iterated Local Search Algorithm (MILS)
4 How to Use the Spreadsheet Solver
5 Experimental Results
6 Conclusion
10 Influence of Two Discrete Heaters on the Laminar Natural Convection Inside a Closed Room
1 Introduction
2 Problem Formulation
3 Governing Differential Equation
4 Mathematical Scheme and Grid Allocation
5 Validation of the Formulated Code
6 Boundary Conditions
7 Results
7.1 Streamline
7.2 Isotherms
7.3 Centerline U and V Velocity
7.4 Rate of Heat Transfer
8 Conclusion
11 Salinity Mapping of Coastal Aquifers Using GIS and GALDIT
1 Introduction
1.1 Study Area
2 Literature Review
2.1 Sea Water Intrusion Vulnerability Mapping of Aquifers Using GALDIT Method [1]
2.2 Mapping of Salinity Ingress Using GALDIT Model for Sirkali Coastal Region [2]
2.3 Application of GALDIT in Assessing the Seawater Intrusion Vulnerability of Jeju Island, South Korea [3]
2.4 Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment to Seawater Intrusion Through GIS-Based GALDIT Method. Case Study: Atalanti Coastal Aquifer, Central Greece [4]
3 Methodology
3.2 GIS
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Saltwater Intrusion Vulnerability Map
5 Limitations
6 Conclusion
12 Design Aids for Special Shaped Reinforced Concrete Columns
1 Introduction
2 Mathematical Analysis
2.1 Interaction Curve Diagrams
2.2 Analysis of Column
2.3 Analysis of T Shaped Section
2.4 Analysis of + Shaped Section
3 Design Methodology
3.1 Steps for Designing Column
4 Design Curves
4.1 Design Charts
4.2 Validation of the Design Curves Using CSICOL 8.4
4.3 Sample Problem
4.3.1 Design Using Interaction Curves
5 Summary
Appendix 1
Interaction Curves for + Shaped Columns Subjected to Compression with Uniaxial Bending
Interaction Curves for T Shaped Columns Subjected to Compression with Uniaxial Bending—Moment Along X-Axis
Interaction Curves for T Shaped Columns Subjected to Compression with Uniaxial Bending—Moment Along Y-Axis
13 Disruption of Construction Industry During COVID-19 Pandemic—A Case Study from Ernakulam, Kerala, India
1 Introduction
1.1 Study Area
2 Methodology
2.1 Introduction to Research Methodology
2.2 Preparation of Questionnaire
2.3 Data Collection
2.4 Delphi Method
2.5 Relative Importance Index (RII)
3 Results
3.1 Survey Responses
3.2 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Office-Based Civil Engineers
3.3 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Field-Based Civil Engineers and Workers
3.4 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Construction Industries
3.5 Outcome of First Round Delphi Analysis
3.6 The Principal Reason of Disruption in Construction Industry
3.7 The Proper Category of Delay in Construction Projects
3.8 Delay Analysis
4 Discussions
5 Conclusions
14 3D-FE Analysis of RC Tunnel with GFRP Shielding Under Internal Blast Loading
1 Introduction
2 Finite Element Modeling
2.1 Modeling of the Subway System
2.2 Modeling of Explosion
2.3 Material Properties
2.3.1 Material Properties of Concrete
2.3.2 Material Properties of Steel
2.3.3 Material Properties of Soil
2.3.4 Material Properties of GFRP
3 Validation of FE Analysis
3.1 Validation with Results of Zhao and Chen [28]
3.2 Validation with Results of Goel et al. [10]
4 Results of FE Analysis
5 Effectiveness of Utilization of GFRP as Shielding Material Under Internal Explosion
6 Conclusions
15 Seismic Performance of Floor Diaphragm Openings in Multi Storey Building
1 Introduction
1.1 Diaphragm Openings
2 Methodology Adopted
3 Modeling of Structure
3.1 Loading
4 Analysis Results
4.1 M1-Symmetric Model Results
4.2 M2-Rectangular Modal Results
4.3 M3-L-shaped Modal Results
4.4 M4-H-shaped Modal Results
5 Conclusions
16 Numerical Investigation and Parametric Analysis of Hybrid Shear Wall with Energy Dissipating Reinforcements
1 Introduction
2 Model Configuration
3 Material Property
4 Boundary Conditions, Meshing and Loading
5 Verification of Finite Element Model
6 Parametric Study
6.1 Effect of Aspect Ratio
6.2 Effect of Post-tensioning Force
6.3 Effect of Tendon Location
7 Conclusions
17 Estimating Landslide Risk Management Index for Nilambur Taluk, Kerala Using Analytic Hierarchy Process—A Case Study
1 Introduction
2 Selection of Study Area
2.1 History of Risk Management Index (RMI)
3 Methodology
3.1 Risk Identification (RMIRI)
3.2 Risk Reduction (RMIRR)
3.3 Disaster Management (RMIDM)
3.4 Governance and Financial Protection (Loss Transfer) (RMIFP)
3.5 Step 1: Data Gathering
3.6 Step 2: Calculation of Weights (wi) for Each Sub-indicator Using AHP
3.7 Step 3: Data Processing
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Survey Response
4.2 Numerical Weights (wi) for the Sub-indicators from AHP
4.3 Performance Level
4.4 Landslide Risk Management Index
5 Conclusions
18 Seismic Performance of Multi-storey RC Building with Coupled Shear Walls
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Model Description
3.1 Loads
4 Response Spectrum Analysis
4.1 Design Check
4.2 Storey Displacement
4.3 Storey Drift
4.4 Storey Shear
5 Results and Discussions
6 Conclusions
19 Study on Seismic Performance of Braced Single Storey Framed Structure Using X-Shaped Pipe Damper
1 Introduction
1.1 X-Shaped Pipe Damper (XPD)
2 Summary of Literature Review
3 Numerical Analysis
3.1 Modeling of XPD on Chevron Braced Single Storey Building Frame
3.2 Analysis of Model
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusions
20 Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Multistoried Building with Flat Slab
1 Introduction
2 Building Modelling
2.1 Load and Load Combinations
3 Progressive Collapse Analysis
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Effect of Corner Column Removal on Progressive Collapse
4.2 Effect of Middle Short Column Removal on Progressive Collapse
4.3 Effect of Middle Long Column Removal on Progressive Collapse
4.4 Comparison of Results
5 Conclusion
21 Numerical Study on Perforation Characteristics of Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Composite Laminates Subjected to Impact Loading
1 Introduction
2 Damage Model for Fiber Reinforced Composites
2.1 Damage Initiation, Evolution and Element Removal
3 Experimental Investigation
4 Numerical Modelling and Its Validation
4.1 Model Validation
5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Ballistic Limit
5.2 Residual Velocity
5.3 Energy Absorption of Target Laminates
6 Conclusion
22 Fatigue Life Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
1 Introduction
2 Artificial Neural Network
2.1 Modelling of Neural Network
2.2 Evaluation of Network Model
3 Conclusions
23 Effects of Loading Pattern on Critical Temperature of Cold-Formed Compound Flexural Members
1 Introduction
2 Material Properties
3 Load and Boundary Conditions
4 Numerical Model
5 Validation Study
6 Results
6.1 2D Heat Transfer Simulation
6.2 3D Thermo-mechanical Simulation
7 Summary and Conclusion
24 Bearing Capacity of Square Footing on Hybrid Geosynthetic Reinforced Granular Fill Over Soft Soil
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Materials
2.2 Testing Program
2.3 Initial Properties of Soft Soil
2.4 Properties of Hybrid Geosynthetics
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Homogeneous Foundation (Clayey Silt)
3.2 Layered-Foundation Systems (Soft Soil + Sand)
3.3 Layered Foundation System (Soft Soil + Sand + Non-Woven Coir Geotextile)
3.4 Layered Foundation System (Soft Soil + Sand + Geogrid)
3.5 Layered Foundation System (Soft Soil + Sand + Hybrid Geosynthetic)
3.6 Effect of Layer Thickness (H)
3.7 Effect of Different Reinforcement
4 Conclusions
25 Compressive Strength Prediction with Boundary-Defined Datasets
1 Introduction
1.1 General
1.2 Previous Works
2 Methodology
2.1 Models Used
2.2 Dataset
3 Boundary Conditions
4 Performance Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion
26 Residual Life Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Considering Tension Softening Behaviour
1 Introduction
2 Residual Life Assessment
2.1 Residual Life Assessment Using LEFM
2.2 Mathematical Modelling of FPZ
2.3 Residual Life Assessment Using NLFM
3 Residual Life Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Beam
3.1 Result
4 Conclusions
27 Seismic Performance Evaluation of Seesaw Braced Energy Dissipation System
1 Introduction
2 Description of 3D Steel Structure
2.1 Seesaw Braced Energy Dissipation System
2.2 Seesaw Braced Steel Structures
2.3 Seismic Analysis of Seesaw Energy Dissipation System (SEDS)
3 Response to Dynamic Load
3.1 Base Reaction
3.2 Storey Displacement
3.3 Storey Drift
4 Conclusion
28 Performance of Steel Building Equipped with Crescent Shaped Bracing System under Seismic Excitation
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Modelling of Structure
3.1 Loading
4 Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion
29 Numerical Study on Web Crippling of Aluminium Lipped Channel Sections
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Experimental Setup
2.2 Numerical Study
2.3 Grid Independence Study
3 Effect of Different Contacts Options Available in ANSYS Software in Web Crippling Capacity
4 Effect of Frictional Contact by Changing the Frictional Coefficients in Web Crippling Capacity
5 Conclusions
30 Parametric Study of High Rise Building with Skybridge
1 Introduction
2 Modelling and Analysis
2.1 Building Configuration
2.2 Seismic Analysis
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Effect of Skybridge Location
3.2 Effect of Skybridge Connection
4 Conclusion
31 Comparative Study of Monopod and Tripod Suction Caisson Foundation for an Offshore Wind Turbine
1 Introduction
2 Numerical Simulation
3 Comparison with Previous Study
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Lateral Capacity of Suction Bucket Foundation
4.2 Lateral Load Overturning Moment Interaction Diagram
5 Conclusions
32 Modelling Tour Chaining Patterns of Urban Commercial Vehicles
1 Introduction
2 Data Description
3 Latent Class Analysis
4 Multinomial Logit Model
4.1 Interpretation of Results of Cluster 1
4.2 Interpretation of Results of Cluster 2
4.3 Comparison of Results Cluster Based Data and Whole Data
5 Conclusions
33 Study of Plan Irregularity on Different Seismic Zones
1 Introduction
2 Methodology Adopted
3 Modelling of Structures
4 Analysis
5 Results
5.1 Maximum Storey Displacement
5.2 Storey Drift
5.3 Base Shear
6 Conclusion
34 Performance Analysis of CFS Encased Recycled Plastic Laminate Beam
1 Introduction
1.1 General Background
1.2 Plastic Lumber
2 Analytical Program
2.1 Material Properties
2.2 Modelling and Analysis
3 Results
3.1 Encasement Study
3.2 Parametric Study
4 Comparison of Structural Behaviour of Models
5 Conclusions
35 Structural Optimisation of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shell Foundation
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Geometric Model and Material Property
3.1 Geometry of Foundation
3.2 Geometry of the Soil Model
3.3 Material Property
4 Numerical Analysis
5 Result and Discussion
6 Conclusion
36 Evaluation of Modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Aggregate Concrete
1 Introduction
2 Literature Survey
3 Methodology
4 Materials and Properties
5 Mix Design
6 Casting and Testing
7 Results and Discussions
8 Conclusion
37 Study on Strengthening of Deteriorated Corrugated Steel Beams Using Post Tensioning
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
3.1 General
3.2 Corrugated Beam
3.3 Deteriorated Beams
3.4 Strengthening of Deteriorated Corrugated Steel Beam Using Post Tensioning
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusion
38 Parametric Study of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Using GEO 5
1 Introduction
2 Design Concept of MSE Wall
2.1 Methodology
3 Modelling of MSE Wall
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Effect of Reinforcement Characteristic Strength on Factor of Safety
4.2 Effect of Reinforcement Spacing on Factor of Safety
4.3 Effect of Backfill Soil on Factor of Safety
4.4 Effect of Ratio of Length of Reinforcement to the Height of the Wall on Factor of Safety
5 Rehabilitation of Failed Retaining Walls
6 Conclusions
39 Numerical Investigation of Steel Concrete Hybrid Beam
1 Introduction
2 Finite Element Model of Hybrid Beam
2.1 Geometry and Connection Details
2.2 Material Property
2.3 Model Configuration
2.4 Loading and Boundary Conditions
3 Parametric Study
3.1 Effect of Rib Portion in I Beam
3.2 Lipped Section with Rib
3.3 Comparison of I Section with Rib, Lipped I Section with Rib and I Section Without Rib
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusions
40 Structural Performance of Splice Connection for Tubular GFRP Section Members
1 Introduction
2 Finite Element Modelling
2.1 General
2.2 Geometry
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusions
41 Identification of Groundwater Recharge Potential Zones and Groundwater Quality Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Objectives and Scope
4 Methodology [1, 3–6]
4.1 Results and Discussions
5 Derivation of Normalised Weights of Thematic Layers by AHP Method
6 Groundwater Quality Data [3, 6]
7 Spatial Distribution of Chemical Parameters in the Pre-monsoon Stage
8 Spatial Distribution of Chemical Parameters in the Post-monsoon Stage
9 Groundwater Quality Index
10 Results and Conclusion
10.1 Groundwater Potential Zonation Map
10.2 Groundwater Quality Index
11 Artificial Recharge Methods
42 Progressive Collapse Analysis of Masonry Infill RCC Structures
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Modeling
4 Column Removal Scenario
5 Results and Discussions
5.1 Demand Capacity Ratio by P-M Interaction Curve for Infill Frame
5.2 Demand Capacity Ratio by P-M Interaction Curve for Corner Column Removal Scenario
5.3 Demand Capacity Ratio by P-M Interaction Curve for Short End Column Removal Scenario
5.4 Push Over Analysis
5.5 Global Ductility
5.6 Total Energy Capacity
5.7 Robustness Coefficient
6 Conclusions
43 Dynamic and Seismic Evaluation of Curved Cable Stay Bridges
1 Introduction
2 Bridge Modelling
3 Analysis
3.1 Modal Analysis
3.2 Time History Analysis
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Mode Shapes (Time Period/Frequency)
4.2 Time History Analysis
5 Conclusions
44 Seismic Performance of Modular Steel Braced Building Equipped with BRB Braces
1 Introduction
2 Design, Modeling and Analysis of MSB
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Torsional Irregularity
3.2 Strengthening by Bracings
4 Conclusions
45 Improving Highway Alignment Using Openroads Software
1 Introduction
1.1 Project Location
1.2 Software Description
2 Objectives of the Study
3 Field Investigations
3.1 Road Inventory
3.2 Traffic Volume Survey
4 Design Procedure
4.1 Collecting the Topographical Data
4.2 Geometric Design Using OpenRoads Software
4.2.1 Horizontal Alignment
4.2.2 Vertical Alignment
4.3 Output from Software
4.3.1 Horizontal Alignment According to IRC 38 [7]
4.3.2 Vertical Alignment According to IRC SP 23 [9]
4.3.3 Superelevations According to IRC 38 [7]
4.3.4 Adding the Unit Price of the material used during the construction, in the Software
5 Result and Discussion
46 Drying Shrinkage of Alkali-Activated Paste, Mortar and Concrete—A Comparison Study for Varying Activator Modulus
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Methodology
2.1 Raw Materials and Design Mixes
2.2 Methods
3 Results
4 Summary
47 Strengthening of Deep Beam Using External Bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Properties of Materials
2.2 Assembly
2.3 Modelling
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusions
48 Development of Virtual Lab to Solve Problems in Structural Dynamics
1 Introduction
2 Virtual Structural Dynamics Laboratory
3 Literature Review
4 Methodology
4.1 App Design
4.2 Data Acquisition
4.3 Data Processing
5 VSDL Modules
5.1 Experiment 1: Multi Degree of Freedom
5.1.1 Modal Analysis
5.1.2 Interpretation of Mode Shape
5.1.3 Mathematical Model
5.2 Experiment 2: Duhamel’s Integral—Damped System
5.2.1 Mathematical Model
5.3 Experiment 3: Continuous Systems
5.3.1 Simply Supported Beam
5.3.2 Cantilever Beam
5.3.3 Fixed Beams
6 Validation of Multiple Degree of Freedom Analysis in Matlab, Etabs and Experimental Procedure
6.1 Experimental Analysis
6.2 Analysis Using MATLAB
6.3 Analysis Using ETABS
7 Conclusion
8 Scope for Future Work
49 Lateral Load Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Spandrels
1 Introduction
2 State-Of-The-Art of Research
2.1 Experimental and Numerical Research
3 A Model for the Flexural Behaviour of Spandrels
4 Validation of Proposed Model
5 Results and Conclusions
50 Severity Prediction of Construction Site Accidents Using Simple and Ensemble Decision Trees
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Dataset
2.2 Data Understanding
2.3 Data Pre-Processing
2.4 Classification
2.5 ML Modeling and Performance Evaluation
3 Results and Discussions
4 Conclusions
51 Study on Effect of GGBS, Molarity of NaOH Solution and Curing Regime on Compressive Strength and Microstructure of Fly Ash-GGBS Based Geopolymer Concrete
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Details
2.1 Materials
2.2 Mix Proportion, Casting and Curing
2.3 Test Procedures
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Slump Values of Fresh GPC
3.2 Compressive Strength (CS)
3.3 XRD Analysis
3.4 FESEM Analysis
4 Conclusions
52 Analysis of Interface Bond Strength for Thin-Whitetopping Pavements Using Finite Element Method
1 Introduction
1.1 General
2 Methodology
3 Fem Modelling Features
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Effect of Thickness and Interface Bonding on Pavement Deformation
4.2 Impact of Thickness and Interface Bonding on Loading Stress
4.3 Impact of Thickness and Interface Bonding on Frictional Stress
5 Conclusion
53 Strengthening and Compressive Behavior of Composite Multilimbed Light Weight CFS Built-Up Column
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
3.1 General
3.2 Hot Rolled Steel Section
3.3 Multilimbed Steel Column
3.4 Partially and Fully Filled Sections
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Stress Distribution and Type of Failure
5 Conclusion
54 Drought Intensity Mapping of Kannur District, Kerala, India
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Data Sources and Methodology
3.1 Generation of Thematic Layers
3.2 Data Reclassification
3.3 Weighted Overlay Analysis
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
55 Behavior of Harp and Perimetral Bracing System in Pre-engineered Building Subjected to Lateral Loads
1 Introduction
2 Building Modelling
2.1 Load and Load Combinations
2.2 Time History Analysis
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Displacement
3.2 Storey Drift
3.3 Time Period
4 Conclusion
56 Challenges and Benefits of BIM Adoption in a Metrorail Project
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Research Methodology
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Personnel Issues
4.2 Process-Based Issues
4.3 Technological Limitations
5 Conclusion
57 Thermal Insulation by Fiber Added High Volume Flyash Aerated Concrete Wall Cladding
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Details
2.1 Materials and Mix Proportions
2.2 Details of Study
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Compressive Strength
3.2 Thermal Conductivity
3.3 Rate of Water Absorption
3.4 Numerical Analysis
4 Conclusions
58 Inhibitors to Interface Management Implementation: Perceptions of Construction Stakeholders
1 Introduction
2 Research Methodology
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Mitigation Measures for Critical Inhibitors to Interface Management (IM)
4 Conclusions
59 Effect of Alkaline Liquid and GGBS Replacement Level on Corrosion Behaviour of Reinforcing Steel in Chloride Contaminated Geopolymer Concrete Made with Fly Ash and GGBS
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Details
2.1 Materials and Mix Proportions
2.2 GPC Sample Preparation and Curing
2.3 Different Tests Conducted on GPC
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Workability
3.2 Compressive Strength
3.3 Half-Cell Potential
3.4 Corrosion Current Density
4 Conclusions
60 Introducing a Simplified Approach for 3D Simulation of Hydration of Cementitious Binder Systems Using MATLAB (MATHYD3D)
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Methodology
3 Results and Discussions
4 Conclusions
61 Random Forest-Based Algorithms for Prediction of Compressive Strength of Ambient-Cured AAB Concrete—A Comparison Study
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Dataset Collection and Description
2.2 Random Forest Packages
2.3 Feature Selection
2.4 Methodology
3 Results
4 Summary
62 Dynamic Analysis of Tall Building with Cross, Diagonal, V Type and Inverted-V Bracing
1 Introduction
2 Building Data
3 Modeling and Analysis
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Storey Displacement
4.2 Storey Drift
4.3 Storey Shear
4.4 Storey Stiffness
5 Conclusion
63 Flexural Torsional Buckling Behaviour of I-Section Beams with Longitudinally Profiled Flanges
1 Introduction
2 Validation
2.1 Experimental Model
2.2 Finite Element Model and Analysis
3 Flexural Torsional Buckling
4 Parametric Study
4.1 Effect of Depth-To-Thickness Ratio of Web (hw/tw)
4.2 Effect of Width-To-Thickness Ratio of Flange (bf/tf)
4.3 Effect of Span
5 Conclusions
64 Risk Uncertainty Quantification for Various Occupancy Classes Using Stochastic Ground Motion
1 Introduction
2 NHERI SimCenter Workflow
2.1 Occupancy Classes
2.2 Building Details
2.3 Uncertainty Propagation
2.4 Finite Element Method
3 Stochastic Ground Motions
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Peak Inter-Storey Drift
4.2 Economic Losses
4.3 Injuries
5 Conclusion
65 Mapping of Soil Moisture Index Using Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Data
4 Methodology
4.1 Soil Moisture Estimation Using TOTRAM Model
4.2 Computation of LST
5 Results and Discussion
6 Conclusion
66 Wind Effect on Closely Spaced Rectangular Tall Buildings of U Shape Geometrical Pattern
1 Introduction
2 Details of Building Models
3 Solution Methodology
3.1 Computational Domain Setup
3.2 Generation of Mesh
3.3 Mesh Sensitivity Study
3.4 Validation
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Variation in Wind Flow Streamline
4.2 Variation in Force Coefficients
4.3 Variation in Interference Factor of Pressure Coefficients
4.4 Variation in Pressure Contour
5 Conclusions
67 Soil Erosion Risk Analysis in Landslide Zones Using Remote Sensing, GIS and RUSLE
1 Introduction
2 Material and Methods
2.1 Study Area
2.2 Data
2.3 Methodology
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 RUSLE Factors
3.2 Average Annual Soil Loss and Sediment Yield
3.3 Correlation Between Soil Erosion and Landslide Zones
4 Conclusion
68 GIS Based Circuity Analysis of Transport Network Structure of Calicut
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Study Area
2.2 Methodology and Data Description
3 Result and Discussions
3.1 Analysis of Network Circuity
3.2 Network Circuity and Its Influencing Factors
3.3 Discussion
4 Circuity Evaluation Criteria for Network Design-Application
5 Conclusions
69 Study on Labour Evacuation Time Using BIM and Agent Based Simulation During Construction of High-Rise Building
1 Introduction
2 Details of the Structure
3 Construction Schedule
4 Emergency Evacuation Model
5 Emergency Evacuation Model—Modified Scenario
6 Summary and Conclusions
Appendix 1
70 Investigational Study of the Overtaking Behaviour on an Undivided State Highway
1 Introduction
2 Types of Overtaking
3 Site Selection and Methodology
4 Data Collection and Calculation
5 Result and Discussion
5.1 Total Distance Covered During Overtaking
5.2 Total Time Required for Overtaking
6 Conclusion
71 Wind Pressure Distribution on Multi-span Semi-circular Canopy Roofs
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Details
2.1 Wind Tunnel
2.2 Wind Flow Characteristic
2.3 Experimental Model Details
2.4 Measurement Technique
3 Results
3.1 Single-Span Semi-circular Canopy Roof
3.2 Two-Span Semi-circular Canopy Roof
3.3 Three-Span Semi-circular Canopy Roof
4 Conclusion
72 Analytical Study on Early—Age Crack Width in RCC Beam Structure
1 Introduction
1.1 General
2 Modeling of RCC Beam
2.1 General
3 Result and Discussion
3.1 RCC Beam Without Crack
4 Conclusions
73 Motorized Two Wheeler Lateral Clearance Behavior in Heterogeneous Traffic: A Sensor Based Approach
1 Introduction
2 Background Literature
2.1 Lateral Clearance
2.2 Use of Sensor in Previous Research
3 Methodology
4 Result and Discussion
5 Conclusion
74 Structural Application of Concrete Made of Recycled Aggregate Sourced from Construction and Demolition Waste
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Experimental Program
3.1 Materials
3.2 Mix Design
4 Test Set-Up and Instrumentation
5 Result and Discussion
5.1 Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
5.2 Workability of Fresh Concrete
5.3 Development of Compressive Strength
5.4 Development of Flexural Strength
6 Conclusion
75 Effect of Side Ratio on V Plan Shaped High-Rise Building Under Wind Excitation
1 Introduction
2 Methodology of Work
2.1 Problem Formulation
2.2 Solution Methodology
3 Numerical Study
3.1 Computational Domain and Meshing
3.2 Grid Sensitivity Study
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Validation with Previous Work
4.2 Flow Pattern Variation Study
4.3 Pressure Variation Study
4.4 Force Coefficient Variation Study
5 Conclusions
76 Sustainable Planning of Urban Transportation Using PTV VISSIM
1 Introduction
2 Study Area
3 Problem Statement
4 Traffic Data Analysis
4.1 Road Inventory Survey
4.2 Traffic Volume Study
4.3 Accident Data
4.4 Speed Study
7 Modelling of Traffic Network for a Heterogeneous System Using PTV VISSIM and PTV VISTRO
7.1 Signal Design Using Webster’s Method
7.2 Procedure for VISSIM
7.3 Procedure for VISTRO
7.4 Output Obtained from VISTRO and VISSIM
8 Incorporating Sustainability in Transportation Planning
8.1 Pedestrian Footpath
8.2 Introduction of Cycle Tracks
9 Conclusion
77 Rheology of Sustainable Self Compacting Concrete with Triple Blend Cementitious Materials
1 Introduction
1.1 Alternative Materials in Concrete
2 Present Study
3 Material Description and Methodology
3.1 Cementitious Materials
3.2 Aggregates
3.3 Water
3.4 Admixture
4 Mix Design Procedure
5 Methodology, Test Results and Discussions
5.1 EFNARC Specifications for Initial Mix Composition [21]
5.2 Results and Discussions—Rheology of Triple Blend SCC
5.2.1 Results of Slump Flow Test and Discussion
5.2.2 V-Funnel Test
5.2.3 L-Box Test
5.3 Properties of Hardened Triple Blend SCC Mixes
5.4 Compressive Strength
6 Conclusion
78 Air-Blast Response of Free-Standing: (1) Unreinforced Brick Masonry Wall, (2) Cavity RC Wall, (3) RC Walls with (i) Bricks, (ii) Sand, in the cavity: A Macro-Modeling Approach
1 Introduction
2 Finite Element (FE) Modeling
2.1 Blast Loading
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion
79 CFD Simulation for Wind Loads on Multi–span Flat Canopy Roofs
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Setup
3 Numerical Simulation
3.1 Computational Domain and Meshing
3.2 Turbulence Model
3.3 Boundary Condition
3.4 Solver Setting
4 Numerical Validation
5 Wind Effect Study on Multi-span Canopy Roof Surfaces
6 Conclusions
80 Performance Evaluation of Masonry Infill Walls in Reinforced Concrete Frames Under Cyclic Loading Using Applied Element Method
1 Introduction
2 Discretisation of Masonry Elements in Applied Element Method
3 Experimental Data
4 Modelling of RC Frames
5 Sectional & Reinforcement Details
6 Material Properties
7 Loading Configuration
8 Results and Discussions
8.1 Mode of Failure
8.2 Relationship Between In-Plane Load and Displacement
8.3 Ductility
8.4 Stiffness
9 Conclusions
81 Numerical Studies on Seismic Behaviour of RC Structures Incorporated with Shape Memory Alloy—A Review
1 Introduction
2 Constitutive Material Modeling of SMA
2.1 Phenomenological Modeling (PMs)
2.2 Thermodynamics Modeling (TMs)
3 Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Incorporated with SMA
3.1 Modeling Using FE Software VecTor2
3.2 Modeling Using FE Software ABAQUS
3.3 Modeling Using FE Software OpenSees
3.4 Modeling Using FE Software Seismostruct
4 Numerical Studies on Retrofitting Applications
5 Future Scope
6 Concluding Remarks
82 Uncertainty Quantification of Structural Response Due to Earthquake Loading
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Structural Model
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
83 Vibration Control of Bridge Suspenders Using TMD and RTLD—A Comparative Study
1 Introduction
2 Modelling and Analysis
2.1 Cable Parameters
2.2 Parameters of the Model Used
3 Numerical Analysis
3.1 State Space Formulation
4 Results of Numerical Analysis
4.1 Primary System
4.2 Control System with Stockbridge Damper (SD)
4.3 Control System Annular TLD/R-TLD
5 Conclusions
84 Structural Performance of Cold-Formed Steel Elliptical Hollow Section Columns Under Impact Loading
1 Introduction
2 Validation
2.1 Description of the Model
2.2 Loads and Boundary Conditions
2.3 Validation of Finite Element Model
3 Parametric Study
3.1 Different Impact Velocity
3.2 Effect of Impact on Different Eccentric Height Along the Column Length
4 Conclusion
85 Prediction of Liquefaction of Soils Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Database
2.2 ANN-PSO Model
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion
86 Numerical Methods in the Stability Analysis of Slopes
1 Methodology
2 Regression Analysis
3 Results and Discussions
4 ANN Model
5 Conclusion
87 Settlement Prediction of Shallow Foundations on Cohesionless Soil Using Hybrid PSO-ANN Approach
1 Introduction
2 Model Development
2.1 Database
2.2 Data Division and Preprocessing
2.3 Development of Network
2.4 Stopping Criteria
3 Model Validation
4 Fitting Examination
5 Performance Analysis
6 Conclusion
88 Influence of Freezing–Thawing Cycles on Strength Properties of Frost-Affected Subgrade Soil Stabilised with Cement and Reinforced with Chir Pine Needles
1 Introduction
2 Materials Used
2.1 Soil
2.2 Chir Pine Needles
2.3 Cement
3 Experimental Programs
3.1 Compaction Tests
3.2 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
3.3 Unconfined Compression (UCS) Test
3.4 Freeze–Thaw Test Methods
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Compaction Behaviour of Soil-Cement Mixes
4.2 Compaction Behaviour of Soil-Chir Pine Needles Mixes
4.3 Compaction Behaviour of Soil-Cement-Chir Pine Needles Mixes
4.4 CBR Behaviour of Soil and Cement Mixes
4.5 CBR Behaviour of Soil and Chir Pine Needles (CPN) Mixes
4.6 CBR Behaviour of Soil, Cement and Chir Pine Needles Mixes
4.7 Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the Treated and Reinforced Soil
4.8 Effects of Freeze–Thaw on Micro-structure Properties of the Soil
5 Conclusions
89 Schedule Delay Modeling of Large Infrastructure Projects in India
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Details of Data Collected
4 Data Analysis
4.1 Regression Model for Delay in Construction Project
5 Conclusions
90 Analysis & Design of Slender Shear Wall with and Without Openings
1 Introduction
2 Codal Provision for the Design of the Slender Shear Wall
3 Numerical Analysis Using ABAQUS
3.1 Modelling and Analysis
3.2 Crack Patterns
4 Results and Discussion
91 Stabilization of Underground Tunnel Using Micropiles: Finite Element Approach
1 Introduction
2 Finite Element Analysis
2.1 Material Properties, Meshing and Boundary Condition
2.2 Validation
3 Results and Discussion:
4 Contours
5 Conclusions
92 Numerical Study of the Column Reinforced with Shape Memory Alloy
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Geometry of the Model
4 Numerical Modelling and Validation
5 Hysteresis Curve
6 Displacement Ductility
7 Energy Dissipation Capacity and Residual Displacement
8 Conclusion
93 Evaluation of Self Compacting Concrete as a Pavement Material for Construction and Retrofitting
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Mixes
2.1 Mixes
3 Experimental Programme
3.1 Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength
3.2 Plate Load Test
3.3 FEM Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength
4.2 Plate Load Test
4.3 Fatigue Life
5 Conclusion
94 Structural Health Monitoring of Lattice Structure Using Artificial Neural Network
1 Introduction
2 Modelling of Lattice Structure
3 Lattice Structure in Damaged Condition
3.1 Training of Neural Network for Damaged Cases
4 Results and Discussions
5 Conclusions
95 Comparative Study of Predicting the Marsh Cone Flow Time of Superplasticized Cement Paste Using Machine Learning Algorithms
1 Introduction
2 Literature Survey
3 Materials Details and Sample Preparation
4 Marsh Cone Flow Time
4.1 Experimental Setup
5 Modelling of Marsh Cone Flow Time
5.1 Support Vector Machine (SVM)
5.2 KNN
5.3 Random Forest
5.4 Data Normalization
6 Result and Discussion
6.1 Prediction Using the Model
7 Conclusions
96 Reliability of a Timber Truss Considering Its Joints
1 Introduction
2 Reliability
3 Limit State Function
4 Monte Carlo Simulation Method
5 Analysis Methodology
6 Analysis Results and Discussion
7 Conclusion
97 Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Axial Load Capacity of Encased Steel–concrete Composite Column
1 Introduction
2 Experimental Programme
2.1 Specimen Details
2.2 Testing of Specimens
3 Finite Element Model of RC and FEC Columns
3.1 Material Properties for FE Model
4 Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Results
5 Comparisons of FEC Column Strength with Design Codes
5.1 Euro Code 4 (2004) [6]
5.2 ACI 318 (2014) [1]
5.3 AISC-LRFD (2010) [7]
6 Conclusion
98 Prediction of Bearing Capacity and Settlement from SPT Value Using PSO-ANN
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
4 Conclusions
99 Comparative Study of Concrete Models in OpenSEES for Performing Nonlinear Analysis
1 Introduction
2 Structural Modelling and Dynamic Analysis
2.1 Building Details
2.2 Finite Element Models
2.3 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion
100 Effect of Weld Spacing on CFST Column Stiffened with Vertical Plates
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Testing
2.1 Concrete
2.2 Steel
2.3 Specimen Preparation
3 Test Set-Up
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusions
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book gathers peer-reviewed contributions presented at the International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON’21), held on 12-15 May 2021. The meeting served as a fertile platform for discussion, sharing sound knowledge and introducing novel ideas on issues related to sustainable construction and design for the future. The respective contributions address various aspects of numerical modeling and simulation in structural engineering, structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, advanced analysis and design of foundations, BIM, building energy management, and technical project management. Accordingly, the book offers a valuable, up-to-date tool and essential overview of the subject for scientists and practitioners alike, and will inspire further investigations and research.