توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب شامل مجموعه مقالات ویرایش دهم مجموعه ای از سمپوزیوم های بین المللی در زمینه مهندسی سیستم های فرآیند (PSE) است که در سال 1982 آغاز شد. تمرکز ویژه PSE09 این است که چگونه روش های PSE می توانند از سیستم های منابع پایدار و فناوری های نوظهور در زمینه های مهندسی سبز پشتیبانی کنند.< /div>
فهرست مطالب :
Edited by
Page iii
Page iv
Technology Advances for Dynamic Real-Time Optimization
Pages 1-6
L.T. Biegler
Modelling for PSE and Product-Process Design
Pages 7-12
Rafiqul Gani
Web Labs Dilemma in Chemical Engineering Teaching: Hindering or Promoting Creativity?
Pages 13-14
Roberto de Campos Giordano
Research Challenges in Planning and Scheduling for Enterprise-Wide Optimization of Process Industries
Pages 15-21
Ignacio E. Grossmann
Production Scheduling in the Process Industries: Current Trends, Emerging Challenges and Opportunities
Pages 23-28
Gabriela P. Henning
Chemical Logistics — Going Beyond Intra-Plant Excellence
Pages 29-34
I.A. Karimi
Systems Problems in Biorenewables Processing
Pages 35-40
Wolfgang Marquardt
Optimization in the Petroleum Refining ndustry – I The Virtual Refinery
Pages 41-46
Lincoln F. Lautenschläger Moro
Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation in Real Time in Actual Processes
Pages 47-54
Diego Martinez Prata, Enrique Luis Lima, José Carlos Pinto
Energy Systems Engineering
Pages 55-57
Paul I. Barton
Thermally Coupled Distillation
Pages 59-64
José A. Caballero
Challenges with Advanced Control Technologies
Pages 65-70
Mario C.M. Campos, Marcos V.C. Gomes, Herbert Teixeira
An Industrial Perspective on Pharmaceutical PSE
Page 71
Peter Crafts
Incorporating Molecular Signature Descriptors in Reverse Problem Formulations
Pages 73-78
Nishanth G. Chemmangattuvalappil, Charles C. Solvason, Susilpa Bommareddy, Mario R. Eden
Online Optimizing Control: The Link Between Plant Economics and Process Control
Pages 79-86
Sebastian Engell
Integration of Planning and Scheduling and Consideration of Uncertainty in Process Operations
Pages 87-94
Zukui Li, Marianthi Ierapetritou
Modeling and Design of Distributed Systems; Methods and Algorithms
Pages 95-100
Brian J. Sweetman, Sukhraaj Basati, Madhu Iyer, Andreas A. Linninger
Hybrid System Descriptions for Chemical Engineering Processes
Pages 101-106
Luís C. Oliveira-Lopes
Integrating Refining to Petrochemical
Pages 107-112
Marcus Vinicius de Oliveira Magalhães
Using Systems Engineering to Reconstruct, Analyze and Redesign Metabolism
Pages 113-115
Patrick F. Suthers, Vinay Satish Kumar, Alireza Zomorrodi, Sridhar Ranganathan, Costas D. Maranas
Integration of Production Planning and Scheduling
Pages 117-118
Christos T. Maravelias
Robust Integration of RTO and MPC
Pages 119-126
Darci Odloak
Sustainable Supply Chains: Key Challenges
Pages 127-132
Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa
Real Time Industrial Process Systems: Experiences from the Field
Pages 133-138
Carlos A. Ruiz
Current Trends in Parallel Computation and the Implications for Modeling and Optimization
Pages 139-141
John D. Siirola
Waste-to-Energy Systems as Examples of Efficient Process Systems Engineering Approach
Pages 143-148
Petr Stehlík
Process Systems Engineering: From Solvay to the 21st Century. A History of Development, Successes and Prospects for the Future
Pages 149-155
George Stephanopoulos
New Opportunities for Process Systems Engineering in Industrial Biotechnology
Pages 157-162
John M. Woodley
The Significance of Experiments on PSE
Pages 163-168
Günter Wozny, Harvey Arellano-Garcia
A Review of Sustainable Energy – Recent Development and Future Prospects of Dimethyl Ether (DME)
Pages 169-175
En Sup Yoon, Chonghun Han
Global Optimization of Integer and Mixed-Integer Bi-Level Programming Problems via Multi-Parametric Programming
Pages 177-182
Luis F. Domínguez, Efstatios N. Pistikopoulos
On the Optimal Design of Clinical Tests for the Identification of Physiological Models of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Pages 183-188
F. Galvanin, M. Barolo, S. Macchietto, F. Bezzo
From a Generic Paradigm to a Generic Tool Set: Exploring Computer-Aided Multiscale Modeling
Pages 189-194
Aidong Yang, Yang Zhao
Design of Experiments of Steam Deacidification of Edible Oils for Modeling Validation
Pages 195-200
Roberta Ceriani, Klicia A. Sampaio, Simone M. Silva, Thiago Taham, Antonio A.J.A. Meirelles
Interfacing IPOPT with Aspen Open Solvers and CAPE-OPEN
Pages 201-206
Weifeng Chen, Zhijiang Shao, Jixin Qian
A Software Factory for the Generation of CAPE-OPEN Compliant Process Modelling Components
Pages 207-212
Amine Lajmi, Sylvie Cauvin, Mikal Ziane
Multiscale Modelling for Computer Aided Polymer Design
Pages 213-218
Kavitha Chelakara Satyanarayana, Jens Abildskov, Rafiqul Gani, Georgia Tsolou, Vlasis G. Mavrantzas
Predicting Refinery Energy Losses Due to Fouling in Heat Exchangers
Pages 219-224
Francesco Coletti, Sandro Macchietto
Numerical Simulation of Coal Boiler at Electric Thermal Plants Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Pages 225-230
Jairo Z. Souza, Leonardo P. Rangel, Henrique C. Monteiro, Marcelo Bzuneck, Luiz Felippe, Artur R.F. Ellwanger
Optimization of Transformations for Convex Relaxations of MINLP Problems Containing Signomial Functions
Pages 231-236
Andreas Lundell, Tapio Westerlund
A Model-Based Methodology for Simultaneous Design and Control of a Bioethanol Production Process
Pages 237-242
Merlin Alvarado-Morales, Mohd Kamaruddin Abd Hamid, Gürkan Sin, Krist V. Gernaey, John M. Woodley, Rafiqul Gani
New Generic Approach for the Analysis of Energy Conversion System Models
Pages 243-248
Raffaele Bolliger, Helen Becker, François Maréchal
An Improved Quasi-Sequential Approach to Large-Scale Dynamic Process Optimization
Pages 249-254
Weirong Hong, Pengcheng Tan, Quoc Dong Vu, Pu Li
A Branch and Cut Framework for Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming Problems Under Endogenous Uncertainty
Pages 255-260
Matthew Colvin, Christos T. Maravelias
ProSEC: Modelling and Simulation in 3D of Brazed Aluminium Core-in-Drum Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers
Pages 261-266
Florian Picard, David Averous, Xavier Joulia, Denis Barreteau
Sensitivity Analysis of Non-Linear Dynamic Models: Prioritizing Experimental Research
Pages 267-272
Gürkan Sin, Anna Eliasson Lantz, Krist V. Gernaey
A Continuous Implementation of the Ideal Time Delay in EMSO
Pages 273-278
Thiago Corrêa do Quinto, Argimiro R. Secchi, Evaristo C. Biscaia Jr.
A New Algorithm for Global Optimization: Molecular-Inspired Parallel Tempering
Pages 279-284
Silvia Ochoa, Jens-Uwe Repke, Günter Wozny
Molecular-Scale Modeling of the Degradation of Phenol in Advanced Oxidation Processes Reaction Media
Pages 285-290
Bruno Ramos, Antonio Carlos S.C. Teixeira
A Novel Approach for the Prediction of PSD in Antisolvent Mediated Crystallization
Pages 291-296
Massimiliano Grosso, Omar Galan, Roberto Baratti, Josè A. Romagnoli
Heterogeneous Anaerobic Biofilm Reactor Models Application to UASB, EGSB and AFB Reactors
Pages 297-302
Mauren Fuentes, Pío A. Aguirre, Nicolás J. Scenna
Sequencing Batches in a Real-World Pipeline Network Using Constraint Programming
Pages 303-308
Luiz Carlos Felizari, Lúcia V.R. de Arruda, Ricardo Lüders, Sérgio L. Stebel
Optimal Experimental Design for the Determination of Protein Ion-Exchange Equilibrium Parameters
Pages 309-314
Tilman Barz, Verena Löffler, Harvey Arellano-Garcia, Günter Wozny
Integrating Purchase Contract Decisions with Inventory Management Optimization in the Supply Chain
Pages 315-320
M. Analia Rodríguez, Aldo Vecchietti
Adaptive Random Search: A Promising Method for Determining the Stability of Mixtures
Pages 321-326
Nauro S. Junior, Nilo S.M. Cardozo, Argimiro R. Secchi, Keiko Wada
Monitoring of Vinyl Chloride Suspension Polymerization Using NIRS. 1. Prediction of Morphological Properties
Pages 327-332
João Miguel de Faria Jr., Fabricio Machado, Enrique Luis Lima, José Carlos Pinto
How to Manage Complexity in Phase Equilibria Modeling? Application to the Bunsen Reaction
Pages 333-338
Mohamed K. Hadj-Kali, Vincent Gerbaud, Patrick Lovera, Jean-Marc Borgard, Pascal Floquet, Xavier Joulia, Philippe Carles
Improving Accuracy of Refinery Optimization by the On-Line Characterization of Crude Oil
Pages 339-344
Patricia A. Pantoja, Francisco F. Sotelo, Anderson C. Gatti, Mariana F. Ciriaco, Antonio C. Katata, Galo A.C. Le Roux, Claudio A.O. Nascimento
A Method of Representation of Petroleum by a Real Components Substitute Mixture
Pages 345-350
Franklin D.R. Cuellar, Galo A.C. Le Roux
Sustain Activities for Real-Time Optimization Models of Ethylene Plants
Pages 351-356
Rubens Rejowski Jr., Vinay Shah, Charles Edward Fontenot, Paulo de Tarso, Victória Emilia Neves Santos
Stochastic Dynamic Predictions Using Kriging for Nanoparticle Synthesis
Pages 357-362
Andres F. Hernandez, Martha A. Grover
Estimating the Normal Boiling Point of Organic Compounds Based on Elements and Chemical Bonds
Pages 363-368
Xia Li, Xiang Shu-Guang, Jia Xiao-Ping
Sequential design of dynamic experiments in modeling for optimization of biological processes
Pages 369-374
Mariano Cristaldi, Ricardo Grau, Ernesto Martínez
Technology Pipelines for Learning in Energy System Models
Pages 375-380
Bri-Mathias S. Hodge, Joseph F. Pekny, Gintaras V. Reklaitis
Discrete Element Modeling for Multiscale Simulation of Aggregation Processes
Pages 381-386
Alexander Reinhold, Heiko Briesen
Optimal Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks Using Enthalpy-Temperature Functions to Describe Streams
Pages 387-392
Diego G. Oliva, Javier A. Francesconi, Miguel C. Mussati, Pio A. Aguirre
Computer Simulation for Oil Wells with Artificial Lift Method by Electrical Submersible Pump
Pages 393-398
Evellyne S. Batista, Rutácio O. Costa, André L. Maitelli, Tiago S. Barbosa, Andrés Ortiz Salazar
Computation of Crossover Pressure for Synthesis of Supercritical Fluid Separation Systems
Pages 399-404
Silvio A.B. Vieira de Melo, Gloria M.N. Costa, Ana C.C. Viana, Fernando L.P. Pessoa
Computational Aspects for Optimization of High Pressure Phase Equilibrium for Polymer Industrial Systems
Pages 405-410
Gloria M.N. Costa, Yuri Guerrieri, Simão Kislansky, Silvio A.B. Vieira de Melo, Marcelo Embiruçu, Fernando L.P. Pessoa
Modeling the Hydrodynamics and Mass-Transfer Phenomena for Sedimentary Rocks Used for Flue Gas Desulfurization. The Effect of Temperature.
Pages 411-416
Cataldo De Blasio, Jarl Ahlbeck, Tapio Westerlund
Energy Optimization of a Kraft Pulp Mill
Pages 417-422
Araceli García, María González, Rodrigo Llano-Ponte, Jalel Labidi
A Theoretical Nucleation Study of the Combined Effect of Seeding and Temperature Profile in Cooling Crystallization
Pages 423-428
David Widenski, Ali Abbas, Jose Romagnoli
A Decomposition Based Algorithm for the Design of Multipurpose Batch Facilities Using Economic Assessments
Pages 429-434
Tânia Rute X.M. Pinto, Ana Paula F.D. Barbosa-Povoa, Augusto Q. Novais
Electrochemical Engineering Modelling of the Electrodes Kinetic Properties During Two-Phase Sustainable Electrolysis
Pages 435-440
Ph. Mandin, R. Wüthrich, H. Roustan
Extending Mass Transfer Correlations for Packed Three-Phase Distillation Simulation: A Hierarchical Parameter Estimation Methodology
Pages 441-446
Liang Chen, Shuqing Wang, Jens-Uwe Repke, Günter Wozny
A Mathematical Model for Water Removal in the Press Section of a Paper Manufacture Industry
Pages 447-452
Daniela M. Devienne Drummond, Maria Teresa Moreira Rodrigues, Ignacio Grossmann, Reginald Guirardello
Application of Water Source Diagram for Multiple Sources and Multiple Contaminants Processes
Pages 453-458
Rafael B.S. Carvalho, Alexandre F. Cordeiro, Eduardo M. Queiroz, Fernando L.P. Pessoa
Industrial Experience on the Implementation of Real Time On Line Energy Management Systems in Sugar and Alcohol Industry
Pages 459-464
Douglas C. Mariani, Marcos A. Kihn, Carlos A. Ruiz
Isothermal or Non Isothermal Modeling in a Pellet Adsorbent: Application to Adsorption Heat Pumps
Pages 465-470
Ludovic Montastruc, Pascal Floquet, Volker Mayer, Iordan Nikov, Serge Domenech
MP4SO: A Model-Partitioning Software for Simulation and Optimization
Pages 471-476
Alejandro O. Domancich, Melisa Maidana, Patricia M. Hoch, Nélida B. Brignole, Ignacio Ponzoni
An Effective Technique for the Synthesis and Optimization of Steam System Networks
Pages 477-482
T. Price, T. Majozi
Kinetic Models for the Homogeneous Alkaline and Acid Catalysis in Biodiesel Production
Pages 483-488
José F.O. Granjo, Belmiro P.D. Duarte, Nuno M.C. Oliveira
Development of a Software to Analysis and Prepare Mass Balance Data to Reconciliation in Oil Refineries
Pages 489-494
Camila L.R. Santos, Douglas C. Mariani, Alexandre A. Campos, Marcelo Malavazi Alves
Genetic Algorithm for Tailored Production of Polymer Resins
Pages 495-500
Karen V. Pontes, Marcelo Embiruçu, Rubens Maciel
Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Operation of Industrial Tubular Reactor for Naphtha Cracking
Pages 501-506
G.-Y. Gao, M. Wang, C.C. Pantelides, X.-G. Li, H. Yeung
Modeling of Ammonia Removal in RBCs: An Industrial Case
Pages 507-512
Marco A. Müller, Luís G.S. Longhi, Argimiro R. Secchi, Fabio Brião
Heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization for Integration Problem of Batching and Scheduling in Chemical Industries
Pages 513-518
Lixin Tang, Qi Tang, Ping Yan
Dynamic Modeling of Comminution Using a General Microscale Breakage Model
Pages 519-524
Rodrigo M. de Carvalho, Luís Marcelo Tavares
Development of Process Inverse Neural Network Model to Determine the Required Alum Dosage at Segama Water Treatment Plant Sabah, Malaysia
Pages 525-530
A. Robenson, S.R. Abd. Shukor, N. Aziz
MIMO Neural Network Model for Pilot Plant Distillation Column
Pages 531-536
Z. Abdullah, Z. Ahmad, N. Aziz
Selection of Models for Pollutant Transport in River Reaches Using Case Based Reasoning
Pages 537-542
Elisabeta C. Ani, Yuri Avramenko, Andrzej Kraslawski, Paul S. Agachi
MINLP Synthesis of Reactive Distillation Using a Disjunctive, Hybrid Model
Pages 543-548
Marcel Ropotar, Zorka Novak Pintarič, Jean-Michel Reneaume, Zdravko Kravanja
Exergoeconomic Analysis Applied in the Optimization of Refrigeration System in Ethylene and Propylene Production Process
Pages 549-554
Francine M. Fábrega, Jakeline S. Rossi, José V.H. d\'Angelo
Use of Excess Reactant in the Design of Reactive Distillation
Page 555
Li-Chiang Lin, Jian-Kai Cheng, Cheng-Ching Yu
Determining Reaction Networks
Pages 561-566
Samantha C. Burnham, Mark J. Willis
A Comparison of Functional Modeling Techniques for Autonomous Systems Development
Pages 567-572
José Luis de la Mata, Manuel Rodríguez
Development of Integrated Functional-Structural Models
Pages 573-578
Manuel Rodriguez, Ricardo Sanz
A Fast and Systematic Procedure to Develop Dynamic Models of Bioprocesses - Application to Microalgae Cultures
Pages 579-584
Johan Mailier, Alain Vande Wouwer
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book contains the proceedings of the10th edition of a series of international symposia on Process Systems Engineering (PSE)initiated in 1982. The special focus of PSE09 is how PSE methods can support sustainable resource systems and emerging technologies in the areas of green engineering.