فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents\nList of Sections\n INTERPRETATIONS\n CODE CASES\nForeword\nStatement of Policy on the Use of the Certification Mark and Code Authorization in Advertising\nStatement of Policy on the Use of ASME Marking to Identify Manufactured Items\nSubmittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees\n 1 Introduction\n 2 Inquiry Format\n 3 Code Revisions or Additions\n 4 Code Cases\n 5 Code Interpretations\n 6 Submittals\nPersonnel\nOrganization of Section III\n 1 General\n 2 Subsections\n 3 Articles\n 4 Subarticles\n 5 Subsubarticles\n 6 Paragraphs\n 7 Subparagraphs\n 8 Subsubparagraphs\n 9 References\nSummary of Changes\nList of Changes in Record Number Order\nCross-Referencing and Stylistic Changes in the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code\n Subparagraph Breakdowns/Nested Lists Hierarchy\n Footnotes\n Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Committees\n Cross-References\nArticle NF-1000 Introduction\n NF-1100 Scope and General Requirements\n NF-1110 Aspects of Construction Covered by These Rules\n NF-1120 Rules for Supports and Their Classification\n NF-1130 Boundaries of Jurisdiction\n NF-1200 Types of Supports and Attachments\n NF-1210 Types of Supports\n NF-1230 Welding Between Types of Supports\n NF-1240 Attachments\nArticle NF-2000 Material\n NF-2100 General Requirements for Material\n NF-2110 Scope of Principal Terms Employed\n NF-2120 Support Material\n NF-2130 Certification of Material\n NF-2140 Welding Material\n NF-2150 Material Identification\n NF-2160 Deterioration of Material in Service\n NF-2170 Heat Treatment to Enhance Impact Properties\n NF-2180 Procedures for Heat Treatment of Material\n NF-2200 Material Test Coupons and Specimens for Ferritic Steel Material\n NF-2210 Heat Treatment Requirements\n NF-2220 Procedure for Obtaining Test Coupons and Specimens for Quenched and Tempered Material\n NF-2300 Fracture Toughness Requirements for Material\n NF-2310 Material to Be Impact Tested\n NF-2320 Impact Test Procedures\n NF-2330 Test Requirements and Acceptance Standards\n NF-2340 Number of Impact Tests Required\n NF-2350 Retests\n NF-2360 Calibration of Instruments and Equipment\n NF-2400 Welding Material\n NF-2410 General Requirements\n NF-2420 Required Tests\n NF-2430 Weld Metal Tests\n NF-2440 Storage and Handling of Welding Material\n NF-2500 Examination and Repair of Material\n NF-2510 Examination and Repair of Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2520 Required Examination and Acceptance Standards for Class 1 Springs\n NF-2530 Required Examination and Acceptance Standards for Coiled Wire Rope Used as a Spring\n NF-2580 Examination of Bolting Material and Rods\n NF-2600 Material Manufacturer’s Quality System Programs\n NF-2610 Documentation and Maintenance of Quality System Programs\nArticle NF-3000 Design\n NF-3100 General Design Requirements\n NF-3110 Loading Criteria\n NF-3120 Design Considerations\n NF-3130 General Design Requirements\n NF-3140 General Design Procedures\n NF-3200 Design Rules for Plate‐ and Shell‐Type Supports\n NF-3210 General Requirements\n NF-3220 Design by Analysis for Class 1\n NF-3250 Design by Analysis for Class 2 and MC\n NF-3260 Design by Analysis for Class 3\n NF-3270 Experimental Stress Analysis\n NF-3280 Design by Load Rating\n NF-3300 Design Rules for Linear‐Type Supports\n NF-3310 General Requirements\n NF-3320 Design by Linear Elastic Analysis for Class 1\n NF-3330 High Cycle Fatigue Design for Class 1\n NF-3340 Limit Analysis Design for Class 1\n NF-3350 Design by Analysis for Class 2 and MC\n NF-3360 Design by Analysis for Class 3\n NF-3370 Experimental Stress Analysis\n NF-3380 Design by Load Rating\n NF-3400 Design Rules for Standard Supports\n NF-3410 General Requirements\n NF-3420 Design by Analysis for Class 1\n NF-3450 Design by Analysis for Class 2\n NF-3460 Design by Analysis for Class 3\n NF-3470 Design by Experimental Stress Analysis\n NF-3480 Procedure for Load Rating\n NF-3500 Design Rules for Component Supports\n NF-3510 General Requirements\n NF-3520 Design by Analysis for Class 1\n NF-3550 Design by Analysis for Class 2, 3, and MC\n NF-3570 Experimental Stress Analysis\n NF-3580 Design by Load Rating\n NF-3600 Design Rules for Piping Supports\n NF-3610 General Requirements\n NF-3620 Design by Analysis for Class 1\n NF-3650 Design by Analysis for Class 2 and 3\n NF-3670 Experimental Stress Analysis\n NF-3680 Design by Load Rating\nArticle NF-4000 Fabrication and Installation\n NF-4100 General Requirements\n NF-4110 Introduction\n NF-4120 Certification of Materials and Fabrication by Support Certificate Holder\n NF-4130 Repair of Material\n NF-4200 Forming, Fitting, and Aligning\n NF-4210 Cutting, Forming, and Bending\n NF-4220 Support Tolerances\n NF-4230 Fitting and Aligning\n NF-4240 Requirements for Welded Joints\n NF-4300 Welding Qualifications\n NF-4310 General Requirements\n NF-4320 Welding Qualifications and Records\n NF-4330 General Requirements for Welding Procedure Qualification Tests\n NF-4400 Rules Governing Making and Repairing Welds\n NF-4410 Precautions to Be Taken Before Welding\n NF-4420 Rules for Making Welded Joints\n NF-4430 Welding of Attachments\n NF-4440 Special Requirements for Welding\n NF-4450 Repair of Weld Metal Defects\n NF-4500 Brazing\n NF-4510 Rules for Brazing\n NF-4600 Heat Treatment\n NF-4610 Welding Preheat and Interpass Requirements\n NF-4620 Postweld Heat Treatment\n NF-4660 Heat Treatment of Electroslag Welds\n NF-4700 Requirements for Bolted Construction\n NF-4710 Bolting and Threading\n NF-4720 Bolting\nArticle NF-5000 Examination\n NF-5100 General Requirements for Examination\n NF-5110 Procedures, Qualifications, and Evaluations\n NF-5120 Time of Examination of Welds\n NF-5200 Required Examination of Welds\n NF-5210 Examination of Class 1 Support Welds\n NF-5220 Examination of Class 2 and MC Support Welds\n NF-5230 Examination of Class 3 Support Welds\n NF-5240 Inertia and Continuous Drive Friction Welds\n NF-5300 Acceptance Standards\n NF-5320 Radiographic Acceptance Standards\n NF-5330 Ultrasonic Acceptance Standards\n NF-5340 Magnetic Particle Acceptance Standards\n NF-5350 Liquid Penetrant Acceptance Standards\n NF-5360 Visual Acceptance Standards\n NF-5500 Qualifications and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel\n NF-5510 General Requirements\n NF-5520 Personnel Qualification, Certification, and Verification\n NF-5530 Records\nArticle NF-8000 Certificates of Authorization and Certification Documents\n NF-8100 General Requirements\nMandatory Appendices\n Mandatory Appendix NF-I Additional Material for Supports\n Article NF-I-1000 Introduction\n NF-I-1100 Scope\n NF-I-1200 General Requirements\n Article NF-I-2000 Materials\n NF-I-2100 General\n NF-I-2200 Requirements\n Article NF-I-3000 Welding\n NF-I-3100 General\n NF-I-3200 Welding Qualifications\n NF-I-3300 Additional Requirements\n NF-I-3400 Requirements for S-Number Materials\n NF-I-3500 Specific Requirements for S-Number 12 Group Number 1 Materials\n Mandatory Appendix NF-II Design of Single Angle Members\n Article NF-II-1000 Introduction\n NF-II-1100 Scope\n NF-II-1200 General Requirements\n Article NF-II-2000 Nomenclature\n Article NF-II-3000 Design Requirements\n NF-II-3100 General\n NF-II-3200 Tension\n NF-II-3300 Shear\n NF-II-3400 Compression\n NF-II-3500 Flexure\n NF-II-3600 Combined Stresses\n Mandatory Appendix NF-III Energy-Absorbing Support Material\n Article NF-III-1000 General Requirements\n Article NF-III-2000 Material Requirements\n Article NF-III-3000 Design\n Article NF-III-4000 Fabrication\nNonmandatory Appendices\n Nonmandatory Appendix NF-A Structural Bolt Preloading\n Article NF-A-1000 Introduction\n NF-A-1100 Scope\n NF-A-1200 Discussion\n NF-A-1300 Bolt Tightening (Preload Methods)\n Nonmandatory Appendix NF-B Design Allowable Stresses for Plate and Shell and Linear-Type Supports\n Article NF-B-1000 Introduction\n NF-B-1100 Objective\n NF-B-1200 Scope\n Article NF-B-2000 Linear Supports — Method for Establishing Allowable Stresses\n NF-B-2100 Responsibility for Assigning Yield and Ultimate Strength Values\n NF-B-2200 Tension Member Allowable Stress\n NF-B-2300 Beam Bending Allowable Stress\n NF-B-2400 Compression Member Allowable Stress\n NF-B-2500 Beam‐Column Allowable Stress\n NF-B-2600 Bolting Allowable Stress\n Article NF-B-3000 Plate and Shell Supports — Allowable Stresses\n Article NF-B-4000 Materials With Low Ratios of Tensile to Yield Strength\n Article NF-B-5000 Special Consideration\n NF-B-5100 Copper‐Based Alloys\n NF-B-5200 Stainless Steel\n NF-B-5300 Nonductile Behavior and Stress Corrosion Cracking\n Nonmandatory Appendix NF-C Design Basis for Linear‐Type Supports\n Article NF-C-1000 Introduction\n NF-C-1100 Objective\n NF-C-1200 Scope\n Article NF-C-2000 Material Availability and Requirements Differences\n Article NF-C-3000 AISC Paragraph Selections\n Article NF-C-4000 Cross‐Reference to AISC\n Nonmandatory Appendix NF-D Tolerances\n Article NF-D-1000 Introduction\n NF-D-1100 Objective\n NF-D-1200 Scope\n NF-D-1300 General Requirements\n Nonmandatory Appendix NF-E Dampers, Energy Absorbers, and Snubbers\n Article NF-E-1000\n NF-E-1100 Scope and Definitions\n NF-E-1200 Dampers\n NF-E-1300 Energy Absorbers\n NF-E-1400 Snubbers\nFigures\n NF-1132-1 Typical Examples of Jurisdictional Boundaries Between Supports and the Building Structure\n NF-1214-1 Typical Standard Support Units\n NF-2311(b)-1 Impact Test Exemption Curves for Materials for Class 2, 3, and MC Supports\n NF-2331(a)-1 Required Cv Energy Values for Class 2 and MC Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2331(a)-2 Required Cv Energy Values for Class 3 Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2433.1-1 Delta Ferrite Content\n NF-3226.1-1 Permissible Welded Joints for Class 1 Plate‐ and Shell‐Type Supports\n NF-3226.1(a)-1 Typical Weld Details Referenced\n NF-3226.1(a)-2 Butt Welding of Plates of Unequal Thickness\n NF-3256.1-1 Permissible Welded Joints for Class 2, 3, and MC Plate‐ and Shell‐Type Supports\n NF-3324.1(a)(1) Typical Friction‐Type Connections Using High-Strength Bolts\n NF-3332.3-1 Illustrative Examples\n NF-3426.1-1 Additional Permissible Welded Joints for Class 1 Standard Supports\n NF-3626(a)-1 Additional Permissible Welded Joints for Class 1 Piping Supports\n NF-4427-1 Fillet Weld Dimensions\n NF-4441-1 Weld Joint Producing Through‐Thickness Loading\n NF-II-3510 Equal Leg Single Angle Limits for Fb = 0.66Sy\n NF-A-1311\n NF-B-2400-1 Effective Length Factor for Various End Conditions\n NF-B-2400-2 Alignment Chart for Effective Length of Columns in Continuous Frames\nTables\n NF-2121(a)-1 Material Tables Required for Supports\n NF-2311(b)-1 Exemptions From Impact Testing Under NF-2311(b)(9) and NF-2311(b)(10) for Material Thickness to 21/2 in. (64 mm), Inclusive\n NF-2331(a)-1 Required Cv Lateral Expansion Values for Class 1 Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2331(a)-2 Required Cv Lateral Expansion Values for Class 2 and MC Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2331(a)-3 Required Cv Lateral Expansion Values for Class 3 Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2331(a)-4 Required Cv Energy Values for Class 1 Support Material Other Than Bolting\n NF-2333-1 Required Cv Values for Bolting Material\n NF-2432.1-1 Sampling of Welding Materials for Chemical Analysis\n NF-2432.2(a)-1 Welding Material Chemical Analysis\n NF-3131(a)-1 Reference Paragraphs for Procedures for Design of Component Supports, Piping Supports, and Standard Supports\n NF-3221.2-1 Elastic Analysis Stress Categories and Stress Limit Factors for Class 1 Plate‐ and Shell‐Type Supports Designed by Analysis\n NF-3225.2-1 Stress Limit Factors for Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Bolt Design by Analysis\n NF-3251.2-1 Elastic Analysis Stress Categories and Stress Limit Factors for Class 2, 3, and MC Plate‐ and Shell‐Type Supports Designed by Analysis\n NF-3312.1(b)-1 Elastic Analysis Stress Categories and Stress Limit Factors for Class 1, 2, 3, and MC Linear-Type Supports Designed by Analysis\n NF-3322.2(e)(2)-1 Limiting Proportions for Channels and Tees\n NF-3324.5(a)-1 Allowable Stress Limits for Class 1 Linear‐Type Support Welds\n NF-3324.6(a)(4)-1 Effective Slip Coefficient Versus Surface Condition\n NF-3324.6(b)(1)-1 Minimum Edge Distances\n NF-3332.2-1 Classification of Loading Conditions\n NF-3332.3-1 Stress Categories\n NF-3332.4-1 Allowable Stress Ranges\n NF-3611-1 Suggested Piping Support Spacing\n NF-4232-1 Maximum Allowable Offset in Final Butt-Welded Joints\n NF-4622.1-1 Mandatory Requirements for Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT) of Welds\n NF-4622.4(c)-1 Alternative Holding Temperatures and Times\n NF-4622.7(b)-1 Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT\n NF-4622.7(b)-2 Additional Exemptions to Mandatory PWHT\n NF-4721(a)-1 Bolt Hole Sizes\n NF-4721(b)-1 Tolerances on Oversized Holes\n NF-I-2100-1 Design Stress Intensity (Sm), Maximum Allowable Stress (S), Yield Strength (Sy), and Tensile Strength (Su) Values\n NF-I-2100-1M Design Stress Intensity (Sm), Maximum Allowable Stress (S), Yield Strength (Sy), and Tensile Strength (Su) Values\n NF-I-2100-2 ASTM Specifications\n NF-II-3532-1 Bw Values for Angles\n NF-B-4000 Factors of Safety for a Material With a Low Value of Su/Sy Ratio\n NF-C-4000 Design Basis for Linear‐Type Supports\n NF-D-1320-1 Clamp Tolerances\n NF-D-1330-1 Local Installation Tolerances for Supports\nEndnotes