فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents
Plate Section
Editors’ Preface and Acknowledgements
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chronology of Events
Document No. 1: The Warsaw Treaty, May 14, 1955
Document No. 2: Statute of the Warsaw Treaty Unified Command, September 7, 1955
Document No. 3: Imre Nagy’s Telegram to Diplomatic Missions in Budapest Declaring Hungary’s Neutrality, November 1, 1956
Document No. 4: Gen. Jan Drzewiecki’s Critique of the Statute of the Unified Command, November 3, 1956
Document No. 5: Polish Memorandum on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 10, 1957
Document No. 6: Gen. Drzewiecki’s Interview regarding Memorandum on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, May 8, 1997
Document No. 7: Soviet Directives to the Czechoslovak Army on Operational and Combat Preparations, September 25, 1957
Document No. 8: Draft of a Warsaw Pact-NATO Non-aggression Treaty, May 24, 1958
Document No. 9: Marshal Ivan Konev’s Analysis of a Czechoslovak Army Operational Exercise, March 31–April 7, 1959
Document No. 10: Conclusions from the Operational Exercise of the Czechoslovak Army, March 31–April 7, 1959
Document No. 11: East German Description of a West German Plan for the Occupation of the GDR, July 29, 1959
Document No. 12: Warsaw Pact Views of NATO’s Plans and Capabilities, April 28, 1960
Document No. 13: The Soviet–Albanian Dispute, March 22–June 3, 1961
Document No. 14: Political Consultative Committee Resolution on the Restructuring and Modernization of Warsaw Pact Forces, March 29, 1961
Document No. 15: Czechoslovakia’s Strategic Position in a European War, April 1961
Document No. 16: Speech by Marshal Malinovskii Describing the Need for Warsaw Pact Offensive Operations, May 1961
Document No. 17: Czechoslovak Politburo Resolution on Mobilization Readiness with Respect to the Berlin Question, July 25, 1961
Document No. 18: Joint Declaration of the Warsaw Treaty States on the Berlin Wall, August 13, 1961
Document No. 19: Resolution by the Czechoslovak Party Military Defense Commission on the Introduction of Emergency Measures, September 14, 1961
Document No. 20: The “Buria” Exercise Preparing for an Advance into Western Europe, September 28–October 10, 1963
Document No. 21: Organizational Principles of the Czechoslovak Army, November 22, 1962
Document No. 22: The “Mazowsze” Exercise for Nuclear War and Interview with Gen. Tuczapski on Soviet Bloc Planning of Exercises, 1963–1964
Document No. 23: Polish Command Post Exercise Rehearsing an Advance to Northern Germany, Low Countries, and Denmark, June 14, 1963
Document No. 24: Mongolian Request for Admission to the Warsaw Pact, July 15, 1963
Document No. 25: Polish Foreign Ministry Memorandum regarding Possible Mongolian Accession to the Warsaw Treaty, July 20, 1963
Document No. 26: Czechoslovak Drafts of Orders and Appeals to be Issued in Occupied Western European Territories, June 29, 1964
Document No. 27: Warsaw Pact War Plan for the Czechoslovak Front, October 14, 1964
Document No. 28: Warsaw Pact Intelligence on NATO’s Strategy and Combat Readiness, 1965
Document No. 29: Albanian Note to the Political Consultative Committee, January 15, 1965
Document No. 30: Minutes of Discussion at Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, January 20, 1965
Document No. 31: Plan for Hungarian Command-Staff War Game, May 1965
Document No. 32: Transcript of Ceausescu-Deng Conversation, July 25, 1965
Document No. 33: Hungarian Proposals for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 18–19, 1966
Document No. 34: Polish Proposals for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 21 & 26, 1966
Document No. 35: Czechoslovak Proposal for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, February 1966
Document No. 36: Statement by the Romanian Chief of Staff on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, February 4–9, 1966
Document No. 37: Summary of Discussion at Conference of Warsaw Treaty Deputy Foreign Ministers, February 17, 1966
Document No. 38: Study of Special Features of a Surprise Outbreak of War Prepared for the Hungarian Military, February 22–23, 1966
Document No. 39: Memorandum of the Conference of Defense Ministers, May 27–28, 1966
Document No. 40: Memorandum of the Conference of Foreign Ministers, June 14–15, 1966
Document No. 41: Minutes of Summit of Warsaw Pact Leaders in Bucharest, July 5–7, 1966
Document No. 42: Transcript of Gathering of Warsaw Pact Leaders in Karlovy Vary, April 25, 1967
Document No. 43: East German Analysis of the NATO “Fallex 66” Exercise, 1967
Document No. 44: Report on the State of the Bulgarian Army in the Wake of the Middle East War, October 7, 1967
Document No. 45: Memorandum of Results of the Chiefs of General Staff Meeting regarding Reorganization of the Warsaw Treaty, March 1, 1968
Document No. 46: Czechoslovak Report on the Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee of March 6–7, 1968, March 26, 1968
Document No. 47: Remarks by the Czechoslovak Chief of Staff on the Theory of Local War, March 13, 1968
Document No. 48: Record of Gomułka–Iakubovskii Conversation in Warsaw, April 19, 1968
Document No. 49: Report to Nicolae Ceausescu on the Meeting of the Political Consultative Committee in Sofia, June 3, 1968
Document No. 50: Memorandum of the Academic Staff of the Czechoslovak Military Academies on Czechoslovakia’s Defense Doctrine, June 4, 1968
Document No. 51: Action Program of the Czechoslovak Army, June 11, 1968
Document No. 52: Czechoslovak Central Committee Study of Security Policy, June 24, 1968
Document No. 53: Reports on the “Sumava” Exercise, July 1968
Document No. 54: Transcript of the Meeting of Five Warsaw Pact States in Warsaw, July 14–15, 1968
Document No. 55: Czechoslovak and East German Views on the Warsaw Pact, July 1968
Document No. 56: Report by East German Defense Minister on the Invasion of Czechoslovakia, August 22, 1968
Document No. 57: Record of Meeting between President Ludvík Svoboda and Czechoslovak Army Officers, August 28, 1968
Document No. 58: Letter from the East German Deputy Defense Minister to Erich Honecker about His Conversation with Marshal Iakubovskii, August 31, 1968
Document No. 59: Report by the East German Defense Minister on NATO’s “Fallex 68/Golden Rod” Exercise, November 21, 1968
Document No. 60: Czechoslovak–Soviet Agreement on the Stationing of Soviet Nuclear Forces, November 13–14, 1968
Document No. 61: Czechoslovak General Staff Study on the Warsaw Treaty, December 21, 1968
Document No. 62: New Secret Statutes of the Warsaw Pact, March 17, 1969
Document No. 63: Appeal for a European Security Conference, March 17, 1969
Document No. 64: Report by Ceausescu to the Romanian Politburo on the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Budapest, M
Document No. 65: Polish Army Report on East German Misbehavior during the “Oder–Neisse-69” Exercise, October 22, 1969
Document No. 66: Speech by Marshal Grechko at the “Zapad” Exercise, October 16, 1969
Document No. 67: Hungarian Foreign Ministry Memorandum of Soviet–Hungarian Consultations on the European Security Conference, October 18, 1969
Document No. 68: Polish Proposals for the Conference on Security and Disarmament, October 24, 1969
Document No. 69: East German Evaluation of Polish Proposal for a European Security Treaty, November 13, 1969
Document No. 70: Speech by Grechko at the First Meeting of the Warsaw Pact Committee of Ministers of Defense, December 22, 1969
Document No. 71: Hungarian Report of Warsaw Pact Summit on Policy toward West Germany, January 7, 1970
Document No. 72: Minutes of Romanian Politburo Meeting Concerning the Ceausescu-Brezhnev Conversation, May 20, 1970
Document No. 73: The Surrender of Hannover according to the Polish Army’s “Bison” Exercise, April 21–28, 1971
Document No. 74: Transcript of Romanian Politburo Meeting on Ceausescu’s Trip to Asia and Moscow, June 25, 1971
Document No. 75: Comparison of Warsaw Treaty and NATO Positions concerning the European Security Conference, December 1, 1971
Document No. 76: Hungarian Memorandum on the Deputy Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Moscow, February 3, 1975
Document No. 77: Iakubovskii Report on the State of the Unified Armed Forces, December 31, 1975
Document No. 78: Evaluation of the Helsinki Final Act by the Czechoslovak Party Presidium, April 28, 1976
Document No. 79: Czechoslovak Analysis of the “Soiuz 77” Exercise, March 21–29, 1977
Document No. 80: Description of Activities of an East German Spy inside NATO, April–May 1977
Document No. 81: Marshal Ogarkov Analysis of the “Zapad” Exercise, May 30–June 9, 1977
Document No. 82: Report by Marshal Kulikov on the State of the Unified Armed Forces, January 30, 1978
Document No. 83: Soviet Statement at the Chiefs of General Staff Meeting in Sofia, June 12–14, 1978
Document No. 84: Speech by Brezhnev at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Moscow, November 22, 1978
Document No. 85: Minutes of the Romanian Politburo Meeting, November 24, 1978
Document No. 86: Statute of the Unified Command in War Time, March 18, 1980
Document No. 87: Ceausescu’s Speech at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, May 14–15, 1980
Document No. 88: Summary of the Deputy Foreign Ministers’ Preparatory Meeting for the CSCE Madrid Conference, July 8–9, 1980
Document No. 89: Bulgarian Report on the Defense Ministers’ Meeting in Bucharest, December 8, 1980
Document No. 90: The Soviet Military’s Attempts to Gain Polish Leadership Cooperation to End the Polish Crisis, January–April 1981
Document No. 91: Report on Conversation between Marshal Kulikov and Senior East German Military Officials, June 13, 1981
Document No. 92: Information by Marshal Ustinov on Soviet Strategic Offensive Forces, September 1981
Document No. 93: Report on the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Moscow, December 1–4, 1981
Document No. 94: Transcript of the Soviet Politburo Meeting on the Crisis in Poland, December 10, 1981
Document No. 95: Memorandum of Conversation with Marshals Ustinov and Kulikov concerning a Soviet War Game, June 14, 1982
Document No. 96: Report on Speech by Marshal Ogarkov at a Warsaw Pact Chiefs of Staff Meeting in Minsk, September 8–10, 1982
Document No. 97: East German Intelligence Report on the Operational Plan of the U.S. 5th Army Corps in War Time, December 16, 1982
Document No. 98: Speech by Andropov at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Prague, January 4–5, 1983
Document No. 99: Scenario of the “Soiuz-83” Exercise, June 9–August 2, 1983
Document No. 100: East German Summary of Warsaw Pact Summit in Moscow, June 28, 1983
Document No. 101: Summary of the Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting in Sofia, October 20, 1983
Document No. 102: Statement by Marshal Ustinov at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Sofia, December 5–7, 1983
Document No. 103: Report on the Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting in Budapest, April 26, 1984
Document No. 104: Transcript of Honecker–Chernenko Meeting in Moscow, August 17, 1984
Document No. 105: Report by the Head of Soviet Military Intelligence to the Committee of Ministers of Defense, December 3–5, 1984
Document No. 106: Speech by Gorbachev at the Warsaw Treaty Summit in Moscow, April 26, 1985
Document No. 107: Warsaw Pact Information concerning Improvements in NATO Military Technology, November 11, 1985
Document No. 108: Speech by Marshal Kulikov at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Strausberg, December 2–5, 1985
Document No. 109: East German Intelligence Assessment of NATO’s Intelligence on the Warsaw Pact, December 16, 1985
Document No. 110: Scenario for the “Granit-86” Exercise, December 23, 1985
Document No. 111: Summary of the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, March 19–20, 1986
Document No. 112: East German Intelligence Assessments of an FRG Appraisal of the National People’s Army, April 28 and May 27, 1986
Document No. 113: Bulgarian Memorandum on the Bulgarian–Romanian Proposal for a Chemical Weapons-Free Zone in the Balkans, March 21, 1986
Document No. 114: East German Ideas concerning a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in Central Europe, May 21, 1986
Document No. 115: Minutes of the Political Consultative Committee Party Secretaries’ Meeting in Budapest, June 11, 1986
Document No. 116: Report to the Bulgarian Politburo on Romanian Arms Reduction Proposals, September 22, 1986
Document No. 117: Czechoslovak Summary of the Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting in Bucharest, October 18, 1986
Document No. 118: Summary of Statements at the Military Council Meeting in Bucharest, November 10–11, 1986
Document No. 119: Summary of Soviet Statement at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Warsaw, December 1–3, 1986
Document No. 120: Outline of a Czechoslovak Command Post Exercise, January 27–28, 1987
Document No. 121: Report on the Committee of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting in Moscow, March 24–25, 1987
Document No. 122: Soviet Explanation of the Warsaw Pact’s New Military Doctrine at the Chiefs of Staff Meeting in Moscow, May 18–25, 1987
Document No. 123: Records of the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Berlin, May 27–29, 1987
Document No. 124: Summary of a Consultation of Chiefs of Staff in Moscow, October 14, 1987
Document No. 125: Speech by General Iazov at the Ministers of Defense Meeting in Bucharest, November 26, 1987
Document No. 126: Proposal to Establish a Warsaw Pact Information and Propaganda Department, March 11, 1988
Document No. 127: Memorandum of Akhromeev–Kessler Conversation, March 19, 1988
Document No. 128: Speeches at the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Sofia, March 29–30, 1988
Document No. 129: Draft of a Revised Statute of the Unified Command in War Time, March 30–31, 1988
Document No. 130: Summary of Statement by Marshal Akhromeev on Exchange of Data between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, May 17, 1988
Document No. 131: Transcript of Romanian Party Politburo Meeting, June 17, 1988
Document No. 132: Memorandum of Kulikov–Honecker Conversation, June 27, 1988
Document No. 133: Romanian Proposal for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, July 4–8, 1988
Document No. 134: Summary of Gorbachev’s Speech at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Moscow, July 7, 1988
Document No. 135: Speech by Gorbachev at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, July 15, 1988
Document No. 136: Summary of Discussion among Defense Ministers at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, July 15, 1988
Document No. 137: Summary of Discussion at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Prague, October 17–18, 1988
Document No. 138: East German Evaluation of NATO’s 1988 Exercises, November 15, 1988
Document No. 139: Record of Conversation between Erich Honecker and the East German Defense Minister, December 4, 1988
Document No. 140: Minutes of the Sofia Meeting of the Committee of Ministers of Defense, December 17, 1988
Document No. 141: Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister at the Unofficial Meeting of Foreign Ministers at Niederschönhausen near Berlin, April 10, 1989
Document No. 142: Summary of Statement by the Soviet Defense Minister to Warsaw Pact Chiefs of Staff, April 28, 1989
Document No. 143: Czechoslovak Description of “Vltava-89” Exercise, May 23, 1989
Document No. 144: Bulgarian Proposal for Reform of the Warsaw Treaty, June 14, 1989
Document No. 145: Letter from the Bulgarian CC to the Romanian CC, June 21, 1989
Document No. 146: Records of the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Bucharest, July 7–8, 1989
Document No. 147: Records of the Foreign Ministers’s Meeting in Warsaw, October 26–27, 1989
Document No. 148: East German Statement at the Committee of Ministers of Defense Meeting in Budapest, November 27–29, 1989
Document No. 149: Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Aboimov and the Romanian Ambassador to the USSR, December 21, 1989
Document No. 150: Czechoslovak Report on a Meeting at the Soviet General Staff, January 29, 1990
Document No. 151: East German Summary of the Ottawa Meeting of NATO and Warsaw Pact Foreign Ministers, February 12–13, 1990
Document No. 152: Memorandum of Eppelmann–Iazov Conversation, April 29, 1990
Document No. 153: Records of the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Moscow, June 7, 1990
Document No. 154: Recollections of Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry Adviser Jaroslav Sedivy, 1990–1991
Document No. 155: Agreement on the Cessation of the Military Provisions of the Warsaw Pact, February 25, 1991
Main Actors