توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
همنشین فوکو شامل مجموعهای از مقالات از دانشمندان برجسته و نوظهور است که گستردهترین برخورد با آثار فیلسوف فرانسوی میشل فوکو را که در حال حاضر موجود است، نشان میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
pt. I. Landmarks. Chronology / Daniel Defert
History of madness / Colin Gordon
The order of things / Patrice Maniglier
On the powers of the false : Foucault's engagements with the arts / Joseph J. Tanke
Discipline and punish / Alan D. Schrift
Reading The history of sexuality, volume 1 / Richard A. Lynch
From resistance to government : Foucault's lectures 1976-1979 / Paul Patton
Foucault's untimely struggle / Paul Rabinow --
pt. II. Knowledge and critique. Foucault's normative epistemology / Linda Martin Alcoff
Foucault and the Freudians / Wendy Grace
Foucault on critical agency in painting and the aesthetics of existence / Michael Kelly
Foucault on Kant, Enlightenment, and being critical / Marc Djaballah
Making history / Christopher Falzon --
pt. III. Power and governmentality. Power, resistance, and freedom / Jon Simons
From biopower to governmentality / Johanna Oksala
Power and the subject / Amy Allen
Power, politics, racism / Brad Elliott Stone
Foucault, religion, and pastoral power / Jeremy Carrette
Space, territory, geography --
pt. IV. Sexuality, gender, and race. Toward a feminist "politics of ourselves" / Dianna Taylor
Infamous men, dangerous individuals, and violence against women : feminist re-readings of Foucault / Chloë Taylor
Foucault's eros : for an ethics of living in biopower / Lynne Huffer
The missing link : homo economicus (reading Foucault and Bataille together) / Shannon Winnubst
Genealogies of race and gender / David-Olivier Gougelet and Ellen K. Feder --
pt. V. Ethics and modernity. Foucault's ontology and epistemology of ethics / James D. Faubion
Foucault, subjectivity, and technologies of the self / Mark G.E. Kelly
The formation and self-transformation of the subject in Foucault's ethics / Colin Koopman
Foucault, nature, and the environment / Paul Alberts --
Appendix. Michel Foucault's shorter works in English : bibliography and concordance / Richard A. Lynch.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
A Companion to Foucault comprises a collection of essays from established and emerging scholars that represent the most extensive treatment of French philosopher Michel Foucault’s works currently available.