توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
"تاریخ کوتاه جهان باستان به بررسی ظهور تمدن شهری در قاره های آفریقا، اروپا و آسیا می پردازد. این کتاب با ردیابی تحولات دوران پیش از تاریخ تا پایان دوران باستان، به بررسی ویژگی های منحصر به فرد اجتماعی، فرهنگی، مذهبی، اقتصادی و... می پردازد. ویژگی های سیاسی هر تمدن. استفاده از شواهد از فرهنگ مادی الگوهای توسعه اجتماعی و کیفیت زندگی را بازسازی می کند، در حالی که متون باستانی به ارزیابی نظام های اعتقادی و آرمان های فرهنگی آن تمدن ها کمک می کنند.»--
فهرست مطالب :
2.5 View of sphinxes, the first pylon, and central east-west aisle of the Temple of Amon-Re, Karnak in Luxor, Egypt, ca. 1290a?#x80
1224 BC2.6 The Weighing of the Heart and Judgment by Osiris, from The Book of the Dead of Hunefer, 1285 BC
2.7 Akhenaten and His Family, ca. 1355 BC
3.1 The Toreador Fresco, from the palace at Knossos (Crete), Greece, ca. 1450a?#x80
1400 BC
3.2 Octopus Vase, stirrup jar from Palaikastro, Crete, ca. 1500 BC
3.3 Relief depicting Sea Peoples at Medinet Habu, from the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Luxor, Egypt, 1178 BC 4.1 Ivory plaque depicting a wing ed sphinx. Phoenician, ca. eighth century BC. Found at Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud (ancient Kalhu), northern Ir aq4.2 Assyrian warriors imp aling Jewish prisoners after conquering the Jewish fortress of Lachish (battle 701 BC)
4.3 The Palace of Darius, ca. 50 0 BC
4.4 Bull capital, from Persepolis, ca. 50 0 BC
4.5 Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thais, 1781
5.1 The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III. Neo-Assyrian, 858a?#x80
824 BC
5.2 Detail of King Jehu of Israel bowing before the Assyrian King Shalmaneser III, from the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III 5.3 Rembrandt van Rijn and/or Studio of, Saul and David, ca. 165 55.4 Depiction of the City of David with the palace complex in the background
5.5 Moses Receiving the Ten Commandments from Reuben Machsor mechol haschana (Jewish Holy Day Prayer Book for the Whole Year). Germany, ca. 1290 AD
6.1 Robed male figure, from Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan, ca. 2000a?#x80
1900 BC
6.2 Nude male torso, from Harappa, Pakistan, ca. 2000a?#x80
1900 BC
6.3 Battle between Ghatotkacha and Karna from a manuscript of the Mahabharata, ca. 1670 BC. Mysore or Tanjore, Southern India 6.4 Lion capital of the column erected by Ashoka at Sarnath, India, ca. 250 BC6.5 View from the south of the Great Stupa, Sanchi, India, third century BC to first century AD
7.1 Geometric krater, from the Diplyon cemetery, Athens, Greece, ca. 740 BC
7.2 Kouros, ca. 6 00 BC
7.3 Kroisos, from Anavysos, Greece, ca. 530 BC
7.4 Iktinos and Kallikrtes, Parathenon (Temple of Athena Parthenos, looking southeast), Acropolis, Athens, Greece, 447a?#x80
438 BC
7.5 Three Goddesses, from the east pediment of the Parthenon, ca. 438a?#x80
432 BC
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
"Short History of the Ancient World examines the emergence of urban civilization on the continents of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Tracing developments from prehistoric times through the end of antiquity, the book investigates the unique social, cultural, religious, economic, and political characteristics of each civilization. Use of evidence from material cultural reconstructs patterns of social development and quality of life, while ancient texts help assess the belief systems and cultural aspirations of those civilizations."--