فهرست مطالب :
Introduction\nSecret Key #1 – Plan Big, Study Small\nSecret Key #2 – Make Your Studying Count\nSecret Key #3 – Practice the Right Way\n Untimed and Open-Book Practice\n Timed and Open-Book Practice\n Timed and Closed-Book Practice\nSecret Key #4 – Pace Yourself\nSecret Key #5 – Have a Plan for Guessing\nTest-Taking Strategies\n Read Carefully\n Contextual Clues\n Prefixes\n Hedge Words\n Switchback Words\n Face Value\n Answer Selection\n Answer Choice Families\n Eliminate Answers\n Avoid Fact Traps\n Extreme Statements\n Benchmark\n Predict the Answer\n Tough Questions\n Check Your Work\n Pace Yourself\n Don’t Rush\n Keep Moving\nThe English Test\n Overview\n Topic Development\n Understanding the Assignment\n Purposes of Writing\n Precise Language\n Read the excerpt and analyze the language.\n Organization, Unity, and Cohesion\n Practice Makes Prepared Writers\n Point of View\n Brainstorming\n Free Writing\n Revisions\n Recursive Writing Process\n Introduction\n Thesis Statement\n Supporting the Thesis\n Paragraphs\n Methods of Developing Paragraphs\n Types of Paragraphs\n Conclusion\n Paragraph Length\n Coherent Paragraphs\n Transitions\n Transitional Words\n Link Similar Ideas\n Link Dissimilar or Contradictory Ideas\n Indicate Cause, Purpose, or Result\n Indicate Time or Position\n Knowledge of Language\n Context Clues\n Synonyms and Antonyms\n Description\n Level of Formality\n Clichés\n Examples\n Jargon\n Examples\n Slang\n Examples\n Colloquialism\n Examples\n Conventions of Standard English\n The Eight Parts of Speech\n Nouns\n Pronouns\n Verbs\n Transitive and Intransitive Verbs\n Action Verbs and Linking Verbs\n Voice\n Verb Tenses\n Conjugating Verbs\n Mood\n Adjectives\n Articles\n Comparison with Adjectives\n Adverbs\n Comparison with Adverbs\n Prepositions\n Conjunctions\n Coordinating Conjunctions\n Correlative Conjunctions\n Subordinating Conjunctions\n Interjections\n Punctuation\n End Punctuation\n Periods\n Declarative Sentence\n Imperative Sentence\n Periods for Abbreviations\n Question Marks\n Exclamation Marks\n Commas\n Semicolons\n Colons\n Parentheses\n Quotation Marks\n Apostrophes\n Hyphens\n Dashes\n Ellipsis Marks\n Brackets\n Improving Sentences\n Capitalization\n Subjects and Predicates\n Subjects\n Predicates\n Subject-Verb Agreement\n Number Agreement Examples:\n Person Agreement Examples:\n Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement\n Words Between Subject and Verb\n Compound Subjects\n Subjects Joined by Or and Nor\n Indefinite Pronouns: Either, Neither, and Each\n The Adjective Every and Compounds: Everybody, Everyone, Anybody, Anyone\n Collective Nouns\n Who, Which, and That as Subjects\n Plural Form and Singular Meaning\n Complements\n Direct Objects\n Indirect Objects\n Pronoun Usage\n Clauses\n Types of Dependent Clauses\n Phrases\n Verbals and Verbal Phrases\n Participles\n Gerunds\n Infinitives\n Appositive Phrases\n Absolute Phrases\n Modes of Sentence Patterns\n Types of Sentences\n Sentence Structures\n Sentence Fragments\n Run-on Sentences\n Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers\n Dangling Modifiers\n Misplaced Modifiers\n Split Infinitives\n Double Negatives\n Parallelism and Subordination\n Parallelism\n Subordination\n Word Confusion\n Homophones\n To, Too, and Two\n There, Their, and They’re\n Knew and New\n Its and It’s\n Your and You’re\n Affect and Effect\n Homographs\n Bank\n Content\n Fine\n Incense\n Lead\n Object\n Produce\n Refuse\n Subject\n Tear\nThe Math Test\n Number and Quantity\n Place Value\n Write the place value of each digit in the following number: 14,059.826\n Writing Numbers in Word Form\n Write each number in words.\n Write each decimal in words.\n The Number Line\n Rational Numbers from Least to Greatest\n Rational Numbers from Greatest to Least\n Fractions\n Proper Fractions and Mixed Numbers\n Common Denominators with Fractions\n Decimals\n Decimal Illustration\n Use a model to represent the decimal: 0.24. Write 0.24 as a fraction.\n Percentages\n Converting Percentages, Fractions, and Decimals\n Operations\n Addition and Subtraction\n Multiplication and Division\n Order of Operations\n Parentheses\n Exponents\n Absolute Value\n Operations with Positive and Negative Numbers\n Addition\n Subtraction\n Multiplication\n Division\n Operations with Decimals\n Adding and Subtracting Decimals\n Multiplying Decimals\n Dividing Decimals\n Operations with Fractions\n Adding and Subtracting Fractions\n Multiplying Fractions\n Dividing Fractions\n Factors and Multiples\n Ratios\n Proportions and Cross Products\n Roots and Square Roots\n Coefficients and the Distributive Property\n Coefficients\n Distributive Property\n Other Properties\n Scientific Notation\n Addition and Subtraction\n Multiplication\n Division\n Algebra\n Matrices\n Matrix Basics\n Addition and Subtraction with Matrices\n Scalar Operations\n Matrix Addition and Subtraction\n Polynomial Algebra\n Add Polynomials\n Subtract Polynomials\n Multiply Polynomials\n Divide Polynomials\n Factor a Polynomial\n Example\n Rational Expressions\n Add or Subtract with Rational Expressions\n Multiplication with Rational Expressions\n Division with Rational Expressions\n Solving Quadratic Equations\n Inequalities\n Graphing and Solving Inequalities\n Example 1\n Example 2\n Other Inequalities\n Important Concepts\n Substitute an Integer\n Polynomial Expressions\n Linear Expressions\n Rational Expressions\n Writing an Expression from Word-to-Symbol\n Inequalities\n Rational Expressions\n Polynomial Expressions\n Solve Equations in One Variable\n Manipulating Equations\n Example\n Solving One Variable Linear Equations\n Systems of Equations\n Functions\n Function Notation\n Determining a Function\n Finding the Domain of the Function\n A function is given in the table below. How can you find the domain of the function?\n Finding the Domain of a Function from a Graph\n Special Cases\n Finding the Range of a Function\n A function is given in the table below. How can you find the range of the function?\n Function and Relation\n Graphing a Function\n Graphs of Linear and Quadratic Functions\n Example\n Writing a Function Rule Using a Table\n Example\n Relative Maximum and Relative Minimum\n Finding a Relative Maximum or Minimum from a Graph\n Periodic Functions\n Symmetrical Functions\n Function’s End Behavior\n Comparing Properties of Functions\n Example 1\n Example 2\n Example 3\n Writing Recursively Defined Functions\n Situations Modeled by Arithmetic Sequences\n Situations Modeled by Geometric Sequences\n Identifying the Zeros of Functions and Polynomial\n Linear Factors of a Quadratic Expression and the Zeros of a Related Function\n Finding the Zeros of a Function\n Zeros of a Quadratic Function\n Factor a Quadratic Expression to Find the Zeros of a Function\n Zeros of a Polynomial with Cubics and Higher Polynomials\n Graphing a Polynomial\n Rate of Change of a Function\n Table\n Algebraic\n Estimate from a Graph\n Geometry\n Lines and Planes\n Coordinate Plane\n Calculations Using Points\n Transformation\n Rotation\n Reflection\n Translation\n Dilation\n Angles\n Triangles\n Triangle Terminology\n Similarity and Congruence Rules\n General Rules for Triangles\n Pythagorean Theorem\n Trigonometric Formulas\n Polygons\n Circles\n Area and Circumference of a Circle\n Find the radius of a circle\n Find the radius of a circle\n Other Conic Sections\n Area and Perimeter Formulas: Polygons\n Triangle\n Find the side of a triangle\n Find the height or the area of the base\n Square\n Find the side of a square\n Find the side of a square\n Rectangle\n Find the width or length of a rectangle\n Find the width or length of a rectangle\n Parallelogram\n Find the length of the base or the height of a parallelogram\n Find the missing side of a parallelogram\n Trapezoid\n Find the height of a trapezoid\n Find a base of a trapezoid\n Find the missing side of a trapezoid\n Volume and Surface Area\n Sphere\n Find the radius of a sphere\n Find the radius of a sphere\n Rectangular Prism\n Find the length, width, or height of a rectangular prism\n Find the length, width, or height of a rectangular prism\n Cube\n Find the side of a cube\n Find the side of a cube\n Cylinder\n Find the height of a cylinder\n Find the radius of a cylinder\n Find the height of a cylinder\n Find the radius of a cylinder\n Pyramid\n Find the area of the base or the height of a pyramid\n Find the area of the base, the perimeter of the base, or the height\n Cone\n Find the radius or height of a cone\n Find the radius of a cone\n Find the slant height of a cone\n Geometry Modeling\n Example 1\n Example 2\n Example 3\n Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics\n Statistics\n Measures of Central Tendency\n Measures of Dispersion\n Probability\n Conditional Probability\n Common Charts and Graphs\n Shape of Data Distribution\n Symmetry and Skewness\n Unimodal vs. Bimodal\n Uniformity\n Outlier\nThe Reading Test\n Key Ideas and Details\n Summarizing a Complex Text\n Summarize\n Paraphrase\n Identifying the Logical Conclusion\n Directly Stated Information\n Inferences\n Implications\n Topics, Main Ideas, and Supporting Details\n Topics and Main Ideas\n Supporting Details\n Topic and Summary Sentences\n Events in a Sequence\n Cause and Effect\n Comparing Ideas\n Contrasting Ideas\n Themes in Print and Other Sources\n Similar Themes across Cultures\n Differences in Addressing Themes in Various Cultures and Genres\n Craft and Structure\n Word Meaning from Context\n Figurative Language\n Metaphor\n Simile\n Personification\n Denotative Meaning of Words\n Structure of Texts\n Problem-Solution Text Structure\n Descriptive Text\n Comparison and Contrast\n Cause and Effect\n Types of Passages\n Narrative Passage\n Expository Passage\n Technical Passage\n Persuasive Passage\n Identifying an Author’s Position\n Purpose\n Persuasive Writing\n Informative Texts\n Entertaining Texts\n Expression of Feelings\n Point of View\n Integration of Knowledge and Ideas\n Fact and Opinion\n Biases and Stereotypes\n Evaluating an Argument\n Evidence\n Credibility\n Appeal to Emotion\n Counter Arguments\n Primary Sources and Internet Sources\n Primary Sources\n Internet Sources\n Making Predictions and Drawing Conclusions\n Predictions\n Foreshadowing\n Drawing Conclusions\nThe Science Test\n Life Science\n Functions for Life and Energy\n Cellular Respiration\n Photosynthesis\n Homeostasis\n Cell Structure\n Nuclear Parts of a Cell\n Other Parts of a Cell\n Cell Cycle\n Cell Division\n Mitosis\n Meiosis\n Important Vocabulary\n Genetics\n DNA\n DNA Structure\n Mendelian Genetics\n Mendel’s Laws\n Non-Mendelian Terms\n Evolution\n Three Types of Evolution\n Theories of Evolution\n Natural Selection\n Gradualism\n Punctuated Equilibrium\n Chemistry\n States of Matter\n The Atom\n Atomic Number and Atomic Mass\n Electrons\n Physical and Chemical Properties\n Properties of Water\n Vocabulary\n Earth and Space Science\n Astronomy\n Galaxies\n Stars\n Solar System\n Earth’s Atmosphere\n Atmospheric Layers\n Layers of Earth\n Geology\n Water Cycle\n Human Affairs and the Environment\n Ecosystems\n Greenhouse Effect\n Global Warming\n Physics\n Newton’s Laws\n First Law\n Second Law\n Third Law\n Gravitational Force\n Work\n Machines\n Simple Machines\n Thermodynamics\n Electricity and Magnetism\n Electric Charge\n Current\n Voltage\n Magnetism\n Interpretation of Data\n Metric System\n S.I. Units of Measurement\n Metric Prefixes for Multiples and Subdivisions\n Line Graph\n Bar Graph\n Pie Chart\n Scientific Investigation\n Lab Glassware\n Graduated Cylinders and Burettes\n Flasks, Beakers, and Pipettes\n Balances\n Scientific Inquiry\n Scientific Method\n Experimental Design\n Controls\n Variables\n Events and Objects\n Events\n Scale\n Evaluation of Models\n Review a Scientific Explanation with Logic and Evidence\n Data Collection\n Scientific Process Skills\n Scientific Statements\nThe Writing Test\n Overview of Writing\n Brainstorm\n Strength through Different Viewpoints\n Start Your Engines\n Don’t Panic\n The Short Overview\nPractice Test\n English\n Mathematics\n Reading\n Science\nAnswer Key and Explanations\n English\n Mathematics\n Reading\n Science\nAppendix A: Time Statistics for the ACT\nAppendix B: SAT/ACT Equivalency Table\nAppendix C: Area, Volume, Surface Area Formulas\nHow to Overcome Test Anxiety\n Causes of Test Anxiety\n Elements of Test Anxiety\n Effects of Test Anxiety\n Physical Steps for Beating Test Anxiety\n Mental Steps for Beating Test Anxiety\n Study Strategy\n Step 1: Scope Out the Test\n Step 2: Map Out the Material\n Step 3: Gather Your Tools\n Step 4: Create Your Environment\n Step 5: Study!\n Step 6: Take a practice test\n Test Tips\n Important Qualification\nHow to Overcome Your Fear of Math\n False Beliefs\n Math Strategies\n Teaching Tips\n Self-Check\nThank You\nAdditional Bonus Material