فهرست مطالب :
Contributors, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Dedication, Page v
Contributors, Pages xv-xvi
Preface, Pages xvii-xix
Acknowledgments, Page xxi
1 - Working with Adolescents in the Health Field, Pages 3-11, GISELA KONOPKA
2 - Health Concerns of Youth: Multiple Perspectives, Pages 13-21, MICHAEL RESNICK
3 - Medical Treatment—The Legal Rights of Children and Youth, Pages 23-32, WILLIS K. BRIGHT JR.
4 - The Comprehensive Health History and Physical Examination, Pages 35-43, ROBERT W. BLUM, CAROL RUNYAN
5 - Normal and Abnormal Growth and Development in Adolescence, Pages 45-58, CHARLES SKLAR
6 - Growth and Nutrition of Adolescents, Pages 59-67, WILLIAM A. DANIEL JR.
7 - Nutritional Needs and Assessment of Adolescents, Pages 71-80, IRENE R. ALTON
8 - Adolescent Obesity, Pages 81-90, MARY T. STORY
9 - Anorexia Nervosa, Pages 91-95, GLORIA R. LEON
10 - Nutrition and the Athlete, Pages 97-118, DANIEL K. HALVORSEN II
11 - Sports and Recreational Injuries in Teen-agers and Young Adults, Pages 121-129, ALLAN J. RYAN
12 - Developmental and Acquired Disabilities in Adolescence, Pages 131-141, RICHARD R. OWEN, DENNIS MATTHEWS
13 - Learning Disabilities in Adolescence, Pages 143-149, MARIANNE McGRATH
14 - Sexuality: A Continuum from Early Childhood through Adolescence, Pages 153-159, MARY S. CALDERONE
15 - The Use of a Sexual History with Adolescents, Pages 161-166, HERBERT H. LAUBE
16 - Counseling the Adolescent about Sexuality, Pages 167-177, LYNN LEVINE, SANDRA VALLE
17 - Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing, Pages 179-191, JEFFREY L. GOLDHAGEN
18 - Unwanted Pregnancy in Adolescence, Pages 193-203, JANE E. HODGSON
19 - Pelvic Examination in the Adolescent, Pages 207-211, ELIZABETH JEROME
20 - Contraceptive Update, Pages 213-222, ROBERT W. BLUM
21 - Common Menstrual Problems of Adolescence, Pages 223-231, ROBERT W. BLUM
22 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescence, Pages 233-247, ROBERT W. BLUM
23 - Parent-Child Contracts: A Life-Span Perspective, Pages 251-258, DAVID ELKIND
24 - Counseling the Adolescent in Crisis, Pages 259-265, RUTH TEETER
25 - Psychosomatic Problems in Adolescent Medicine, Pages 267-270, CRAIG L. HUMPHRIES
26 - Approaching the Abused Adolescent, Pages 271-279, ROBERT W. BLUM, CAROL RUNYAN
27 - Adolescent Murder, Pages 281-289, CHARLES MCCAFFERTY
Index, Pages 291-297