Advanced Dynamics Modeling, Duality and Control of Robotic Systems

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کتاب مدل سازی دینامیک پیشرفته، دوگانگی و کنترل سیستم های رباتیک نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب مدل سازی دینامیک پیشرفته، دوگانگی و کنترل سیستم های رباتیک بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Advanced Dynamics Modeling, Duality and Control of Robotic Systems

نام کتاب : Advanced Dynamics Modeling, Duality and Control of Robotic Systems
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مدل سازی دینامیک پیشرفته، دوگانگی و کنترل سیستم های رباتیک
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : CRC Press
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 321
ISBN (شابک) : 9780367653712 , 0367653710
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 16 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Cover\nHalf Title\nTitle Page\nCopyright Page\nDedication\nContents\nPreface\nAuthor\nChapter 1: Introduction\n 1.1. Kinematics, Statics and Dynamics\n 1.2. Dynamics Modeling and Model Compaction\n 1.3. The Principle of Duality for Robot Kinematics, Statics and Dynamics\n 1.4. Adaptive and Interactive Control of Robotic Systems\n 1.5. The Organization of the Book\nChapter 2: Fundamental Preliminaries\n 2.1. Mathematical Preparations\n 2.1.1. Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Their Topological Structures\n 2.1.2. Manifolds, Riemannian Metrics, and Embeddings\n 2.1.3. Differential Connections and Geodesic Equations\n 2.1.4. Dual Numbers, Dual Vectors and Dual Matrices\n 2.2. Robot Kinematics: Theories and Representations\n 2.2.1. Unique Representations of Position and Orientation\n 2.2.2. The Rotation Speed and Angular Velocity\n 2.2.3. The Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) Convention\n 2.2.4. Cartesian Motion vs. Differential Motion\n 2.2.5. Kinematic Singularity and Redundancy\n 2.3. Robot Statics and Applications\n 2.3.1. Twist, Wrench and Statics of Robotic Systems\n 2.3.2. Static Joint Torque Distributions\n 2.3.3. Manipulability and Posture Optimization\nChapter 3: Robot Dynamics Modeling\n 3.1. The History of Robot Dynamic Formulations\n 3.2. The Assumption of Rigid Body and Rigid Motion\n 3.2.1. The Rigid Body and Rigid Motion\n 3.2.2. Kinematic Parameters vs. Dynamic Parameters\n 3.3. Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Lagrange Equations\n 3.3.1. Determination of Kinetic Energy\n 3.3.2. Potential Energy Due to Gravity and Other Forms\n 3.3.3. Consistency between the Lagrange and Geodesic Equations\n 3.4. Dynamic Formulations for Robotic Systems\n 3.4.1. Determination of Centrifugal and Coriolis Terms\n 3.4.2. Dynamics Modeling for a Variety of Robotic Systems\nChapter 4: Advanced Dynamics Modeling\n 4.1. The Configuration Manifold and Isometric Embedd\n 4.2. How to Find an Isometric Embedding\n 4.3. Applications to Robot Dynamics Modeling\nChapter 5: The Principle of Duality in Kinematics and Dynamics\n 5.1. Kinematic Structures for Stewart Platform\n 5.2. Kinematic Analysis of Delta Closed Hybrid-Chain Robots\n 5.3. Duality betweenOpen Serial-Chain and Closed Parallel-Chain Systems\n 5.4. Isometric Embedding Based Dynamics Modeling for Parallel and Hybrid-Chain Robots\n 5.4.1. The Stewart Platform\n 5.4.2. The 3D 3-Leg Hybrid-Chain Robotic System\n 5.4.3. The Delta Closed Hybrid-Chain Robot\n 5.4.4. Dynamics Modeling for Legged Robots\n 5.4.5. A Summary of Dynamics Modeling\nChapter 6: Nonlinear Control Theories\n 6.1. Lyapunov Stability Theories and Control Strategies\n 6.1.1. The Local Linearization Procedure\n 6.1.2. Indirect Method of Systems Stability Test\n 6.1.3. A Theorem for Determination of System Instability\n 6.1.4. Stabilization of Nonlinear Control Systems\n 6.2. Controllability and Observability\n 6.2.1. Control Lie Algebra and Controllability\n 6.2.2. Observation Space and Observability\n 6.3. Input-State and Input-Output State-Feedback Linearization\n 6.3.1. The Input-State Linearization Procedure\n 6.3.2. Input-Output Mapping, Relative Degrees and Systems Invertibility\n 6.3.3. Systems Invertibility and Applications\n 6.3.4. The Input-Output Linearization Procedure\n 6.4. Isometric Embedding Dynamic Model and Control\n 6.5. Linearizable Subsystems and Internal Dynamics\n 6.6. Control of a Minimum-Phase System\n 6.7. Examples of Partially Linearizable Systems with Internal Dynamics\nChapter 7: Adaptive Control of Robotic Systems\n 7.1. The Control Law and Adaptation Law\n 7.2. Applications and Simulation/Animation Studies\nChapter 8: Dynamics Modeling and Control of Cascaded Systems\n 8.1. Dynamic Interactions between Robot and Environment\n 8.2. Cascaded DynamicsModels with Backstepping Control Recursion\n 8.2.1. Control Design with the Lyapunov Direct Method\n 8.2.2. Backstepping Recursions in Control Design\n 8.3. Modeling and InteractiveControl of Robot-Environment Systems\nIndex

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