توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب یک رویکرد منحصر به فرد برای استخراج کنترلکنندههای گشتاور مبتنی بر مدل برای همه انواع ماشینهای نیروی لورنتس، یعنی ماشینهای DC، سنکرون و القایی ارائه میکند. مدل ترانسفورماتور دوار اساس رویکرد مدلسازی تعمیمیافته ماشینهای میدان دوار را تشکیل میدهد که منجر به توسعه الگوریتمهای کنترل میدان گرا جهانی میشود. برخلاف این، الگوریتمهای کنترل مستقیم گشتاور با استفاده از روشهای مبتنی بر مشاهدهگر، برای ماشینهای رلوکتانس سوئیچشونده توسعه داده شدهاند.
آموزشها در پایان هر فصل گنجانده شدهاند و خواننده تشویق میشود این آموزشها را به ترتیب اجرا کند. برای آشنایی با رفتار دینامیکی سیستم های درایو. این نسخه به روز شده از ابزارهای شبیه سازی و پردازش برداری PLECS® استفاده می کند که به طور خاص برای این آموزش های عملی استفاده شده است. از این رو، درایوهای الکتریکی پیشرفته "یادگیری از طریق انجام" را تشویق میکند و متخصص درایو با تجربه ممکن است ابزارهای شبیهسازی را برای طراحی کنترلکنندههای گشتاور با کارایی بالا مفید بداند.
اگرچه به خودی خود مرجع قدرتمندی است، هنگامی که همراه با متون همراه مبانی درایوهای الکتریکی و کنترل کاربردی درایوهای الکتریکی استفاده شود ، این کتاب یک مجموعه مرجع منحصر به فرد جامع ارائه می دهد که خوانندگان را از درک اصول اولیه نحوه کار درایوهای الکتریکی تا آشنایی عمیق با ویژگی ها و مدل های پیشرفته تا تسلط بر کاربرد مفاهیم در سخت افزار واقعی در عمل می برد.
- به خوانندگان می آموزد که تجزیه و تحلیل دقیق ماشین های الکتریکی متناوب و درایوها را انجام دهند؛
- روش های مدل سازی جدید و تکنیک های کنترل مدرن را برای درایوهای رلوکتانس سوئیچ شده معرفی می کند.
- به روز شده برای استفاده از ابزارهای شبیه سازی PLECS®برای مدل سازی درایوهای الکتریکی، از جمله نتایج آزمایشی جدید و بیشتر؛
- آموزش های متعدد در پایان هر کدام فصلهایی که باید با انجام، گام به گام یاد بگیرید؛
- شامل مطالب اضافی با ماژولهای آزمایشگاهی «ساخت و بازی» برای سخنرانیها و خودآموزی است.
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فهرست مطالب :
Foreword to the Second Edition
Foreword to the First Edition
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Modern Electrical Drives: An Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Drive Technology Trends
1.2.1 Electrical Machines
1.2.2 Power Converters
1.2.3 Embedded Control and Communication Links
1.3 Drive Design Methodology
1.4 Experimental Verification
2 Modulation Techniques for Power Electronic Converters
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Single-Phase Half-Bridge Converter
2.3 Single-Phase Full-Bridge Converter
2.4 Three-Phase Converter
2.4.1 Space Vector Modulation
2.5 Dead-Time Effects
2.6 Tutorials
2.6.1 Tutorial 1: Half-Bridge Converter with Pulse width Modulation
2.6.2 Tutorial 2: Half-Bridge Converter with PWM and Dead-Time Effects
2.6.3 Tutorial 3: Full-Bridge Converter with Pulse Width Modulation
2.6.4 Tutorial 4: Three-Phase Pulse Width Modulator with Pulse Centering
2.6.5 Tutorial 5: Three-Phase Converter with Pulse Width Modulator
2.6.6 Tutorial 6: Three-Phase Simplified Converter Without PWM
3 Current Control of Generalized Load
3.1 Current Control of Single-Phase Load
3.1.1 Hysteresis Current Control
3.1.2 Model Based Current Control
3.1.3 Augmented Model Based Current Control
3.2 Current Control of a Three-Phase Load
3.2.1 Three-Phase Hysteresis Current Control
3.2.2 Model Based Three-Phase Current Control
3.2.3 Augmented Three-Phase Model Based Current Control
3.2.4 Frequency Spectrum of Hysteresis and Model Based Current Controllers
3.3 Tutorials
3.3.1 Tutorial 1: Single-Phase Hysteresis Current Control
3.3.2 Tutorial 2: Single-Phase Model Based Current Control
3.3.3 Tutorial 3: Three-Phase Box Method Type Hysteresis Current Control
3.3.4 Tutorial 4: Three-Phase Model Based Current Control
3.3.5 Tutorial 5: Three-Phase Model Based Current Control Without PWM, Using Simplified Converter Model
4 Drive Principles
4.1 ITF and IRTF Concepts
4.2 Electromagnetic Torque Control Principles
4.2.1 Synchronous Machine
4.2.2 Induction Machine
4.3 Drive Dynamics
4.3.1 Linear and Rotational Motion
4.3.2 Rotational to Translational Transmission
4.3.3 Gear Transmission
4.3.4 Dynamic Model of a Drive Train
4.4 Shaft Speed Control Loop Design Principles
4.5 Tutorials
4.5.1 Tutorial 1: Elementary Synchronous Drive
4.5.2 Tutorial 2: Elementary Asynchronous (Induction) Drive
4.5.3 Tutorial 4: Drive Dynamics Example
4.5.4 Tutorial 5: Speed Control Loop Design Example
5 Modeling and Control of DC Machines
5.1 Modeling of Brushed DC Machines
5.1.1 Symbolic and Generic Model of the Brushed DC Machine
5.2 Control of Brushed DC Machines
5.2.1 Controller Concept
5.2.2 Operational Drive Boundaries
5.2.3 Use of a Current Source DC Model with Model Based Current Control
5.2.4 Use of a Voltage Source DC Model with Model Based Current Control
5.3 Tutorials
5.3.1 Tutorial 1: Modeling of a Current and Voltage Source Connected Brushed DC Motor
5.3.2 Tutorial 2: Current Source Connected Brushed DC Motor with Field Weakening Controller
5.3.3 Tutorial 3: DC Drive Operating Under Model Based Current Control and a Field Weakening Controller
5.3.4 Tutorial 4: DC Drive with Model Based Current Control and Shaft Speed Control Loop
6 Synchronous Machine Modeling Concepts
6.1 Non-salient Machine
6.1.1 Symbolic Model of a Non-salient Machine
6.1.2 Generic Model of Non-salient Synchronous Machines
6.1.3 Rotor-Oriented Model: Non-salient Synchronous Machine
6.1.4 Steady-State Analysis
6.2 Salient Synchronous Machine
6.2.1 Generic Model of Salient Synchronous Machine
6.2.2 Rotor-Oriented Model of the Salient Synchronous Machine
6.2.3 Steady-State Analysis
6.3 Tutorials
6.3.1 Tutorial 1: Dynamic Model of a Non-salient Synchronous Machine
6.3.2 Tutorial 2: Steady-State Analysis of a Non-salient Synchronous Machine
6.3.3 Tutorial 3: Dynamic Model of a Synchronous Machine with Adjustable Saliency
6.3.4 Tutorial 4: Steady-State Analysis of a Salient Synchronous Machine
7 Control of Synchronous Machine Drives
7.1 Controller Principles
7.2 Control of Non-salient Synchronous Machines
7.2.1 Operation Under Drive Limitations
7.2.2 Field Weakening Operation for PM Non-salient Drives Machines with κ<1 (issc 1 (issc >ismax )
7.2.3 Field Weakening for PM Non-salient Drives, with Constant Stator Flux Linkage Control
7.2.4 Field Weakening for Electrically Excited Non-salient Drive, with Constant Stator Flux and Unity Power Factor Control
7.3 Control of Salient Synchronous Machines
7.4 Field-Oriented Control of a Current-Controlled Synchronous Machine
7.5 Interfacing the Field-Oriented Control Module with a Voltage Source Connected Synchronous Machine
7.6 Tutorials
7.6.1 Tutorial 1: Non-salient Synchronous Drive
7.6.2 Tutorial 2: Non-salient Synchronous Drive, Constant Stator Flux Operation
7.6.3 Tutorial 3: Non-salient Synchronous Drive, Unity Power Factor Operation
7.6.4 Tutorial 4: Salient Synchronous Drive
7.6.5 Tutorial 5: PM Salient Synchronous Drive with Model Based Current Control
8 Induction Machine Modeling Concepts
8.1 Induction Machine with Squirrel-Cage Rotor
8.2 Zero Leakage Inductance Models of Induction Machines
8.2.1 IRTF Based Model of the Induction Machine
8.2.2 Field-Oriented Model
8.3 Machine Models with Leakage Inductances
8.3.1 Fundamental IRTF Based Model
8.3.2 Universal IRTF Based Model Rotor Flux Based IRTF Model Stator Flux Based IRTF Model
8.3.3 Universal Stationary Frame Oriented Model
8.3.4 Universal Field-Oriented (UFO) Model Rotor Flux Oriented Model Stator Flux Oriented Model
8.3.5 Synchronous Frame Oriented Heyland Diagram
8.3.6 Steady-State Analysis
8.4 Parameter Identification and Estimates
8.5 Single-Phase Induction Machines
8.5.1 Steady-State Analysis of Capacitor-Run Single-Phase Induction Machines
8.6 Tutorials
8.6.1 Tutorial 1: Simplified Induction Machine Model
8.6.2 Tutorial 2: Universal Induction Machine Model
8.6.3 Tutorial 3: Universal Stationary Frame Oriented Induction Machine Model
8.6.4 Tutorial 4: Current-Controlled Zero Leakage Flux Oriented Machine Model
8.6.5 Tutorial 5: Current Controlled Universal Field-Oriented (UFO) Model
8.6.6 Tutorial 6: Parameter Estimation Using Name Plate Data and Known Stator Resistance
8.6.7 Tutorial 7: Grid Connected Induction Machine
8.6.8 Tutorial 8: Steady-State Characteristics, Grid Connected Induction Machine
8.6.9 Tutorial 9: Grid Connected Single-Phase Induction Machine
9 Control of Induction Machine Drives
9.1 Voltage-to-Frequency (V/f) Control
9.1.1 Simple V/f Speed Controller Tutorial Results
9.1.2 V/f Torque Controller with Shaft Speed Sensor Tutorial Results
9.2 Field-Oriented Control
9.2.1 Controller Principle Torque Control Calculation of Field Orientation (CFO)
9.2.2 Controller Structure
9.2.3 UFO Module Structure
9.2.4 IFO Using Measured Shaft Speed or Shaft Angle
9.2.5 DFO with Air-Gap Flux Sensors
9.2.6 DFO with Sensor Coils
9.2.7 DFO with Voltage and Current Transducers
9.2.8 DFO with Current and Shaft Speed Transducers
9.3 Operational Drive Boundaries for Rotor Flux Oriented Control
9.3.1 Steady-State Equations
9.3.2 General Machine Operation Below and Above Base Speed
9.3.3 Lines of Constant Torque
9.3.4 Current Limit (Maximum Ampere, MA)
9.3.5 Maximum Rotor Flux Constraint
9.3.6 Voltage Limit (Maximum Flux Linkage, MF)
9.3.7 Drive Saturation Point and Base Speed
9.3.8 Maximum Torque per Flux Linkage (MTPF) Line
9.3.9 Maximum Torque per Ampere (MTPA) Line
9.4 Field Weakening for Rotor Flux Oriented IM Drives
9.4.1 d-Axis Current in Base Speed Range, 0 ≤ωs ≤ωsb (ψRmax LM →A)
9.4.2 d-Axis Current in Basic Field Weakening, ωsb ≤ωs ≤ωsB (A →B)
9.4.3 d-Axis Current along MTPF Line, ωsB ≤ωs (B →(0, 0))
9.4.4 q-Axis Current
9.4.5 Discussion of Trajectories
9.4.6 Alternative Field Weakening Strategy
9.5 Interfacing FOC with Current-Controlled IM
9.5.1 Tutorial Results
9.6 Interfacing FOC with Voltage Source Connected IM
9.6.1 Tutorial Results
9.7 Tutorials
9.7.1 Tutorial 1: Simplified V/f Drive
9.7.2 Tutorial 2: V/f Drive with Shaft Speed Sensor
9.7.3 Tutorial 3: Universal Field-Oriented (UFO) Control with a Current Source Based Machine Model and Known Shaft Angle
9.7.4 Tutorial 4: Induction Machine Drive with UFO Controller and Model Based Current Control
9.7.5 Tutorial 5: Rotor Flux Oriented Induction Machine Drive with UFO Controller and Field Weakening Controller Part I Part II
10 Switched Reluctance Drive Systems
10.1 Basic Machine Concepts
10.2 Operating Principles
10.2.1 Single-Phase Motor Concept
10.2.2 Torque Production and Energy Conversion Principles
10.2.3 Single-Phase Switched Reluctance Machine: A Linear Example
10.2.4 Switched Reluctance Modeling Concepts
10.2.5 Representation of the Magnetization Characteristics
10.2.6 Converter and Control Concepts
10.2.7 Example of Low and High Speed Drive Operation
10.3 Multi-Phase Machines
10.3.1 Converter Concepts
10.4 Control of Switched Reluctance Drives
10.4.1 Drive Characteristics and Operating Range
10.4.2 Drive Operational Aspects
10.4.3 Direct Instantaneous Torque Control (DITC)
10.5 Switched Reluctance Demonstration Machine
10.6 Tutorials
10.6.1 Tutorial 1: Analysis of a Linear SR Machine, with Current Excitation
10.6.2 Tutorial 2: Nonlinear SR Machine, with Voltage Excitation and Hysteresis Current Controller
10.6.3 Tutorial 3: Nonlinear SR Machine, with Voltage Excitation and PWM Controller
10.6.4 Tutorial 4: Four-Phase Nonlinear SR Model, with Voltage Excitation and Hysteresis Control
10.6.5 Tutorial 5: Four-Phase Nonlinear SR Model, with Voltage Excitation and Direct Instantaneous Torque Control (DITC)
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book provides a unique approach to derive model-based torque controllers for all types of Lorentz force machines, i.e. DC, synchronous and induction machines. The rotating transformer model forms the basis for the generalized modeling approach of rotating field machines, which leads to the development of universal field-oriented control algorithms. Contrary to this, direct torque control algorithms, using observer-based methods, are developed for switched reluctance machines.
Tutorials are included at the end of each chapter, and the reader is encouraged to execute these tutorials in order to gain familiarity with the dynamic behavior of drive systems. This updated edition uses PLECS® simulation and vector processing tools that were specifically adopted for the purpose of these hands-on tutorials. Hence, Advanced Electrical Drives encourages “learning by doing” and the experienced drive specialist may find the simulation tools useful to design high-performance torque controllers.
Although it is a powerful reference in its own right, when used in conjunction with the companion texts Fundamentals of Electrical Drives and Applied Control of Electrical Drives, this book provides a uniquely comprehensive reference set that takes readers all the way from understanding the basics of how electrical drives work, to deep familiarity with advanced features and models, to a mastery of applying the concepts to actual hardware in practice.
- Teaches readers to perform insightful analysis of AC electrical machines and drives;
- Introduces new modeling methods and modern control techniques for switched reluctance drives;
- Updated to use PLECS®simulation tools for modeling electrical drives, including new and more experimental results;
- Numerous tutorials at end of each chapters to learn by doing, step-by-step;
- Includes extra material featuring “build and play” lab modules, for lectures and self-study.