توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
برنامه نویسی پیشرفته جاوا یک کتاب درسی است که مخصوص دانشجویان کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد علوم کامپیوتر، فناوری اطلاعات و برنامه های کاربردی کامپیوتر (BE/BTech/BCA/ME/M.Tech/MCA) طراحی شده است. این کتاب که به سه بخش تقسیم شده است، پوشش جامعی از موضوعات تدریس شده در جاوا پیشرفته و سایر موضوعات مرتبط را ارائه می دهد. ابتدا ویژگی های مهم زبان مانند Reflection، JNI، template، AWT و swing، Security و غیره را معرفی می کند. بخش دوم عمدتاً بر مفاهیم برنامه نویسی شبکه اصلی مانند سوکت ها، RMI، Mail، XML-RPC و غیره تمرکز دارد. - مفاهیم هنری مانند SOAP، Applet، Servlet، JSP، JDBC، Hibernate، JMS، J2EE، JNDI، CORBA، JSF و غیره در قسمت آخر مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. محتوا با تصاویر، مثالها، کدهای برنامه و اسکرینشاتهای متعدد بهبود یافته است. این کتاب با ارائه شفاف و گنجاندن نمونهها و کدهای واقعی در دنیای واقعی، به همان اندازه برای متخصصان جاوا مفید خواهد بود.
فهرست مطالب :
1. Java Tools 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Javadoc 3
1.3 Javap 7
1.4 Jcmd 9
1.5 Jhat 12
1.6 Jdb 13
1.7 Jar 18
1.7.1 Syntax 19
1.7.2 Creating a JAR File 19
1.7.3 Viewing Contents of a JAR File 20
1.7.4 Extracting the Content 20
1.7.5 Updating a JAR File 21
1.7.6 Manifest File 21
2. Exception Handling 26
2.1 Exceptions 26
2.2 Handling Exceptions 27
2.3 An Example 28
2.4 Types of Exceptions 28
2.4.1 Checked Exceptions 29
2.4.2 Unchecked/Runtime Exceptions 29
2.5 Catching Exception 29
2.6 Tracing Stack 30
2.6.1 Multiple Catch Blocks 30
2.6.2 throw 31
2.6.3 throws 33
2.6.4 finally 34 An example 35 Some properties 36
2.6.5 try-with-resources Statement 37
2.6.6 Nested try-catch 39
2.7 Custom Exception Classes 40
3. Multi-threading 45
3.1 Introduction 45
3.2 Main Thread 45
3.3 Using Sleep 46
3.4 Creating Thread 47
3.4.1 Extending Thread 47
3.4.2 Implementing Runnable 48
3.5 Interrupting Thread 49
3.6 Suspending and Resuming 51
3.7 Thread Priority 52
3.8 Using join() 53
3.9 Synchronization 55
3.9.1 Synchronization and Atomicity 59
4.13 Accessing GC from Java Program 83
4.13.1 Inspecting GC Parameters 83
4.13.2 Explicit Garbage Collection 84
4.13.3 finalize() 84
4.14 Appendix 84
5. Collection Framework 92
5.1 Introduction 92
5.2 Benefits 93
5.3 Collection Interfaces 94
5.4 Collection Implementation 95
5.4.1 Set 95 HashSet 96 LinkedHashSet 97
5.4.2 SortedSet 98 TreeSet 98
5.4.3 List 98 ArrayList 99 LinkedList 100
5.4.4 Queue 100 LinkedList 101 PriorityQueue 102
5.4.5 Map 102 HashMap 103 LinkedHashMap 104
5.4.6 SortedMap 105 TreeMap 105
5.5 Algorithms 105
5.5.1 Sorting 106 Custom sort 106
5.5.2 Shuffling 106
5.5.3 Manipulation 107 Reversing 107 Swapping 107 Copying 107 Filling 107 Adding 107
5.5.4 Searching 108
5.5.5 Finding Extreme Values 108
5.5.6 Counting Frequency 108
6. Generic Programming 113
6.1 Introduction 113
6.2 Motivation 114
6.3 Solution 114
6.4 Collection Framework and Generics 116
6.5 Type Naming 117
6.6 Generic Methods and Constructors 117
6.7 Type Inference 118
6.7.1 Generic Methods 118
6.7.2 Constructors 119
6.7.3 Classes 19
6.8 Bounded Type Parameters 119
6.8.1 Multiple Bounds 120
6.9 Generics and Sub-type 121
6.10 Wildcards 122
6.10.1 Upper-bound Wildcard 123
6.10.2 Lower-bound Wildcard 124
6.10.3 Unbounded Wildcard 124
6.10.4 Wildcard and Sub-typing 125
6.11 Type Erasure 125
6.12 Backward Compatibility 126
6.13 Restrictions on Generics 127
6.13.1 Cannot Specify Primitive Type Arguments 127
6.13.2 Cannot Declare Static Fields of Type Parameters 127
6.13.3 Cannot Create Instances of Type Parameters 127
6.13.4 Cannot Use instanceof 128
6.13.5 Cannot Create Generic Arrays 128
6.13.6 Limitations on Exception 128
6.13.7 Cannot Use .class 129
7. Reflection 133
7.1 Introduction 133
7.1.1 Pros and Cons of Reflection 133
7.2 Classes 134
7.2.1 Class 134 Using getClass() 134 Using .class 135 Using forName() 135 Using TYPE field 136
7.2.2 Modifier 136
7.3 Inspecting Class 137
7.3.1 Getting Class Information 137
7.3.2 Getting Class Modifiers 138
7.3.3 Finding Implemented Interfaces 138
7.3.4 Finding Inheritance Hierarchy 139
7.3.5 Finding Annotations 139
7.4 Finding Class Members 140
7.4.1 Getting Fields 140
7.4.2 Getting Methods 142
7.4.3 Getting Constructors 143
7.5 Working with Class Members 143
7.5.1 Field Type 143
7.5.2 Field Modifiers 144
7.5.3 Accessing Fields 144 Accessing forbidden fields 145 Modifying final fields 145
7.5.4 Method Modifiers 146
7.5.5 Method Information 146
7.5.6 Invoking Methods 147 Accessing forbidden methods 147
7.5.7 Debugging with Reflection 148
7.5.8 Getting Constructor Modifiers 149
7.5.9 Instantiating Objects 149
7.5.10 Arrays 150 Checking array types 150 Creating new arrays 151
7.6 Dynamic Proxy 151
7.6.1 Designing Dynamic Proxy 151
7.6.2 Invocation Handlers 153
7.7 Disadvantage of Reflection 155
8. Java Native Interface 158
8.1 Introduction 158
8.2 Java Program with C/C++ 159
8.2.1 Writing Java Program 159
8.2.2 Compiling Java Program 160
8.2.3 Create Header File 160
8.2.4 Implement Native Method 161
8.2.5 Create Shared Library 162
8.2.6 Running the Program 162
8.3 Using C++ 163
8.4 Syntax Difference in C/C++ 163
8.5 Using Java Package 164
8.5.1 JNI Types and Data Structures 165
8.6 Passing Arguments 167
8.6.1 Passing Primitives 167
8.6.2 Passing Strings 168
8.6.3 Passing Primitive Array 169
8.7 Accessing Java Code from Native Program 171
8.7.1 Passing Object Array 172
8.8 Creating Objects 174
8.9 Exception Handling in JNI 174
8.10 Appendix 177
9. AWT and Swing 182
9.1 Introduction 182
9.2 AWT Class Hierarchy 183
9.2.1 Component 183
9.2.2 Container 183
9.2.3 Controls 185
9.3 Creating Container 185
9.3.1 Empty Frame 185
9.3.2 Frame with a Title 185
9.4 Adding Components 186
9.4.1 Adding a Label 186
9.4.2 Adding a Button 186
9.5 Layout 187
9.5.1 FlowLayout 187
9.5.2 GridLayout 187
9.5.3 BorderLayout 188
9.6 Using Panel 189
9.7 Text Field 189
9.8 TextArea 190
9.9 List 190
9.10 Checkbox 191
9.11 Check Box Group 191
9.12 Choice 192
9.13 Event Handling 192
9.13.1 Event Sources 192
9.13.2 Event Classes 192
9.13.3 Event Listeners 194
9.13.4 Example 194
9.13.5 Adapter Classes 197
9.14 Dialog Boxes 198
9.14.1 Simple Dialog 198
9.14.2 File Dialog 199
9.15 ScrollBar 200
9.16 Menu 200
9.16.1 Popup Menu 201
9.17 Swing 202
9.17.1 Containment Hierarchy 203
9.17.2 Adding Components 203
9.17.3 JTextField 203
9.17.4 JPasswordField 204
9.17.5 JTable 204
9.17.6 JComboBox 205
9.17.7 JProgressBar 205
9.17.8 JList 206
9.17.9 JTree 207
9.17.10 JColorChooser 209
9.17.11 Dialogs 210
9.17.12 Appendix A: Methods of Important Event Listener Interfaces 212
10. Java and XML 217
10.1 Introduction 217
10.2 XML and DOM 217
10.3 DOM Nodes 219
10.4 The Node Interface 221
10.4.1 Node Properties 221
10.5 Document Node 225
10.5.1 Document Node Properties 225
10.5.2 Document Node Methods 225
10.6 Element Node 227
10.6.1 Element Node Properties 227
10.6.2 Element Node Methods 227
10.7 Text Node 228
10.7.1 Text Node Properties 228
10.7.2 Text Node Methods 228
10.8 Attr Node 229
10.8.1 Attr Node Properties 229
10.9 Parsing XML 229
10.9.1 Creating Document 230
10.9.2 Navigating DOM Tree 230 Using root node 230 Getting all child nodes 231 Using getElements ByTagName 232 Using getElementById 233 Getting attributes of an element 233 Viewing DOM 235
10.9.3 Manipulating DOM Tree 236 Creating a node 236 Setting an attribute 237 Adding a node 237 Inserting a node 238 Deleting a node 239 Cloning a node 240
10.9.4 Java DTD Validation 241
11. Input/Output 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Streams 247
11.2.1 Byte Stream 249
11.2.2 Character Stream 251
11.2.3 Bridging Stream 251
11.2.4 Buffered Stream 252 Buffered byte stream 252 Buffered character stream 252
11.2.5 Reading from Keyboard 253 Reading character 253 Reading string 253
11.2.6 Console 254
11.3 Formatting 254
11.4 Data Streams 255
11.5 Object Stream 255
11.6 Reading/writing Arrays via Streams 256
11.7 Pipes 256
11.8 File I/O 258
11.9 Path 258
11.9.1 Creating a Path 258
11.9.2 Retrieving Path Information 258
11.9.3 Path Operations 259 Removing redundancy 259 Converting to URI 259 Joining paths 259
11.9.4 Comparing Paths 259
11.10 File 260
11.10.1 Checking Existence 260
11.10.2 Creating File 260
11.10.3 Deleting File 260
11.10.4 Copying a File 260
11.10.5 File Attribute 261
11.10.6 Reading, Writing, Creating Files 261
11.10.7 Random Access Files 262
11.10.8 W orking with Directories 263 Listing Directory Contents 263
11.10.9 Walking Directory Tree 263
11.10.10 Watching Directory 264
12. Basic Networking 273
12.1 Java and the Net 273
12.2 Java Networking Classes and Interfaces 273
12.3 Getting Network Interfaces 274
12.3.1 Getting Interface Addresses 275
12.3.2 Getting Interface Properties 276
12.4 URL 277
12.4.1 Creating URL 277
12.4.2 Parsing URL 277
12.4.3 Web Page Retrieval 278
12.5 URLConnection 279
12.6 HttpURLConnection 280
12.6.1 URLEncoder/URLDecoder 281
12.7 Proxy 283
12.7.1 Using Command Line Arguments 283
12.7.2 Using System Properties 283
12.7.3 Using Proxy Class 283
12.8 ProxySelector 283
13. Socket Programming 287
13.1 Introduction 287
13.2 Client/server Programs 288
13.3 Sockets 289
13.3.1 Types of Socket 290
13.3.2 Ports 290
13.3.3 Socket Address 290
13.3.4 Socket Address and Java 291
13.3.5 Reserved Ports 291
13.4 TCP Sockets 292
13.4.1 The ServerSocket Class 294
13.4.2 The Socket Class 296
13.4.3 An Application 297
13.4.4 Complete Example 298
13.4.5 Running Example Program 299
13.4.6 Handling Multiple Client Requests 300 Iterative solution 300
13.4.7 Concurrently Solution 302
13.4.8 Sending and Receiving Objects Using TCP 306 Serializing an object 306 Reconstructing objects 308
13.4.9 An Example 309
13.4.10 Writing the Server 310 Writing interfaces 310 Implementing interfaces 310 Implementing server 311 Implementing client 312 Running the example 313
13.5 UDP Sockets 313
13.5.1 Datagram Packets 315
13.5.2 Datagram Server 315
13.5.3 Datagram Client 317
13.5.4 Receiving Multiple Datagrams 319
13.5.5 Sending and Receiving Objects Using UDP 321
13.5.6 Sending an Object 321
13.5.7 Reconstructing the Object 322
13.5.8 Running the Application 323
13.6 Multicasting 323
13.7 Multicast Sockets 323
13.7.1 Multicast Addresses 324
13.7.2 MulticastSocket Class 325
13.7.3 Sending Data 326
13.7.4 Receiving Data 326
13.7.5 Complete Example 327
13.7.6 Another Multicasting Example 328
13.7.7 A Text Conference Example 330
13.8 Appendix A (Useful Methods of ServerSocket Class) 332
13.8.1 Constructors 332
13.8.2 Methods 332
13.9 Appendix B (Useful Methods of Socket Class) 334
13.9.1 Constructors 334
13.9.2 Methods 335
13.10 Appendix C (Useful Methods of DatagramSocket Class) 338
13.10.1 Constructors 338
13.10.2 Methods 338
13.11 Appendix D (Useful Methods of DatagramPacket Class) 341
13.11.1 Constructors 341
13.11.2 Methods 342
13.12 Appendix E (Useful Methods of MulticastSocket Class) 343
13.12.1 Constructors 343
13.12.2 Methods 343
14. Remote Method Invocation 348
14.1 Introduction 348
14.2 Remote Method Invocation 348
14.2.1 Application Components 349
14.2.2 Basic Steps 350
14.3 Java RMI Interfaces and Classes 351
14.4 An Application 352
14.4.1 Writing an Interface 352
14.4.2 Writing Implementation class 354 Implementing the remote interface 354 Providing method implementation 355 Writing Constructor 356
14.4.3 Writing an RMI Server 356 Creating a remote object 357 Exporting the object 357 Registering the stub 360
14.4.4 Writing an RMI Client 361
14.5 Compiling the Program 363
14.5.1 Compiling Server 363
14.5.2 Compiling Client 363
14.6 Generating Stub Classes 364
14.7 Running the Program 364
14.7.1 Start Server 364
14.7.2 Start Client 365
14.7.3 Understanding Object Registry 365
14.7.4 Using RMI URL 367
14.8 Callback 369
14.8.1 Creating Interfaces 370
14.8.2 Implementing Interfaces 371
14.8.3 Writing the Server 371
14.8.4 Writing the Client 372
14.8.5 Compiling the Application 372
14.8.6 Running the Application 372
14.9 Another Callback Application 373
14.10 Dynamic Object Activation 375
14.10.1 Basic Idea 375
14.10.2 Implementation 375
14.10.3 The Activation Protocol 375
14.10.4 An Example 376 Writing implementation class 376 Writing server class 377 Compiling and running the program 379
14.11 Dynamic Class Downloading 379
14.12 An Example 380
14.12.1 Writing an RMI Server 381 Write an interface 381 Implement the interface 381 Implement the server 382
14.12.2 Writing a Client 384
14.12.3 Compiling the Program 385 Creating interface classes 386 Compiling server 386 Compiling client 387
14.12.4 Running the Application 387
14.12.5 Start Client 388
15. Java Mail API 392
15.1 E-mail 392
15.2 JavaMail API 392
15.3 Installing JavaMail API 393
15.4 Sending Emails 393
15.4.1 Creating a Session Object 394
15.4.2 Compose a Message 395
15.4.3 Sending the Mail 396
15.4.4 Compiling and Running the Program 397
15.5 Sending Emails Directly Using Socket 397
15.6 Secured SMTP 398
15.6.1 Using SSL 399
15.6.2 Using TLS 399
15.6.3 Providing Authentication Information 400
15.7 Email Message Revisited 403
15.7.1 MIME 403
15.7.2 Single-part Message 404
15.7.3 Multi-part MIME Message 405
15.7.4 Composing a Mixed Message 406
15.7.5 Compiling the Program 407
15.8 Email with HTML Content 408
15.9 Accessing Email 409
15.9.1 POP 409
15.9.2 IMAP 410
15.9.3 Secured Mail Access 411
15.9.4 JavaMail API Support 411
15.9.5 Reading Email 411
15.9.6 Using Authenticator 413
15.10 Deleting Mails 413
15.11 Replying to Mails 414
15.12 Forwarding Mails 414
15.13 Copying Emails 415
15.14 List of SMTP, POP3 and IMAP Servers 416
16. Applets 421
16.1 Client Side Java 421
16.2 Life Cycle 422
16.2.1 init() 423
16.2.2 start() 423
16.2.3 paint() 424
16.2.4 stop() 425
16.2.5 destroy() 425
16.3 Writing an Applet 426
16.4 Generating Class File 426
16.5 Running the Applet 426
16.5.1 The Applet Tag 426
16.6 Security 430
16.7 Utility Methods 431
16.8 Using Status Bar 432
16.9 AppletContext Interface 432
16.10 Document Base and Code Base 433
16.11 Passing Parameter 434
16.11.1 Retrieving Parameter 434
16.12 Event Handling 435
16.13 Communication Between Two Applets 436
16.13.1 Using getApplet() Method 436
16.13.2 Using getApplets() Method 437
16.13.3 A Sample Application 438
16.14 Loading Web Pages 439
16.15 Interacting with JavaScript Code 440
17. Java XML-RPC 445
17.1 Introduction 445
17.2 XML-RPC Operational Principle 446
17.3 Data Types 447
17.3.1 Basic Data Types 447
17.3.2 Compound Data Types 449
17.4 XML-RPC Messages 451
17.4.1 Request Message 452
17.4.2 Response Message 453
17.4.3 Fault Message 454
17.5 Java XML-RPC 454
17.6 Installing the Apache XML-RPC Java Library 455
17.7 XML-RPC versus Java Data Types 455
17.8 Example 456
17.8.1 Writing the Server 456
17.8.2 Writing the Client 457
17.8.3 Running the Application 459
17.9 Dynamic Proxies 460
17.10 Using XmlRpcServlet 462
17.11 Using ServletWebServer 464
17.12 Introspection 466
17.12.1 Example 467 Listing methods 468 Finding method signature 469 Getting help 470
17.13 Limitations of XML-RPC 471
18. Java and Soap 475
18.1 Introduction 475
18.2 Differences with XML-RPC 475
18.3 Soap Architecture 476
18.4 SOAP Flavors 477
18.5 SOAP Messages 477
18.6 SOAP Binding 479
18.7 RPC Using SOAP 479
18.8 Web Service 480
18.9 JAX-WS 480
18.9.1 Developing Web Service 481
18.9.2 Deploying Web Service 482
18.9.3 Invoking Web Service 483
18.9.4 Tracking SOAP messages 485
18.9.5 Using WSDL 486
18.9.6 Document Style 489
18.9.7 Using Tomcat to Deploy Web Service 490
18.9.8 Using Ant to Build War File 492
18.9.9 Asynchronous Client 493 Polling 494 Callback 495
19. Security 503
19.1 Introduction 503
19.2 Java Security Architecture 504
19.2.1 Language Security 504
19.2.2 Basic Security 504
19.2.3 Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) 505 Secret-key cryptography 505 Public-key cryptography 506
19.2.4 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 506 Public key certificates 506 Certificate format 506 Digital signature 507 Key and certificate store 507
19.2.5 PKI Tools 507
19.3 Secure Communication 508
19.4 SSL 508
19.4.1 What does SSL do? 508
19.4.2 How does it do? 508
19.4.3 An Example 509 Writing the server 509 Writing the client 510 Compiling and running the application 510
19.4.4 Using Client Authentication 514
19.4.5 Using KeyStore 515
19.4.6 Ignoring Server Certificates 517
19.4.7 Working with HTTPS 517
19.5 keytool Revisited 519
19.5.1 KeyStore 519
19.5.2 Keystore Entries 520 Truststore 520
19.5.3 Keystore Aliases 520
19.5.4 Public Key Generation 520
19.5.5 Changing Password 521
19.5.6 Generating a Certificate Chain 521
19.5.7 Generating a Certificate Using Openssl 522
19.6 Generating Keys 524
19.6.1 Public Key Generation 524
19.6.2 Private Key Generation 524
19.7 Working with Keystore 525
19.7.1 Reading Keystore 525
19.7.2 Extracting Private Keys from Keystore 525
19.7.3 Storing Private Key and Certificate in Keystore 526
19.8 Working with Certificates 526
19.8.1 Reading Certificate Information 527
19.8.3 Converting Certificates 528
19.8.4 SignedObject 529
19.8.5 SealedObject 531
19.8.6 GuardedObject 534
19.9 Secure RMI 535
19.9.1 Writing Custom Socket Factories 538
19.10 Secure XML-RPC 539
19.10.1 Using XmlRpcServlet 539
19.10.2 Using Secure XML-RPC 540
19.11 Signing and Verifying JAR 542
19.11.1 Signing JAR 542 Signature (.SF) file 543 Signature block file 544
19.11.2 Verifying JAR 544
19.12 Multiple Signatures for a JAR File 544
19.13 Access Control 545
19.13.1 Installing Built-in Security Manager 546
19.13.2 Policy Files 546
19.13.3 Policy File Syntax 547 Keystore entry 547 Grant entry 548 Permission entry 549
19.13.4 Custom Permission Class 549
19.14 An application 550
20. Servlet 557
20.1 Server-side Java 557
20.2 Advantages Over Applets 558
20.3 Servlet Alternatives 558
20.3.1 Common Gateway Interface (CGI) 558
20.3.2 Proprietary APIs 558
20.3.3 Active Server Pages (ASP) 559
20.3.4 Server-side JavaScript 559
20.4 Servlet Strengths 559
20.4.1 Efficient 559
20.4.2 Persistent 559
20.4.3 Portable 559
20.4.4 Robust 559
20.4.5 Extensible 559
20.4.6 Secure 560
20.4.7 Cost-effective 560
20.5 Servlet Architecture 560
20.6 Servlet Life Cycle 561
20.6.1 init() 562
20.6.2 service() 562
20.6.3 destroy() 562
20.6.4 Other Methods 563
20.7 GenericServlet 563
20.8 HttpServlet 563
20.9 First Servlet 564
20.9.1 Installing Apache Tomcat Web Server 565
20.9.2 Building and Installing Servlet 566
20.9.3 Invoking Servlet 567
20.10 Passing Parameters to Servlets 568
20.10.1 Passing Parameters Directly to a Servlet 568
20.10.2 Passing Parameters Directly to a Servlet 568
20.11 Retrieving Parameters 569
20.12 Server-Side Include 571
20.13 Cookies 574
20.13.1 Limitations of Cookies 575
20.14 Filters 575
20.14.1 Deploying Filter 577
20.15 Problems with Servlet 577
20.16 Security Issues 578
20.17 Appendix A: List of SSI Servlet Variables 578
21. Java Server Pages 583
21.1 Introduction and Marketplace 583
21.2 JSP and HTTP 584
21.3 JSP Engines 584
21.3.1 Tomcat 584
21.3.2 Java Web Server 586
21.3.3 WebLogic 586
21.3.4 WebSphere 586
21.4 How JSP Works 586
21.5 JSP and Servlet 587
21.5.1 Translation and Compilation 587
21.6 Anatomy of a JSP Page 590
21.7 JSP Syntax 591
21.8 JSP Components 591
21.8.1 Directives 591 Page directive 592 Include directive 594
21.8.2 Comments 594
21.8.3 Expressions 595
21.8.4 Scriptlets 595 Conditional processing 596
21.8.5 Declarations 596
21.8.6 Scope of JSP Objects 597
21.8.7 Implicit Objects 598
21.8.8 Variables, Methods, and Classes 600 Synchronization 601
21.8.9 Standard Actions 602
21.8.10 Tag Extensions 606 Tag type 606 Writing tags 606
21.8.11 Iterating a Tag Body 609
21.8.12 Sharing Data Between JSP Pages 611
21.9 Beans 612
21.9.1 useBean 612
21.9.2 setProperty 613
21.9.3 getProperty 613
21.9.4 Complete Example 613
21.9.5 Other Usage 614
21.10 Session Tracking 614
21.10.1 Hidden fields 614
21.10.2 URL Rewriting 616
21.10.3 Cookies 616
21.10.4 Session API 617
21.11 Users Passing Control and Data between Pages 619
21.11.1 Passing Control 619
21.11.2 Passing Data 619
21.12 Sharing Session and Application Data 620
22. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 625
22.1 Introduction 625
22.2 JDBC Drivers 625
22.2.1 JDBC-ODBC Bridge (Type 1) 626
22.2.2 Native-API, Partly Java (Type 2) 626
22.2.3 Middleware, Pure Java (Type 3) 626
22.2.4 Pure Java Driver (Type 4) 626
22.3 JDBC Architecture 626
22.4 JDBC Classes and Interfaces 627
22.5 Basic Steps 627
22.6 Loading a Driver 628
22.7 Making a Connection 629
22.8 Execute SQL Statement 631
22.9 SQL Statements 631
22.9.1 Simple Statement 632
22.9.2 Atomic Transaction 635
22.9.3 Pre-compiled Statement 637
22.9.4 SQL Statements to Call Stored Procedures 638
22.10 Retrieving Result 640
22.11 Getting Database Information 641
22.12 Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet 642
22.12.1 Scrollability Type 643
22.12.2 Concurrency Type 643
22.12.3 Examples 643
22.13 Result Set Metadata 647
23. Hibernate 657
23.1 Introduction 657
23.2 Installing Hibernate 658
23.3 Basic Steps 658
23.4 Writing POJO Class 658
23.5 Creating a Table 659
23.6 Writing a Hibernate Application 659
23.7 Compiling and Running Application 663
23.8 Using Annotation 664
23.9 Environment Setup for Hibernate Annotation 664
23.10 Book Application Using Annotation 664
23.11 Function of Different Annotations 665
23.12 Object Life Cycle 666
23.13 Hibernate Query Language 667
23.13.1 From 667
23.13.2 Select 667
23.13.3 Where 668
23.13.4 Filtering 668
23.13.5 Order by 668
23.13.6 Group by 668
23.13.7 Parameter Binding 668
23.13.8 Update 669
23.13.9 Delete 669
23.13.10 Insert 669
23.13.11 Aggregate Methods 70
23.14 Using Native SQL Query 670
23.15 Named Queries 670
23.15.1 Defining Named Queries 671
23.15.2 Calling Named Queries 672
23.16 Generating DDL 673
23.17 Syntax of O/R Mapping File 674
23.18 Generator Class 676
23.19 Hibernate Tools 677
23.19.1 Using Hibernate Tools with Ant 677
23.19.2 Ant Task 678
23.19.3 Configuring Task 678
23.19.4 Exporters 679
23.19.5 Controlling Reverse Engineering 683
23.19.6 Controlling POJO Code Generation 685
24. Java Naming and Directory Interface 692
24.1 Naming Concepts 692
24.1.1 Naming Convention 693
24.1.2 Naming Context 693
24.1.3 Binding 693
24.2 Directory Concepts 694
24.2.1 Directory Context 694
24.3 Java Naming and Directory Interface 694
24.4 An Example 695
24.4.1 Writing the Server 695
24.4.2 Writing the Client 696
24.4.3 Running Application 696
24.5 Specifying JNDI Properties 697
24.6 Name Servers 697
24.7 Using ApacheDS 698
24.7.1 Installing and Starting ApacheDS 698
24.7.2 JNDI Properties for ApacheDS 699
24.8 Calculator RMI Application Using LDAP 699
24.9 Calculator RMI-IIOP Application Using JNDI 699
24.9.1 Server 699
24.9.2 Client 700
24.9.3 Running the Application 700
24.10 Naming Operations 700
24.10.1 Adding, Replacing and Removing Binding 701
24.10.2 Looking Up 701
24.10.3 Renaming 701
24.10.4 Listing 702 Using list() 702 Using listBindings() 702
24.11 Working with Subcontext 703
24.12 Working with Directory 703
24.12.1 Reading Attributes 703
24.12.2 Binding with Attributes 704
24.12.3 Creating Subcontext with Attributes 705
24.12.4 Adding Attributes 705
24.12.5 Modifying Attributes 706
24.12.6 Removing Attributes 706
24.12.7 Batch Operation on Attributes 707
24.12.8 Search 707 Basic search 707 Filters 709
25. Java Message Service 714
25.1 Messaging 714
25.2 JMS API 714
25.3 JMS Components 715
25.4 Messaging Models 715
25.4.1 Point-to-Point 716
25.4.2 Publish/Subscribe 716
25.5 Message Consumption 717
25.5.1 Synchronous 717
25.5.2 Asynchronous 717
25.6 Programming Model 717
25.7 Installing Open MQ 720
25.8 Writing JMS Application 722
25.9 Writing a P2P Producer 722
25.9.1 Running Example 723
25.10 Writing a P2P Synchronous Consumer 724
25.11 Writing a P2P Asynchronous Consumer 725
25.12 Writing a Pub/Sub Producer 726
25.13 Writing a Pub/Sub Synchronous Consumer 726
25.14 Running this Example 727
25.15 Writing a Pub/Sub Asynchronous Consumer 727
25.16 Browsing Queue 728
25.17 Using JNDI 729
25.18 Reliability Mechanisms 731
25.18.1 Acknowledgement 732
25.18.2 Message Persistence 732
25.18.3 Message Priority 732
25.18.4 Message Expiration 732
25.18.5 Temporary Destinations 733
25.19 Transacted Session 733
26. Introduction to J2EE 739
26.1 Overview of J2EE 739
26.2 Introduction to JavaBeans 740
26.2.1 Properties 741
26.2.2 Accessor Methods 741
26.3 Bean Builder 741
26.4 Advantages of JavaBeans 742
26.5 BDK Introspection 742
26.5.1 Design Patterns 743
26.6 Properties 744
26.6.1 Simple Properties 744
26.6.2 Bound Properties 745
26.6.3 Constrained Properties 748 Implementing constrained property support 748 Implementing constrained property Listener 749 Example 750
26.6.4 Indexed Properties 751
26.7 BeanInfo Interface 752
26.8 Persistence 756
26.9 Customizer 758
26.10 JavaBeans API 759
26.11 EJB 761
26.11.1 Benefits of EJB 761
26.11.2 Usage Scenario 761
26.11.3 EJB Architecture 761
26.11.4 Session Beans 762 Stateless session beans 762 Stateful session beans 762
26.11.5 Entity Beans 762
26.11.6 Message Driven Beans 763
26.12 Introduction to Struts Framework 763
26.12.1 Basic Idea 763
27. Java and CORBA 770
27.1 Introduction 770
27.2 CORBA Architecture 770
27.2.1 IDL 771
27.2.2 ORB 771
27.2.3 IIOP 771
27.2.4 IOR 771
27.3 Java IDL 772
27.4 Developing CORBA Applications 772
27.4.1 Write an Interface Using IDL 772
27.4.2 Mapping IDL Interface to Java 773
27.4.3 Implementing the Interface 774
27.4.4 Writing the Server 774 Binding IOR to naming service 775
27.4.5 Writing the Client 776
27.5 Compiling Applications 777
27.6 Running the Application 777
27.7 Using Properties 778
27.8 Stringified Object Reference 779
27.9 Using URL 780
27.9.1 Using corbaloc 780
27.9.2 Using corbaname 781
27.10 Using Tie 782
27.11 Persistent Objects 782
27.11.1 Running Persistent Application 784
27.12 Callback 784
27.13 Using Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) 787
27.14 Using Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) 789
27.14.1 Basic Steps 789
27.14.2 An Example 789
27.15 Using Out and Inout Parameter 791
27.15.1 Invoking Operation Using Holder Classes 792
27.15.2 An Example 792
27.16 RMI-IIOP 793
27.16.1 An Example 793 Writing an interface 793 Implementing the interface 794 Writing the server 794 Writing the client 794 Compiling server files 794 Compiling client files 795 Running the application 795
27.17 IDL to Java Language Mapping 795
28. Java Server Faces 801
28.1 Introduction 801
28.2 First Application 802
28.2.1 Installing JSF 802
28.2.2 Writing a JSF Page 803
28.2.3 Deploying the Application 804
28.2.4 Testing the Application 805
28.3 Request Processing Life-cycle 806
28.3.1 Restore View 806
28.3.2 Apply Request Values 807
28.3.3 Process Validations 807
28.3.4 Update Model Values 808
28.3.5 Invoke Application 808
28.3.6 Render Response 808
28.4 Tracing Phases 808
28.5 Managed Bean 809
28.5.1 Using faces-config.xml File 810
28.5.2 Using @ManagedBean Annotation 811
28.5.3 Scope Annotations 811
28.5.4 @ManagedProperty Annotation 812
28.6 Accessing Managed Bean Programmatically 813
28.6.1 Using javax.faces.context. ExternalContext 813
28.6.2 Using javax.el.ELContext 813
28.6.3 Using evaluateExpressionGet() Method 814
28.7 Basic JSF Tags 814
28.8 Expression Language 817
28.8.1 Value Expression 818
28.8.2 Method Expression 819
28.8.3 Facelets 820 Templates 820 Custom tags 821 Composite components 823 Remove 824
28.8.4 Converter Tags 824
28.8.5 Displaying Messages 827
28.8.6 Validations 828
28.9 AJAX 830
28.10 Event Handling 831
28.10.1 Value Change Listener 831 Using value- ChangeListener attribute 831
28.10.2 Using <
Tag 832
28.10.3 Action Listener 832 Using actioneListener attribute 832
28.10.4 Using <
Tag 833
28.11 An Event Handling Example 833
28.12 Page Navigation 834
28.12.1 Auto Navigation 834
28.12.2 Using Managed Bean 835
28.12.3 Using Navigation Rule in Faces-config.xml 835
Answers to Objective-type Questions 841
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Advanced Java Programming is a textbook specially designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Computer Applications (BE/BTech/BCA/ME/M.Tech/MCA). Divided into three parts, the book provides an exhaustive coverage of topics taught in advanced Java and other related subjects. It first introduces important language features such as Reflection, JNI, template, AWT and swing, Security etc. The second part primarily focuses on core network programming concepts such as sockets, RMI, Mail, XML-RPC etc. The state-of-the-art concepts such as SOAP, Applet, Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Hibernate, JMS, J2EE, JNDI, CORBA, JSF etc. have been discussed in the last part. The content is enhanced with numerous illustrations, examples, program codes, and screenshots. With its lucid presentation and inclusion of numerous real-world examples and codes, the book will be equally useful for Java professionals