Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022)

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کتاب پیشرفت‌ها در فناوری تولید خودرو - به سوی تولید نرم‌افزاری و زنجیره‌های تامین انعطاف‌پذیر: کنفرانس اشتوتگارت در مورد تولید خودرو (SCAP2022) نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب پیشرفت‌ها در فناوری تولید خودرو - به سوی تولید نرم‌افزاری و زنجیره‌های تامین انعطاف‌پذیر: کنفرانس اشتوتگارت در مورد تولید خودرو (SCAP2022) بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022)

نام کتاب : Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022)
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : پیشرفت‌ها در فناوری تولید خودرو - به سوی تولید نرم‌افزاری و زنجیره‌های تامین انعطاف‌پذیر: کنفرانس اشتوتگارت در مورد تولید خودرو (SCAP2022)
سری : ARENA2036
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : Springer
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 395
ISBN (شابک) : 3031279352 , 9783031279355
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 41 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Part A: Software-Defined Manufacturing
Real-Time Capable Architecture for Software-Defined Manufacturing
1 Introduction
1.1 Limitations of State of the Art Manufacturing Systems
1.2 Software-Defined Manufacturing as a New Paradigm
2 Requirements Analysis Based on Related Work
2.1 Requirements from the Automation Application Life Cycle
2.2 Requirements Based on Published Approaches to SDM
3 Architecture Proposal
3.1 Integration in a Conceptual SDM Framework
3.2 Virtualization and Orchestration
3.3 Network and Application Configuration
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Analysis of Real-Time Execution Models for Container-Based Control Applications
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Analysis of Scheduling Methods
4 Execution Models for the Container-Based PLC
4.1 Cyclic Execution Model
4.2 Event-Based Execution Model
5 Validation of a Sample Use-Case
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Software-Defined Manufacturing for the Entire Life Cycle at Different Levels of Production
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 Approach
3.1 Machine
3.2 Production System
3.3 Production Network
4 Exemplary Use Case
5 Discussion and Conclusion
Dynamic Safety Distance Determination for Human Robot Coexistence in Industrial Applications*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Accurate Speed and Separation Monitoring
3.1 Calculation According to the Norm
3.2 Human and Robot Modeling
3.3 Implementation Details and Monitoring Differences
4 Simulation
4.1 Scenario
4.2 Implementation Details
4.3 Evaluation
5 Requirements and Safety Discussion
6 Conclusion and Future Prospects
Integrated Framework for Safety Management and Software-Assisted Safety Assessment in Fluid Production*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Modeling and Integrated Process for the System Commissioning
4 Fluid Production Safety 4A-Framework (FluPro-S4A)
4.1 Step 1: Change Acknowledgement
4.2 Step 2: Asset Assessment
4.3 Step 3: System Assessment
4.4 Step 4: Approval Assistance
5 Case Study
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Part B: Data-Driven Technologies
Improvement of the Scheduling of Automotive Testing Processes Based on Production Scheduling Methods
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 Test Field Modelling
3.1 Physical Test Field
3.2 Virtual Test Field
4 Scheduling Results
5 Conclusion and Outlook
Mixed-Integer Programming Model for Scheduling of Modular Automotive Body-In-White Production Systems*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 Proposed Mixed-Integer Programming Model
3.1 Notations
3.2 Model
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Robotic Assembly Line Balancing with Multimodal Stochastic Processing Times*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 State of Research
3 Objective
4 Genetic Algorithm
4.1 Solution Representation
4.2 Steps of the GA
4.3 Decoding Procedure for the RALBP
5 Results
6 Conclusion and Future Research
Elementary Welding Operations for Automatic Robot Programming
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Elementary Welding Operation
4 Technical Implementation
5 Experiments and Results
6 Discussion and Conclusion
Influence of the Joining Force on the Nugget Diameter During Resistance Spot Welding of Aluminum Materials
1 Introduction
2 Hypothesis and Method
3 Literature Review
4 Setup
4.1 Material
4.2 Equipment and Execution
4.3 Meta Data and Design of Experiments
5 Target Data and Feature Engineering
5.1 Target Data
5.2 Feature Engineering
6 Results
6.1 Machine Learning Approaches
6.2 Permutation Feature Importance
6.3 Visualization of Datasets
6.4 Second Degree Regression
7 Conclusion and Outlook
Towards an Automated System for Robot Assembly Cell Layout Optimization
1 Introduction
2 Aspects of Automated Layout Optimization
2.1 Definition of Criteria for 3D Simulation Generation and Optimization
3 Approaches for 3D Modelling and Optimization
4 State of the Art Discussion
5 Concept Formulation
6 Conclusion and Next Steps
Adaptive Intralogistics with Low-Cost AGVs for a Modular Production System*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 Current Situation
3 Novel Platform for Modular Production
4 Scalable Low-Cost AGV Construction Kit
5 Communication Using Dynamic LED Tracks
6 Conclusion
Topology Planning in Swarm Production System: Framework and Optimization
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
2.1 FLP in Changeable Manufacturing
2.2 Optimization Methods in FLP
2.3 Optimization with Graph Theory
2.4 Optimal Approach in Topology Manager(TM)
3 Topology Manager Framework
4 Exemplification
4.1 Batch Processing Module
4.2 Topology Estimation and Optimization Module
4.3 Reconfiguration Decision Module
5 Experimental Results
6 Discussion and Conclusion
Using Meta-Learning to Reduce the Effort of Training New Workpiece Geometries for Entanglement Detection in Bin-Picking Applications*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 Meta-Learning
3 Meta-Learning Applied to the Entanglement Detection
3.1 Base Dataset
3.2 Implementation to the Entanglement Detection
3.3 Training of the Meta-Learning Methods
4 Results
4.1 Comparison of Applied Meta-Learning Methods
4.2 Performance Validation of the Meta-trained Entanglement Detection on Unseen Workpiece Geometries
5 Summary and Outlook
Performance Comparison of Supervised and Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Separating Entanglements in a Bin-Picking Application*-12pt
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 New Supervised Learning Entanglement Separation Method
3.1 Data Generation
3.2 Network Architecture
3.3 Training
3.4 Threshold Evaluation
4 Comparison
4.1 Setup Effort
4.2 Real-World Performance Comparison
4.3 Integration into a Bin Picking System
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Machine Learning-Based Identification of Root Causes for Defective Units in Manufacturing Processes
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Classical Methods
2.2 Method Based on Attention Mechanism
3 Data
4 Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Enabling Single-Sensor Simultaneous Condition Monitoring of Several Vibration-Emitting Machine Parts Using Neural Networks
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background and Methods
2.1 Convolutional Neural Network
2.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
2.3 Methods
3 Experimental Setup
4 Results
4.1 Data Transformation
4.2 Training and Evaluation
4.3 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Unlocking the Potential of Digital Twins
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
2.1 Life Cycle of Production Plants
2.2 Digitalisation of the Planning, Realization and Operation Phases
3 Concept, Industrial Use Case and Challenges
3.1 Use Cases for Digital Twins
3.2 Development of the Virtual Commissioning Model Towards a Digital Twin
3.3 Example of an Industrial Use Case
3.4 Challenges
4 Conclusion and Outlook
4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Outlook
Hybrid Digital Twins Using FMUs to Increase the Validity and Domain of Virtual Commissioning Simulations
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art in Virtual Commissioning Simulations with Increased Level of Detail
3 Methods and Concept of Hybrid Digital Twins
4 Validation Use Case Inverted Pendulum
4.1 Modeling and Simulation Setup
4.2 Simulation Results and Interpretation
5 Conclusion and Outlook
Towards the Smart Factory: Process Optimization in Virtual Commissioning
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
2.1 Conventional Planning
2.2 Digital Factory and Twin
3 Process Analysis
3.1 Metrics
3.2 Problem Analysis
3.3 Problem Solutions
4 Process Optimization
4.1 Process Integration
4.2 Educating and Training Employees
4.3 Technical Changes
4.4 Use Cases
5 Conclusion and Outlook
A New IT Architecture for the Digital Factory
1 Introduction
1.1 Digital Factory
1.2 Data Model PPR – Product, Process, Resource
1.3 Scope
1.4 Main Requirements
1.5 State of the Art
2 System Design
2.1 General Approach
2.2 Interface Design
2.3 Example Application
3 Outlook
4 Conclusion
Security Analysis of a Blockchain Based Data Collection Method for Cross Company Information Sharing
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
2.1 Cross Company Data Exchange
2.2 Threat Modelling for Production
3 Proposed Solution Architecture
4 System Analysis
5 Findings
5.1 Infrastructure
5.2 Employee
5.3 Business
6 Summary
Part C: Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainability
Combination of the Scanning and the Polar Measuring Method for the Defect Detection in Dry Fibre Layups Using an Eddy Current Sensor
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Carbon Composite Manufacturing
2.2 Eddy Current Sensors
2.3 Measuring Methods
3 Method
3.1 Hardware Selection
3.2 Specimen and Experimental Plan
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Fibre Orientation
4.2 Gap Detection
4.3 Foreign Objects
4.4 Discussion
5 Conclusion
Detection of Gaps and Overlaps in Laser Line Triangulation Data of Dry Fibre Tape Layups Using Image Projection
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Dry Fibre Tape Placement
1.3 Defects and Irregularities
1.4 Laser Line Triangulation
1.5 In-Line Implementation
2 Literature and Methods
2.1 Evaluation Methods in the Literature
2.2 Research Method for the Algorithm Assessment
2.3 Specimen, Hardware and Preprocessing
3 Results
3.1 Image Projection
3.2 Adaptive and Cell-Wise Thresholding
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion and Outlook
Parameter Study and Optimization of Forming Simulations for Tape-Based Fiber Layups
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
3 Methodology
3.1 Initial Finite Element Model
3.2 Parametrization Setup
3.3 Analysis
4 Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion and Outlook
Analysis of New Concepts for the Consolidation Roller in Laser-Assisted Automated Tape Placement Processes
1 Introduction
1.1 Thermoplastic In-Situ AFP
1.2 Compaction Roller Overview
2 Methodology
2.1 Analytical Analysis of Compaction Roller Contact and Deformation
2.2 Compaction Rollers Fabrication and Experimental Test Setup
2.3 Simulation Setup
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Experimental Results: Pressure Uniformity
3.2 Experimental Results: Compaction Pressure
3.3 Simulation
4 Conclusion
Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Prototype System for Data-Driven Optimization of a Preforming Process
1 Introduction
1.1 Forming of Woven Fabrics
1.2 Sensors for Composite Structures and Manufacturing
1.3 Strain Sensing
1.4 Edge Computing
2 Experimentation
2.1 Basic Materials
2.2 Sensor Characterization
2.3 Strain Sensor System
2.4 Integration into Edge Device
2.5 Draping Process
3 Results
4 Conclusion
Resource Efficient Manufacturing of Complex Cooling Structures
1 Motivation
2 State of the Art
3 Proposed Advantages Through the Enhancing of Injection Molded Encapsulations with Additive-Built Inserts
4 Motivation in the HEaK Project
4.1 Design of the Insert Structure
5 Preliminary Investigations
5.1 Pressure Tests
5.2 Powder Investigations
6 Conclusion
The Potential of High Speed Sintering for Small Series in the Automotive Industry
1 Introduction
2 Rapid Manufacturing vs. Rapid Prototyping
3 Introduction to High Speed Sintering
4 Research Approach
5 Development of Design Guidelines for HSS
6 Use of HSS for the Manufacturing of a Speaker Cover
7 Conclusion
8 Limitations and Further Research
Asset Administration Shell for the Wiring Harness System
1 Introduction
2 Changing the Value Chains for Wiring Harness
2.1 Wiring Harness in Current Value Chains
2.2 Vision – Uniform Data Representation Along the Complete Life Cycle
2.3 The Asset Administration Shell
2.4 Potentials by Using Digital Twins
3 Asset Administration Shell for the Wiring Harness (VWS4LS)
4 Status of Development
5 Conclusion and Further Development
Case Study on Localization for Robotic Wire Harness Installation
1 Introduction
2 Problem Statement
3 Related Works
4 Contribution
5 Concept
5.1 Wire Harness Localization
5.2 Component Localization
6 Evaluation
6.1 Experimental Setup
6.2 Evaluation of Wire Harness Localization
6.3 Evaluation of Component Localization
7 Conclusion
Traceability in Battery Production: Cell-Specific Marker-Free Identification of Electrode Segments
1 Introduction
1.1 Traceability in Lithium-ion Battery Production
1.2 Identification Techniques
2 Cell-Specific Identification of Electrode Segments
2.1 Marker-Free Identification Using Surface Microstructures
2.2 Approach for Proving Concept Implementation
3 Conclusion and Outlook
Multi-agent Interaction Structure for Enabling Subsidiary Planning and Control in Modular Production Systems
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art and Related Work
2.1 Structured Information Processing in Modular Production
2.2 Structuring Systems for Developing a Systems Design
3 Modelling Interaction for Planning and Control in Modular Production Systems
3.1 Top-Down Decomposition and Bottom-Up Aggregation of a Modular Production System
3.2 Interaction Model for Cross-System and Cross-Level Information Processing
4 Implementation of a Subsidiary Planning and Control for Enabling a Resilient Production Flow in Modular Production
4.1 Introduction of the Use Case
4.2 Implementation of a Model-Based System Structure
5 Simulation Setup and Results
6 Conclusion
Resilience to Pandemics through Flexibility in Sourcing, in Order Fulfillment, and Production Capacity of the Automotive Supply Chain
1 Introduction
2 Resilience of Supply Chains
3 Supply Chain Resilience of the Automotive Industry
3.1 Procedure
3.2 State of Art of the Automotive Supply Chain
3.3 Sourcing and Fulfillment Capabilities of the Automotive Supply Chain
4 Status Quo and Recommendations
5 Conclusion
Requirements for a Process to Remanufacture EV Battery Packs Down to Cell Level and Necessary Design Modifications
1 Introduction
2 State-of-the-Art/Literature Review
3 Analysis of a State-of-the-Art Battery System
4 Remanufacturing Challenges and Design Modifications
5 Discussion of Results
6 Summary and Conclusion
Author Index

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