Advances in Construction Materials 2007

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کتاب پیشرفت در مصالح ساختمانی 2007 نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Advances in Construction Materials 2007

نام کتاب : Advances in Construction Materials 2007
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : پیشرفت در مصالح ساختمانی 2007
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
سال نشر : 2007
تعداد صفحات : 763
ISBN (شابک) : 9783540724476 , 9783540724483
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 34 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

این کتاب تلفیقی از نتایج تحقیقات اخیر در مورد مصالح ساختمانی است. صنعت ساخت و ساز حجم زیادی از مواد مصرف می کند و تقاضای فزاینده برای کیفیت و ایمنی مستلزم بهبود مستمر مواد و ترکیبات مواد است. درک عمیق رفتار مواد برای ایجاد کارآمد ساخت و ساز ضروری است: سازه های سبک وزن یا با بار سنگین خواستار توسعه کامپوزیت های نوآورانه یا ترکیبات جدید مواد هستند.

مهندسین عمران و دانشمندان مواد از سراسر جهان ایده های خود را برای پیشرفت های بیشتر مواد، آزمایش سازه ها و راه حل هایی برای کاربردهای درجا ارائه می دهند. بسیاری از نوآوری ها، کامپوزیت ها و طراحی مخلوط مواد موجود، به ویژه برای بتن، مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. اینها عبارتند از بتن با مقاومت بالا و با کارایی بالا (HPC)، بتن خود متراکم (SCC)، شاتکریت، و بتن مسلح با الیاف یا پارچه (FRC).

به علاوه افزایش تنوع مواد و بهبود خواص آنها برای اکثر مصالح ساختمانی (مانند چوب، بنایی، فولاد، پلیمرها) مشاهده می شود.

این کتاب نمای کلی خوبی در مورد آخرین هنر در علم مصالح ساختمانی ارائه می دهد. برخی از کارشناسان برجسته جهان به افتخار پروفسور دکتر-اینگ کمک کرده اند. هانس دبلیو راینهارت. کتاب با مروری بر دستاوردهای علمی وی تا زمان بازنشستگی اخیرش آغاز می شود. برخی از مشارکت ها در کنفرانس "پیشرفت در مصالح ساختمانی" (ACM2007) که در ژوئیه 2007 در اشتوتگارت برگزار شد، ارائه شده است.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter....Pages I-XIV
Brief Review of the Scientific Work of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans W. Reinhardt....Pages 1-13
Towards a better visibility of outstanding research....Pages 15-20
Front Matter....Pages 21-21
Actual tendencies in structural fastening technology....Pages 23-30
Constitutive Laws for Concrete and their Application with Numerical Methods....Pages 31-38
Innovations in concrete technology: Interaction between research, codes and applications....Pages 39-47
Ultra-high performance concrete for the roof of a research hot water storage....Pages 49-56
Numerical modelling of cam-pocket coupling systems for concrete lining....Pages 57-65
Uncertainty models for safety assessment of textile reinforced concrete structures....Pages 67-74
Structural design of a large foundation slab close to reality, stiffness oriented design method CTD....Pages 75-82
Steel castings in architecture and engineering....Pages 83-108
Load-bearing and deformation behaviour of concrete beams reinforced in combination of both steel bars and bars made of glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP)....Pages 109-116
Front Matter....Pages 117-117
Mechanical and Fracture Mechanical Properties of Fine Grained Concrete for TRC Structures....Pages 119-129
Enriched finite element representation of 2D multi-cracking and debonding in textile reinforced concrete....Pages 131-138
Fracture properties of high-strength hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete....Pages 139-146
Textile Reinforced Concrete — A new Composite Material....Pages 147-156
Viscoelastic behavior of a strain hardening Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete....Pages 157-164
Ductility and Fatigue Behaviour of Polymer-Modified and Fibre-Reinforced High-Performance Concrete....Pages 165-172
Bond Cracking and Tension Stiffening Properties of a Deformed Bar Embedded in HPFRCC....Pages 173-180
Tensile strain-hardening FRC composites: Historical evolution since the 1960....Pages 181-202
UHPFRC protection layer on the crash barrier walls of a bridge....Pages 203-210
Front Matter....Pages 117-117
Scale effect and combined loading of thin UHPFRC members....Pages 211-218
Hybrid fibre concrete: is there a synergetic effect?....Pages 219-228
Ultra high performance fibre reinforced cement composite under dynamic loading....Pages 229-235
An Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of Cementitious Composites Reinforced in Combination with Carbon Textile and Short-Cut PVA Fiber....Pages 237-251
Front Matter....Pages 253-253
Performance of concrete patch repair systems....Pages 255-262
Repair of cracked reinforced concrete by injection after accidental loading....Pages 263-268
Seismic strengthening of piers with partial use of high ductility cement....Pages 269-277
Sprayed GFRP shear-strengthened reinforced concrete Beams under Impact Loading....Pages 279-286
Front Matter....Pages 287-287
High Strength Fiber Composites for fabricating fire-resistant wood with improved mechanical properties....Pages 289-297
Mechanical properties of SFRC at high temperatures....Pages 299-306
Modifications of material properties due to elevated temperatures....Pages 307-314
Front Matter....Pages 315-315
Influence of cyclic loading on the degradation of mechanical concrete properties....Pages 317-324
A material model for creep and fatigue applied to asphalt....Pages 325-333
Simulation of the cyclic loading and damage behavior of gypsum composites....Pages 335-349
Superabsorbent Polymers — An Additive to Increase the Freeze-Thaw Resistance of High Strength Concrete....Pages 351-358
Corrosion products pressure needed to crack the concrete cover....Pages 359-370
Failure mechanisms in fatigue of high strength steel wires for cable-constructions....Pages 371-380
Durability aspects of AR-glass-reinforcement in textile reinforced concrete, Part 1: Material behaviour....Pages 381-388
Durability aspects of AR-glass-reinforcement in textile reinforced concrete, Part 2: Modelling and exposure to outdoor weathering....Pages 389-395
Stress corrosion cracking mechanism of prestressing steels in bicarbonate solutions....Pages 397-404
Front Matter....Pages 315-315
Moisture Transport in Concrete — Field Tests and Hygrothermal Simulations....Pages 405-418
Impact of Freeze-Thaw Degradation on FRP-Concrete Interface Fracture....Pages 419-426
Effective chloride barrier for reinforced concrete structures in order to extend the service-life....Pages 427-437
Front Matter....Pages 439-439
Setting and hardening of cement based materials: which differences between mortars and concretes?....Pages 441-449
Mechanical properties of cement mortars with superabsorbent polymers....Pages 451-462
Formwork Pressure of Concretes with high Workability....Pages 463-470
Modern statistical methods for accessing the hardening process of concrete....Pages 471-477
Virtual concrete laboratory — Continuous numerical modelling of concrete from fresh to the hardened state....Pages 479-488
Detection of early-age cracking due to restrained autogenous shrinkage....Pages 489-496
Ultrasonic and calorimetric measurements on fresh concrete with blast-furnace slag....Pages 497-504
Fresh concrete pressure in diaphragm wall panels and resulting deformations....Pages 505-512
SCC and UHPC — Effect of Mixing Technology on Fresh Concrete Properties....Pages 513-522
Analytical model for hydration of blended cement....Pages 523-529
Nucleation and growth of C-S-H phases on mineral admixtures....Pages 531-538
Improving the slipform process via material manipulation....Pages 539-546
Front Matter....Pages 547-547
Sensing methods in civil engineering for an efficient construction management....Pages 549-561
Fast Non-Destructive Localisation of Prestressing Steel Fractures in Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges....Pages 563-574
New Possibilities for Ultrasonic Imaging of Concrete Elements....Pages 575-582
Quantitative Non-Destructive Testing: The integration of non-destructive testing and probabilistic fracture mechanics....Pages 583-590
Advances in the in-situ assessment of construction materials....Pages 591-605
Front Matter....Pages 547-547
Detection and analysis of microcracks in high-performance cementitious materials....Pages 607-614
Acoustic Emission Techniques for Rebar Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete....Pages 615-621
Online-Monitoring of Thermal Restraint Stresses for a Railways Trough Structure due to the Coupling of Trough and Underwater Concrete Slab....Pages 623-630
Radar and Fusion for Concrete Elements....Pages 631-638
Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Members using the Magnetic Leakage Flux Measurement Method — Estimation of Detection Limit....Pages 639-649
Front Matter....Pages 651-651
Abatement of Acid Mine Drainage Using Industrial Waste Products....Pages 653-665
Finely Ground Sand Fraction of Concrete Rubble as a Supplementary Cementitious Material....Pages 667-673
Numerical Simulation of Air-Steam Leakage Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Walls....Pages 675-682
Sustainable building with concrete — a holistic approach along the Life-Cycle....Pages 683-690
Dangerous Substances in Building Materials — Emissions from PCB Coated Ceiling Panels — Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Indoor Air....Pages 691-696
Demountable concrete buildings, structural design of floor slabs with concrete elements and aluminium foam....Pages 697-709
Reduction of the Penetration of Water-Hazardous Liquids into Concrete using Silica Fume and Polymer Dispersions....Pages 711-719
Front Matter....Pages 721-721
Tension Softening Curves Described by Algebraic Formulas and Artificial Neural Networks....Pages 723-730
Effects of a clay additive on the properties of no-slump concrete....Pages 731-739
Development of thermal insulation materials with granular phase change composite....Pages 741-748
Examination of the relation between tensile/flexural strength and compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete according to prEN 12602....Pages 749-756
Modern perspectives on aggregate in concrete....Pages 757-764
Research developments and experimental data on dynamic concrete behaviour....Pages 765-773
Back Matter....Pages 775-784

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

The book is a compilation of recent research results on building construction materials. The construction industry consumes extreme volumes of material, and the growing demand for quality and safety require continuous improvement of materials and material compositions. A deep understanding of material behavior is essential to enable efficient construction: light-weight or heavily burdened structures ask for the development of innovative composites or new material compositions.

Civil Engineers and Materials Scientists from all over the world present their ideas for further material developments, the testing of structures and solutions for in situ applications. Many of the innovations, composites and the design of existing material mixes, especially for concrete, are discussed. These include high-strength and high-performance concrete (HPC), self-compacting concrete (SCC), shotcrete, and textile or fiber reinforced concrete (FRC).

Moreover, the enhancement of material variations and the improvement of their properties are observed for most construction materials (e.g. wood, masonry, steel, polymers).

This book gives a good overview about the state-of-the-art in construction material science. Some of the world’s leading experts have contributed in honor of Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans W. Reinhardt. The book starts with a review about his scientific achievements up to his recent retirement. Some contributions are presented at the conference "Advances in Construction Materials" (ACM2007) held in July 2007 in Stuttgart.

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