توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
پیشرفتها در مواد مهندسی، سازهها و سیستمها: نوآوریها، مکانیک و کاربردها شامل 411 مقاله است که در SEMC 2019، هفتمین کنفرانس بینالمللی مهندسی سازه، مکانیک و محاسبات، در کیپ تاون، آفریقای جنوبی، از 2 تا 4 برگزار شد. سپتامبر 2019. موضوع منعکس کننده دامنه وسیع کنفرانس های SEMC است و طیف گسترده ای از مواد مهندسی (اعم از سنتی و نوآورانه) و بسیاری از انواع سازه ها را پوشش می دهد. بسیاری از موضوعات ارائه شده در این مجموعه مقالات را می توان در شش دسته کلی طبقه بندی کرد که به آن می پردازد. با: (1) مکانیک مواد و سیالات (الاستیسیته، پلاستیسیته، جریان از طریق محیط متخلخل، دینامیک سیال، شکست، خستگی، آسیب، لایه لایه شدن، خوردگی، پیوند، خزش، انقباض، و غیره)؛ (2) مکانیک سازه ها و سیستم ها (دینامیک سازه، ارتعاش، پاسخ لرزه ای، اندرکنش خاک-سازه، اندرکنش سیال-سازه، واکنش به انفجار و ضربه، پاسخ به آتش، پایداری سازه، کمانش، رفتار فروریختن). (iii) مدلسازی عددی و آزمایش تجربی مواد و سازهها (روشهای عددی، تکنیکهای شبیهسازی، مدلسازی چند مقیاسی، مدلسازی محاسباتی، آزمایش آزمایشگاهی، آزمایش میدانی، اندازهگیریهای تجربی). (IV) نوآوریها و سازههای ویژه (نانو ساختارها، سازههای تطبیقی، سازههای هوشمند، سازههای مرکب، سازههای الهامگرفته از زیستی، سازههای پوستهای، غشاها، سازههای فضایی، سازههای سبک وزن، سازههای با دهانه بلند، ساختمانهای بلند، توربینهای بادی و غیره). (v) طراحی در مواد مهندسی سنتی (فولاد، بتن، کامپوزیت فولاد-بتن، آلومینیوم، بنایی، چوب، شیشه). (vi) فرآیند مهندسی سازه (مفهوم سازی، برنامه ریزی، تحلیل، طراحی، بهینه سازی، ساخت و ساز، مونتاژ، ساخت، آزمایش، نگهداری، نظارت، ارزیابی، تعمیر، تقویت، مقاوم سازی، از کار انداختن). SEMC 2019 Proceedings مورد توجه مهندسان عمران، سازه، مکانیک، دریایی و هوافضا خواهد بود. محققان، توسعه دهندگان، شاغلین و دانشگاهیان در این رشته ها آنها را مفید خواهند یافت. دو نسخه از مقالات موجود است. نسخههای کوتاه، خلاصهای مختصر اما مستقل از مقالات، در این کتاب چاپی موجود است. نسخه کامل مقالات در کتاب الکترونیکی موجود است.\" ---توضیحات ناشر.
فهرست مطالب :
Cover......Page 1
Half Title......Page 2
Title Page......Page 4
Copyright Page......Page 5
Table of Contents......Page 6
Preface......Page 28
Committees of the SEMC 2019 International Conference......Page 32
1: Keynotes......Page 38
Recent developments in cold-formed steel structures......Page 40
Advancing frontiers in finite element procedures......Page 48
Using fabric to shape appropriate FRP-reinforced concrete structures......Page 54
Application, behaviour and design of high performance steel-concrete composite structures......Page 60
2: Dynamic analysis, vibration response, vibration control, environmental vibrations, human-induced vibrations......Page 66
A surrogate model for vibration transmission in layered soil......Page 68
An efficient semi-analytical procedure for assessing aeolian vibrations of overhead transmission lines......Page 74
On the analysis of passive vibration mitigation of nose landing gears......Page 80
An iterative linear matrix inequality controller-design strategy for H∞ structural vibration control......Page 86
Inhomogeneous beam-like models for the dynamic analysis of multistorey buildings......Page 92
Influence of damping effect on the dynamic response of plate......Page 98
FEM modeling of different factors affecting the cross wind direction vibrations of a tall building steel spire......Page 104
Dynamic analysis of unbalanced rotary machine support structures considering the effect of loading on the geometric stiffness......Page 112
Hybrid approach for the assessment of vibrations and re-radiated noise in buildings due to railway traffic: Concept and preliminary validation......Page 116
Evaluating the effect of vibration isolation mats on train-induced ground vibrations......Page 122
Analysis of vibrations on the historical structures induced by technical seismicity......Page 128
Ground-borne vibrations induced by pile driving: Prediction based on numerical approach......Page 134
Offshore pile driving noise: Capability of numerical prediction models and ways to consider new technologies......Page 140
Dynamic structure response using surrogate models......Page 146
Surrogate models for the prediction of SFSI relevance in earthquake-induced vibrations of buildings: A case study......Page 152
A surrogate model to describe uncertainties in wood floor modal frequencies......Page 158
Influence of uncertain parameters on modal properties of wood floors......Page 164
Human induced vibration of staircases: Measurements and analysis......Page 170
Dynamic analysis of a steel footbridge under running pedestrians......Page 175
Serviceability assessment of a pedestrian bridge: Concrete vs. GFRP composite deck......Page 181
3: Seismic response, seismic analysis, earthquake-resistant design......Page 188
A new perspective on seismic Intensity Measures (IMs)......Page 190
Control of dynamic collapse mechanism of double layer truss walls by means of fuse type connections subjected to earthquake motion......Page 194
A rational methodology for the design of linked compound shear walls in tall buildings in high-seismic regions......Page 199
A frame structure with elastically embedded diaphragms for regions with increased seismicity......Page 205
The influence of spatial variations of mass eccentricities on the earthquake induced torsion in buildings......Page 211
The effect of the rupture distance of the earthquake on the seismic response of wind turbine support towers......Page 217
Numerical prediction of out-of-plane instability in RC walls subject to in-plane cyclic loading......Page 223
Experimental evaluation of CFS braced-truss shear wall under cyclic loading......Page 229
Effect of shear modulus and shape factor on the performance of prototype un-bonded fibre reinforced elastomeric isolators......Page 234
Evaluation of FEMA P-58 overturning fragility curves for freestanding building components......Page 240
The ‘skeleton curve’ as a tool for seismic risk analyses of buildings......Page 246
Seismic assessment of a U-beam composite material footbridge under earthquake sequence......Page 249
Benefits of submodeling in dynamic analysis of an integral bridge......Page 255
The analysis of damage evolution in a gravity dam under a seismic shock......Page 261
A case study for sloshing phenomenon in a cylindrical tank under seismic events: Numerical modeling and comparison with current regulations......Page 267
Seismic behaviour of Gothic transversal arcades: A preliminary parametric investigation......Page 273
4: Material modelling, multi-scale modelling, porous media, composite materials, functionally graded materials......Page 280
Modelling of nonlinear concrete behaviour – microplane and phase-field approaches......Page 282
Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete deep beams: Choice of unit cell and comparison with single-scale modelling......Page 288
A multiphase material model considering strain-induced crystallisation in polymers......Page 294
Bloch-based and homogenization procedures for investigating wave propagation periodic poroelastic structures......Page 300
On the simulation of fracking processes in porous media by use of a phase-field approach......Page 306
Hydrogels – a macroscopic approach based on microscopic physics......Page 310
Modelling the flexoelectric effect in solids......Page 315
A finite element formulation for freezing and thawing processes of ice within the framework of the TPM......Page 317
Comparative study on time-integrator schemes in a least-squares sea ice finite element formulation......Page 323
Development of a thermodynamically consistent model towards biogeochemical processes within Antarctic sea ice microstructure within the extended Theory of Porous Media (eTPM)......Page 329
Transition of the variational sensitivity analysis to polymorphic uncertainty quantification to soil investigations......Page 334
A multiscale and multiphase model for the description of function-perfusion processes in the human liver......Page 340
A hyperelastic biphasic fiber reinforced model of articular cartilage incorporating the influences of osmotic pressure and damage......Page 345
Nonlocal simulation of failure evolution with MD and MPM: A case study......Page 351
3D truss model for large deformations and large strains: Nonlinear formulation and continuum mechanical aspects......Page 357
Invariant-free hyperelasticity using a fourth-order structural tensor approach......Page 363
Vibration analysis of stochastic open-cell foam......Page 368
Novel vistas on the foundations of peridynamics......Page 374
A semi-analytical method of solution of contact problems on indentation of coated elastic and electroelastic piezoelectric solids......Page 376
On nonlinear thermo-magneto-electro-elasticity and FE analysis of magneto-electro-elastic structures......Page 381
Computational modelling of the dynamics of sea ice in the Antarctic marginal ice zone......Page 387
A review on modelling of brine transport mechanisms in sea ice......Page 393
A rational framework for dynamic homogenization at finite wavelengths and frequencies......Page 399
5: Micromechanics of advanced materials and processes, manufacturing processes, assembly processes......Page 406
Deformation characteristics in 6H silicon carbide – effects of length scale and irradiation......Page 408
Modelling the temperature and strain-rate effects of extruded magnesium alloy accounting for deformation slip and twinning......Page 412
Plastic deformation micro-mechanisms in magnesium and its alloys......Page 416
Mapping high temperature strain localisation in steel weldments using digital image correlation......Page 420
Initiation and growth of short cracks in a nickel-based single crystal superalloy......Page 425
Optimising the performance of interference-fitted work rolls......Page 429
Improved structural mechanics simulation by considering residual stress and strain properties from metal forming simulation......Page 434
Stochastic modelling of the cold forming process......Page 440
Vibration-assisted robotic machining in advanced materials......Page 445
Relation between part curvature and warpage in injection molding process......Page 447
Influence of material properties on spontaneous buckling of thin-walled injection molded parts......Page 451
3-D-printing with steel: Additive manufacturing of connection elements......Page 456
The influence of material temperature on the in-print strength and stability of a 3D print mortar......Page 462
FEM modelling of digitally printed concrete structures using 3D extrusion......Page 468
Modelling crack-tip behaviour in a directionally solidified nickel alloy under fatigue-oxidation conditions......Page 474
Evaluation of the adhesive bonding of aluminum alloys produced by Hot Form Quenching for automotive applications......Page 480
6: Composite structures, laminated structures, sandwich structures......Page 484
Finite element modeling of CFRP fuselage panels under high velocity transverse impact loading......Page 486
From buckliphobes to buckliphiles: Recent developments in exploiting positive virtues of instability......Page 492
Optimal location of active piezoelectric sensors and actuators for noise reduction in composite sandwich panels......Page 499
Multiscale nanocomposites and laminates reinforced by carbon nanotubes and fibres......Page 505
A similarity transformation leading to an exact transfer matrix for the composite beam-column with refined zigzag kinematics: A benchmark example......Page 511
Compressive behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic lattice structures......Page 517
Axial and flexional behaviour of elastic nano-beams by stress-driven two-phase elasticity......Page 523
Multilayer composite beam-column with refined zigzag kinematics resting on variable two-parameter foundation......Page 529
Design and multi-objective optimization of a composite impact attenuator for a Formula Student car......Page 535
Isotropic and orthotropic parameter identification from full field bulge inflation tests on PVC-coated polyester......Page 541
Flexural response of composite fibre cement sheeting-cementitious polystyrene sandwich panels......Page 547
Nonlinear static FE-analysis of smart piezolaminated FGM shells at finite rotations......Page 553
7: Numerical schemes, numerical simulations, computing, finite element modelling, finite element analysis......Page 560
Simulation of buoyancy-driven fracture propagation using the displacement discontinuity boundary element method......Page 562
Chances of real-time simulation in FE analyses with conventional hardware......Page 568
Evaluating artificial neural networks and quantum computing for solving mechanical boundary value problems......Page 574
An efficient Latin hypercube sampling for probabilistic nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures......Page 580
Finite element analysis of concrete members reinforced with GFRP reinforcements......Page 586
Numerical simulation of carbon reinforced concrete structures and uncertain data......Page 592
A 3D beam element to study torsion of steel open sections exposed to fire......Page 598
Friction moments of ball joint supports used in structural test rigs subjected to cyclic loading......Page 603
8: Damage mechanics, damage modelling, fracture, fatigue......Page 610
Prediction of the initial fatigue crack location of automatically welded tubular joints for jacket support structures......Page 612
FE modeling of fracture in quasi-brittle material......Page 618
Virtual testing of plasticity effects on fatigue crack initiation......Page 624
Cyclic properties of P91 steel at variable temperatures......Page 630
The effects of aspect ratio and bi-axial loading on the initiation of plastic deformation in three-dimensional semi-elliptical effects......Page 635
A study on delamination onset and propagation in CFRP beam specimens with mechanical coupling......Page 639
Fatigue analysis of a vehicle using vibration modes......Page 643
Modelling of discrete cracks in reinforced concrete plates with the Strong Discontinuity Approach (SDA)......Page 648
Microstructural analysis of crack growth caused by static and dynamic loads in a carbon fiber reinforced cement paste......Page 654
Effects of impactor mass on pultruded profiles subjected to low-velocity impacts......Page 660
Finite element modelling of tensile reinforcement laps in steel fibre reinforced concrete......Page 665
Finite element modelling of steel/concrete bond for corroded reinforcement......Page 669
Theoretical fatigue response of plantain fiber based composites in structural applications......Page 675
Design of pressurised pipes subjected to mechanochemical corrosion......Page 681
A phase field modeling of dynamic brittle fracture at finite strains......Page 687
Strain-based approach to fatigue crack initiation on high-strength-steel welded joints under multiaxial loading......Page 693
Experimental investigation of water leakages through a longitudinal crack due to expansion of the pipe material under pressure......Page 699
9: Renewable energy structures, fluid-structure interaction......Page 704
Wind turbine structures – challenges and market needs......Page 706
Efficient time-domain hydrodynamic model for floating offshore wind turbines using rational approximations......Page 712
Modal dynamics of a three-bladed tri-rotor wind turbine......Page 718
The influence of uncertain soil conditions on the dynamic response of offshore wind turbines using an efficient time-domain model......Page 724
On the design of monopile foundations for monotonic and cyclic loading......Page 730
Structural vibration considerations for the design of onshore piled wind turbine foundations......Page 736
Influence of geometry on the dynamic behaviour of steel tubular towers for onshore wind turbines......Page 742
Experiment research of basin tuned and particle damper for wind turbine tower on shaker......Page 748
Dynamic response analysis of spar-type floating wind turbines against ship collision......Page 754
Effect of coupling with internal and external fluids on the mechanical behavior of aerostats......Page 760
Nonlinear fluid-structure interaction of a restrained slender body of revolution at high angles of attack......Page 766
Vibration fatigue analysis of liquid-filled pipelines considering fluid-structure interaction......Page 772
Segment gate model testing of the Staji´cevo Sluice......Page 778
10: Blast, impact, shock and explosion loading......Page 784
Near-field blast loading and transient target response: A collaboration between Sheffield and Cape Town......Page 786
A dimensionless number for shock-structure interaction......Page 792
Numerical evaluation of simple blast wall system to be used in developing countries......Page 798
Numerical simulation of underwater subway tunnel subjected to internal blast loading......Page 804
Response of a structural target to an explosive charge incorporating foreign objects......Page 810
Comparison of curved GFRE foam sandwich panels response to close-proximity air-blast loading: Influence of curvature and load direction......Page 816
Investigation into the effect of V-tip radius on the blast performance of steel V-plates......Page 821
Simulation of ATD pelvic response of an under body blast......Page 825
Dynamic response of blast loaded metal plates with composite beam stiffeners......Page 831
Crash analysis of foam and concrete filled automatic retractable bollard under vehicle impact......Page 836
Assessment of deformation pattern and energy absorption capacity of a novel fourfold-tube nested system under oblique impact loading......Page 842
Blast mitigation of reinforced concrete hollow core slabs using CFRP as externally bonded reinforcement......Page 847
Experimental response of S2-glass fibre reinforced composites subjected to localised blast loading......Page 853
11: Stability of beams, columns and thin-walled sections......Page 860
Complementary shear and transversal elongation modes in Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) for thin-walled circular cross-sections......Page 862
On stability and load-bearing capacity of thin-walled composite profiles subjected to eccentric compression......Page 868
Stiffening strategies for perforated plate girders under shear loading......Page 874
Optical experimental investigations of thin-walled channel beams with non-standard flange......Page 879
Effects of large displacements on the flexural-torsional buckling resistance of steel H-section beam-columns......Page 885
Stabilization effect on portal frames given by stressed skin action of sandwich panels......Page 891
Common criterion for structures critical states......Page 897
On the lateral-torsional buckling of non-uniform C-beams......Page 903
Main influences on the shape of failure of large-scale buckling tests under biaxial stresses......Page 907
On LTB predictions using equivalent geometric imperfection modeling......Page 910
Buckling of the flexible rod under shock loads......Page 916
Experimental investigation of distortional-lateral torsional buckling interaction of single channels restrained by angle cleats......Page 921
12: Plates, shells, membranes, cables, cable-stayed structures, lightweight structures, space structures......Page 926
Structural system design of spatial and shell structures by means of Album of Spatial Structures (ALOSS)......Page 928
Details and assembly of two cladded double curved cable net roofs......Page 933
Sandwich panels in buildings: Core, structure and design......Page 939
Frequencies of vibrations of a spherical shell with all-around pressure......Page 945
Buckling of rectangular nanoplates......Page 951
Thermal post-buckling behavior of functionally graded plates with nonlinear temperature distribution......Page 955
Some results in the theory of chiral Cosserat elastic plates......Page 960
Stresses in a pressurised parabolic ogival toroidal vessel......Page 965
Buckling of parabolic ogival toroidal vessels under external pressure......Page 971
Validation of a numerically inflated polyethylene bag......Page 977
The human body: An instantaneously and dynamically self-equilibrating tensegrity structure......Page 983
Paper-based water tower for post-disaster emergency scenarios......Page 989
Non-linear analysis of tall telecommunication towers in South Africa......Page 994
A new mechanical model for metallic wire ropes......Page 1000
High-strength composite materials in design process of tensegrity structures......Page 1006
13: Adaptive structures, smart structures......Page 1012
Concentric joint connectors for form-changing space frames......Page 1014
Manufacturing, optimization and design of electroactive CNT-actuators for adaptive building envelopes......Page 1020
Integrating structure and control design using tensegrity paradigm......Page 1026
Optimal prestress design of the band gap dynamics in tensegrity metamaterials......Page 1032
Adaptive structures of resilient cyclic knots......Page 1037
Actuation of structural concrete elements under bending stress with integrated fluidic actuators......Page 1042
Structures that adapt to loads through large shape changes: Design and optimization......Page 1047
Design of thermally deformable laminates using machine learning......Page 1053
The integration of actuation concepts and adaptive elements into an experimental high-rise building......Page 1059
Design and control of adaptive tensegrity sunscreens......Page 1064
Design and development of a morphing wing utilising flexible materials......Page 1070
Synthesis of shape-adaptive plain bearings......Page 1076
Characterization of variable stiffness joints for adaptive structures......Page 1082
Design and optimization of pre-tension forces in cable-stayed bridges......Page 1088
14: Cold-formed steel structures, stainless steel structures, aluminium structures......Page 1094
Testing and analysis of shear connectors between cold-formed steel members and wood-based panels......Page 1096
Numerical modelling of prestressed composite cold-formed steel flooring systems......Page 1102
Elastic buckling analysis of asymmetrically braced steel storage racks......Page 1108
Tests of cold-formed steel built-up open section beam-columns......Page 1114
Material property characterization of advanced high strength cold-formed steel......Page 1120
Parametric study of cold formed steel joints using the component method......Page 1126
Load capacity of cold-formed column members of lipped channel cross-section with perforations subjected to compression loading – results of more detailed parametric study and proposals of design code modifications......Page 1132
Behaviour factor evaluation of CFS shear walls with gypsum board sheathing according to FEMA P695......Page 1138
Structural stainless steel design by advanced analysis with CSM strain limits......Page 1144
Stainless steel beams of slender I-section......Page 1150
An assessment of rolled stainless steel angles under compression......Page 1155
Fatigue design of aluminum structures......Page 1161
Numerical study of distortional-lateral torsional buckling interaction of single channels restrained by angle cleats......Page 1167
Lipped cold-formed starred angles in compression......Page 1172
15: Steel structures, steel connections, steel-concrete composite construction......Page 1178
Development of a new method for the direct numerical consideration of welding effects in the component design of welded plate girders......Page 1180
Behavior of RHS X-joints having high brace to chord width ratio under axial compression......Page 1185
Finite element modeling of steel tubes filled with rubberized concrete under cyclic loading......Page 1191
On elastic buckling of bisymmetric H-section steel elements under bending and compression......Page 1197
An investigation on residual stress re-distribution and deformation of H-rolled beam end under partial volume loss process......Page 1205
Influence of steel brackets supporting crane runway girders structure on the stress distribution in the brackets......Page 1210
Performance of welded flange plate joints between steel beams and box columns without continuity plates......Page 1216
Estimation of rotation capacity of monosymmetric I-beams......Page 1221
Adaptation or adoption of Eurocode steel design: A comparison with South African standard......Page 1226
Assessing the ultimate load capacity of plate-shaped and hollow section steel components under tension using damage mechanics......Page 1232
A hygro-thermo-chemical-mechanical model for the service response of composite steel-concrete floor systems......Page 1238
The study on structural characteristics for the steel concrete composite slab using Deformed Flange T-shapes......Page 1244
Column base connections subjected to axial compression and biaxial moments......Page 1250
Artificial neural network prediction of bearing capacity of welded columns based on simplified welding simulations......Page 1256
Numerical validation of LRPH behaviour by FEM analysis......Page 1261
Bending and shear response of bonded steel sections......Page 1267
Concrete-filled double-skin circular tubes with high strength concrete......Page 1272
Cost optimization of structures and connections using the VirtualWork Optimization Method......Page 1276
16: High strength steel, high performance steel......Page 1282
Testing of hot-finished high strength steel SHS and RHS utilising advanced experimental techniques......Page 1284
Experimental investigation on the fatigue strength assessment of welded joints made of S1100 ultra-high-strength steel in as-welded and post-weld treated condition......Page 1291
Effects of residual stresses on fatigue crack initiation of butt-welded plates made of high strength steel......Page 1297
Behavior of double-shear high strength steel bolted connections at elevated temperatures......Page 1303
Design and execution of welded connections at high-strength steels......Page 1308
Stability design of high strength steel members......Page 1314
Experimental and numerical investigation on HSS stiffened curved plates......Page 1320
Welded connections in innovative high strength steel constructions......Page 1326
Fatigue strength of high strength steel butt-welded connections......Page 1332
Experimental and numerical analyses of high-strength steel welds......Page 1337
Bearing behavior of bolted connections in high strength steel......Page 1343
Influence of residual stresses on the behaviour of flat and curved steel plates......Page 1349
Pre-tensioned UHS steel bracing system for CFS structures: Planning of research project......Page 1355
17: Reinforced concrete structures, prestressed concrete......Page 1362
Control of shrinkage cracking in reinforced concrete members with end restraint......Page 1364
Modelling of reinforced concrete structures subjected to cyclic loading......Page 1370
Probabilistic and semi-probabilistic design of large concrete beams failing in shear......Page 1376
Resistance to diagonal tension cracking of single span prestressed girders......Page 1382
Shear design of concrete bridge decks without shear reinforcement......Page 1387
Comparing Eurocode 2 prestress loss estimations to strains measured on a pretensioned bridge beam......Page 1391
Non-linear analysis of prestressed concrete T-beams......Page 1397
Evaluation of shear capacity of prestressed concrete beams using the Softened Membrane Model for Prestressed Concrete (SMM-PC)......Page 1403
Flexural behavior of concrete beams with PET reinforcement......Page 1409
Mechanical analysis of prestressed concrete curved bridges......Page 1414
18: High strength concrete, high performance concrete, fibre-reinforced concrete......Page 1420
Innovative applications of steel fibre reinforced concrete......Page 1422
Numerical calibration of elasto-plastic phase-field modeling of fracture for experimental pullout tests of single steel fibers embedded in high-performance concrete......Page 1428
Analysis of load-induced temperature development in UHPC under cyclic compressive loading......Page 1434
Numerical investigation on effects of steel fibers content on flexural behavior of UHPCC......Page 1440
Modelling of fibre-reinforced concrete by a fibre super-element overlay mesh......Page 1446
A multi-scale finite element analysis and sectional design approach for the creep of polymeric FRC......Page 1452
Numerical investigations on grouted segment joints for UHPC-structures......Page 1458
DEM simulation and electron microscopy analysis of the fatigue behavior of ultra-high performance concrete......Page 1464
Influence of fibre orientation on pull-out behaviour of PVA microfibre embedded in cement-based matrix under monotonic and cyclic loading......Page 1470
Experimental characterization of effective mechanical properties of (micro-) fractured high performance concrete......Page 1476
Deterioration development of steel fibre reinforced high performance concrete in low-cycle fatigue......Page 1481
Experimental investigation of load-induced increase of temperature in UHPC......Page 1487
Implementing image analysis to assess the variability in flexural response of SFRC......Page 1493
Pull-out behaviour of smooth steel microfibres embedded in UHPC......Page 1499
Influence of aggregate morphological characteristics on the fracture resistance of high performance concrete......Page 1505
Cracking behaviour of carbon textile reinforced concrete members......Page 1511
Influence of water in the microstructure on the fatigue deterioration of high-strength concrete......Page 1517
Flexural behavior of polymer-based textile-reinforced concrete using basalt fibers......Page 1523
Acoustic emission due to fatigue damage mechanisms in high-strength concrete with different aggregates......Page 1528
Steel fibre orientation by means of magnetic field......Page 1534
The influence of fibre orientation on the mechanical properties of cement composites......Page 1538
19: Structural applications of FRP composites......Page 1544
Computational simulation of shear behavior of scaled GFRP-reinforced concrete beams......Page 1546
Bond between FRP bars and fine-grain high-performance concrete with CFRP mesh confinement......Page 1552
Structural analysis of FRP parts from waste wind turbine blades for building reuse applications......Page 1557
Influence of adhesive thickness on stress transfer between steel and CFRP plates......Page 1562
Shear capacity of BFRP reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement......Page 1568
Flexural performance of extremely damaged reinforced concrete beams after SRP repair......Page 1574
Recycling and reuse of carbon fiber reinforcement......Page 1580
Shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams with GFRP needles as coarse aggregate partial replacement: Full-scale experiments......Page 1585
F-RCM bundle as connection in multiple leaf masonry: Experimental investigation......Page 1591
Effect of different temperatures on epoxy adhesive used in near surface mounted FRP bars strengthened concrete masonry unit under direct shear test......Page 1597
Durability assessment of non-steel reinforcement after more than ten years of service......Page 1603
Towards rational design approaches for FRP reinforced concrete structures in fire......Page 1607
Seismic response of pultruded GFRP frame using Multi-Continuum Theory......Page 1613
Review and assessment of various theories for modeling durability of GFRP reinforcement for concrete structures......Page 1619
20: Mechanics of concrete, properties of concrete, construction materials, construction technology, pavement design......Page 1626
Recycling of cement stabilised gravel base material in a highway into aggregates for concrete......Page 1628
Study of finite element model on skid resistance for pavement made of engineered cementitious composite......Page 1632
Thermo-mechanical material properties of concrete in the cooling phase......Page 1638
Study of the impact of cement type used on selected physical and mechanical properties of aerated SCC concrete......Page 1644
Mechanical strength and freeze-thaw resistance of fly ash alkaline-based mortars containing recycled aggregates submitted to accelerated carbonation......Page 1649
Effect of silicon carbide (SiC) nanoparticles on 3D printability of cement-based materials......Page 1653
Using existing models and finite element analysis to predict the long term deformation of lightweight foamed concrete......Page 1659
Mechanical properties of fly ash alkaline-based mortars containing recycled aggregates and reinforced by hemp fibres submitted to accelerated carbonation......Page 1664
The use of PET pellets in cement stabilized compressed earth bricks......Page 1668
Ground granulated blast-furnace and corex slag – comparative study......Page 1673
Multi criteria analysis for the functional performance of surface pavement......Page 1678
Cost and environmental performance of waste based alkali-activated mortars......Page 1684
Effect on concrete properties of mixing and curing with seawater: Compression and tension tests......Page 1689
21: Masonry structures, glass structures, timber structures, properties of wood......Page 1696
A semi-analytical approach to the evaluation of the local collapse mechanisms of masonry domes subject to seismic loads......Page 1698
Research into the effect of grouting on physical-mechanical properties of historic masonry......Page 1704
Limiting structural damage on masonry structures due to foundation movement..
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
"Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications comprises 411 papers that were presented at SEMC 2019, the Seventh International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 2 to 4 September 2019. The subject matter reflects the broad scope of SEMC conferences, and covers a wide variety of engineering materials (both traditional and innovative) and many types of structures. The many topics featured in these Proceedings can be classified into six broad categories that deal with: (i) the mechanics of materials and fluids (elasticity, plasticity, flow through porous media, fluid dynamics, fracture, fatigue, damage, delamination, corrosion, bond, creep, shrinkage, etc); (ii) the mechanics of structures and systems (structural dynamics, vibration, seismic response, soil-structure interaction, fluid-structure interaction, response to blast and impact, response to fire, structural stability, buckling, collapse behaviour); (iii) the numerical modelling and experimental testing of materials and structures (numerical methods, simulation techniques, multi-scale modelling, computational modelling, laboratory testing, field testing, experimental measurements); (iv) innovations and special structures (nanostructures, adaptive structures, smart structures, composite structures, bio-inspired structures, shell structures, membranes, space structures, lightweight structures, long-span structures, tall buildings, wind turbines, etc); (v) design in traditional engineering materials (steel, concrete, steel-concrete composite, aluminium, masonry, timber, glass); (vi) the process of structural engineering (conceptualisation, planning, analysis, design, optimization, construction, assembly, manufacture, testing, maintenance, monitoring, assessment, repair, strengthening, retrofitting, decommissioning). The SEMC 2019 Proceedings will be of interest to civil, structural, mechanical, marine and aerospace engineers. Researchers, developers, practitioners and academics in these disciplines will find them useful. Two versions of the papers are available. Short versions, intended to be concise but self-contained summaries of the full papers, are in this printed book. The full versions of the papers are in the e-book." ---Publisher's description.