توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مقالات منتخب با کیفیت بالا را گردآوری میکند که در کنفرانس بینالمللی یادگیری ماشین و هوش محاسباتی (ICMLCI-2019) که به طور مشترک توسط دانشگاه علم و فناوری Kunming و Interscience سازماندهی شده است، گردآوری شده است. شبکه تحقیقاتی، بوبانسوار، هند، از 6 تا 7 آوریل 2019. پرداختن به تقریباً تمام جنبه های سیستم های هوشمند، محاسبات نرم و یادگیری ماشین، موضوعات تحت پوشش عبارتند از: پیش بینی؛ داده کاوی؛ بازیابی اطلاعات؛ بازی؛ رباتیک؛ روش های یادگیری؛ تجسم الگو؛ کسب دانش خودکار؛ محاسبات فازی، تصادفی و احتمالی؛ محاسبات عصبی؛ اطلاعات بزرگ؛ شبکه های اجتماعی و کاربردهای محاسبات نرم در حوزه های مختلف.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xviii
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Intrusion Detection Using a Hybrid Sequential Model (Abhishek Sinha, Aditya Pandey, P. S. Aishwarya)....Pages 3-12
Simulation and Analysis of the PV Arrays Connected to Buck–Boost Converters Using MPPT Technique by Implementing Incremental Conductance Algorithm and Integral Controller (D. S. Sumedha, R. Shreyas, Juthik B. V., Melisa Miranda)....Pages 13-25
A New Congestion Control Algorithm for SCTP (S Syam Kumar, T. A. Sumesh)....Pages 27-36
RGNet: The Novel Framework to Model Linked ResearchGate Information into Network Using Hierarchical Data Rendering (Mitali Desai, Rupa G. Mehta, Dipti P. Rana)....Pages 37-45
A New Approach for Momentum Particle Swarm Optimization (Rohan Mohapatra, Rohan R. Talesara, Saloni Govil, Snehanshu Saha, Soma S. Dhavala, TSB Sudarshan)....Pages 47-63
Neural Networks Modeling Based on Recent Global Optimization Techniques (Anwar Jarndal, Sadeque Hamdan, Sanaa Muhaureq, Maamar Bettayeb)....Pages 65-75
Front Matter ....Pages 77-77
Network Intrusion Detection Model Using One-Class Support Vector Machine (Ahmed M. Mahfouz, Abdullah Abuhussein, Deepak Venugopal, Sajjan G. Shiva)....Pages 79-86
Query Performance Analysis Tool for Distributed Systems (Madhu Bhan, K. Rajanikanth)....Pages 87-96
A Robust Multiple Moving Vehicle Tracking for Intelligent Transportation System (N. Kavitha, D. N. Chandrappa)....Pages 97-111
Bug Priority Assessment in Cross-Project Context Using Entropy-Based Measure (Meera Sharma, Madhu Kumari, V. B. Singh)....Pages 113-128
Internet of Things Security Using Machine Learning (Bhabendu Kumar Mohanta, Debasish Jena)....Pages 129-136
Churn Prediction and Retention in Banking, Telecom and IT Sectors Using Machine Learning Techniques (Himani Jain, Garima Yadav, R. Manoov)....Pages 137-156
Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Adaptive Transmission and Retransmission Scheme for URLLC in 5G (Annapurna Pradhan, Susmita Das)....Pages 157-164
Deep Learning-Based Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery Using TensorFlow (Atithee Apoorva, Gopal Krishna Mishra, Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Sourav Kumar Bhoi, Chittaranjan Mallick)....Pages 165-177
Modern Approach for Loan Sanctioning in Banks Using Machine Learning (Golak Bihari Rath, Debasish Das, BiswaRanjan Acharya)....Pages 179-188
Machine Learning for Customer Segmentation Through Bibliometric Approach (Lopamudra Behera, Pragyan Nanda, Bhagyashree Mohanta, Rojalin Behera, Srikanta Patnaik)....Pages 189-206
Online Hostel Management System Using Hybridized Techniques of Random Forest Algorithm and Long Short-Term Memory (S. Suriya, G. Meenakshi Sundaram, R. Abhishek, A. B. Ajay Vignesh)....Pages 207-218
Improving Accuracy of Software Estimation Using Stacking Ensemble Method (P. Sampath Kumar, R. Venkatesan)....Pages 219-227
EEG-Based Automated Detection of Schizophrenia Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network (A. Nikhil Chandran, Karthik Sreekumar, D. P. Subha)....Pages 229-236
Prediction of University Examination Results with Machine Learning Approach (S. Karthik Viswanath, P. B. Mohanram, Krijeshan Gowthaman, Chamundeswari Arumugam)....Pages 237-245
Surveillance System to Provide Secured Gait Signatures in Multi-view Variations Using Deep Learning (Anubha Parashar, Apoorva Parashar, Vidyadhar Aski, Rajveer Singh Shekhawat)....Pages 247-254
Usage of Multilingual Indexing for Retrieving the Information in Multiple Language (A. R. Chayapathi, G. Sunil Kumar, J. Thriveni, K. R. Venugopal)....Pages 255-264
Using Bootstrap Aggregating Equipped with SVM and T-SNE Classifiers for Cryptography (Neeraja Narayanswamy, Siddhaling Urolagin)....Pages 265-273
Application of Apriori Algorithm on Examination Scores (M. A. Anwar, Sayed Sayeed Ahmed, Mohammad A. U. Khan)....Pages 275-281
Small Embed Cross-validated JPEG Steganalysis in Spatial and Transform Domain Using SVM (Deepa D. Shankar, Adresya Suresh Azhakath)....Pages 283-291
Performance Analysis of Fruits Classification System Using Deep Learning Techniques (L. Rajasekar, D. Sharmila, Madhumithaa Rameshkumar, Balram Singh Yuwaraj)....Pages 293-301
Early Detection of Locust Swarms Using Deep Learning (Karthika Suresh Kumar, Aamer Abdul Rahman)....Pages 303-310
Prediction of lncRNA-Cancer Association Using Topic Model on Graphs (Manu Madhavan, Reshma Stephen, G Gopakumar)....Pages 311-319
Sales Prediction Using Linear and KNN Regression (Shreya Kohli, Gracia Tabitha Godwin, Siddhaling Urolagin)....Pages 321-329
Image Captioning Using Gated Recurrent Units (Jagadish Nayak, Yatharth Kher, Sarthak Sethi)....Pages 331-340
A BERT-Based Question Representation for Improved Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering Systems (C. M. Suneera, Jay Prakash)....Pages 341-348
Kinect-Based Outdoor Navigation for the Visually Challenged Using Deep Learning (Anand Subramanian, N. Venkateswaran, W. Jino Hans)....Pages 349-357
Prediction of Stock Market Prices of Using Recurrent Neural Network—Long Short-Term Memory (Haritha Harikrishnan, Siddhaling Urolagin)....Pages 359-368
Identifying Exoplanets Using Deep Learning and Predicting Their Likelihood of Habitability (Somil Mathur, Sujith Sizon, Nilesh Goel)....Pages 369-379
Use of Artificial Intelligence for Health Insurance Claims Automation (Jaskanwar Singh, Siddhaling Urolagin)....Pages 381-392
Sentiment Analysis and Prediction of Point of Interest-Based Visitors’ Review (Jeel Patel, Siddhaling Urolagin)....Pages 393-401
Soil Analysis Using Clustering Algorithm in Davao Region (Oneil B. Victoriano)....Pages 403-411
Gold Tree Sorting and Classification Using Support Vector Machine Classifier (R. S. Sabeenian, M. E. Paramasivam, Pon Selvan, Eldho Paul, P. M. Dinesh, T. Shanthi et al.)....Pages 413-422
Front Matter ....Pages 423-423
Dynamic Economic Dispatch Using Harmony Search Algorithm (Arun Kumar Sahoo, Tapas Kumar Panigrahi, Jagannath Paramguru, Ambika Prasad Hota)....Pages 425-435
Packing Density of a Tori-Connected Flattened Butterfly Network (Md. Abdur Rahim, M. M. Hafizur Rahman, M. A. H Akhand, Dhiren K. Behera)....Pages 437-444
A Study on Digital Fundus Images of Retina for Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy (Cheena Mohanty, Sakuntala Mahapatra, Madhusmita Mohanty)....Pages 445-455
Design of Mathematical Model for Analysis of Smart City and GIS-Based Crime Mapping (Sunil Kumar Panigrahi, Rabindra Barik, Priyabrata Sahu)....Pages 457-465
Pattern Storage and Recalling Analysis of Hopfield Network for Handwritten Odia Characters Using HOG (Ramesh Chandra Sahoo, Sateesh Kumar Pradhan)....Pages 467-476
A Distributed Solution to the Multi-robot Task Allocation Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization and Bat Algorithm (Farouq Zitouni, Saad Harous, Ramdane Maamri)....Pages 477-490
Collective Intelligence of Gravitational Search Algorithm, Big Bang–Big Crunch and Flower Pollination Algorithm for Face Recognition (Arshveer Kaur, Lavika Goel)....Pages 491-500
Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for PV Panel (Mahesh Kumar, Krishna Kumar Pandey, Amita Kumari, Jagdish Kumar)....Pages 501-510
Front Matter ....Pages 511-511
A Survey on Cloud Computing Security Issues, Attacks and Countermeasures (Deepak Ranjan Panda, Susanta Kumar Behera, Debasish Jena)....Pages 513-524
Mitigating Cloud Computing Cybersecurity Risks Using Machine Learning Techniques (Bharati Mishra, Debasish Jena)....Pages 525-531
A Modified Round Robin Method to Enhance the Performance in Cloud Computing (Amit Sharma, Amaresh Sahu)....Pages 533-543
Channel Capacity Under CIFR Transmission Protocol for Asymmetric Relaying (Brijesh Kumar Singh, Mainak Mukhopadhyay)....Pages 545-553
Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Sensor Network Using Different Variant of Greedy Simulated Annealing (Aswini Ghosh, Sriyankar Acharyya)....Pages 555-565
Fire Detection and Controlling Robot Using IoT (Mohit Sawant, Riddhi Pagar, Deepali Zutshi, Sumitra Sadhukhan)....Pages 567-577
DDoS Prevention: Review and Issues (Shail Saharan, Vishal Gupta)....Pages 579-586
Early Detection of Foot Pressure Monitoring for Sports Person Using IoT (A. Meena Kabilan, K. Agathiyan, Gandham Venkata Sai Lohit)....Pages 587-594
Development and Simulation of a Novel Approach for Dynamic Workload Allocation Between Fog and Cloud Servers (Animesh Kumar Tiwari, Anurag Dutta, Ashutosh Tewari, Rajasekar Mohan)....Pages 595-602
A Novel Strategy for Energy Optimal Designs of IoT and WSNs (Rajveer Singh Shekhawat, Mohamed Amin Benatia, David Baudry)....Pages 603-610
Multichannel Biosensor for Skin Type Analysis (V. L. Nandhini, K. Suresh Babu, Sandip Kumar Roy, Preeta Sharan)....Pages 611-619
LoBAC: A Secure Location-Based Access Control Model for E-Healthcare System (Ashish Singh, Kakali Chatterjee)....Pages 621-628
Autonomous Electronic Guiding Stick Using IoT for the Visually Challenged (R. Krithiga, S. C. Prasanna)....Pages 629-634
Handling Heterogeneity in an IoT Infrastructure (B. M. Rashma, Suchitha Macherla, Achintya Jaiswal, G. Poornima)....Pages 635-643
Recent Trends in Internet of Medical Things: A Review (Ananya Bajaj, Meghna Bhatnagar, Anamika Chauhan)....Pages 645-656
Front Matter ....Pages 657-657
Cryptanalysis of Modification in Hill Cipher for Cryptographic Application (K. Vishwa Nageshwar, N. Ravi Shankar)....Pages 659-666
Wearable Assistance Device for the Visually Impaired (Devashree Vaishnav, B. Rama Rao, Dattatray Bade)....Pages 667-676
A Hybrid Approach Based on Lp1 Norm-Based Filters and Normalized Cut Segmentation for Salient Object Detection (Subhashree Abinash, Sabyasachi Pattnaik)....Pages 677-686
Decentralizing AI Using Blockchain Technology for Secure Decision Making (Soumyashree S. Panda, Debasish Jena)....Pages 687-694
Speech Recognition Using Spectrogram-Based Visual Features (Vishal H. Shah, Mahesh Chandra)....Pages 695-704
Deployment of RFID Technology in Steel Manufacturing Industry—An Inventory Management Prospective (Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Duryodhan Jena, Arpita Jena)....Pages 705-719
Sparse Channel and Antenna Array Performance of Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter Wave Systems (Divya Singh, Aasheesh Shukla)....Pages 721-728
Electromyography-Based Detection of Human Hand Movement Gestures (C. H. Shameem Sharmina, Rajesh Reghunadhan)....Pages 729-735
Bluetooth-Based Traffic Tracking System Using ESP32 Microcontroller (Alwaleed Khalid, Irfan Memon)....Pages 737-746
A Novel Solution for Stable and High-Quality Power for Power System with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Transmission by HVDC (C. John De Britto, S. Nagarajan)....Pages 747-753
Blockchain Technology: A Concise Survey on Its Use Cases and Applications (B. Suganya, I. S. Akila)....Pages 755-763
Design and Implementation of Night Time Data Acquisition and Control System for Day and Night Glow Photometer (K. Miziya, P. Pradeep Kumar, C. Vineeth, T. K. Pant, T. G. Anumod)....Pages 765-773
Supplier’s Strategic Bidding for Profit Maximization with Solar Power in a Day-Ahead Market (Satyendra Singh, Manoj Fozdar)....Pages 775-784
Police FIR Registration and Tracking Using Consortium Blockchain (Vikas Hassija, Aarya Patel, Vinay Chamola)....Pages 785-794
KYC as a Service (KASE)—A Blockchain Approach (Dhiren Patel, Hrishikesh Suslade, Jayant Rane, Pratik Prabhu, Sanjeet Saluja, Yann Busnel)....Pages 795-803
Enhancing Image Caption Quality with Pre-post Image Injections (T. Adithya Praveen, J. Angel Arul Jothi)....Pages 805-812
Integral Sliding Mode for Nonlinear System: A Control-Lyapunov Function Approach (Ankit Sachan, Herman Al Ayubi, Mohit Kumar Garg)....Pages 813-823
FileShare: A Blockchain and IPFS Framework for Secure File Sharing and Data Provenance (Shreya Khatal, Jayant Rane, Dhiren Patel, Pearl Patel, Yann Busnel)....Pages 825-833
NFC-Based Smart Insulin Pump, Integrated with Stabilizing Technology for Hand Tremor and Parkinson’s Victims (Advait Brahme, Shaunak Choudhary, Manasi Agrawal, Atharva Kukade, Bharati Dixit)....Pages 835-842
Digital Forensics: Essential Competencies of Cyber-Forensics Practitioners (Chamundeswari Arumugam, Saraswathi Shunmuganathan)....Pages 843-851
Hybrid Pixel-Based Method for Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on Integration of Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) (R. Indhumathi, S. Nagarajan, K. P. Indira)....Pages 853-867
Advanced Colored Image Encryption Method in Using Evolution Function (Shiba Charan Barik, Sharmilla Mohapatra, Bandita Das, Mausimi Acharaya, Bunil Kumar Balabantaray)....Pages 869-878
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book gathers selected high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence (ICMLCI-2019), jointly organized by Kunming University of Science and Technology and the Interscience Research Network, Bhubaneswar, India, from April 6 to 7, 2019. Addressing virtually all aspects of intelligent systems, soft computing and machine learning, the topics covered include: prediction; data mining; information retrieval; game playing; robotics; learning methods; pattern visualization; automated knowledge acquisition; fuzzy, stochastic and probabilistic computing; neural computing; big data; social networks and applications of soft computing in various areas.