توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
حدود 550 ثبت نام کننده از 51 کشور مختلف در هفتمین کنفرانس اتاوا در مورد آموزش و ارزیابی پزشکی در ماستریخت شرکت کردند. ما 525 چکیده برای کنفرانس دریافت کردیم که در جلسات پوستر موضوعی و ارائه پلت فرم تقسیم شده بودند. سازماندهی کنفرانس یک افتخار بود و ما سعی کردیم استانداردهای بالای یک فضای دوستانه و آرام را که مشخصه کنفرانس های قبلی اتاوا بود، رعایت کنیم. در طول کنفرانس و پس از آن، حدود 250 مقاله برای چاپ در مجموعه مقالات کنفرانس ارائه شد که فرصت کمی برای افسردگی پس از کنفرانس برای ما باقی می گذارد. علیرغم تعداد زیاد مقالات، ویراستاران سعی کرده اند مقالات را با دقت کامل بررسی و ویرایش کنند. با این حال، گاهی اوقات مکاتبات از ضرب الاجل معقول فراتر می رفت و از ویرایش دقیق تعداد کمی از مقالات جلوگیری می کرد. اگرچه احساس می کردیم که کار ویراستاری ما کاملاً تمام نشده است، با این وجود تصمیم گرفتیم این مقالات را درج کنیم. ما از بسیاری از نویسندگان برای پاسخ مشتاقانه و سریع آنها به پیشنهادات و درخواست های ویرایشی - گاه خسته کننده - تشکر می کنیم. ما مطمئن هستیم که این تلاش جمعی به کتابی منجر شده است که سهم مهمی در حوزه آموزش پزشکی خواهد داشت. ویراستاران میخواهند از Jocelyn Flippo-Berger تشکر کنند که تخصص او در زمینه انتشار و پشتکار بالای رومیزی کمک بزرگی بود.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages N1-xii
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Assessment Truths that We Hold as Self-Evident and Their Implications....Pages 2-6
Adult Learning Theory, Prizes and Motivation: Fundamental Learning Issues....Pages 7-10
Summary of the Conference....Pages 11-14
The Student as Quality Controller....Pages 15-18
Does Clinical Performance Correlate with Physicians’ Scores on Written Examinations?....Pages 19-22
Strategies for Effecting Change in Teaching Practices: A Review of Current Models....Pages 23-29
Front Matter....Pages 31-31
Northerners and Southerners: Two Approaches to Defining Core Content in Medical Education....Pages 32-33
Core Clinical Content of Step 2 of the USMLE: Using Surgery as an Example....Pages 34-36
Determining Teaching Objectives for the Family Medicine Clerkship in Medical School: A National Delphi Survey....Pages 37-39
Core Skills in Administering and Prescribing Drugs....Pages 40-42
Cross-Section of the Utrecht Medical Curriculum....Pages 43-43
Front Matter....Pages 45-45
Community Health Issues of the New PBL Undergraduate Medical Curriculum at the University of Geneva: A Description....Pages 46-48
A Student Evaluation of Community Based Education in General Practice....Pages 49-52
Qualitative LEAP Project....Pages 53-54
The Implementation of a Multi-Institution, Multi-Disciplinary Project to Develop Community Undergraduate Medical Education....Pages 55-57
Front Matter....Pages 59-59
Interactive Continuing-Education Sessions: An Effective Way to Change Strategies?....Pages 60-62
Can the Effect of Continuing Medical Education on Physician Performance Be Measured?....Pages 63-64
Academic Skills Training for Young General Practitioners: the New London Academic Training Scheme (LATS)....Pages 65-67
Attendance at an Academic Meeting: Does It Change Clinical Practice....Pages 68-70
Increasing Physician Involvement in Cholesterol-Lowering Practices: the Role of Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions....Pages 71-74
Front Matter....Pages 59-59
Continuing Medical Education in University Hospital Centers Becomes Strategic....Pages 75-77
Continuous Built-in Evaluation of Participants’ Motivation in PME and CME....Pages 78-81
Front Matter....Pages 83-83
Design of an Integrative Course and Assessment Method The CIP (Comprehensive Integrative Puzzle)....Pages 84-86
A Universal Scheme of Analysis of the Educational Processes and its Application to Health Sciences: Initial Premises and Hypotheses....Pages 87-90
Experience with the Process of Curriculum Innovation....Pages 91-93
Development of a Longitudinal Behavioural Medicine Continuity Curriculum for Third Year Medical Students....Pages 94-96
Curriculum Information Management System: Structure and Process of Analysis with CATs....Pages 97-100
Problem-Based Learning: Always Small or Sometimes Large?....Pages 101-103
Developing a Curriculum for Personal and Professional Development....Pages 104-105
A Cross-Cultural Curriculum for Medical Students....Pages 106-108
Innovations in Medical Education: A Comparison of Canadian and European Medical Schools....Pages 109-110
The Teaching of Anatomy in the Integrated Medical Curriculum as Practised at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia....Pages 111-113
A Patient-Based Workshop in Anatomy for First Year Medical Students....Pages 114-117
Responses of Female and Male Medical Students to Case-Based Learning Programme in Anatomy....Pages 118-120
The Use of Novel Educational Techniques in the Teaching of Molecular Cell Biology....Pages 121-123
A New Approach to the Teaching of Clinically Relevant Anatomical Sciences and Compassionate Medicine “Clinical Anatomy — The Structure of the Human Body”....Pages 124-126
Front Matter....Pages 127-127
Maintaining and Enhancing Key Decision-Making Skills from Graduation into Practice: An Exploratory Study....Pages 128-130
Detection of Gender Differences in High-Stakes Performance SP-Based Examinations in Family Medicine....Pages 131-134
Preliminary Descriptive Analyses of the Performance of US Citizens Attending Foreign Medical Schools on USMLE Steps 1 and 2....Pages 135-138
Applying Learning Taxonomies to Test Items: Is a Fact an Artifact?....Pages 139-142
Front Matter....Pages 127-127
The Risks of Thoroughness: Reliability and Validity of Global Ratings and Checklists in an OSCE....Pages 143-145
The Impact of Postgraduate Training on an Examination for Medical Licensure....Pages 146-148
A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis with Other Approaches to Model Physician Policies in Scoring Complex Performance-Based Assessment....Pages 149-151
A Comparison of Diagnostic Pattern Recognition Skills to Performance on a “High Stakes” OSCE....Pages 152-155
Knowledge on Skills: What is in the Name?....Pages 156-157
The Swiss Way to Score Multiple True-False Items: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence....Pages 158-161
Retention and Forgetting of Biological Facts and Concepts, Learnt for the First Basic Science Exam, over a Two Year Period....Pages 162-165
Spatial Abilities and Learning Modes in Anatomy Beginners....Pages 166-169
Examiner Differences in the Mini-CEX....Pages 170-172
Repeated Assessment of Medical Knowledge During the Two Years of Clerkships....Pages 173-174
Performance of Examinees from Foreign Schools on the Clinical Science Component of the United States Medical Licensing Examination....Pages 175-178
Item Analysis in Clinical Encounter Scoring....Pages 179-180
The Use of Global Ratings in OSCE Station Scores....Pages 181-183
An Investigation of the Properties of Computer-Based Case Simulations....Pages 184-186
Performance of Examinees from Foreign Schools on the Basic Science Component of United States Medical Licensing Examination....Pages 187-190
Analysis of the Use of Global Ratings by Standardized Patients and Physicians....Pages 191-192
Comparing Reliabilities of True/False and Short-Answer Questions in Written Problem Solving Tests....Pages 193-196
Overcoming Difficulties in the Introduction of a Summative Assessment of Clinical Competence in a Brazilian Medical School....Pages 197-199
Medical Student Perceptions of the Accuracy of Various New Clinical Evaluation Methods....Pages 200-202
Front Matter....Pages 203-203
Re-engineering the Specialty Consult Paradigm: Extending the Generalist and Maximizing the Specialist Through Educational Reform....Pages 204-206
Front Matter....Pages 203-203
Developing Staff: Developing Stations A Dental Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Activity Day....Pages 207-209
The Training and Education of Osteopathic Practitioners to Become External Examiners in Clinical Competence....Pages 210-212
Educational Training of Medical Teachers: Recent Developments in the Netherlands....Pages 213-215
A Qualitative Study of Faculty Techniques for Giving Feedback to Interns Following an Observed Standardized Patient Encounter....Pages 216-219
Improving Clinical Teaching Skills Using Interaction Analysis....Pages 220-222
Assessment of Needs and Perceived Competence of Novice Clinical Teachers....Pages 223-225
Multiple Station Exams and Teaching Exercises (MSEs) for Teaching about Teaching....Pages 226-227
Development of a Medical Education Journal Club....Pages 228-230
Assessing the Implementation of Teaching Portfolios in the Academic Medical Center....Pages 231-233
Faculty Development and Primary Health Care Education in China....Pages 234-236
Long-Term Impact of Faculty Development Workshops: A Pilot Study....Pages 237-240
Tutor Training for Problem-Based Learning: The Experience of a Large Medical School....Pages 241-243
Planning Frameworks and Staff Participation: Changing to a Graduate Entry, Problem-Based Medical Course....Pages 244-246
Determining the Change in Staff Attitudes during Training in Preparation for Radical Change from a Traditional Curriculum to Problem-Based Learning....Pages 247-248
A Prospective Analysis Instrument for a Medical Education Centre....Pages 249-250
Front Matter....Pages 251-251
A Treasure Discovered by Dutch Students in Canada; Results of a Student Exchange Program in Family Medicine....Pages 252-255
The Family Medicine Clerkship: Comparison of Two Programs in Different Continents....Pages 256-258
Defensibility of Competency Assessments of Practising Family Physicians....Pages 259-262
Innovations in Physician Performance Enhancement-Communication Skills....Pages 263-264
Training of GP Trainers in Flanders (Belgium)....Pages 265-267
Front Matter....Pages 251-251
How Students Learn from Ambulatory Preceptors: Critical Incidents....Pages 268-271
Alternative Routes to Vocational Training for General Practitioners in Australia....Pages 272-274
A Tool for Assessing the Readiness of Family Physician Practices to Adopt Prevention Strategies....Pages 275-277
Competence of Trainees for GP at the Start of Their Training....Pages 278-281
Undergraduate Medical Education in Family Medicine in Slovenia....Pages 282-283
Educational Objectives and Requirements of an Undergraduate Clerkship in General Practice: To Which Extent do General Practice Teachers Achieve These?....Pages 284-286
The Comprehensive Assessment Project in Continuing Medical Education of GPs....Pages 287-289
Hospital Clinicians and General Practitioners Working Together to Teach Medical Students....Pages 290-291
Constructing a Congruent Curriculum for the Vocational Training of GPs....Pages 292-294
Improving the Quality of Tutorials in General Practice by Means of Instruction and Quality Assessment....Pages 295-298
Evaluation of the Impact of Clinical Skills Teaching on General Practice....Pages 299-301
Is There a Difference in the Clinical Experience of Students with Diverse Career Interests?....Pages 302-304
Use of Immediate Video Debriefing During Practice Teaching Visits....Pages 305-307
Gaining an Appreciation of Differing Ethnic Influences on General Practice in Western Australia....Pages 308-310
Final-Year Students’ Experiential Learnings in Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town....Pages 311-312
Perceived Learning Opportunities: Students’ Expectations of a Family Medicine Clerkship....Pages 313-316
Front Matter....Pages 317-317
Knowledge and Attitudes towards Computers among Graduates from Developing Countries....Pages 318-320
The Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia as an Instructional Aid for Learning Basic Clinical Skills and Knowledge....Pages 321-326
Computer Based Simulations as Adjuncts for Teaching and Evaluating Complex Clinical Skills....Pages 327-329
On-Line Evaluation of Teaching and Courses: The Methods, Practice, and Politics....Pages 330-332
Front Matter....Pages 317-317
Disease-Class Specific, Computer Adaptive Testing on the World Wide Web....Pages 333-335
The Effects of Visual Genetics on the Learning of Students in a Problem Based Curriculum....Pages 336-338
The Internet as a Cross-Disciplinary Learning Environment....Pages 339-341
Teaching Skills for Accessing and Interpreting Information from Systematic Reviews/Meta-analyses, Practice Guidelines, and the Internet....Pages 342-345
Front Matter....Pages 347-347
Testing Psychiatric Diagnostic Recognition Skills with Video Vignettes....Pages 348-350
A Method for Developing Interdisciplinary Examinations to Test Application of Knowledge by Students in a PBL Curriculum....Pages 351-353
The Diagnostic Schema Questionnaire: A New Tool to Assess a Specific Dimension of Clinical Competence....Pages 354-356
The Contribution to Final Clinical Competence of Preparing and Presenting a Dissertation within an Undergraduate Course in Osteopathy....Pages 357-358
The Use of a Neural Net to Reproduce and Assess a Physician’s Clinical Diagnostic Skills....Pages 359-362
Developing Written Assessments for Use in Advanced Life Support Courses....Pages 363-365
Maintaining Content Validity in Computerized Adaptive Testing....Pages 366-369
Assessment of Self Directed Learning....Pages 370-373
Developing In-Course and Final Assessments in a New Dental Curriculum....Pages 374-376
Development of Clinical Reasoning Exercises in a Problem-Based Curriculum....Pages 377-379
‘Disease Class-Specific, Typicality-Graded’ Test Case Vignettes: Towards ‘Construct-Referenced’ Assessments of Diagnostic Performance....Pages 380-382
Fair Reliable Essay Examinations for a Problem Based Curriculum....Pages 383-386
Critical Thinking in Medical School Exams....Pages 387-389
The Assessment of Higher Level Cognitive Objectives in Undergraduate Medical Students Using a Clinical Audit Project....Pages 390-394
Medical Students’ Ability to Self Assess Knowledge and Skill Levels: Findings from One Class of Seniors....Pages 395-396
Clinical Skills Assessment at NEOUCOM: A Description....Pages 397-399
Front Matter....Pages 401-401
A Combined Structured Oral Examination (SOE) and OSCE for the Assessment of Clinical Competence....Pages 402-403
An OSCE Trial in Japan: Feasibility and Correlation with a Written Test....Pages 404-406
OSCE Stations for the Longitudinal Assessment of Cancer Screening and Detection....Pages 407-409
Assessing the Adequacy of the Post-Encounter Written Scores in Standardized Patient Exams....Pages 410-412
Reproducibility of Emergency Medicine Standardized Patient Cases from Philadelphia to Barcelona....Pages 413-415
Using the Rasch Model to Equate Alternate Forms for Performance Assessments of Physician’s Clinical Skills....Pages 416-419
Regression-Based Weighting of Items on Standardized Patient Checklists....Pages 420-423
A Large-Scale Study of the Reliabilities of Checklist Scores and Ratings of Components of Interpersonal and Communication Skills Evaluated on a SP Examination....Pages 424-426
Clinical Assessment in an Academic Environment: To Do or Not To Do?....Pages 427-429
Academic Assessment of Clinical Skills Inferences of Predictive Validity....Pages 430-432
The Effect of Formal Feedback Sessions on Test Security for a Clinical Practice Examination using Standardized Patients....Pages 433-436
The Quebec Licensing OSCE: Modifications and Improvements over 6 Years of Experience....Pages 437-440
Reliability, Number of Stations, and Examination Length in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination....Pages 441-442
Construct Validity of “High Stakes” OSCE Scores....Pages 443-445
OSCA: Assessing to Unite Theory and Practice....Pages 446-447
An Evaluation of OSCEs for Final-year Students....Pages 448-451
Implementing a Multiple Station Clinical Examination: An International Collaboration....Pages 452-453
Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) in Undergraduate Medical Education in Catalonia, 1995....Pages 454-457
An OSCE for Licensure: The Canadian Experience....Pages 458-461
Preparing Physician Examiners for a High Stakes, Multi-Site OSCE....Pages 462-464
Front Matter....Pages 465-465
A Self-Assessment Study of Competency Levels in the Postgraduate School of Public Health....Pages 466-469
An Innovative CME Cardiology Program for General Practitioners....Pages 470-473
Assessment of Junior Doctors’ Clinical Competence: A Feedback Loop....Pages 474-476
Can You Teach an Old Doc New Tricks?....Pages 477-479
The Comprehensive Objective Examination (COE)....Pages 480-481
Improving Reliability and Validity of the Clinical Examination for Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians....Pages 482-484
Development of the Catalan OSCE of Internal Medicine....Pages 485-487
Using Peer Comparisons to Evaluate Combined Residency Training in Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry....Pages 488-489
The Relationship Between Age of Candidates and Performance in the FRACGP Examination....Pages 490-493
Remediation for the Intern with Deficiencies in Clinical Competence....Pages 494-495
Front Matter....Pages 497-497
The New Preclinical Medical Curriculum at the University of Geneva: Processes of Selecting Basic Medical Concepts and Problems for the PBL Learning Units....Pages 498-500
Implementation of an Integrated Educational Curriculum at the Medical Faculty of Lausanne....Pages 501-502
An Introduction of Certain Basic Principles in Kinesiology: Incorporation into a Problem-Based Setup....Pages 503-505
The Rome Parallel Track (CPR)....Pages 506-508
Macroanalysis of Integration of the Basic Sciences in a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum....Pages 509-512
The Source of Final Exams (Internal versus External) and their Impact on Learning in Biochemistry in a PBL Curriculum....Pages 513-515
Promoting Rational Prescribing in Problem-Based Curriculum....Pages 516-518
The Synthesis Unit: A Complementary Approach to Integration in a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum....Pages 519-522
A Qualitative Comparison of Student and Faculty Effectiveness as PBL Tutors....Pages 523-524
Problem-Based Learning Using Ambulatory Patients....Pages 525-527
Front Matter....Pages 497-497
Teaching Ethics using a Small-Group, PBL Format....Pages 528-531
The Redesigned Undergraduate Medical Curriculum at the University of Geneva....Pages 532-535
Front Matter....Pages 537-537
Models for Predicting Career Patterns of Graduates of Combined Baccalaureate-MD Degree (CD) Programs....Pages 538-541
Recording Patient Encounters to Verify the Clinical Curriculum of a Family Medicine Clerkship....Pages 542-544
Factors which Influence the Outcome of Student Evaluation of Teaching....Pages 545-547
Self-Directed Learning (SDL): Changing Perceptions....Pages 548-550
A Problem-Based Approach to Non-Redundant Resident Education....Pages 551-553
A Comparative Study of Medical Curriculum Outcomes: Opinions of the Graduates of a Traditional Curriculum and an Innovative Curriculum....Pages 554-556
An Evaluation of the Horizontal Research Elective at The University of Calgary....Pages 557-559
Evaluating the Success of a Medical School: The Beer-Sheva Experiment....Pages 560-563
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Clinical Skills Teaching in the Community....Pages 564-566
The Evaluation of the Practice Quality Review Component of the Maintenance of Professional Standards Program of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians....Pages 567-570
Ten Year Observation of Problem Based Learning: A Guide to Future Evaluations?....Pages 571-574
‘Happiness Index’ to Health Gain: Using Evaluation of Teaching to Benefit Patient Care....Pages 575-576
Modifying the Categorisation of Validated Criteria to Assess Teaching Performance in the Tutor-Led, Task Orientated Small Group....Pages 577-580
Evaluating the Outcomes of Changes in Undergraduate Surgery Education: Interns’ Views on Their Preparedness for Surgical Rotations....Pages 581-584
Some Curriculum Implications of fewer In-Patients in Teaching Hospitals....Pages 585-587
Educational Audit into Medical Practice: A Quality Approach....Pages 588-589
Evaluation of Clinical Teaching Processes: The Development of a Questionnaire....Pages 590-593
The Effect of Health Reform on Surgical Clerks’ Experience and Performance....Pages 594-596
Front Matter....Pages 537-537
An Effective Educational Model for Tuberculosis in the Ambulatory Care Clinic: Documentation of Clinical Competence and Skills....Pages 597-598
Front Matter....Pages 599-599
Sherlock Holmes and Clinical Reasoning: Empiric Research on a Methodology to Teach Clinical Reasoning....Pages 600-601
The Structure of Medical Knowledge Reflected in Clinicians’ Estimates of the Probabilities of Signs/Symptoms within Diseases....Pages 602-607
The Effect of Clinical History on Physician’s ECG Interpretation Skills....Pages 608-610
The Effect of ECG Instructional Materials on Medical Students’ Reasoning Strategy....Pages 611-614
Reflective Practice and Clinical Placements....Pages 615-617
Student Thought Processes Evoked by Multiple Choice and Constructed Response Items....Pages 618-621
Use of a “Scheme” Approach to Problem Solving during a Family Medicine Clerkship....Pages 622-624
Expert-Novice Differences in the Use of History and Visual Information from Patients....Pages 625-628
A Comparison of Expert Clinician and Expert Student Reasoning on Multiple Choice Items....Pages 629-631
Medical Students’ Learning Strategies in Problem-Based Learning and Traditional Courses....Pages 632-634
Front Matter....Pages 635-635
Experience With a Selection Method for Admittance to the Universidad Nacional De Cuyo Medical Sciences School....Pages 636-637
Beliefs in Personal Control, Styles of Learning and the Prediction of Academic Performance of Student Health Professionals....Pages 638-642
The Effect of Changing Selection Procedures and the Pre-Entry Experience of Intending Students of Osteopathy....Pages 643-645
The Reliability of a Personal Statement as a Selection Tool in the Admissions Process....Pages 646-649
Front Matter....Pages 651-651
Using an Algebraic Inversion of the Dependability Index to Determine Pass/Fail Criteria for Clinical Performance Examinations....Pages 652-655
Optimizing the Input of Physician Examiners in Setting Standards for a Large Scale OSCE: Experience with Part II of the Qualifying Examination of the Medical Council of Canada....Pages 656-658
Student and Faculty Ratings of Task Difficulty in Predicting Performance on a Clinical-Skills Exam....Pages 659-660
The Use of Critical Stations to Determine Clinical Competency in a “High Stakes” OSCE....Pages 661-664
Relative and Absolute Standards in Assessing Medical Knowledge....Pages 665-667
Front Matter....Pages 651-651
Competence Judgments as an Approach to Standard Setting for Multiple Choice Items....Pages 668-670
Variations on a Theme: Scoring the Clinical Skills Assessment....Pages 671-674
Front Matter....Pages 675-675
Do Medical Students Believe that Communication Skills can be Learned?....Pages 676-678
Design and Development of the New Preclinical Practice Skills (CPS) Program at the University of Geneva....Pages 679-681
The Effectiveness of a Technical Skills Course for Surgical Residents....Pages 682-684
Development of Interviewing Skills in a Problem-Based Medical Curriculum....Pages 685-688
Pediatric Simulated Scenarios in Undergraduate Medical Teaching-Exposure to the Under Fives....Pages 689-691
An Innovative Course Combining the Acquisition of Communication Skills with First Year Medical Student’s Perception of their Psychosocial Role in Primary Care....Pages 692-694
The Social History: A Vanishing Portion of the Medical Interview....Pages 695-697
Front Matter....Pages 699-699
Using Standardized Patients in the Time-in/Time-out Interviewing Technique....Pages 700-702
Training Standardized Patients to Provide Feedback for Ethics Teaching....Pages 703-705
Volunteers and Standardized Patients in Health Sciences Education: Our Experience in Fostering a Valuable Community Resource....Pages 706-708
The Incorporation of Standardized Patients into a Continuing Education Conference on Child Abuse....Pages 709-710
Health Care Perceptions: Do They Change for the Standardized Patient?....Pages 711-713
Advancing the Use of Standardized Patients: A Workshop for the Consortium of Thai Medical Schools....Pages 714-716
Using Standardized Patients to Assess Clinical Competence in the Primary Care of Pediatric Cancer Patients....Pages 717-718
Using Standardized Patients to Develop Clinical Competence in the Delivery of Bad News....Pages 719-721
Using SPs for Teaching and Assessing Clinical Skills for Encounters with Patients with Problems of Substance Abuse, Pain Control, and AIDS....Pages 722-724
The Validity of Standardized Patient Assessment Using Faculty-Physician Global Ratings as the Gold-Standard Criterion....Pages 725-727
The Use of Standardized Patients in a First-Year Problem-Based Learning Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course....Pages 728-731
Front Matter....Pages 699-699
Predicting Performance Through Clinical Skills Assessment with Standardized Patients....Pages 732-733
Sequential Testing in a Standardized Patient Based Test....Pages 734-736
Cognitive Strategies used in Standardized Patients’ Checklist Recording....Pages 737-738
Front Matter....Pages 739-739
Educating Medical Students on Cultural and Societal Issues in the Health Care of Diverse Population Groups....Pages 740-741
Differences Between First and Fourth Year Medical Students in their Attitudes Toward Primary Care....Pages 742-743
Comparing a Four-Week Block Clerkship to a Twelve-Week Longitudinal Experience in Family Medicine....Pages 744-746
Moral Development During Surgical Residency Training....Pages 747-748
The Effects of Trainings During the Vocational Training for General Practitioners on the Quality of Trainee’s Consultation Behaviour with Standardized Patients....Pages 749-752
Presentation Skills: a Course for Students on Voice Production and Confidence-Building....Pages 753-755
Comparing Two Formats for Practising Electrocardiograph Interpretation....Pages 756-758
Inter-Disciplinary Clinical Teaching....Pages 759-761
Designing Basic Medical Education in Nijmegen....Pages 762-764
Using Literature to Learn About and From the Elderly....Pages 765-768
An Environment for the Development and Presentation of Computerized Cases to Learn Diagnostic Reasoning....Pages 769-773
Interprofessional Teaching for Clinical Skills....Pages 774-776
Presentation Skills; a Student Learning-Activity....Pages 777-779
Projects— Are They Worth All the Hassle?....Pages 780-783
Video-Based Supplemental Instruction (VSI) as an Integral Part of an Academic Support and Development Program....Pages 784-786
New Horizons in Surgical Teaching: Undergraduate Medical Teaching in Day Surgery....Pages 787-789
Mentoring Undergraduate Medical Students: A Study of Organizational Aspects....Pages 790-792
Front Matter....Pages 739-739
Learning About Learning: A Course for Incoming Medical and Dental Undergraduates....Pages 793-794
Critical Thinking, Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Practice....Pages 795-797
Comparing Medical Knowledge of Osteopathic Trainees in DO and MD Programs: A Random Effect Meta-Analysis....Pages 798-800
The Influence of Neuro-Cognitive Modelling and Philosophy on Issues of Curriculum and Assessment in Medical Education....Pages 801-802
What Students Want from Their Pastoral Care System....Pages 803-804
Addressing Telephone Medicine in Medical School Education....Pages 805-806
Teaching Clinical Decision Making and Cost-Effectiveness in Medical School: A Simulated Back Pain Case....Pages 807-808
Implementation of a“Well Physician” Course for Students: A Formative Evaluation....Pages 809-811
The Impact of Curriculum Change on Student Stress and Workload....Pages 812-814
Back Matter....Pages 815-820
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
About 550 registrants from 51 different countries attended the Seventh Ottawa Conference on Medical Education and Assessment in Maastricht. We received 525 abstracts for the conference, divided in thematic poster sessions and platform presentations. Organising the conference was an honour and we tried to meet the high standards of a friendly and relaxed atmosphere which has characterized previous Ottawa conferences. During and after the conference about 250 papers were submitted for publication in the conference proceedings, leaving us little time for a post-conference depression. Despite the large number of papers, the editors have attempted to review and edit the papers as care fully as possible. Occasionally, however, correspondence exceeded reasonable deadlines, preventing careful editing of a small number of the papers. Although we felt that our editorial task was not quite finished, we nevertheless decided to include these papers. We thank the many authors for their enthusiastic and prompt response to - occasionally tedious - editorial suggestions and requests. We are sure that this collective effort has resulted in a book that will make an important contribution to the field of medical education. The editors want to thank Jocelyn Flippo-Berger whose expertise with desk top publishing and perseverance was a great help.