فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xiii
Hydrogen Storage: Different Technologies, Challenges and Stakes. Focus on TiFe Hydrides (David Chapelle, Anne Maynadier, Ludovic Bebon, Frédéric Thiébaud)....Pages 1-10
Preparation of ZrO2–Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Their Application as Photocatalyst for Water Depollution and Hydrogen Production (M. Benamira, N. Doufar, H. Lahmar)....Pages 11-18
Preparation of Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) Based on BIT07 and Pr2NiO4+δ: Influence of the Presence of GDC Layer (M. Benamira, M. T. Caldes, O. Joubert, A. Le Gal La Salle)....Pages 19-24
Preparation of the Spinel CuCo2O4 at Low Temperature. Application to Hydrogen Photoelectrochemical Production (R. Bagtache, K. Boudjedien, I. Sebai, D. Meziani, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 25-31
Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Fe-Doped NiAl2O4 Oxides (Warda Tibermacine, Mahmoud Omari)....Pages 33-39
Review on the Effect of Compensation Ions on Zeolite’s Hydrogen Adsorption (Redouane Melouki, Youcef Boucheffa)....Pages 41-46
Catalytic Reforming of Methane Over Ni–La2O3 and Ni–CeO2 Catalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel Method (Nora Yahi, Kahina Kouachi, Hanane Akram, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Ramos)....Pages 47-54
Hydrogen Effect on Soot Formation in Ethylene-Syngas Mixture Opposed Jet Diffusion Flame in Non-conventional Combustion Regime (Amar Hadef, Selsabil Boussetla, Abdelbaki Mameri, Z. Aouachria)....Pages 55-60
A Two-Dimensional Simulation of Opposed Jet Turbulent Diffusion Flame of the Mixture Biogas-Syngas (Abdelbaki Mameri, Selsabil Boussetla, Amar Hadef)....Pages 61-67
Numerical Evaluation of NO Production Routes in the MILD Combustion of the Biogas-Syngas Mixture (Selsabil Boussetla, Abdelbaki Mameri, Amar Hadef)....Pages 69-76
Effect of H2/CO Ratio and Air N2 Substitution by CO2 on CH4/Syngas Flameless Combustion (Amar Hadef, Abdelbaki Mameri, Z. Aouachria)....Pages 77-83
Chaotic Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm with Multi-cross Learning Mechanism for Energy Management of a Standalone PV/Wind with Fuel Cell (Issam Abadlia, Mohamed Adjabi, Hamza Bouzeria)....Pages 85-92
Mechanical Properties of the Tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3 Structure (Kamel Benyelloul, Smain Bekhechi, Abdelkader Djellouli, Youcef Bouhadda, Khadidja Khodja, Hafid Aourag)....Pages 93-98
Hydrogen Production by the Enterobacter cloacae Strain (Azri Yamina Mounia, Tou Insaf, Sadi Meriem)....Pages 99-104
Visible Light Hydrogen Production on the Novel Ferrite CuFe2O4 (S. Attia, N. Helaïli, Y. Bessekhouad, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 105-112
Prediction of New Hydrogen Storage Materials: Structural Stability of SrAlH3 from First Principle Calculation (Youcef Bouhadda, Kamel Benyelloul, N. Fenineche, M. Bououdina)....Pages 113-119
CFD Analysis of the Metal Foam Insertion Effects on SMR Reaction Over Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst (Ali Cherif, Rachid Nebbali, Lyes Nasseri)....Pages 121-127
Photocatalytic Evolution of Hydrogen on CuFe2O4 (H. Lahmar, M. Benamira, L. Messaadia, K. Telmani, A. Bouhala, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 129-136
CFD Study of ATR Reaction Over Dual Pt–Ni Catalytic Bed (Ali Cherif, Rachid Nebbali, Lyes Nasseri)....Pages 137-143
Optimization of the Ni/Al2O3 and Pt/Al2O3 Catalysts Load in Autothermal Steam Methane Reforming (Ali Cherif, Rachid Nebbali, Lyes Nasseri)....Pages 145-150
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Modules for Ship Applications (S. Tamalouzt, N. Benyahia, A. Bousbaine)....Pages 151-159
Analysis of off Grid Fuel Cell Cogeneration for a Residential Community (A. Mraoui, B. Abada, M. Kherrat)....Pages 161-169
Tri-generation Using Fuel Cells for Residential Application (A. Mraoui, B. Abada, M. Kherrat)....Pages 171-176
Response Surface Methodology Based Optimization of Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil (R. Alloune, M. Y. Abdat, A. Saad, F. Danane, R. Bessah, S. Abada et al.)....Pages 177-184
Numerical Investigation on Concentrating Solar Power Plant Based on the Organic Rankine Cycle for Hydrogen Production in Ghardaïa (Halima Derbal-Mokrane, Fethia Amrouche, Mohamed Nazim Omari, Ismael Yahmi, Ahmed Benzaoui)....Pages 185-194
Optimization Study of the Produced Electric Power by PCFCs (Youcef Sahli, Abdallah Mohammedi, Monsaf Tamerabet, Hocine Ben-Moussa)....Pages 195-201
Accurate PEM Fuel Cell Parameters Identification Using Whale Optimization Algorithm (Mohammed Bilal Danoune, Ahmed Djafour, Abdelmoumen Gougui)....Pages 203-210
Hydrogen Versus Alternative Fuels in an HCCI Engine: A Thermodynamic Study (Mohamed Djermouni, Ahmed Ouadha)....Pages 211-220
Thermodynamic Study of a Turbocharged Diesel-Hydrogen Dual Fuel Marine Engine (Fouad Selmane, Mohamed Djermouni, Ahmed Ouadha)....Pages 221-229
Effect of Bluff-Body Shape on Stability of Hydrogen-Air Flame in Narrow Channel (Mounir Alliche, Redha Rebhi, Fatma Zohra Khelladi)....Pages 231-238
Experimental Validation of Fuel Cell, Battery and Supercapacitor Energy Conversion System for Electric Vehicle Applications (R. Moualek, N. Benyahia, A. Bousbaine, N. Benamrouche)....Pages 239-245
Compromise Between Power Density and Durability of a PEM Fuel Cell Operating Under Flood Conditions (H. Abdi, N. Ait Messaoudene, M. W. Naceur)....Pages 247-253
Optimal Design of Energy Storage System Using Different Battery Technologies for FCEV Applications (B. Bendjedia, N. Rizoug, M. Boukhnifer)....Pages 255-261
Simultaneous Removal of Organic Load and Hydrogen Gas Production Using Electrodeposits Cathodes in MEC (Amit Kumar Chaurasia, Prasenjit Mondal)....Pages 263-269
An Improved Model for Fault Tolerant Control of a Flooding and Drying Phenomena in the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (A. A. Smadi, F. Khoucha, A. Benrabah, M. Benbouzid)....Pages 271-278
Design of a Microbial Fuel Cell Used as a Biosensor of Pollution Emitted by Oxidized Organic Matter (Amina Benayyad, Mostefa Kameche, Hakima Kebaili, Christophe Innocent)....Pages 279-284
Bioelectricity Production from Arundo Donax-MFC and Chlorophytum Comosum-MFC (L. Benhabylès, Y. M. Azri, I. Tou, M. Sadi)....Pages 285-290
Implementation of Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Panels Based DC Micro Grid Prototype for Electric Vehicles Charging Station (N. Benyahia, S. Tamalouzt, H. Denoun, A. Badji, A. Bousbaine, R. Moualek et al.)....Pages 291-298
Application of Hydrotalcite for the Dry Reforming Reaction of Methane and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (Nadia Aider, Fouzia Touahra, Baya Djebarri, Ferroudja Bali, Zoulikha Abdelsadek, Djamila Halliche)....Pages 299-305
Processing of COx Molecules in CO2/O2 Gas Mixture by Dielectric Barrier Discharge: Understanding the Effect of Internal Parameters of the Discharge (L. Saidia, A. Belasri, S. Baadj)....Pages 307-314
Performance Comparison of a Wankel SI Engine Fuelled with Gasoline and Ethanol Blended Hydrogen (Fethia Amrouche, P. A. Erickson, J. W. Park, S. Varnhagen)....Pages 315-321
Parametric Study of SO3 Conversion to SO2 in Tubular Reactor for Hydrogen Production via Sulfuric Cycle (F. Lassouane)....Pages 323-329
Preparation and Physical/Electrochemical Characterization of the Hetero-System 10% NiO/γ–Al2O3 (I. Sebai, R. Bagtache, A. Boulahaouache, N. Salhi, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 331-337
Synthesis and Characterization of the Double Perovskite La2NiO4-Application for Hydrogen Production (S. Boumaza, R. Brahimi, L. Boudjellal, Akila Belhadi, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 339-346
Optimal Design and Comparison Between Renewable Energy System, with Battery Storage and Hydrogen Storage: Case of Djelfa, Algeria (Ilhem Nadia Rabehi)....Pages 347-353
New Neural Network Single Sensor Variable Step Size MPPT for PEM Fuel Cell Power System (Abdelghani Harrag)....Pages 355-361
Modified P&O-Fuzzy Type-2 Variable Step Size MPPT for PEM Fuel Cell Power System (Abdelghani Harrag)....Pages 363-370
A GIS-MOPSO Integrated Method for Optimal Design of Grid-Connected HRES for Educational Buildings (Charafeddine Mokhtara, Belkhir Negrou, Noureddine Settou, Abdessalem Bouferrouk, Yufeng Yao, Djilali Messaoudi)....Pages 371-378
A Comparison Between Two Hydrogen Injection Modes in a Metal Hydride Reactor (Bachir Dadda, Allal Babbou, Rida Zarrit, Youcef Bouhadda, Saïd Abboudi)....Pages 379-386
Effect of the Complexing Agent in the Pechini Method on the Structural and Electrical Properties of an Ionic Conductor of Formula La1−xSrxAlO3−δ (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) (F. Hadji, F. Bouremmad, S. Shawuti, M. A. Gulgun)....Pages 387-393
Production of Bio-Oil for Chemical Valorization by Flash Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass in an Entrained Bed Reactor (Imane Ouarzki, Aissa Ould Dris, Mourad Hazi)....Pages 395-403
Suitable Sites for Wind Hydrogen Production Based on GIS-MCDM Method in Algeria (Djilali Messaoudi, Noureddine Settou, Belkhir Negrou, Belkhir Settou, Charafeddine Mokhtara, Chetouane Mohammed Amine)....Pages 405-412
Liquefaction of Hydrogen: Comparison Between Conventional and Magnetic Refrigeration Systems (Mustapha Belkadi, Arezki Smaili)....Pages 413-419
Numerical Study of Heat and Mass Transfer During Absorption of H2 in a LaNi5 Annular Disc Reactor Crossed by a Tubular Heat Exchanger (Abdelaziz Bammoune, Samir Laouedj, Bachir Dadda)....Pages 421-428
Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production on 5% CuO/ZnO Hetero-Junction (Meriem Haddad, Akila Belhadi, Mohamed Trari)....Pages 429-434
Field Enhancement Factor Around Hydrogen-Negative Index Metamaterial Waveguide (Houria Hamouche, Mohammed M. Shabat)....Pages 435-441
Effect of Silicates and Carbonates on the Structure of Nickel-Containing Hydrotalcite-Derived Materials (Baya Djebarri, Nadia Aider, Fouzia Touahra, Ferroudja Bali, Juan Paul Holgado, Djamila Halliche)....Pages 443-450
On the Effect of the Inlet Hydrogen Amount on Hydrocarbons Distribution Produced via Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (Abdelmalek Bellal, Lemnouer Chibane)....Pages 451-458
Predictive Current Control in Grid-Connected Fuel Cell–Photovoltaic Based Hybrid System for Power Quality Improvement (M. R. Bengourina, L. Hassaine, M. Bendjebbar)....Pages 459-466
Hydrogen Production by Photo Fermentation via Rhodobacter sp. (Sabah Menia, Ilyes Nouicer, Hammou Tebibel)....Pages 467-471
Estimation of Hydrogen Production in Three Cities in the North of Algeria (Ilyes Nouicer, M. R. Yaiche, Sabah Menia, Fares Meziane, Nourdine Kabouche)....Pages 473-479
Comparative Study of Different PV Systems Configurations Combined with Alkaline and PEM Water Electrolyzers for Hydrogen Production (Nourdine Kabouche, Fares Meziane, Ilyes Nouicer, Rafika Boudries)....Pages 481-489
Wind Power System for Large-Scale Energy and Hydrogen Production in Hassi R’mel (Fares Meziane, F. Chellali, K. Mohammedi, Nourdine Kabouche, Ilyes Nouicer)....Pages 491-497
Analysis and Design of PEM Fuel Cell/Photovoltaic System to Supply a Traffic Light Signals in Ouargla City Based on Field Experience (Abdelmoumen Gougui, Ahmed Djafour, Taha Hamidatou, S. Eddine Khennour, Mohammed Bilal Danoune)....Pages 499-506
Assessment of Hydrogen Production from Geothermal Thermoelectric Generator (M. M. Hadjiat, S. Ouali, K. Salhi, A. Ait Ouali, E. H. Kuzgunkaya)....Pages 507-513
Back Matter ....Pages 515-517