Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e-Learning: Proceedings from FECS'20, FCS'20, SERP'20, and EEE'20 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

دانلود کتاب Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e-Learning: Proceedings from FECS'20, FCS'20, SERP'20, and EEE'20 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

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کتاب پیشرفت در مهندسی نرم افزار، آموزش و یادگیری الکترونیکی: مجموعه مقالات FECS'20، FCS'20، SERP'20، و EEE'20 (معاملات مربوط به علوم محاسباتی و هوش محاسباتی) نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب پیشرفت در مهندسی نرم افزار، آموزش و یادگیری الکترونیکی: مجموعه مقالات FECS'20، FCS'20، SERP'20، و EEE'20 (معاملات مربوط به علوم محاسباتی و هوش محاسباتی) بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e-Learning: Proceedings from FECS'20, FCS'20, SERP'20, and EEE'20 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)

نام کتاب : Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e-Learning: Proceedings from FECS'20, FCS'20, SERP'20, and EEE'20 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)
ویرایش : 1st ed. 2021
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : پیشرفت در مهندسی نرم افزار، آموزش و یادگیری الکترونیکی: مجموعه مقالات FECS'20، FCS'20، SERP'20، و EEE'20 (معاملات مربوط به علوم محاسباتی و هوش محاسباتی)
سری :
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : Springer
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 1003
ISBN (شابک) : 3030708721 , 9783030708726
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 20 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Frontiers in Education: Computer Science & Computer Engineering
FECS 2020 – Program Committee
Foundations of Computer Science
FCS 2020 – Program Committee
Software Engineering Research and Practice
SERP 2020 – Program Committee
e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, & e-Government
EEE 2020 – Program Committee
Part I Curriculum Design, Academic Content, and Learning Objectives
Empirical Analysis of Strategies Employed Within an ICT Curriculum to Increase the Quantity of Graduates
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 The UTAS Situation
4 The Case Study Curriculum
4.1 Amending Misconceptions and Improving Perceptions and Motivation
4.2 Improving Engagement
4.3 Improving Academic Success
5 Method
6 Results
6.1 Domestic Students
6.2 International Students
7 Discussion
8 Conclusion and Future Work
Incorporating Computer Programming into Mathematics Curricula to Enhance Learning for Low-Performing, Underserved Students
1 Introduction
2 Study Design
3 The Curricular Units
3.1 Developing the Simulated Units: Road Coloring
3.2 Developing the Simulated Units: Race Against Time
4 Theoretical Underpinnings
5 Initial Results
6 Conclusion and Future Directions
Examining the Influence of Participating in a Cyber Defense Track on Students\' Cybersecurity Knowledge, Awareness, and Career Choices
1 Introduction
2 Development of New Courses for the Cyber Defense Track
3 Method
3.1 Participants
3.2 Instrumentation
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Knowledge of Cybersecurity
4.2 Awareness of Cybersecurity Practices
4.3 Interest in a Cybersecurity Career
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Team-Based Online Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + High-Performance Computing + Atmospheric Sciences
1 Introduction
2 The Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric Sciences Course
3 Recruitment, Applicants, and Participants
4 Creation of the Online Training
5 Discussion
6 Conclusions
Integrating the Development of Professional Skills Throughout an ICT Curriculum Improves a Graduate\'s Competency
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 The Case Study Integrated Curriculum
4 Methodology
5 Results
5.1 Comparison of Results in Capstone Experience
5.2 Comparison of Results in the First Year and Final Year
6 Discussion
6.1 Communication
6.2 Collaboration
6.3 Creativity
6.4 Critical Thinking
6.5 Technical Skills
7 Conclusion and Future Work
Preparing Computing Graduates for the Workplace: An Assessment of Relevance of Curricula to Industry
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Descriptions of the Gap
2.2 Curriculum Descriptions
3 Methodology
4 Analysis
5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Systems Present in Institutions
5.2 Relevance
Frequency of Usage of Technologies
Percentage Relevance
Recommendations for Improvement
Operating Systems
Word Processing
Desktop Publishing
Presentation Tools
Online Tools
Mobile Tools
Information Systems
Management of Information Systems
Computer Programming
5.3 Human Computer Interaction
6 Summary and Conclusion
Benchmarking the Software Engineering Undergraduate Program Curriculum at Jordan University of Science and Technology with the IEEE Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWE Knowledge Areas #6 –10)
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Research Methodology
4 SWE-KAS Coverage in the SWE-Curriculum at JUST
4.1 Coverage of the SWE-KA#6 (Software Configuration Management)
4.2 Coverage of the SWE-KA#7 (Software Engineering Management)
4.3 Coverage of the SWE-KA#8 (SWE Process)
4.4 Coverage of the SWE-KA#9 (SWE Models and Methods)
4.5 Coverage of the SWE-KA#10 (Software Quality)
5 Discussion and Recommendations
6 Conclusions
Part II Educational Tools, Novel Teaching Methods and Learning Strategies
Design for Empathy and Accessibility: A Technology Solution for Deaf Curling Athletes
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Design Project: Technology Solutions for Deaf Curling Athletes
2.2 Conceptual Frameworks
3 Course Design
4 Students\' Designs
5 Discussion and Conclusion
An Investigation on the Use of WhatsApp Groups as a Mobile Learning System to Improve Undergraduate Performance
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Contribution
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Hypothesis
1.5 Variables
1.6 Limitations
2 Literature Review
2.1 Social Media in Higher Education
2.2 Learning Management Systems
2.3 WhatsApp in Higher Education
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.5 Gaps in the Literature
3 Methodology
3.1 Purpose of Research
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population and Sample
3.4 Sample Course Description
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
3.6 Data Preparation and Preparation
3.7 Limitations
4 Findings and Discussion
4.1 Descriptive Analysis
4.2 Summary of Findings
4.3 Research Questions
Research Question 1
Research Question 2
5 Conclusion
Using Dear Data Project to Introduce Data Literacy and Information Literacy to Undergraduates
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Participants
4 The Dear Data Postcard Visualization Assignment Methodology
5 Postcard Assignment Assessment
6 Results
7 Postcard Assignment Discussion
7.1 What Does the Assignment Teach?
7.2 Limitations
8 Conclusion
A.1 Appendix
An Educational Tool for Exploring the Pumping Lemma Property for Regular Languages
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Tool Support for Pumping Lemma
3.1 Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages
3.2 A Framework of the Active Learning Tool
Regular Expression to NFA Converter
Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
Language\'s Strings Generator (LSG)
Minimum Pumping Length Determiner
4 Pumping Lemma for Regular Language
4.1 Membership Testing for Regular Languages
4.2 String Generation
4.3 Determination of Minimum Pumping Length
5 Conclusions and Future Work
An Educational Guide to Creating Your Own Cryptocurrency
1 Introduction
2 A Working Codebase
3 Preliminary Code Modifications
4 Creating the Genesis Block
5 Primary Code Modifications
6 Deploying the Nodes
7 Building the Wallet
8 Results and Discussion
Appendix A
Peer Assistant Role Models in a Graduate Computer Science Course
1 Introduction
1.1 Aims and Objectives of the Paper
2 Assessment and Evaluation Plan
2.1 Evaluation Instruments
2.2 Overall Anticipations from the Evaluation Plan
3 Results of Evaluation and Assessment
3.1 Analyses and Conclusions
A Project-Based Approach to Teaching IoT
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Approach
3.1 Audience and Assumptions
3.2 Course Structure
3.3 Introducing Key Hardware Skills Through Hands-on Labs
4 Hardware
4.1 Microcontrollers
4.2 Sensors, Actuators, and Peripherals
4.3 Arduino vs. Real Time Operating System vs. Developer Framework
5 Labs
5.1 Lab Preparation
5.2 Lab 1: IDE and Toolchain Setup
5.3 Lab 2: Sensors
5.4 Lab 3: Communication Part 1
5.5 Lab 4: Communication Part 2
5.6 Lab 5: Communication Part 3
5.7 Lab 6: Management
5.8 Lab 7: Security
5.9 Lab 8: Visualization
5.10 Additional Activities During Lab Sessions
6 First Class: Spring 2019
6.1 Student Feedback
7 Second Class: Spring 2020
7.1 New Updates and Changes Made
7.2 Lessons Learned
8 Plans for Next Class
9 Conclusion
Computational Thinking and Flipped Classroom Model for Upper-Division Computer Science Majors
1 Introduction
2 Background and Related Work
2.1 Contribution to State of the Art
3 Approach and Methods
3.1 Control (CON) Population
3.2 Flipped Classroom (FC) Population
3.3 Data Collection Reported in This Work
3.4 Data Collection Not Reported in This Work
4 Preliminary Results
4.1 Considerations for Instructors
4.2 Qualitative Preliminary Results from CON Group
4.3 Qualitative Preliminary Results from the FC Group
4.4 Quantitative Comparison of CON and FC Using Likert-Type Responses
Research Question 1: Online/Advanced Traditional Classroom
Research Question 2: Perception of Instructor Confidence
Research Question 3: Improved Social Interaction
Research Question 4: Student Performance
5 Conclusion
A Dynamic Teaching Learning Methodology Enabling Fresh Graduates Starting Career at Mid-level
1 Introduction
2 How One IT Training Institute Pioneered a Way to Fill the Skills Deficit and Place 95% of Its Graduates in Mid-level IT Jobs Within 4 Months of Graduation
2.1 Researching Latest Industry Trends
2.2 Classroom Template
2.3 Essential Instructional Elements
Traditional Lecture Method with Audio-Visual Aids
Hands-On Class Labs
Student Public Speaking via Classroom Presentation Project
2.4 Evaluation
Class Test
Post-Course Boot Camp Lab
Student Test Preparation Assessment Tools
Vendor Exam Preparation
2.5 Certificate/Diploma
2.6 Post-Class Survey
2.7 Top-Flight Job Placement Support
Resume Assistance
Mock Interview Sessions
Career Counseling and Job Placement Services
3 Belief Rule Base Approach
4 BRBES to Evaluate Overall Level of Skill
4.1 Architecture
Data Management Layer
Application Layer
Interface Layer
5 Results and Discussion
6 Conclusion
Innovative Methods of Teaching the Basic Control Course
1 Introduction
2 Content of the Basic Control Course
3 Method of Teaching the Basic Control Course
4 SYSBOOK Platform: Interactive Demonstrations
5 New Paradigm in the Basic Control Course: Youla Parameterization
6 MATLAB/SIMULINK Computer Exercises
7 Open Content Development: Student Case Studies
8 Conclusions
Part III Frontiers in Education – Methodologies, Student Academic Preparation and Related Findings
Towards Equitable Hiring Practices for Engineering Education Institutions: An Individual-Based Simulation Model
1 Introduction
2 Objective
3 Modelling and Simulation
4 Discussion and Conclusion
Developing a Scalable Platform and Analytics Dashboard for Manual Physical Therapy Practices Using Pressure Sensing Fabric
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Physical Manual Therapy
2.2 Our Physical Therapy Analytics Dashboard
3 Physical Therapy Analytics Dashboard Construction
3.1 Studio 1 Labs Sensor Fabric
3.2 Dashboard Development: Front End
3.3 Dashboard Development: Back End
3.4 Dashboard Development: Deployment
4 Conclusions and Future Work
Tracking Changing Perceptions of Students Through a Cyber Ethics Course on Artificial Intelligence
1 Introduction
2 So Why Cyber Ethics?
3 Cyber Ethics for iGens
4 Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Ethics
5 Methodology
6 Sample Size
6.1 Setting Up the Journal
6.2 Lecture on AI
7 Results
7.1 Sample Posts (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)
8 Discussion and Lessons Learned
9 Conclusion
Predicting the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Computer Science Students Using Data Mining
1 Introduction
2 Experiment Methodology
2.1 Attributes Used in the Survey
2.2 Data Mining Algorithms Used
IBk Nearest Neighbor
J48 Decision Tree
Random Forest
Random Tree
Multilayer Perceptron
2.3 Evaluation Metrics
3 Results
3.1 Analysis of the Performance of IBk Nearest Neighbor
3.2 Analysis of the Performance of J48 Decision Tree
3.3 Analysis of the Performance of Random Forest
3.4 Analysis of the Performance of Random Tree
3.5 Analysis of the Performance of Multilayer Perceptron
3.6 General Analysis
3.7 Relationship Between Features and the GPA Class Value
3.8 Results Obtained by Reducing the Size of the Dataset
4 Related Work
5 Conclusion
An Algorithm for Determining if a BST Node\'s Value Can Be Changed in Place
1 Introduction
2 Tree Applications
3 Algorithm to Determine Whether a Change Can Occur in Place
3.1 Relative Location Algorithm
Node to Be Changed Has Two Children
Node to Be Changed Has No Children
Node to Be Changed Has One Child
4 Analysis
5 Conclusion
Class Time of Day: Impact on Academic Performance
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
4 Conclusions
A Framework for Computerization of Punjab Technical Education System for Financial Assistanceto Underrepresented Students
1 Introduction
2 Financial Assistance Management
2.1 Risk Detection
2.2 Performance Prediction
2.3 Data Visualization
2.4 Intelligent Feedback
2.5 Conventional Database Framework
2.6 Implementation of New Framework
2.7 Description of Framework
2.8 Hardware and Software Specifications
3 Importing Data to MongoDB and Comparison
3.1 Importing CSV File into MongoDB
3.2 Checking the Imported Data in MongoDB
3.3 Comparison of New Framework with Other Database Systems
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Parent-Teacher Portal (PTP): A Communication Tool
1 Introduction
2 Parent-Teacher Portal
3 Existing Tools
3.1 Remind
3.2 ClassDojo
3.3 Bloomz
3.4 ClassTag
4 System Implementation
5 Functional and Non-functional Requirements
6 Usability
7 User Interface
8 Conclusion and Future Recommendation
Part IV Foundations of Computer Science: Architectures, Algorithms, and Frameworks
Exact Floating Point
1 Introduction: IEEE Standard Floating Point
2 Bounded Floating Point
3 Similar Floating-Point Numbers
4 Exact and Inexact Subtraction
5 Conclusions
Random Self-modifiable Computation
1 Introduction
1.1 Related Work—Computation
2 The Ex-machine
2.1 Standard Instructions
2.2 Random Instructions
2.3 Meta Instructions
3 Computing Ex-machine Languages
3.1 Ex-machine Z(x)
3.2 Some Turing Incomputable Properties of Z(x)
4 An Ex-machine Halting Problem
5 A Research Direction
6 Conclusion
Appendix: A Turing Machine Is an Autonomous Dynamical System
ECM Factorization with QRT Maps
1 Introduction
2 A Brief Review of QRT Maps
3 Somos and Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
4 Somos-4 QRT Map
5 Somos-5 QRT Map
6 Lyness Map
7 Complexity of Scalar Multiplication
8 Conclusions
What Have Google\'s Random Quantum Circuit Simulation Experiments Demonstrated About Quantum Supremacy?
1 What Is Quantum Supremacy?
2 Overview of Arute et al. [1, 2]
3 What Do the Google Quantum Team\'s Experiments Show About Quantum Supremacy?
3.1 Could an Extrapolation of Eq. 29Equ11 for Sycamore Architecture Systems Containing More Than 53 Qubits Be Grounded in Statistical Inference Theory, Based on the Results Reported in Arute et al. [1, 2]?
3.2 Does Any Method for Comparing the Performance of a Quantum Computer to the Performance of a Classical Computer Generalize Beyond the Cases Tested?
4 Conclusions
Chess Is Primitive Recursive
1 Introduction
2 Gödel Number Operators
3 Chess
4 Conclusion
How to Extend Single-Processor Approach to Explicitly Many-Processor Approach
1 Introduction
2 The General Principles of EMPA
2.1 Overview of the Modern Paradigm
2.2 Details of the Concept
2.3 Some Advantages of EMPA
3 How to Implement EMPA
3.1 The Core
The Processing Element
The Morphing Element
The Storage Management Element
3.2 Executing the Code
The Quasi-Threads
Process of Code Execution
Compatibility with Conventional Computing
Synchronizing the Cooperation
3.3 Organizing `ad hoc\' Structures
3.4 Processor
3.5 Clustering the Cores
3.6 Communication in EMPA
3.7 The Compiler
4 New Features EMPA Offers
4.1 Architectural Aspects
Virtualization at HW Level
Reduced Power Consumption
4.2 Attacking Memory Wall
Register-to-Register Transfer
Subroutine Call Without Stack
Interrupt and Systems Calls Without Context Switching
Resource Sharing Without Scheduling
4.3 Attacking the Communication Wall
Decreasing the Internal Latency
Hierarchic (Local) Communication
Fully Asynchronous Operation
5 Summary
Formal Specification and Verification of Timing Behavior in Safety-Critical IoT Systems
1 Introduction
2 Specification Language for Modeling of IoT Systems\' Behavior
2.1 Behavior Protocol
2.2 Enhanced Time Behavior Protocol
2.3 Example of Enhanced Time Behavior Protocol
3 Composition and Visualization of ETBP
3.1 Composition of Enhanced Time Behavior Protocol
3.2 Composition and Verification of Behavior Protocols
4 Application of ETBP
5 Conclusions and Future Work
Introducing Temporal Behavior to Computing Science
1 Introduction
2 Introducing Time to Computing
2.1 Why Temporal Logic Is Needed
2.2 Consequences of Temporal Behaviour
2.3 Example: Temporal Diagram of a 1-Bit Adder
2.4 Using New Effect/Technology/Material in Computing Chain
3 Identifying Bottlenecks of Computing Due to Their Technical Implementation
3.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation
3.2 The High Speed Serial Bus
3.3 Parallelized Sequential Processing
3.4 Communication
4 The Effect of Temporal Behavior on Scaling
5 Summary
Evaluation of Classical Data Structures in the Java Collections Framework
1 Introduction
2 Data Structure
3 Array List
3.1 Limitations of Array List
Insertion at the Beginning of an Array List
Insertion at a Specified Index in an Array List
Deletion at a Specified Index
Deletion at the Beginning
Deletion at the End
4 Linked List
4.1 Insertion Operations for a Linked List
4.2 Deletion Operations for a Linked List
5 Doubly Linked List
5.1 Insertion and Deletion Operations for a Doubly Linked List
6 Performance Evaluation
6.1 Performance of Insertion Operations
6.2 Performance of Deletion Operations
7 Stack
8 Queue
9 Conclusion and Future Work
Part V Software Engineering, Dependability, Optimization, Testing, and Requirement Engineering
Securing a Dependability Improvement Mechanism for Cyber-Physical Systems
1 Introduction
2 Overview of DDI
3 Methodology
4 Securing the DDI in Transit
4.1 DDI in Transit Between System Components
4.2 DDI in Transit from System to Cloud Server
4.3 DDI in Transit from System to System
4.4 System-to-System Protocol Applied to Platoon Use Case
5 Securing the DDI at Rest
6 Results
7 Conclusion
A Preliminary Study of Transactive Memory System and Shared Temporal Cognition in the Collaborative Software Process Tailoring
1 Introduction
2 Software Process Tailoring (SPT)
3 Transactive Memory Systems (TMS)
4 Shared Temporal Cognitions (STC)
5 Development of a Theoretical Model
6 Concluding Remark and Future Research
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for the Simultaneous Unloading and Loading Processes in a Maritime Port
1 Introduction and Literature Review
2 Mathematical Formulation
2.1 Assumptions
2.2 Notations
2.3 Decision Variables
Boolean Variables
Float Variables
2.4 Modeling
3 Experimental Results
3.1 Results for Randomly Generated Instances
3.2 Results for Real Instances from Port of Tripoli-Lebanon
4 Conclusion
How to Test Interoperability of Different Implementations of a Complex Military Standard
1 Introduction
2 Fundamentals
2.1 JISR Process
2.2 STANAG 4559
Conformance Testing for CORBA Interface
Conformance Testing for Web Service Interfaces
3 Test Center
4 Testing
4.1 Requirements on the Tests
4.2 How to Get Test Cases
4.3 Synchronization Tests
5 Conclusion
Overall Scheduling Requirements for Scheduling Synthesis in Automotive Cooperative Development
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
2.1 Generating an Overall Scheduling
2.2 Modeling Automotive Embedded Systems
2.3 Repository Organization for Model Artifacts
3 AUTOSAR Example: Display Controller
3.1 System Structure and Informal Requirements
3.2 Subsystems and Partial Schedulings
3.3 Overall Scheduling as Interleaving of Schedulings
4 Approach
4.1 PortChain Description
4.2 Mapping Description
4.3 Overall Scheduling Derivation
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Extracting Supplementary Requirements for Energy Flexibility Marketplace
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Architecture and the Expert Panel
3.1 Overview on the FLEXIMAR Architecture
3.2 The Expert Panel
4 Results
5 Analysis
6 Discussion
A Dynamic Scaling Methodology for Improving Performance of Data-Intensive Systems
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 EASTWeb Application
2.2 Cloud Computing Environment
3 Methodology
3.1 Scaling the System
Rule 1: Consider Categories of Data in Splitting
Rule 2: Consider Analyzing Data in Splitting
Rule 3: Consider Volume of Data in Splitting
3.2 Modifying the Current System
3.3 Deployment Environment
3.4 Database Transformation
4 Case Study
4.1 The Deployment Environment
4.2 Applying the Dynamic Scaling Methodology
Applying Helper Project Algorithm
Modifying the System
Transforming the Database
4.3 Results
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Part VI Software Engineering Research, Practice, and Novel Applications
Technical Personality as Related to Intrinsic Personality Traits
1 Introduction
2 Previous Research
3 Intrinsic and Technical Personality Traits
4 Testing Methodology and Data Collection
5 Data Analysis
6 Conclusion
Melody-Based Pitch Correction Model for a Voice-Driven Musical Instrument
1 Introduction
2 Overview
3 Approach
4 Model Development
4.1 Data Preparation
4.2 Key Model Creation
4.3 Note Probability and Confidence
5 Application
5.1 Voice-Driven Instrument
5.2 Pitch Correction
6 Results
7 Conclusions/Additional Directions
Analysis of Bug Types of Textbook Code with Open-Source Software
1 Introduction
2 Related Work and Background
2.1 Textbook Code Examples
2.2 Static Code Analysis
3 Research Methods
3.1 Code Analyzer Tools
3.2 Bug Data Collection
4 Research Results
4.1 Source Code in Texts
4.2 With Open-Source Project Files
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Implications of Blockchain Technology in the Health Domain
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Planning the SLR
3.2 Conducting the SLR
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion and Future Work
A Framework for Developing Custom Live Streaming Multimedia Apps
1 Introduction
2 A Framework for Multimedia Live Streaming Apps
2.1 App Interface
2.2 Background Process
2.3 Communication Channel
2.4 Content Player
2.5 Power Manager
2.6 Network Lock
2.7 Threads
2.8 Data Storage
2.9 URLs
2.10 User Permissions
2.11 Other Components
3 Framework Class Structure
4 Framework Implementation
4.1 App New Features
4.2 Main Activity
4.3 Service
4.4 Message Broadcast Receiver
4.5 Media Player
4.6 Power Manager and Wake Lock
4.7 User Permissions
5 Apps Class Structure
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Change Request Prediction in an Evolving Legacy System: A Comparison
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Software Reliability Growth Models with Change-Points
2.2 Modeling Approach
2.3 Defect Prediction vs. Change Request Prediction
3 Approach
3.1 Approach 1: Curve-Fitting Approach
3.2 Approach 2: Multi-Stage Approach
3.3 Approach 3: Multi-Stage Approach with Time Transformation
4 Case Study
4.1 Case Study Settings
4.2 Results
4.3 Comparing Predictive Ability
4.4 Validity Threats
5 Conclusion and Future Work
Using Clients to Support Extract Class Refactoring
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Extract Class Refactoring Based on Clients
3.1 Definitions
3.2 The Proposed Approach for Extracting Classes
3.3 Example of Application
4 Conclusion and Future Work
Analyzing Technical Debt of a CRM Application by Categorizing Ambiguous Issue Statements
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Technical Debt
2.2 Related Work on Technical Debt Analysis on Enterprise-Level Solutions
3 Research Methodology
4 Validation Process
5 Results and Discussion
6 Conclusion
Applying DevOps for Distributed Agile Development: A Case Study
1 Introduction
2 DevOps
3 DevOps Case Study
3.1 Analytical Lens
3.2 Iteration Management
Iteration Team
Iteration Implementation (DevOps)
Post-Iteration Implementation (Heuristics)
4 Discussion and Conclusion
Water Market for Jazan, Saudi Arabia
1 Introduction
1.1 Energy Source
2 Literature Review
3 Generation of Water from Desalination Plant and Air
4 Water Market Structure
5 Proposed Market Model
6 Analysis of Estimated Costs of Water Transportation
7 Simulation System of the Water Market
7.1 Heuristic Algorithm
8 Simulation Results
9 Conclusion
Modeling Unmanned Aircraft System Maintenance Using Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Methodology
4 Preliminary Results and Anticipated Outcomes
Benchmarking the Software Engineering Undergraduate Program Curriculum at Jordan University of Science and Technology with the IEEE Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (Software Engineering Knowledge Areas #1 –5)
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Research Methodology
4 SWE-KAs Coverage in the SWE-Curriculum at JUST
4.1 Coverage of the SWEKA#1 (Software Requirements)
4.2 Coverage of the SWE-KA#2 (Software Design)
4.3 Coverage of the SWE-KA#3 (Software Construction)
4.4 Coverage of the SWE-KA#4 (Software Testing)
4.5 Coverage of the SWE-KA#5 (Software Maintenance)
5 Discussion and Recommendations
6 Conclusions
A Study of Third-Party Software Compliance and the Associated Cybersecurity Risks
1 Introduction
1.1 Third-Party Software in the Cloud
General Compliance Issues and Cybersecurity Risk
Problem Motivation and Importance
2 Literature
3 Methodology
4 Results
5 Recommendations
6 Conclusion
Further Examination of YouTube\'s Rabbit-Hole Algorithm
1 Background
1.1 Previous Research
1.2 Other Important Factors and Statements
2 Anecdotes
2.1 The Unintended Problems
3 Conclusion
Part VII Educational Frameworks and Strategies, and e-Learning
Characterizing Learner\'s Comments and Rating Behavior in Online Course Platforms at Scale
1 Introduction
2 Dataset Description
3 Characterizing Opinions from a Course Perspective
4 Characterizing Opinions from a Learner Perspective
5 Characterizing Opinions from an Instructor Perspective
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion and Future Work
Supporting Qualification Based Didactical Structural Templates for Multiple Learning Platforms
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation, Problem Statement, and Approach
2 State of the Art in Science and Technology
2.1 Export of DSTs
2.2 Providing an API
3 Conceptual Work
3.1 Application Use Cases
3.2 Extension of the IMS-LD Specification
4 Prototypical Implementation
4.1 Implementation of the Didactical Structural Template Manager
4.2 Providing a RESTful Interface
5 Initial Evaluation
5.1 Scenario for the Initial Evaluation
5.2 Defining an Exemplary Didactical Structural Template
5.3 Creating a Moodle Course
5.4 Creating a Gamified Moodle Course
6 Conclusions
6.1 Future Work
Enhancing Music Teachers\' Cognition and Metacognition: Grassroots FD Project 2019 at Music College
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Classroom Observations as FD
2.2 Classroom Observation with Reflection: Cognitive and Metacognitive Questions
2.3 Teacher\'s Reflection
2.4 The ICE Model: As an Analytical Tool
3 The Present Study
3.1 The Purpose of the Study
3.2 Development of the “Grassroots FD Project 2019”
3.3 Activities, Learnings, and Worksheets
3.4 Enhancing Cognition and Metacognition
4 Results of the “Grassroots FD Project 2019”
4.1 Participants
4.2 Targets of the Lesson Improvements
4.3 Teachers\' Learning from the Grassroots FD Project 2019
4.4 Review of the “Grassroots FD Project 2019” by Chiaki Sawada
5 Conclusion
A.1 Appendix
A.1.1 Appendix (1) Excerpt of Worksheet 1: Open Lesson Analysis Sheet
A.1.2 Appendix (2) Excerpt of Worksheet 2: A Teaching Report: Improving Lessons
A.1.3 Appendix (3) Excerpt of Worksheet 3: A Template of a Paper
Scalable Undergraduate Cybersecurity Curriculum Through Auto-graded E-Learning Labs
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Database Auto-Grader
4 Programming Auto-Grader
4.1 Derivates of Expression Labs
4.2 Derivates of Advanced Labs
5 IT Course Auto-Graders
5.1 Helpdesk Course Auto-graders
5.2 Networking Admin Course Auto-graders
6 Computer Science Course Auto-graders
6.1 Operating System Auto-graders
6.2 Networking Programming Course Auto-graders
7 Cybersecurity Science Course Auto-Graders
7.1 Information Security Auto-graders
7.2 Secure Programming Auto-graders
7.3 Penetration Testing Auto-graders
8 Empirical Data
9 Conclusions and Future Work
The Effect of Matching Learning Material to Learners\' Dyslexia Type on Reading Performance
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Method
3.1 Setup
3.2 Procedure
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Learning Gain
4.2 Learner Satisfaction
5 Lessons Learnt
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Individualized Educational System Supporting Object-Oriented Programming
1 Introduction, Motivation, Problem Areas, and Research Questions
2 Methodology, Goals, Approach, and Outline
3 State of the Art in Science and Technology
4 Conceptual Modeling
5 Prototype Implementation
6 Evaluation of the System
7 Conclusion
A.1 Annex
Part VIII e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government
Emerging Interactions of ERP Systems, Big Data and Automotive Industry
1 Introduction
2 Systematic Literature Review
3 Findings of Systematic Literature Review
3.1 General Blending of ERP Systems with Big Data
3.2 ERP and Its Influence on Automotive Industry
3.3 Integration of Big Data with Automotive Industry
3.4 Research Gaps Identified
Data Management
Trust Issues
Complexity of ERP Responsiveness
4 Development of Conceptual Framework and Discussion
4.1 Solving the Issue of Data Management
4.2 Trust Issues
4.3 Complexity of ERP Responsiveness
5 Conclusion
Software Evaluation Methods to Support B2B Procurement Decisions: An Empirical Study
1 Introduction
1.1 Digital Transformation in Procurement
1.2 Costs of Digital Products
1.3 Approaches to Software Evaluation
1.4 Research Goal and Design
2 Method
2.1 Research Objective
2.2 Participant Characteristics and Sampling Procedure
2.3 Questionnaire Design
2.4 Interview Design
3 Results
3.1 Quantitative Results
3.2 Qualitative Results
4 Conclusions
Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews on Social Media
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Brief Description
2 Technical Specification
2.1 System Architecture Diagram
2.2 Description Libraries and Web Framework Used
2.3 Tweepy
3 Conclusion
Research on Efficient and Fuzzy Matching Algorithm in Information Dissemination System
1 Introduction
2 Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System
2.1 Introduction of Content-Based Publish/Subscribe System
2.2 Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Model
3 Design of Efficient Fuzzy Matching Algorithm
3.1 Concept and Process of Fuzzy Matching Algorithm
3.2 Efficient Fuzzy Matching Algorithm
3.3 Logical Coverage Relationship Between Subscription Constraints
3.4 Design of Subscription Information Organization Pattern in Matching Algorithm
4 Experiment and Analysis
5 Conclusion
Agile IT Service Management Frameworks and Standards: A Review
1 Introduction
2 Background on ITSM and Agile ITSM Tenets
2.1 ITSM Background
2.2 Agile ITSM Background
3 Review of the Main Four Agile ITSM Frameworks and Standards
3.1 ITIL v4
3.2 VeriSM
3.3 FitSM
3.4 ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
3.5 Analysis of the Proffered Agile ITSM Frameworks and Standards
4 Discussion of Implications and Conclusions
4.1 Discussion of Implications
5 Conclusions
Contingency Planning: Prioritizing Your Resources
1 Background
2 Literature Review
3 Contingency Planning
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Research Approach
3.3 Sampling Method
3.4 Data Collection Method
3.5 Data Analysis Method
4 Results
5 Discussion
Smart Low-Speed Self-Driving Transportation System
1 Introduction
2 System Basics
3 Use Cases
3.1 Delivery System
3.2 Patrol System
4 Technologies and Cost
4.1 Key Technology Involved
4.2 Cost, Budget, and Suppliers
5 SWOT Analysis
5.1 Internal Strengths
5.2 Internal Weaknesses
5.3 Outside Opportunities
5.4 Outside Threats
6 Market Analysis
6.1 Target Customers
6.2 Marketing Assets
7 Conclusion
Are Collaboration Tools Safe? An Assessment of Their Use and Risks
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Is Google Hangouts Safe, Secure, and Private? \"026A30C Tech Boomers
4 Google Cloud in the Era of the Pandemic
5 Cyber Threats Related to the Coronavirus and Security Management
6 Skype and Microsoft
7 Security
8 Settings for Securing Zoom
9 Zooming to Conclusion Cybersecurity
9.1 Research Findings
9.2 Recommendations
10 Conclusion
Tourism Service Auction Market for Saudi Arabia
1 Introduction
1.1 Tourism in Saudi Arabia
2 Literature Review
2.1 Background of E-marketplaces
2.2 Consortium
2.3 Clearing House
2.4 Set Cover Problem
3 The Proposed Tourism Service Auction Market
3.1 Market Model (Math Model)
4 Implementation
4.1 Java Model
4.2 Implementation Results
5 Conclusion
The Use of Crowdsourcing as a Business Strategy
1 Introduction
2 Taxonomy of Crowdsourcing for Business Strategy
3 Procurement of Management Resources (MR)
4 Improvement of Productivity (IP)
5 Costs Reduction (CR)
6 Responding to Fluctuations (RF)
7 Outline of the Survey
8 Result
8.1 Reasons and Effects in Total
8.2 Reasons and Effects by Company Size
8.3 Reasons and Effects by Business Type
9 Conclusion

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