توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
در دنیای VUCA (فرار، نامطمئن، پیچیده و مبهم) که در آن ما در حال حاضر در حال کارکردن با تکامل سریع نیروهایی که بر شرکت شما وارد میشوند، مانند فناوری، تغییرات مستمری را به درجهای که شما نیاز دارید هدایت میکنند. آماده شدن برای تکامل و تغییر بارها و بارها برای همگام شدن. هیچ حالت نهایی هدف واحدی وجود ندارد که بتوانید به آن برسید که به شما اجازه دهد یک نفس طولانی بکشید. به احتمال زیاد، شما مجبور خواهید بود مسیر خود را تغییر دهید، شاید بیش از یک بار، در حالی که هر تحول اساسی را انجام می دهید.
اگر می خواهید شرکت شما پایدار باشد، باید این کار را انجام دهید. یک تحول دیجیتال را انجام دهید و خود را برای مدیریت ریسک های متعدد، متنوع و متغیری که همراه با آن است، آماده کنید. مقامات مدیریت ریسک، مانند ISO، COSO، OMB و NIST، بیشتر بر این موضوع تمرکز میکنند که مدیریت ریسک پس از راهاندازی چگونه باید باشد تا اینکه چگونه به آنجا برسیم. آنها معمولاً تعیین نحوه سازماندهی و پیاده سازی آن را به عهده شرکت ها می گذارند.
مدیریت ریسک سازمانی چابک رشته ای است که شما به آن نیاز دارید. با این چالش روبرو شوید مدیریت ریسک ها در حالی که یک شرکت را متحول می کند تا سازگاری مستمر را ایجاد کند، بسیار مهم است و شیوه های AERM یک گام تکاملی دور از ارزیابی ریسک سنتی، مدیریت ریسک و تضمین ریسک است. ارزشی که مدیریت ریسک سازمانی چابک ارائه میکند، راهنمایی در مورد چگونگی دستیابی به RM شتابدهی در حین تداوم مطابقت با استانداردهای مربوطه است.
اگرچه شما اکنون با چالش انجام دو تبدیل به طور همزمان روبرو هستید، اگر مایل به انجام آن باشید، امکان پذیر است. این کاملاً ممکن است که شما در حال حاضر بسیاری از کارهایی را که برای موفقیت در این مورد نیاز دارید انجام دهید. تحول دیجیتال و پذیرش AERM همزیستی هستند - هر دو به رشته های مدیریتی مشترک نیاز دارند که برای موفقیت باید به شیوه ای منطبق با اجرای یک تجارت دیجیتال اجرا و اعمال شوند. این کتاب نقشه راهی برای دستیابی به این هدف ارائه می دهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
About this book
Who is this book for?
Organization of the book
What’s driving the change we’re experiencing?
Technology and technology-driven business models and the shift from capex to opex
Process automation can displace people, even high-level people
Cloud infrastructures level the playing field between startups and established companies
Your company’s valuation depends on your keeping up with these trends
Societal changes
How can you prepare to compete?
Implementing Agile ERM
Agile ERM Artifacts
Agile ERM operational processes
Where do we go from here?
Chapter 1: Context: COVID, BLM and upheaval
Covered in this chapter
VUCA: our current state
Agile vs. agility
Business agility, the one thing you need to survive
The challenges you’re facing
The pressure to execute a digital transformation
Managing your business and risks as you transform
Traditional approaches to strategy are losing validity
Forces driving the need for new strategic approaches
Traditional business management practices that no longer work
Traditional risk management practices are seriously flawed
All management is risk management
You already manage risks—you intuitively know how to do this
But are we actually any good at it?
Why you need multi-disciplinary, integrated risk management
Why multi-disciplinary?
Why integrated?
Any transformation has risks
Controlled transformation is key to managing transformation risks
The disciplines you will need to execute your controlled transformation
Chapter summary
Chapter 2: Enterprise risk management today
Covered in this chapter
The emergence and evolution of risk management
RM vs. TRM vs. ERM vs. AERM
Current State of RM
The ERM process
Set context in which ERM will operate
Establish risk appetite and tolerance
What is risk?
Inventory risk sources
Identify, map and prioritize where general operating risks occur
Identify external drivers or forces that create risks and opportunities
Strategy and execution: a chicken and egg problem
Identify recurring and ad hoc decision processes
Perform a risk assessment: inventory and analyze risks and develop management strategies
Identify risks
Analyze risks
The traditional way
A better way: quantitative analysis, incorporating uncertainty and variance
Evaluate strategies and alternative treatments for each risk
Select treatment for each risk
Document your plan
Establish integrated RM controls, policies and processes
Implement, execute and monitor ERM performance
Risk audit and risk assurance
Evolve and improve your ERM
Causes of substandard risk management
Your goals for improving your risk management
Why won’t traditional approaches to managing risk work going forward?
Chapter summary
Chapter 3: Digital transformation, business agility and risk
Covered in this chapter
Invention and innovation
Invention and innovation cycles drive markets
Various models illustrate cycles’ impact
The BCG Growth-Share Matrix
The Invincible Company: a portfolio of businesses
Parallels among the models
Implications for your business
Digital’s strategic impact is forcing enterprises to rethink execution
A strategy that reflects today’s digital realities demands revised operational capabilities
Traditional enterprise structural and management models that will have to change
The goals and challenges of transformation
How and why risk management needs to change
Chapter summary
Chapter 4: The company you need to be
Covered in this chapter
Forces driving the target model of a business architected for the future
Why do I need a digital transformation?
The anatomy of your company—enterprise and business architecture
A definition of enterprise
Enterprise architecture
Business architecture
The anatomy of a digital business
Operational infrastructure and API services
Operational infrastructure
API services
Digital products and services factory
Business intelligence and analytics
Partner development platform
Distributed governance model
Digital transformation means transforming your enterprise architecture
A preview of the transformation journey
As-is EA and BA models
To-be EA and BA models
Gap analysis and implementation initiatives
Execution competency and capability gaps
Roadmap and execution plan
Risk management and the controlled transformation journey
Haven’t I already done some of this?
AERM and the digital enterprise
Chapter summary
A bi-level model for early-stage and established businesses
The case: a street cart
Pre-MVP risk management—experimental and developmental phases
An enterprise and business architecture model of the business
Applying the EA model to manage risk: elementary AERM
Chapter 5: Planning the transformation journey and managing its risks
Covered in this chapter
Change vs. transformation
Risk management and the transformational digital enterprise
Three layers of risk
Managing risks in conjunction with transformation
Scoping and planning the transformation journey
Establish who’s governing during the transformation and after
Articulate your strategy
Establish your physical model infrastructure—EA/BA models, KM repository, pattern library
Establish the logical designs of your metadata repositories
Your EA/BA models
Your Taxonomy
Your Pattern Library
Initiate and monitor the ongoing governance and management processes of your EA/AERM effort
Scope, plan and conduct your discovery effort
Prioritize and schedule your discovery tasks
Focus on business processes
Business process discovery and management decision mapping
Example: an order management process
Inventory and document management and governance processes
Execute discovery
Compile the as-is EA/BA model
Populate your as-is model
Map known risks to your as-is model
Establish your preliminary to-be model
Precepts underlying to-be design decisions
The to-be model framework
Operational Infrastructure (OI)
API services (API)
Digital Products and Services Factory (DPSF)
Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI/A)
Partner Development Platform (PDP)
Distributed governance model
Define to-be governance and management processes
Map as-is to to-be and conduct gap analysis
AERM’s EA-driven approach to managing the risks of transformation
Distill transformation initiatives and populate portfolio
Analyze the portfolio and develop your transformation program
Establish concrete business goals
Establish priorities to sequence your transformation
Chapter summary
Company overview
HiCTools’ strategic transformation goals
Transformation risk considerations
As-is model
Organization and governance
Product management and customer-facing elements
Operational Infrastructure, API services
Business intelligence/analytics
To-be model
Redesign of the organization, responsibility allocation and governance model
Product management and the digital products and services factory
Perform market research
Produce product design and prototype
Perform market test, exposing product to customers
Commercialize and roll product out
Operational Infrastructure, API services
Business intelligence/analytics
Partner development platform
Gap analysis
Organization and governance—people issues
Operational Infrastructure
API management
Product management
Business intelligence and analytics
Partnership enablement
Capabilities and enablers—technologies, processes and assets
Operational Infrastructure
API management
Product management, digital products and services factory
Business intelligence and analytics
Partner development platform
Portfolio formulation and program design
Guiding objectives
Foundation and initiation: priority 1 initiatives
Create plan to address cultural issues
Select transformation leadership
Stand up the change management team (transformation program management office)
Define transformation governance processes to be employed
Plan for organizational redesign
Compile training and upskilling requirements
Plan for transforming the product management function
Define architectural subject matter expert (SME) team requirements
Stand up the enterprise and business architecture team
Stand up the knowledge management team
Stand up the business process management team
Compile a work-in-progress inventory
Create a preliminary master program schedule
Program execution: priority 2 initiatives
Operationalize change management processes
Produce technical architecture deliverables
Deliver training
Perform EA/BA modeling
Knowledge management and taxonomy creation
Business process mining—process inventory creation
Digital Products and Services factory
Design API architecture and implement API management
Operational Infrastructure architecture and migration
Program execution: priority 3 initiatives
Produce technical architecture deliverables
Business intelligence/analytics migration and implementation planning
Developmental business lifecycle implementation
Partner development platform
How risks are reflected in the program
Case 2 summary
Chapter 6: Integration: Executing your digital transformation and integrating Agile ERM
Covered in this chapter
Ab initio
Transformation and operational disciplines
Disciplines enabling digital transformation
Disciplines enabling Agile Enterprise Risk Management
Disciplines for managing transformation
Management and governance processes for transformation and ongoing operations
Monitoring and management processes for transformation execution
Transformation program outcome monitoring and management processes
Operational management and governance processes
Product development processes
Value-stream Product Management
Rapid product evolution and delivery
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
Developmental product portfolio management
Operational management and governance processes
IT operations management
Change management
Technology management
Business process management
Human resource management: staff availability, utilization, acquisition
Implementing Agile ERM
AERM operational processes
Retrospective processes
Measuring your progress
Chapter summary
The lifecycle of an HPTCo bicycle
The competition line
The standard line
Opportunities and challenges: the children’s division and digital transformation
Strategic level
Business model level
Operating model level
Operational architecture level
Risk considerations and management
Strategic risks
Operational risks
Design bikes
Facilities—assembly, inventory, shipping, etc.
Parts fabrication or procurement
Sales order management, assembly, work order management, inventory
ERP and accounting
Marketing, sales
Transformational Risks
As-is EA/BA model
Existing standard division operations
Existing HPTCo digital capabilities and enablers
Operational infrastructure
API management
Digital products and services factory
Business intelligence and analytics
Partner development platform
Distributed governance
To-be EA/BA model scenarios
Targeted to-be business and operating models
Operating Model and Operational Architecture Scenarios
Minimal change
Outsourced assembly
In-house assembly, hybrid sales
Hybrid assembly, hybrid sales
Risk-based thinking, risk-based decision-making
Assumptions and concerns
Gap analysis, transformation portfolio construction
Transformation portfolio analysis and program construction
Children’s division
Digital transformation
The combined transformation program
Program task breakdown by stage
Risk management as reflected in the program design
Case 3 summary
Chapter 7: Book summary and the future of work
Covered in this chapter
Traditional ERM
Digital transformation, business agility and risk
Digital transformation and business agility
Traditional enterprise structural and management models that will have to change
Managing the risks around transformation
The company you need to be
A definition of enterprise
Goals and drivers
The anatomy of a company
The anatomy of a digital business
Digital transformation means transforming your enterprise architecture
Planning the transformation journey and managing its risks
Change vs. transformation
Risk management and the transformational digital enterprise
The three layers of risks
The transformation lifecycle
Establish governance for the transformation and ongoing operations, thereafter
Compile the as-is EA/BA model
Focus on business processes
Business process discovery and management decision mapping
Identify and document management and governance processes
Conduct discovery, populate your as-is model
Map known risks from your risk register onto the as-is model
Initiate and monitor your governance and management processes
Establish your preliminary to-be model
The to-be model framework
Define to-be governance and management processes
Map as-is to to-be and conduct gap analysis
The AERM EA-driven approach to managing the risks of transformation
Distill transformation initiatives and populate transformation portfolio
Analyze transformation portfolio and develop transformation program
Executing your transformation
What you should have in place at this point
Transformation and operational disciplines
Management and governance processes: transformation, ongoing operations
Monitoring and management processes: transformation program outcomes
Management and governance processes: operations
Implementing AERM
AERM operational processes
Retrospective processes
Measuring your progress
The future of work
AERM, the future of work and your company
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
In the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world in which we are currently operating the rapid evolution of forces acting on your company, such as technology, are driving continual change to the degree that you will need to be prepared to evolve and transform again and again to keep pace. There is no single target end-state that you can reach that will allow you to take an extended breather. The chances are, you will have to change course, maybe more than once, while executing any substantial transformation you undertake.
If your company is to be sustainable, you will need to perform a Digital Transformation and prepare yourself to manage the numerous, varied and changing risks that go along with it. Authorities on risk management, such as ISO, COSO, OMB and NIST, focus more on what Risk Management should look like once it’s in place than they do on how to get there. They generally leave it up to companies to determine how to organize and implement it, themselves.
Agile Enterprise Risk Management is the discipline you will need to meet this challenge. Managing risks while transforming a company to enable continuous adaptation are substantial, and AERM practices are an evolutionary step away from traditional Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Risk Assurance. The value that Agile Enterprise Risk Management provides is guidance as to how to achieve accelerated RM while continuing to comply with relevant standards.
Although you are now faced with the challenge of performing two transformations simultaneously, it is feasible if you are willing to do it. It is quite possible that you are already doing a lot of what you need to do to succeed at this. Digital transformation and AERM adoption are symbiotic―both require common management disciplines, which must be implemented and exercised in a manner consistent with running a digital business, to be successful. This book provides a road map to achieving this.