فهرست مطالب :
Inside Front Cover, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Dedication, Page v
Contents of Volume I, Pages xi-xiii
Contributors, Pages xv-xxi
KP Equations, Strings, and the Schottky Problem, Pages 473-492, Motohico Mulase
A Note on the Holonomic System of Invariant Hyperfunctions on a Certain Prehomogeneous Vector Space, Pages 493-503, Masakazu Muro
Applications of Transformation Theory for Nonlinear Integrable Systems to Linear Prediction Problems and Isospectral Deformations, Pages 505-515, Yoshimasa Nakamura
New Local Supersymmetry in the Framework of Einstein Gravity, Pages 517-526, Noboru Nakanishi
K3 Surfaces Related to Root Systems in E8, Pages 527-548, Isao Naruki
Wronskian Determinants and the Gröbner Representation of a Linear Differential Equation: An Approach to Nonlinear Integrable Systems, Pages 549-569, Masatoshi Noumi
Higher-Codimensional Boundary Value Problem and F-Mild Hyperfunctions, Pages 571-586, Toshinori ôaku
Hodge Numbers of a Kummer Covering of P2 Ramified along a Line Configuration, Pages 587-599, Takayuki Oda
On a Stochastic Difference Equation for the Multi-Dimensional Weakly Stationary Process with Discrete Time, Pages 601-645, Yasunori Okabe
Bäcklund Transformations of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, Pages 647-657, Kazuo Okamoto
A Deformation of Dirichlet's Class Number Formula, Pages 659-666, Takashi Ono
A Method of Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Symmetric Spaces, Pages 667-680, Toshio Oshima
A Note on Ehrenpreis' Fundamental Principle on a Symmetric Space, Pages 681-697, Toshio Oshima, Yutaka Saburi, Masato Wakayama
Resurgence, Quantized Canonical Transformations, and Multi-lnstanton Expansions, Pages 699-726, F. Pham
Quantization of Extended Vortices and sDiff R3, Pages 727-734, Mario Rasetti, Tullio Regge
Moduli Space for Fuchsian Groups, Pages 735-787, Kyoji Saito
The Hamburger Theorem for the Epstein Zeta Functions, Pages 789-807, Fumihiro Sato
Microfunctions for Boundary Value Problems, Pages 809-819, Pierre Schapira
Regularization of the Product of Complex Powers of Polynomials and Its Application, Pages 821-836, Jiro Sekiguchi
On the Local Solvability of Fuchsian Type Partial Differential Equations, Pages 837-848, Hidetoshi Tahara
-Cohomology and the Bochner—Martinelli Kernel, Pages 849-852, Shinichi Tajima
Issues of Multi-Dimensional Integrable Systems, Pages 853-865, K. Takasaki
Second Microlocalization and Conical Refraction (II), Pages 867-882, Nobuyuki Tose
Pseudodifferential Operators in Hyperfunction Theory, Pages 883-892, Keisuke Uchikoshi
Some Observations on Geometric Representations of the Superconformal Algebras and a Super Analogue of the Mumford Sheaves, Pages 893-900, Kimio Ueno, Hirofumi Yamada
New Elliptic Solitons, Pages 901-910, J.-L. Verdier
On the Microlocal Smoothing Effect of Dispersive Partial Differential Equations, I: Second-Order Linear Equations, Pages 911-926, Masao Yamazaki
Locally Prehomogeneous Spaces and Their Transverse Localizations, Pages 927-942, Tamaki Yano
On Carlson's Theorem for Holomorphic Functions, Pages 943-950, Kunio Yoshino