AMBACIDE: The Genocide and Extermination Reminiscent of Extermination of Jews (Holocaust) by Adolf Hitler

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کتاب AMBACIDE: نسل کشی و نابودی یادآور نابودی یهودیان (هولوکاست) توسط آدولف هیتلر نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب AMBACIDE: نسل کشی و نابودی یادآور نابودی یهودیان (هولوکاست) توسط آدولف هیتلر بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب AMBACIDE: The Genocide and Extermination Reminiscent of Extermination of Jews (Holocaust) by Adolf Hitler

نام کتاب : AMBACIDE: The Genocide and Extermination Reminiscent of Extermination of Jews (Holocaust) by Adolf Hitler
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : AMBACIDE: نسل کشی و نابودی یادآور نابودی یهودیان (هولوکاست) توسط آدولف هیتلر
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Langaa Research & Publishing CIG
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 434
ISBN (شابک) : 9956552488 , 9789956552481
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 5 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Title page
Copyright page
List of Illustrations
List of Acronyms

Chapter One - Southern British Cameroons and Methodology of Analysis
A Chronology
The Bakassi ICJ Ruling
Why study Raging Genocide in Southern British Cameroons or Ambazonia?
Methodology of Analysis-Historical Political Economy
Why Historical Political Economy?
Conception of Economy
Ideology & Political Goals

Chapter Two - Deconstructing the Theory of Genocide according to Raphael Lemkin
The Theory of Genocide by Raphael Lemkin
Explanatory Faultlines in the Lemkin Genocide Convention Model
War and Genocide: A Sociological Approach
Genocide and the Imperial State
Loss of connection between War and Genocide
Connections of context and causality
Connections of meaning
Changing structures of warfare and contemporary genocide
Lemkin and “New Justice” for Victims of Genocide
Decolonizing Genocide

Chapter Three - Understanding the Root Causes of the Raging Genocide in Former British Southern Cameroons*
“Anglophone Crisis” as Misguided Theorizing and Application
“Anglophone Crisis?”
Explaining the Underlying Concept of Genocide
Cameroon: Back to the Future
“Independence” of Ambazonia as Military Occupation, Annexation and Re-colonization
“One Kamerun” Myth as Instrument of Annexation and Recolonization of Ambazonia by La République du Cameroun
Violation of Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) by La République du Cameroun in Ambazonia
Way Forward

Chapter Four - Dissecting the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
The Genocide Convention
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Revisiting the Origin of the Term Genocide
History of the Crime of Genocide
Historical Flashback on Genocide
Genocide as a Historico-Sociological Concept
What is the Crime of Genocide in the Convention?
Jurisdiction over the Crime of Genocide in the Convention
Limitations of the Convention

Chapter Five - Structural Violence: Pacesetter for Ambacide
Significance of Structural Violence
Theorizing Structural Violence
Causes of and Conditions for Genocide and Extermination
Causes of and Conditions for developing Ambacide
Genocides Are Preventable

Chapter Six - Historico-Legal Path to Genocide and Extermination of Ambazonians
The Doctrine of Pacta Sunt Servanda
Decolonization Difficulties and the Violations of International Law
The United Nations Resolution 1608 of April 21, 1961
Difficulties in Implementing Resolution 1608
The Law of Treaties
The Ahidjo Regime’s Military Assault on Southern Cameroons
Jacobinist Gaullist Rule of Ahidjo-Biya
Southern Cameroons Anglophone Grievances
Broken Promises
Decentralisation as the Start of a Sustainable Solution
Econocide in Southern Cameroons
Neocolonialism Then: From Occupation, Annexation, Colonization, Assimilation to Econocide
Biya as a Totalitarian Sociopath in Cameroun

Chapter Seven - The Slippery Identity Road to Genocide and Extermination
Colonial Roots of Anglophone-Francophone Identity Conflict
Identity as a Knife-Colonial Past and Present Identity Frictions
Lost territories
Language and identity politics
Count Down to Genocide and Extermination (Ambacide)
Indifference by International Community
Uncertainties in Intervention in Cameroun
Cameroun’s Strategies and Tactics of Genocide and Extermination of Ambazonians
Collective Colonial Imperialism
Mediated Mind Control
Posters– Using Symbolic Imagery
Election Reality
Anglophobia – Scapegoating of Ambazonians
Controlling mass media for brainwashing
Mythologizing the CPDM party
Minimizing Dust Clouds: Understanding the Purpose of La République du Cameroun Scorched-earth Warfare
The Hard Reality in Cameroun
Demonizing the Political Opposition of Ambazonians
Dehumanizing Ambazonians
“The Anglophone Identity Crisis”
Cordon, Search, Loot, and Kill

Chapter Eight - President Paul Biya Blows the Whistle for His ‘Final Solution’
Failed Peaceful Attempts to Resolve Colonization of Ambazonia
Political and Geographical Annihilation
Quest for Restoration of Statehood Trashed
Biya’s Final Solution Visited on Ambazonia
Raiding of Homes and Streets
Minimizing Dust Clouds of Siege Warfare
Psychological Warfare
Three Shades of Propaganda
Rape as War Weapon against Ambazonian Women
Motivation: Why Are Ambazonian Women Targeted?
Aftermath of Rape
Ecocide as War Weapon
Beheading as War Weapon
Hundreds of Villages Burnt
Torture as War Weapon
Psychological Warfare as a Weapon of State Terror
The Role of Traditional Authority
The Enigma of Coexistence
French Colonial Policy imposed on Southern Cameroonians
Political Conditioning
State Policy
French Defence and Security for Africa
Economic Relations of Colonial Imperialism
A history of Violence and Repression as a Power Factor
The ‘diabolical mechanism’ of CFA franc as pillar of French Dispossession
Barrier to development
An unsustainable status quo
Automatic confiscation of national reserves
Cultural “Cooperation”
French as culturcide in Cameroun
Mental Coercion and Enemy Occupation in Ambazonia
Cameroun Independence as Colonization
Broken Silence

Chapter Nine - From the Anger of Despair to Resistance and Self-Defence*
Understanding Anger and Resistance: A Theoretical Perspective
Defining Anger
Violent Resistance as a Duty?
Background to Cameroon Colonial History
The Trouble with Cameroon
Aborted Demands for Political Decentralization, Equity and Fairness in Governance
The Responsibility to Protect and the International Media Silence
Anger, Resistance, and Self-Defense
Self-defence, States’ Silence, and the Security Council: Examining Acquiescence Concerns and UN Article 51 Reports
Self-Defense and Defense of Vulnerable Ambazonian Others
Self-Defense and the UN Charter

Chapter Ten - Epilogue
Theoretical Reprise
Decolonizing Genocide and Extermination (Ambacide)

Back cover

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