Analog and Digital Holography with MATLAB

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کتاب هولوگرافی آنالوگ و دیجیتال با متلب نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Analog and Digital Holography with MATLAB

نام کتاب : Analog and Digital Holography with MATLAB
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : هولوگرافی آنالوگ و دیجیتال با متلب
سری :
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : SPIE Press
سال نشر : 2015
تعداد صفحات : 522
ISBN (شابک) : 1628416920 , 9781628416923
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 46 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Title Page
Publishing Notes
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms & Abbreviations
1. Introduction and Preliminaries
1.1 History of Holography
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Types of holograms
1.1.3 Holographic recording media
1.2 Scalar Theory of Diffraction
1.2.1 Maxwell’s equations
1.2.2 Spatial frequency transfer function & Fresnel diffraction
1.2.3 Fraunhofer diffraction
1.2.4 Fourier transform property of an ideal lens
1.2.5 Gaussian beam optics
1.2.6 q-transformation of Gaussian beams
1.2.7 Focusing a Gaussian beam
1.3 Example 1: MATLAB Code for Calculating Diffraction with the Fast Fourier Transform
1.4 Example 2: MATLAB Code for Calculating Forward & Backward Gaussian Beam Propagation
1.5 Example 3: MATLAB Code for Gaussian Beam Propagationthrough a Lens
1.6 Generalized Diffraction Example via the Fresnel Transform
2. Analog Holography,Holographic Interferometry, and Phase-Shifting Holographic Interferometry
2.1 Fourier Optics Theory
2.2 Analog Holography Theory & Setups
2.3 Analog Holographic Interferometry Theory & Setups
2.4 Phase Unwrapping in 1D & 2D
2.5 Application of Phase Unwrapping in Holographic Interferometry
2.6 Phase-Shifting Holography through Dynamic Holographyand Self-Diffraction
3. Fringe Deciphering Techniques Applied to Analog Holographic Interferometry
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interferogram Processing Using Frequency Techniques
3.2.1 Demodulating simulated fringes due to a tilt
3.2.2 Demodulating fringes embedded with a carrier
3.3 Interferogram Processing Using Fringe Orientation & Fringe Direction
3.3.1 Definition of fringe orientation & fringe direction
3.3.2 Orientation computation methods Gradient-based method Plane-fit method Spin-filter method Fourier transform method Accumulate-differences method Comparison of the different methods
3.3.3 Phase unwrapping & fringe direction computation usingregularized phase tracking
3.4 Phase Demodulation Using the Hilbert TransformTechnique
3.5 Fringe Skeletonization & Normalization
3.6 Contrast Enhancement of Fringe Patterns
3.7 Phase Unwrapping: Interferogram Analysis
3.7.1 Path-dependent techniques
3.7.2 Path-independent techniques
4. Digital Holography & Digital Holographic Microscopy
4.1 Basics of Digital Holography
4.2 Digital Holography Reconstruction Algorithms
4.2.1 Numerical reconstruction by the discrete Fresnel transformation
4.2.2 Numerical reconstruction by the convolution approach
4.2.3 Numerical reconstruction by the angular spectrum approach
4.3 DC Suppression during Reconstruction
4.4 Digital Holography Example
4.5 Digital Holograms of Large Objects
4.6 Digital Holographic Microscopy
4.7 Digital Holographic Microscopy Example
4.8 Optimization of the Fresnel Transform
4.9 General Functions for Digital Holography Using MATLAB
5. Digital Holographic Interferometry andPhase-Shifting DigitalHolography
5.1 Digital Holographic Interferometry: Basic Principles
5.2 Two-Illumination-Point Technique
5.3 3D Stress & Strain Sensors from Three Digital Hologram Recordings
5.4 Phase-Shifting Digital Holography
5.5 Techniques to Perform Phase-Shifting Digital Holography
5.6 One-Shot Phase-Shifting Digital Holography Using Wave Plates
5.7 General Functions for Digital Holographic Interferometry & Phase-Shifting Digital Holography Using MATLAB
6. Digital Holographic Tomography
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Single-Shot Optical Tomography Using the MultiplicativeTechnique (SHOT-MT)
6.3 Single-Shot Optical Tomography Using the Radon Transform Technique
6.4 Recording Considerations for Holographic Tomography
6.4.1 Multiple-angle, single-exposure methods
6.4.2 Multiple-angle, multiple-exposure methods
6.4.3 Microscopic tomography methods
6.4.4 Angular sampling considerations
6.5 Examples of Digital Holographic Tomography Using MATLAB
7. Multiwavelength Digital Holography
7.1 Holographic Contouring
7.2 Principle of Multiwavelength Digital Holography
7.3 Hierarchical Phase Unwrapping
7.4 Multiwavelength Digital Holography
7.5 Multiwavelength Digital Holography with Spatial Heterodyning
7.6 Multiwavelength Digital Holographic Microscopy
7.7 Multiwavelength Digital Holographic Microscopy with Spatial Heterodyning
7.8 Holographic Volume-Displacement Calculations via Multiwavelength Digital Holography
7.9 Multiwavelength Digital Holography: Image-Type Setupand Results
8. Computer-Generated Holography
8.1 A Brief History
8.2 Fourier Transform Holograms: Detour Method
8.3 Phase-Only CG Hologram
8.4 Gerchberg–Saxton Algorithm for Recording a CG Hologram
8.5 Point-Source Holograms & the Wavefront RecordingPlane Method
8.6 Recent Developments in CGH
8.6.1 Fourier ping-pong algorithm
8.6.2 Interference-based algorithms
8.6.3 Diffraction-specific algorithm
8.6.4 Binarization algorithms
8.7 CGH-based Display Systems
8.7.1 Advantages
8.7.2 Challenges
8.7.3 Computational loads
9. Compressive Sensing & Compressive Holography
9.1 Compressive Sensing: Background
9.2 Compressive Holography
9.3 Experimental Setups & MATLAB Examples
10. Contemporary Topics in Holography
10.1 Transport-of-Intensity Imaging
10.2 Nonlinear Holography
10.3 Coherence Holography
10.4 Polarization Imaging Using Digital Holography
11. Progress in Stereoscopic, Head-Mounted, Multiview, Depth-Fused, Volumetric, andHolographic 3D Displays
11.1 Introduction to 3D Displays
11.1.1 Characteristics of an optimal 3D display
11.1.2 Display-technology depth cues related to the humanvisual system
11.2 Stereoscopic 3D Displays
11.2.1 Spectral-based stereoscopic display (anaglyph)
11.2.2 Polarization-based stereoscopic display
11.2.3 Alternate-frame stereoscopic display
11.3 Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs)
11.4 Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
11.4.1 Multiview 3D display technology Introduction to different multiview systems Occlusion-based system Refraction-based system Reflection-based system Diffraction-based system Projection-based system Super multiview (SMV) 3D display Head-tracking autostereoscopic 3D display Directional-backlight autostereoscopic 3D display
11.4.2 Depth-fused 3D display technology
11.4.3 Volumetric 3D display technology Passive static-screen display Active static-screen display Passive swept-screen display Active swept-screen display
11.4.4 Holographic 3D display technology Spatial light modulators (SLMs) MIT holographic 3D displays: holovideo SeeReal 3D displays Zebra holographic 3D displays QinetiQ holographic 3D displays IMEC holographic 3D display HOlographic ReconstructioN (HORN) Image hologram Coherent stereogram NICT 3D holographic system University of Arizona’s updatable holographic display
11.5 Comparison of the Different 3D Display Techniques
11.6 Commonly Misunderstood Nonholographic, Non-3D Displays
11.6.1 Pepper’s ghost illusion
11.6.2 Heliodisplay
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