Animal Nutrition

دانلود کتاب Animal Nutrition

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کتاب تغذیه حیوانات نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Animal Nutrition

نام کتاب : Animal Nutrition
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : تغذیه حیوانات
سری :
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company
سال نشر : 2010
تعداد صفحات : 713
ISBN (شابک) : 9781408204238 , 1408204231
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 4 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Cover......Page 1
Animal Nutrition......Page 2
Contents......Page 6
Preface to the seventh edition......Page 12
Acknowledgements......Page 13
Part 1 The components of foods......Page 20
The animal and its food......Page 22
Water......Page 23
Analysis and characterisation of foods......Page 24
Summary......Page 33
Further reading......Page 34
Classification of carbohydrates......Page 35
Monosaccharides......Page 37
Monosaccharide derivatives......Page 39
Oligosaccharides......Page 42
Polysaccharides......Page 45
Summary......Page 49
Further reading......Page 50
Classification of lipids......Page 51
Fats......Page 52
Glycolipids......Page 62
Phospholipids......Page 63
Waxes......Page 65
Steroids......Page 66
Terpenes......Page 69
Questions......Page 70
Further reading......Page 71
Amino acids......Page 72
Peptides......Page 78
Structure of proteins......Page 79
Classification of proteins......Page 80
Nucleic acids......Page 82
Other nitrogenous compounds......Page 85
Nitrates......Page 86
Summary......Page 87
Further reading......Page 88
introduction......Page 89
Fat-soluble vitamins......Page 93
The vitamin B complex......Page 106
Vitamin C......Page 118
Hypervitaminosis......Page 119
Summary......Page 120
Further reading......Page 121
Functions of minerals......Page 122
Natural and supplementary sources of minerals......Page 126
Acid–base balance......Page 129
Major elements......Page 131
Trace elements......Page 140
Other elements......Page 154
Further reading......Page 155
Part 2 The digestion and metabolism of nutrients......Page 158
Enzymes......Page 160
Classification of enzymes......Page 161
Nature of enzymes......Page 163
Mechanism of enzyme action......Page 165
Specific nature of enzymes......Page 167
Factors affecting enzyme activity......Page 169
Nomenclature of enzymes......Page 173
Further reading......Page 174
Digestion in monogastric mammals......Page 175
Microbial digestion in ruminants and other herbivores......Page 190
Alternative sites of microbial digestion......Page 205
Nutrient digestion and the environment......Page 207
Summary......Page 208
Historical reference......Page 210
Metabolism......Page 211
Energy metabolism......Page 213
Protein synthesis......Page 232
Fat synthesis......Page 238
Carbohydrate synthesis......Page 245
Control of metabolism......Page 251
Summary......Page 252
Further reading......Page 253
Part 3 Quantifying the nutrient content of foods: digestibility, energy and protein values......Page 254
Evaluation of foods: digestibility......Page 256
Measurement of digestibility......Page 257
Validity of digestibility coefficients......Page 262
Digestibility in different sections of the digestive tract......Page 263
Factors affecting digestibility......Page 266
Measurement of mineral availability......Page 270
Questions......Page 271
Further reading......Page 272
Demand for energy......Page 273
Supply of energy......Page 274
Animal calorimetry: methods for measuring heat production and energy retention......Page 281
Utilisation of metabolisable energy......Page 289
Summary......Page 297
Questions......Page 298
Further reading......Page 299
Evaluation of foods: systems for expressing the energy value of foods......Page 300
Energy systems and energy models......Page 301
Energy systems for ruminants......Page 302
Energy systems for pigs and poultry......Page 314
Energy systems for horses......Page 316
Predicting the energy value of foods......Page 317
Summary......Page 319
Further reading......Page 320
Historical references......Page 321
Crude protein......Page 322
Digestible crude protein......Page 324
Determination of endogenous nitrogen......Page 325
Measures of protein quality for monogastric animals......Page 327
Measures of food protein used in practice in the feeding of pigs and poultry......Page 334
Measures of food protein used in practice in the feeding of horses......Page 336
Measures of protein quality for ruminant animals......Page 337
The UK metabolisable protein system......Page 350
Feed into Milk......Page 352
Summary......Page 356
Questions......Page 357
Further reading......Page 358
Part 4 The nutrient requirements of animals......Page 360
Feeding standards for maintenance and growth......Page 362
Nutrient requirements for maintenance......Page 364
Nutrient requirements for growth......Page 380
Nutrient requirements for wool production......Page 392
Mineral and vitamin requirements for maintenance and growth......Page 394
Nutritional control of growth......Page 397
Summary......Page 400
Historical reference......Page 402
Feeding standards for reproduction......Page 403
Nutrition and the initiation of reproductive ability......Page 404
Plane of nutrition, fertility and fecundity......Page 406
Egg production in poultry......Page 410
Nutrition and the growth of the foetus......Page 414
Summary......Page 421
Further reading......Page 422
Lactation......Page 424
Sources of milk constituents......Page 425
Nutrient requirements of the lactating dairy cow......Page 429
Nutrient requirements of the lactating goat......Page 459
Nutrient requirements of the lactating ewe......Page 463
Nutrient requirements of the lactating sow......Page 468
Nutrient requirements of the lactating mare......Page 472
Summary......Page 476
Questions......Page 477
Further reading......Page 478
Voluntary intake of food......Page 480
Food intake in monogastric animals......Page 481
Food intake in ruminants......Page 487
Prediction of food intake......Page 493
Summary......Page 495
Further reading......Page 496
Part 5 The nutritional characteristics of foods......Page 498
Pastures and grazing animals......Page 500
Grasses......Page 501
Legumes......Page 510
Other forages......Page 513
Summary......Page 516
Further reading......Page 517
Silage, ensilage and silos......Page 518
Role of plant enzymes in ensilage......Page 519
Role of microorganisms in ensilage......Page 520
Nutrient losses in ensilage......Page 524
Classification of silages......Page 525
Nutritive value of silages......Page 530
Whole crop cereal and legume silages......Page 536
Summary......Page 538
Further reading......Page 539
Hay......Page 540
Artificially dried forages......Page 545
Straws and related by-products......Page 546
Further reading......Page 551
Roots......Page 552
Tubers......Page 556
Questions......Page 558
Further reading......Page 559
The nutrient composition of grains......Page 560
Barley......Page 562
Maize......Page 570
Oats......Page 572
Wheat......Page 573
Other cereals......Page 574
Cereal processing......Page 577
Summary......Page 580
Further reading......Page 581
Oilseed cakes and meals......Page 582
Oilseed residues of minor importance......Page 594
Leguminous seeds......Page 595
Animal protein concentrates......Page 598
Milk products......Page 603
Single-cell protein......Page 604
Synthetic amino acids......Page 605
Non-protein nitrogen compounds as protein sources......Page 606
Summary......Page 610
Further reading......Page 611
Antibiotics......Page 613
Probiotics......Page 615
Oligosaccharides......Page 618
Enzymes......Page 619
Organic acids......Page 621
Spray-dried plasma......Page 623
Modifiers of rumen fermentation......Page 624
Summary......Page 625
Further reading......Page 626
Part 6 Animal products and human nutrition......Page 628
Comparative nutrition......Page 630
The contribution of animal products to human requirements......Page 632
Objections to the use of animal products......Page 636
Future trends in the consumption of animal products......Page 641
Further reading......Page 642
Appendix 1: Solutions to numerical questions......Page 644
Appendix 2: Notes on tables......Page 650
Index......Page 684

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