توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این متن برای اولین بار بیان ساختار یافته یک جهت گیری اسلامی نوظهور به روان درمانی، چارچوبی ارائه شده و شناخته شده به عنوان روان درمانی یکپارچه اسلامی سنتی (TIIP).
TIIP یک مدل یکپارچه از سلامت روان است. مراقبتی که بر اساس اصول اصلی اسلام استوار است و در عین حال از حقایق تجربی در روانشناسی استفاده می کند. این کتاب مبانی اساسی TIIP را معرفی میکند، سپس به بررسی نوشتههای دانشمندان اولیه اسلامی میپردازد تا درک غنیتری از میراث فکری اسلامی در رابطه با روانشناسی و سلامت روان انسان ارائه دهد. فراتر از تئوری، این کتاب مهارتهای مداخلهای عملی را که با مطالعات موردی و همچنین تکنیکهایی که ذاتاً از سنت اسلامی استخراج شدهاند، به خوانندگان ارائه میدهد. روشی از فرمولبندی مورد ارائه شده است که امکان برنامهریزی مؤثر درمان و ترجمه به کاربرد درمانی را فراهم میکند. این کتاب در سرتاسر فصلهای خود، TIIP را در چارچوب معرفتشناختی و هستیشناختی اسلامی قرار میدهد و بحثی در مورد ماهیت و ترکیب روان انسان، انگیزههای آن، سلامت، آسیبشناسی، مکانیسمهای تغییر روانشناختی، و اصول شفا ارائه میدهد.
متخصصان سلامت روان که بیماران مسلمان، پزشکان مسلمان، دانشجویان علوم رفتاری و رشتههای مرتبط، و هر کسی که به رواندرمانیهای معنوگرایانه علاقه دارند درمان میکنند، از این متن گویا و کاربردی بسیار سود خواهند برد.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of contents
Editors’ Introduction
Islamic Intellectual Heritage and Mental Health
European Advancements in Clinical Psychology and Secularization
Response to the Secularization of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences by Muslim Psychologists in the Modern Era
Current State of Islam and Psychotherapy Research
Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP)
Overview of the Chapters of the Book
Part I Foundations of Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP)
Chapter 1 Foundations of Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP)
Chapter Summary
A Classical Islamic Epistemological Framework for Integrating Secular and Sacred Sciences
Schema of Health and Pathology
The TIIP Ontological Model of the Human Psyche
TIIP Drive Theory
Core Interventions Corresponding to Components of the Human Psyche for Positive Health Outcomes
Overarching Therapeutic Goals
Process of Change (Patient)
Core Mechanisms of Change Corresponding to the Process of Change (Practitioner)
Murābaṭah or Alliance and Therapeutic Connection
Mukāshafah or Uncovering
Mu’ālajah or Intervention
Muwāṣalah or Continuity of Treatment
Chapter 2 The Role of the TIIP Therapist: Scope of Practice and Proposed Competencies
Chapter Summary
Scope of Practice
S.ufi Shaykh
Clinician (T.abib/H.akim)
TIIP Therapist (Rafiq/Khalil.)
Proposed TIIP Therapist Competencies
1. Strong Foundational Knowledge and Skills with a Yearning for Further Personal Development
2. Robust Moral and Ethical Principles Based on a Guided Understanding of Islamic Tradition
Inner State of the TIIP Therapist
Ethical Considerations, Value Conflicts and Pushing the Professional Practice Boundaries
3. Possesses Relational Qualities with a Strong Ability to Develop a Therapeutic Alliance
4. Flexibility in the Process of Treatment and Case-Specific Conceptualization
5. Seeks Out Mentors, Collaborators, Consultants, and Supervisors for Continued Support and Development
6. Desire to Model Perfection in Character and Usage of Creativity in the “Art of Therapy”
7. Familiarity with the Islamic Intellectual Heritage and Being Anchored in an Islamically-Derived Perspective
Part II Introducing the Islamic Intellectual Heritage
Chapter 3 Islamic Psychology: A Portrait of its Historical Origins and Contributions
Chapter Summary
Terminology and Historical Origins
Defining Islamic Psychology
Historical and Methodological Origins of Islamic Psychology
Muslim Religious Motivation
Islamic Inspiration and Methodology
Socio-Political Factors
Scholars of Islamic Psychology and Their Contributions
The Philosophers’ Perspective
Al-Kindi (d.259 AH/873 CE)
Ibn Miskawayh (D.421 AH/1030 CE)
Ibn Rush D/Averroes (D.594 AH/1198 CE)
Al-Farabi (D.340 AH/951 CE)
The Physicians’ Perspective
Al-Razi (D.313 AH/925 CE)
Abu Zayd al-Balkhi (D.322 AH/934 CE)
Ibn Sina/Avicenna (D.428 AH/1037 CE)
The Theologians’ Perspective
Al-Ghazali (D.510 AH/1111 CE)
Shihāb al-Dīn Abū Ḥafṣ \'Umar al-Suhrawardī (D.632 AH/1234 CE)
Ibn Taymiyyah (D.728 AH/1328 CE)
Ibn al-Qayyim (D.751 AH/1350 CE)
The Modern Field of Islamic Psychology
Barriers to Entry for Muslims in Modern Mainstream Psychology
Current Developments, Future Directions, and Limitations for Islamic Psychology Research
Chapter 4 Framing the Mind–Body Problem in Contemporary Neuroscientific and Sunni Islamic Theological Discourse
History of the Mind–Body(–Soul) Problem in Western Philosophy
Consciousness in Neuroscience
The Neural Correlates of Consciousness
The Mind–Body Problem in Neuroscience
An Islamic Theology of the Soul
Part III Case Formulation and Assessment
Chapter 5 Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Ontological Domains of the Psyche in TIIP
Chapter Summary
The Domains of Human Psychospiritual Functioning
Goals for Healthy Psycho-spiritual Functioning
Assessment of Psycho-spiritual Functioning
Comprehensive Spiritual Assessments and Its Goals
Case Introduction
Precipitating Event
Other History
Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan
Return to the ‘Aql—Cognitive Consolidation
Nafs—Behavioral Inclinations
Chapter 6 Dreams and Their Role in Islamically Integrated Mental Health Practice
Chapter Summary
Dreams: An Islamic Perspective
Dreams in the Islamic Scriptures
Status of Dreams and Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation in the Early Islamic Period
The Classical Muslim Discipline of Dream Interpretation ʿIlm Taʿbīr al-Ruʾyā
Synopsis of Ibn Sīrīn’s Treatise “Taʿbīr al-Ruʾyā” (DI)
Muslim Scholars’ Views on Dreams Across Disciplines
Integrating Dreamwork in Clinical Practice
Introductory Case Scenario
Islamic Spiritual Strategies in Psychotherapy
Dream Diaries
Case #1
Case #2
Case #3
DI Toolkit
Identifying Types of Dreams Based on Their Content
Dream Content Interpretation
Dreams and Istikharah
Dreams, Psychopathology, and Psychopharmacology
Psychotic Disorders
Bipolar Affective Disorders
Eating Disorders
Substance Use
Dreams and Psychopharmacology
Psycho-Spiritual Education
Part IV Treatment of the Domains of the Human Psyche
Chapter 7 Emotionally Oriented Psychotherapy
Chapter Summary
Defining Emotion
Utility of Emotion and Emotion Regulation
Emotion Schemes and the Need to Balance Them
Theoretical Underpinnings of Emotion Theories
Dialectical Humanistic Constructivism vs. TIIP Trilectual Constructivism
Trialectical Constructivism
Nafs and Ruh.
A Traditional Islamically Integrated Approach to Working with Emotions
The Emotional Process of Change
Principles/Mechanism for Emotional Change
TIIP Assessment and Decision-Making on Doing Emotional Work
Emotional Attunement and Therapeutic Presence
Deepening/Heightening of Emotions
Marker-Oriented Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy
Unfinished Business
Consolidation Phase of Gains: A Co-Constructivist Approach to Meaning-Making
Case Illustration
Case Summary
Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis According to TIIP
Chapter 8 The Use of the Intellect (‘aql..) as a Cognitive Restructuring Tool in an Islamic Psychotherapy
Chapter Summary
Scaffolding Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Metaphysics
The ‘Aql in Islamic Thought
The Intellect in Scripture
The Moral Intellect
The Intellect in Islamic Law
The Metaphysical Nature of the Intellect
The Salutary Function of the Intellect
The Use of the Intellect in Therapy
Cognitive Reframing to Alleviate Negative Consequences
The Process of ‘Nafs-Reconciliation’15 in Islamic Cognitive Psychotherapy
Cognitively Reframing the Cause of Negative Cognitions
Case Summary
Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis According to TIIP
Chapter 9 Behavioral (Nafsānī) Psychotherapy: Character Development and Reformation
Chapter Summary
Competing Drives
Foundations of Behavioral Reformation
Three Schools of Thought about Changing the Nafs
Stages of Change of the Nafs
Strategies of Behavioral Modification
Assessment of Spiritual Diseases
General Strategies
Reciprocal Inhibition
Change the Environment, Change the Behavior
Change the Behavior, Change the Thinking
Exposure Response Prevention
The Six M’s Model of Behavioral Change
Case Illustration of Implementation of the Six M’s
Case Summary
Case History
Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis According to TIIP
Chapter 10 Spiritually (Ruḥānī) Focused Psychotherapy
Interrogating the Efficacy and Mechanisms of Spiritual Therapies
Mystical Experiences
The Neurobiology of Spirituality
TIIP Disciplinary Assumptions
Paradigmatic Assumptions of Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapies in a TIIP Context
Motivated Behaviors (A.mal) Modulate the Spiritual Domain
Volitional Mental Processes and Behaviors
Intention-Based Mental Processes and Behaviors (Motivated Behaviors)
Righteous Mental Processes and Behaviors and the Nature of Intentions
Therapeutic Concept for TIIP Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapies
Dhikr Balances/Counterbalances the Animalistic Drives
Group-Mediated Effects of Dhikr
Tawbah and Istighfar as Special Forms of Dhikr
Case Illustration
Case Summary
Case Conceptualization and Diagnosis According to TIIP
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This text outlines for the first time a structured articulation of an emerging Islamic orientation to psychotherapy, a framework presented and known as Traditional Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy (TIIP).
TIIP is an integrative model of mental health care that is grounded in the core principles of Islam while drawing upon empirical truths in psychology. The book introduces the basic foundations of TIIP, then delves into the writings of early Islamic scholars to provide a richer understanding of the Islamic intellectual heritage as it pertains to human psychology and mental health. Beyond theory, the book provides readers with practical interventional skills illustrated with case studies as well as techniques drawn inherently from the Islamic tradition. A methodology of case formulation is provided that allows for effective treatment planning and translation into therapeutic application. Throughout its chapters, the book situates TIIP within an Islamic epistemological and ontological framework, providing a discussion of the nature and composition of the human psyche, its drives, health, pathology, mechanisms of psychological change, and principles of healing.
Mental health practitioners who treat Muslim patients, Muslim clinicians, students of the behavioral sciences and related disciplines, and anyone with an interest in spiritually oriented psychotherapies will greatly benefit from this illustrative and practical text.