فهرست مطالب :
Front Cover\nInside front cover\nFront matter\n Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine Third Edition\nCopyright\nContributors\nForeword\nPreface\n Technical details\nPolysomnogram recordings\nAcknowledgments\nTable of Contents\nVideo contents\nSection 1 Sleep in Visual Arts and Literature\n 1 Sleep in art and literature\n Mythology\n Religion\n Rest\n Innocence\n Dreams, danger, and death\n Bibliography\nSection 2 History of Sleep Medicine and Physiology\n 2 History of sleep medicine and physiology\n Timeline\n References\n Bibliography\nSection 3 The Biology of Sleep\n 3 Sleep mechanisms\n Arousal systems\n Sleep-promoting systems\n Sleep drive\n Control of rapid eye movement sleep\n Control of the timing of sleep\n Bibliography\n 4 Localization and neurochemistry of sleep-wake physiology and pathophysiology\n Introduction\n Wake-promoting neurotransmitters\n Sleep-promoting neurotransmitters\n NREM sleep\n REM sleep\n External sleep-wake regulation (two-process model)\n Homeostasis\n Circadian rhythms\n Explanatory diagrams\n The waking state\n NREM sleep\n REM sleep\n Sleep-wake regulation\n Sleep-wake dysregulation in pathologic states\n REM behavior disorder\n Narcolepsy type 1\n Acknowledgment\n References\n 5 Circadian rhythms regulation\n Bibliography\n 6 Physiologic regulation in sleep\n Dynamics of individual systems and functional changes in sleep and wake states and across sleep stages\n Coupling and network interactions among physiologic systems during sleep and wake states\n Acknowledgments\n Bibliography\n 7 Cytokines, host defense, and sleep\n Overview of the immune system\n Effect of sleep deprivation\n Sleep, immune function, and disease\n Bibliography\n 8 Control of breathing\n Normal sleep\n Sleep apnea\n 9 Central and autonomic regulation in cardiovascular physiology\n Overview\n Heart rate surges\n Heart rhythm pauses\n Physiologic mechanisms underlying nocturnal cardiac events\n Summary\n Bibliography\n 10 Interactive regulation of sleep and feeding\n Shared brain circuits of sleep and feeding regulation\n Shared somatic signaling between sleep and feeding regulation\n Metabolic organs modulate sleep-wake activity and feeding\n Bidirectional relationship between feeding/metabolic status and sleep-wake activity\n Bibliography\n 11 Endocrine physiology\n Overview of endocrine physiology\n Ultradian and circadian mechanisms that control hormone secretion across the 24-hour day\n Temporal variations of plasma levels of hormones\n Glucose regulation and hunger\n Conditions that affect hormones and metabolism\n Aging\n Disease states that reduce slow-wave sleep\n Sleep deprivation\n Acknowledgments\n References\n Bibliography\nSection 4 Normal Sleep and Its Variants\n 12 Sleep in mammals\n Bibliography\n 13 Normal sleep in humans\n What is sleep?\n What is the function of sleep?\n Current theories about why we sleep\n Restorative theory\n Energy conservation theory\n Adaptation theory\n Memory consolidation theory\n Thermoregulatory function theory\n Synaptic homeostasis theory\n Glymphatic theory\n How much sleep is enough?\n Neurophysiology of sleep and wakefulness\n Wakefulness\n Transition between wakefulness and sleep\n Sleep mechanisms: From wakefulness to sleep\n Transition from wakefulness to non–rapid eye movement sleep\n Staging of sleep\n Normal circadian function\n Normal sleep\n Factors that affect sleep\n Sleep changes in children\n Sleep changes with aging\n Sleep characteristics that change with age and their possible neurophysiologic mechanisms\n Circadian characteristics that change with age\n Bibliography\n 14 Sleep restriction\n Sleep restriction\n Recovery from sleep restriction\n Individual differences in vulnerability to sleep restriction\n Bibliography\n 15 Sleep and athletic performance\n Disordered sleep in athletes\n Screening athlete populations for sleep problems\n Overscheduling and overtraining\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Insomnia and other sleep disorders\n Sleep extension\n Addressing the sleep needs of athletes\n References\n Bibliography\n 16 Dreaming in normal and disrupted sleep\n What is dreaming?\n Brain basis of dream experience\n Factors that influence dream content\n Disruption of dreaming pathologic conditions\n Sleep disorders\n Psychiatric disorders\n References\nSection 5 Pharmacology\n 17 Pharmacology\n Drugs with hypnotic properties\n Zolpidem\n Zopiclone and eszopiclone\n Zaleplon\n Ramelteon\n Doxepin\n Suvorexant\n Diphenhydramine\n Sedating antidepressants\n Atypical antipsychotics\n Ethanol\n Agents in development\n Wakefulness-promoting medications\n Amphetamines and related compounds\n Modafinil\n Sodium oxybate\n Solriamfetol\n Pitolisant\n Caffeine\n Bibliography\nSection 6 Impact, Presentation, and Diagnosis\n 18 Impact, presentation, and diagnostic considerations\n Impact\n Presentation and diagnostic considerations\n Clinical evaluation\n History of the present illness\n Sleep-disordered breathing symptoms.\n Insomnia symptoms.\n Excessive daytime sleepiness.\n Abnormal sleep-related behaviors and movements.\n Medical history\n Physical examination\n Sleep assessment instruments\n Evaluating sleepiness.\n Evaluating duration and timing of sleep.\n Obstructive sleep apnea risk assessment.\n Diagnostic testing\n Future considerations: Telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and beyond\n Bibliography\nSection 7 Circadian System Disorders\n 19 Circadian rhythm disorders\n Delayed sleep-wake phase disorder\n Advanced sleep-wake phase disorder\n Non–24-hour sleep-wake rhythm disorder\n Irregular sleep-wake rhythm disorder\n Shift-work disorder\n Jet lag disorder\n Summary\n Bibliography\n 20 Circadian desynchrony and health\n Circadian system and circadian disruption\n Cardiovascular disease\n Metabolism\n Microbiota\n Gastrointestinal disease\n Cancer\n Conclusions\n Bibliography\nSection 8 Insomnia\n 21 Insomnia\n Overview\n Classification\n Epidemiology\n Pathophysiology of insomnia\n Types of insomnia\n Insomnia and comorbidities\n Insomnia and other sleep disorders\n Isolated insomnia disorder\n Management of insomnia\n Bibliography\nSection 9 Neurologic Disorders\n 22 Central disorders of hypersomnolence\n Overview\n Classification and prevalence\n Clinical features and epidemiology\n Cataplexy\n Sleep paralysis and hallucinations\n Excessive daytime sleepiness\n Disrupted nocturnal sleep\n Kleine-levin syndrome\n Pathophysiology\n Evaluation and diagnosis\n Epworth sleepiness scale and fatigue severity scale\n Overnight polysomnography, multiple sleep latency test, and maintenance of wakefulness test\n Cerebrospinal fluid hypocretin measurement and human leukocyte antigen typing\n Other workup\n Treatment\n Bibliography\n 23 Movement disorders in sleep\n Overview\n Restless legs syndrome\n Prevalence and clinical significance\n Evaluation and diagnosis\n Evaluation of severity\n Medical evaluation: Iron status\n Biology and pathophysiology\n Iron\n Dopamine\n Glutamate\n Adenosine\n Opioids\n Genetics\n Treatment\n Periodic limb movements during sleep and periodic limb movement disorder\n History and definition\n Prevalence and clinical significance\n Evaluation and treatment\n Biology and pathophysiology\n Bruxism\n Clinical significance\n Evaluation\n Biology and pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder\n Sleep-related leg cramps\n Bibliography\n 24 Sleep and epilepsy\n Introduction\n Epilepsy and seizures\n Electroencephalography\n Types of sleep-related epilepsies\n Sleep-related hypermotor epilepsies\n Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes\n Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms\n Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spikes and waves during slow sleep\n Landau-kleffner syndrome\n Primary generalized epilepsies\n Normal variants and nonepileptic behaviors\n Differentiating interictal discharges from normal variants\n Differentiating parasomnia and epilepsy\n Other sleep disorders in epilepsy\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\n 25 Cerebrovascular disease and sleep\n Overview\n Breathing patterns after stroke\n Pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea in stroke\n Effect of stroke on sleep\n Obstructive sleep apnea as a risk factor for stroke\n Bidirectional relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and stroke\n Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on stroke outcomes\n Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea\n Impact of obstructive sleep apnea treatment\n Summary and future directions\n Bibliography\n 26 Sleep and other neurologic diseases\n Introduction\n Parkinson disease\n Sleep symptoms\n Laboratory findings\n Treatment\n Alzheimer disease\n Sleep symptoms\n Treatment\n Multiple system atrophy\n Progressive supranuclear palsy\n Huntington disease\n Hereditary ataxias\n Multiple sclerosis\n Paraneoplastic syndromes\n Prion disease\n Fatal familial insomnia\n Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease\n Spinal cord injury\n Traumatic brain injury\n Headache\n COVID-19\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\n 27 Sleep and neuromuscular disease\n Introduction\n Impaired respiratory physiology in neuromuscular disease\n Common neuromuscular diseases\n Motor neuron disease\n Spinal cord injury\n Peripheral nerve disease\n Postpolio syndrome/infectious motor neuropathy\n Phrenic nerve injury, neuralgic amyotrophy, parsonage turner syndrome\n Neuromuscular junction disease\n Muscle diseases\n Duchenne muscular dystrophy\n Myotonic dystrophy\n Chest wall disorders and scoliosis\n Compromised breathing mechanics during sleep\n Polysomnography findings in neuromuscular disease\n Impaired pulmonary physiology and symptoms\n Noninvasive ventilation benefits in neuromuscular disease: Physiology and sleep\n Longitudinal management of noninvasive ventilation in neuromuscular disease\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\nSection 10 Parasomnias\n 28 Parasomnias\n Overview\n Pathophysiology of parasomnias\n Disorders of arousal: NREM parasomnias\n Rapid eye movement sleep parasomnias\n Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder\n Sleep paralysis\n Experiential parasomnias\n Sleep enuresis\n Nocturnal seizures\n Bibliography\nSection 11 Sleep Breathing Disorders\n 29 Examination of the patient with suspected sleep breathing disorders\n Overall inspection of the patient\n Facial and jaw structures\n Inspection of the face\n Bony structures\n Pervasive facial abnormalities\n Maxillary and mandibular insufficiency\n Small lower jaw\n Nasal airway\n Diseases of the nose and nares\n Trauma to the nose and nares\n Traumatic injury to the nose\n Examination of the palate\n Examination of the pharynx\n Mallampati classification\n Examination of the tonsils\n Variants and abnormal airway pharyngeal findings\n Examination of the neck\n Examination of the abdomen\n Examination of the extremities\n Peripheral edema\n Bibliography\n 30 Sleep apnea in the adolescent and adult\n Overview\n Definitions\n Risk factors\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Central sleep apnea\n Clinical assessment\n Symptoms\n Examination\n Laboratory evaluation\n Data obtained in polysomnography\n Scoring of respiratory events with polysomnography\n Home sleep apnea testing\n Nonapneic respiratory events\n Adolescent sleep-disordered breathing\n Treatment\n General measures\n Continuous positive airway pressure\n Oral appliance therapy\n Surgery\n Bibliography\n 31 Sleep breathing disorders in children\n Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome\n Obstructive sleep apnea in children\n History and physical examination\n Historical symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in children\n Common physical examination findings\n Technical considerations\n Definitions\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Mixed sleep apnea\n Central sleep apnea\n Hypopnea\n Respiratory effort–related arousal\n Obstructive hypoventilation\n Expiratory apnea/hypopnea\n Diagnostic considerations\n Treatment options for childhood obstructive sleep apnea\n References\n 32 Respiratory diseases and the overlap syndromes\n Obstructive pulmonary diseases\n Restrictive lung diseases\n Extrapulmonary lung restriction\n Extrathoracic upper airway obstruction\n Bibliography\nSection 12 Other Medical and Psychiatric Disorders\n 33 Cardiovascular diseases\n Impact of cardiovascular diseases\n Effect of sleep disorders on cardiovascular physiology\n Obstructive sleep apnea as a cause of cardiac arrhythmias\n Obstructive sleep apnea as a cause of coronary artery disease\n Obstructive sleep apnea as a cause of systemic hypertension\n Heart failure\n Clinical features\n Epidemiology\n Abnormal breathing patterns in heart failure\n Treatment of the abnormal breathing pattern in heart failure\n Central sleep apnea\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Bibliography\n References\n 34 Thyroid disease\n Hyperthyroidism\n Hypothyroidism\n Thyroid mass lesions\n Bibliography\n 35 Diseases of the pituitary gland\n Anatomy\n Growth hormone hypersecretion\n Pathophysiology\n Clinical findings\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Hypersecretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone\n Pathophysiology\n Clinical findings\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Bibliography\n 36 Gastrointestinal disorders\n Introduction\n Upper gastrointestinal tract\n Intestinal motility and lower bowel disorders\n Advanced liver disease\n Mild liver disease\n Bibliography\n 37 Diabetes mellitus\n Sleep quantity and quality and diabetes mellitus\n Obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes mellitus\n Prevalence and incidence of concomitant sleep apnea and diabetes mellitus\n Mechanisms of development and progression of diabetes mellitus in sleep apnea\n Common risk factors and bidirectional relationship between diabetes mellitus and obstructive sleep apnea\n Impaired glucose metabolism and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus in sleep apnea\n Complications\n Impact of obstructive sleep apnea treatment on glucose homeostasis and diabetes mellitus\n Impact of weight loss on obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes mellitus\n Type 1 diabetes mellitus and obstructive sleep apnea\n Gestational diabetes mellitus and obstructive sleep apnea\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\n 38 Sleep disorders in chronic kidney disease\n Background\n Definitions and prevalence\n Morbidity and mortality\n Respiratory sleep disorders\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Improvement of kidney function.\n Improvement of upper airway stability.\n Central sleep apnea\n Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Improvement of kidney function.\n Improvement of ventilatory stability.\n Nonrespiratory sleep disorders\n Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder\n Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Insomnia\n Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Hypersomnia\n Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis\n Treatment\n Bibliography\n 39 Sleep and psychiatric disease\n Overview\n Sleep and depression\n Sleep architecture\n Treatment of depression and sleep problems\n Sleep and mania\n Sleep, nightmares, and posttraumatic stress\n Sleep architecture\n Treatment of nightmares in posttraumatic stress\n Sleep and generalized anxiety disorder\n Sleep and alcohol dependence\n Sleep and schizophrenia\n Screening for sleep disorders and other medical conditions\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\n 40 Sleep and ophthalmologic disorders\n Sleep and ophthalmologic disorders\n The eye and sleep\n Sleep-disordered breathing and ophthalmologic disorders\n Circadian rhythm disorders and vision\n Insomnia and the eye\n Bibliography\n 41 Sleep and pain\n Introduction\n Association between sleep and pain\n Experimental studies\n Restorative sleep and pain\n Clinical application\n Sleep and pain: Mechanisms\n Neurobiology\n Psychosocial factors\n Polysomnography and pain\n Sleep architecture\n Electroencephalography power spectral analysis\n Circadian regulation of sleep and pain\n Conclusion\n Bibliography\n 42 COVID-19 and sleep\n Sleep in uninfected individuals during the pandemic\n Sleep in those infected with SARs-COV-2\n Respiratory system infection\n Long-haul respiratory outcomes\n Neurologic effects\n Long-haul neurologic and psychiatric outcomes\n Cardiovascular system\n Long-haul cardiovascular outcomes\n COVID-19–related sleep symptoms and disorders\n Insomnia or Hypersomnia\n Sleep-disordered breathing\n Therapeutic considerations\n Role of other preexisting sleep disorders\n Changes in the practice of sleep medicine\n The future\n Bibliography\nSection 13 Women’s Health\n 43 The menstrual cycle\n Menstrual cycle physiology\n Sleep across the menstrual cycle\n Pubertal maturation\n Menstrual cycle and Insomnia symptoms\n Impact of the menstrual cycle on other sleep disorders\n Polycystic Ovarian syndrome\n Impact of sleep on menstrual function\n Bibliography\n 44 Pregnancy and postpartum\n First trimester\n Second trimester\n Third trimester\n Sleep-disordered breathing\n Restless legs syndrome\n Labor and delivery\n Postpartum sleep\n Postpartum sleep and mental health\n Narcolepsy and pregnancy\n Summary\n Bibliography\n 45 Midlife transition and menopause\n Sleep disturbance during menopause\n Vasomotor symptoms\n Management options for sleep disturbance\n Bibliography\n 46 Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome\n Introduction\n Fibromyalgia\n Clinical presentation and diagnosis\n Pathogenesis\n Sleep\n Treatment\n Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue syndrome\n Clinical presentation and diagnosis\n Pathogenesis\n Sleep\n Treatment\n Bibliography\nSection 14 Diagnostic Assessment Methods in Adults\n 47 Polysomnography and home sleep test assessment methods in adults\n Overview\n Sleep staging\n Recording\n Electroencephalogram for brain activity\n Eye movements\n Electromyogram for skeletal muscle tone\n Staging\n Classification\n Waves\n Stages\n Stage W.\n Stage N1.\n Stage N2.\n Stage N3.\n Stage R.\n Smoothing rules\n Arousal scoring\n Electroencephalogram speeding and central nervous system arousals\n Cyclic alternating pattern\n Sleep-related breathing disorders\n Recording technique\n Definitions and scoring rules\n Sleep apnea\n Hypopnea\n Respiratory effort–related arousals\n Movements\n Leg movement recording technique\n Periodic leg movement scoring rules\n Other movements\n Electrocardiogram\n Home sleep testing\n Overall assessment\n Sleep stage changes across the night\n Sleep stage changes as a function of age\n Parameters, pathophysiology, and interpretation\n Other assessments and interpretation\n Multiple sleep latency test\n Maintenance of wakefulness test\n Suggested immobilization test\n Actigraphy\n Summary\n Bibliography\nSection 15 Media Galleries\n 48 Gallery of polysomnographic recordings\n Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)\n Central sleep apnea\n Mixed and complex sleep apnea\n Heart failure\n Cardiac rhythm abnormalities\n Neurologic diseases\n Movement disorders\n Genetic disorders\n Stroke\n Narcolepsy\n REM sleep behavior disorder\n Seizures\n Head trauma\n Multiple sclerosis\n Artifacts in sleep recordings\n 49 Gallery of patient interview videos\n Sleep-related breathing disorders\n An 8-year-old male patient with sleep apnea (Video 49.1)\n An 82-year-old female patient with sleep apnea (Video 49.2)\n A 43-year-old female patient with down syndrome (Video 49.3)\n Apnea with cardiovascular comorbidities (Video 49.4)\n Apnea presenting as restless sleep (Video 49.5)\n Apnea in a truck driver (Video 49.6)\n Explaining the results (Video 49.7)\n Teaching and CPAP mask fitting (Video 49.8)\n Neurologic and other disorders\n Undiagnosed narcolepsy patient with cataplexy (Video 49.9)\n Thirty-five years of undiagnosed narcolepsy (Video 49.10)\n Hallucinations in a male narcolepsy patient (Video 49.11)\n Narcolepsy patient with sleep apnea (Video 49.12)\n Restless legs syndrome in a male patient (Video 49.13)\n Middle-aged female patient with restless legs syndrome (Video 49.14)\n REM sleep behavior disorder (Video 49.15)\n Parkinson disease with REM sleep behavior disorder and sleep apnea (Video 49.16)\n Multiple sclerosis, sleep apnea, and hypnagogic hallucinations (Video 49.17)\n Arnold-Chiari malformation (Video 49.18)\n Syringomyelia (Video 49.19)\n Becker muscular dystrophy (Video 49.20)\n Psychiatric disorders (Video 49.21)\n 50 Gallery of sleep laboratory video findings\n Obstructive sleep apnea\n Apnea, restlessness in a child\n Nasal obstruction and apnea\n Arousal threshold to noise in obstructive sleep apnea\n Obstructive sleep apnea, violent body movements\n Obstructive sleep apnea, violent body movements (×10)\n Atypical snoring after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty\n Vigorous movements in obstructive sleep apnea (×10)\n Obstructive sleep apnea in special populations\n Obesity hypoventilation\n Obesity hypoventilation, heart failure\n Obesity hypoventilation, treated\n Obesity hypoventilation, polysomnography with synchronized digital video\n Obstructive sleep apnea in pregnancy\n Postpartum obstructive sleep apnea\n Postpartum obstructive sleep apnea, treated\n Apnea in acromegaly\n Apnea in acromegaly (×10)\n Apnea and down syndrome\n Upper airway resistance syndrome\n Upper airway resistance syndrome, quiet snoring\n Upper airway resistance syndrome, quiet snoring (×7)\n Upper airway resistance syndrome, variable snoring\n Upper airway resistance syndrome, variable snoring (×5)\n Central sleep apnea and cheyne-stokes respiration\n Idiopathic central apnea\n Retinitis pigmentosa, central apnea\n Central apnea, obesity\n Obstructive sleep apnea and cheyne-stokes breathing\n Pulmonary edema\n Respiratory diseases\n Asthma\n Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease\n Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, upper airway obstruction\n Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, airway secretions, periodic limb movement disorder\n Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, airway secretions, periodic limb movements during sleep (×10)\n Overlap syndrome\n Overlap syndrome, treated\n Pulmonary fibrosis\n Neurologic and other disorders\n Restless legs syndrome, insomnia\n Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements during sleep (×25)\n Restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea\n Restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea (×10)\n Periodic limb movement disorder, apnea (×10)\n Periodic limb movement disorder, subtle movements (×10)\n Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder\n Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, loud vocalization\n Non–rapid eye movement parasomnia, confusional arousal, loud vocalization\n Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, obstructive sleep apnea\n Sleep paralysis\n Delayed sleep phase syndrome\n Epilepsy\n Seizure involving the leg\n Psychogenic “seizures” (x5)\n Psychogenic “seizures,” edge enhanced\nIndex\n A\n B\n C\n D\n E\n F\n G\n H\n I\n J\n K\n L\n M\n N\n O\n P\n Q\n R\n S\n T\n U\n V\n W\n Y\n Z\nInside back cover