فهرست مطالب :
Foreword\nPreface\nAcknowledgments\nContents\nContributors\nAbout the Editor\n1: Introduction to Psychiatry\n Brief History\n Medicine\n Psychopharmacology\n Interventional Psychiatry\n Neuroscience\n Culture and Society\n Narrative Meaning and Psychotherapy\n Technology\n Subspecialties of Psychiatry\n Addiction Psychiatry\n Child and Adolescent Psychiatry\n Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry\n Forensic Psychiatry\n Geriatric Psychiatry\n Future of Psychiatry\n References\n2: Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders\n Introduction: What Is a Case?\n Prevalence and Burden\n Incidence and Life Course\n Genetics as a Primal Risk Factor\n Risk Factors for Schizophrenia\n Risk Factors for Stress and Mood Disorders\n Comorbidity\n Historical Trends in Mental Disorders\n Conclusion\n References\nUntitled\n3: The Biopsychosocial Model of Evaluation and Treatment in Psychiatry\n Introduction\n Landmark Theories, Concepts, and Key Contributors\n Biomedical Model: Focus on Biological Factors and the Separation of Body and Mind\n Limitations of the Biomedical Model: Dualism, Reductionism, and the Patient–Physician Relationship\n The Biopsychosocial Model: An Overview\n Clinical Application of the BPS Model\n Adolf Meyer and Roy Grinker: Key Contributors to the BPS Model\n Components of the BPS Model\n The Four P’s\n Clinical Application of the Biopsychosocial Model\n Diagnosis Vs. Case Formulation\n Assessment and Outcome Measures\n Collaborative Treatment Planning\n Case Example\n Biomedical Presentation\n Patient # 1\n Patient #2\n Patient #3\n Limitations of the Biopsychosocial Model\n Proposal for Future Consideration\n Use within the Health Care System and Potential Pitfalls\n Inclusion of Structural and Cultural Factors\n References\n4: Neurobiological Sciences: Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemistry\n Structural Neuroanatomy\n Neuron Cell Body, Axons, and Dendrite\n Neuroglia Cells and Functions\n Grey and White Matter\n Neuropathology, Proteins, and Stain Techniques\n Cellular Morphology\n The Four Lobes\n Gyri, Sulci, and Fissures\n Radiological Orientation\n The Three Divisions of the Human Brain\n Forebrain\n Brainstem\n Spinal Cord\n Subcortical Structures\n Ventricular System\n Protective Layers of the Brain\n Cerebrovascular System\n Cerebrovascular Accident and Stroke Mechanisms\n Cranial Nerves\n Structural Neuroimaging\n Functional Neuroanatomy\n The Frontal Lobes\n Motor and Somatosensory System\n Motor System\n Vestibular System\n Somatosensory Processing Via the Thalamus\n Taste and Smell\n Limbic System, Basal Ganglia, and Additional Subcortical Area Connections to Other Cortical Regions\n Major White Matter Tracts\n Visual System\n Visual Pathway\n Retinotopic Organization\n What Versus Where Visual Pathway\n Visuospatial Processing and Visual Neglect\n Auditory Processing, Hearing, and Language\n Auditory Processing Pathway\n Cortical Language Regions and Language Processing\n Language Reorganization\n Memory Processing\n Types of Memory\n The Hippocampal Formation and Projections to Other Cortical and Subcortical Regions\n A Processing-Based Model of Memory Systems\n Long-Term Potentiation\n Spatial and Emotional Memory Processing\n Behavior, Emotional Processing, and Social Cognition\n Functional Neuroimaging\n Neurophysiology\n Single Cell Recordings\n Electroencephalograms\n Normal EEG Patterns\n Seizures and Epilepsy\n Background Slowing, Metabolic Effects, or Coma\n Neurochemistry\n Electrical Activity in Neurons\n Resting Potentials\n Graded Potentials\n Action Potentials\n Saltatory Conduction and Myelin Sheaths\n Neurotransmitters\n Small Molecule Transmitters\n Neuropeptides\n Transmitter Gases\n The Process of Neurotransmission\n Inhibitory and Excitatory Messaging\n Reuptake Inhibition\n Activating Systems\n Classification of Psychoactive Drugs and Review of Clinical Applications\n Metabolic Disorders and Infection\n Conclusion\n References\nUntitled\n5: Psychosocial Sciences: Theories and Applications\n Introduction\n Theories of Behavior and Development of Psychotherapy\n Conclusion\n References\n6: Assessment: Interview, History, Physical, and Mental Status Examination\n Introduction\n Purpose of Assessment\n History\n Reason for Assessment\n History of Presenting Complaint\n Psychiatric History\n Family History\n Childhood History\n Educational History\n Occupational History\n Psychosexual and Reproductive History\n Medical History\n Social History and Daily Routine\n Substance Misuse History\n Forensic History\n Premorbid Personality\n Mental State Examination\n Appearance and Behaviour\n Mood/Affect\n Speech and Thought\n Delusions\n Hallucinations and Related Experiences\n Other Psychotic Symptoms\n Anxiety Symptoms\n Obsessions and Compulsions\n Ideas of Harming Self or Others\n ‘Insight’\n Cognitive State\n Physical Examination\n References\n Further Reading\n7: Diagnostic Testing: Rating Scales and Psychological and Neuropsychological Tests\n Introduction\n Biasing Influences in Assessment\n Debiasing Techniques\n Illusory Correlations\n Landmark Theories and Concepts\n Measuring Function and Change\n Neuropsychological Assessment Process, Procedures, and Methods\n Pretesting Considerations\n Estimating Premorbid Intellectual/Cognitive Functioning\n Validity Assessment\n Data Interpretation\n Determining Impairment\n Base Rates of Low Scores\n Assessing Change\n Data Integration and Analysis\n Diagnosis\n Prognosis\n Recommendations\n The Report\n Limitations and Pitfalls in Diagnostic Testing\n Ethical Considerations\n Key Contributors and Contributions\n Conclusions\n References\n8: Diagnostic Neuroimaging and Laboratory Tests\n Introduction\n Data Acquisition and Quality Control\n Anatomical MR Acquisition and Quality Control\n T1-Weighted Anatomical MR Acquisition\n T2-Weighted Anatomical MR Acquisition\n Quality Control\n Diffusion MR Acquisition and Quality Control\n Diffusion MR Acquisition\n Quality Control\n Functional MR Acquisition and Quality Control\n Functional MR Acquisition\n Quality Control\n Diagnostic Neuroimaging Tests\n Classification and Subtyping\n Schizophrenia\n Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)\n Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)\n Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)\n Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)\n Predicting and Monitoring\n Predictions of Illness Onset, Relapse, and Long-Term Prognosis\n Schizophrenia\n Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)\n Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)\n Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)\n Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)\n Predicting and Monitoring Treatment Response\n Schizophrenia\n Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)\n Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)\n Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)\n Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)\n Diagnostic Neuroimaging of ECT\n Diagnostic Neuroimaging of Quantitive EEG\n Neural Basis and Measurement of Quantitive EEG\n Common Auditory and Visual ERP Components\n Diagnostic Performance of ERP Measures\n The ERP Components as Potential Endophenotypes\n Diagnostic Neuroimaging of Magnetoencephalography\n Diagnostic Laboratory Tests\n References\n9: Psychiatric Emergencies: Suicide and Violence\n Suicide\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiological Factors\n Methods\n Assessment\n Management\n Violence\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Assessment\n Management\n References\n10: Biological Treatments: Psychopharmacology, Brain Stimulation, and Innovations\n Introduction\n Brief History of Psychopharmacology with Landmark Theories and Concepts\n General Principles in Psychopharmacology\n Drug Development Process\n Neuroanatomy\n Antidepressants\n Neurostimulation\n Antipsychotics\n Mood Stabilizers\n Anxiolytics\n Hypnotics\n Stimulants\n Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics\n Biomarkers\n References\nUntitled\nUntitled\n11: Psychosocial Treatments: Psychotherapy, Behavioral, and Cultural Interventions\n Introduction\n Culture\n Definition of Culture\n Culture Influences Psychopathology\n Cultural Competence Facilitates Diagnosis and Treatment Across the Cultural Barrier\n Measuring Cultural Competence\n Clinical Cultural Competence: DSM-5 Cultural Formulation Interview\n Best Practices in Cultural Competence: The Cultural Consultation Model\n Outcome of Culturally Competent Interventions\n Implementing Cultural Competence in Systems\n Training for Cultural Competence\n Psychosocial Interventions\n Definition of Psychosocial Interventions\n Scope of the Field\n Settings of Interventions\n Delivery\n Providers\n Target Population Diversity and Cultural Competence\n Specific Psychosocial Interventions\n Basic Psychosocial Intervention\n Counseling\n Care Coordination\n Psychoeducation\n Activity-Based Interventions\n Art Therapy\n Music Therapy\n Play/Activity Interventions\n Physical Activity and Exercise\n Dance Movement Therapy (DMT)\n Pet Therapy\n Relationship-Based Interventions Attachment-Oriented Interventions\n Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)\n Systemic Interventions\n Systemic Family Therapy\n Multisystemic Family Therapy\n Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)\n Residential Care\n Therapeutic Communities: Maxwell Jones\n Modified Therapeutic Communities\n The Sanctuary Model\n Residential Psychiatric and Substance Use Rehabilitation\n Residential Care in the Context of a Full Continuum of Care\n Psychosocial Interventions for Specific Problems\n Suicide\n Psychotherapy\n Psychoanalysis\n Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies\n Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapies\n Short-Term Anxiety Provoking Psychotherapy: Peter Sifneos\n Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: David Malan\n Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Habib Davanloo\n Empathy-Based Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Manuel Trujillo\n Transference-Based Psychotherapies for Borderline Personality Disorders: Otto Kernberg\n Supportive Psychotherapy\n Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies\n Behavior Therapy\n Cognitive Behavioral Therapy\n Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)\n Prolonged Exposure (PE)\n Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)\n Virtual Reality Therapy (VR)\n Behavioral Activation (BA)\n Other Psychotherapies\n Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)\n Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)\n Existential Psychotherapy\n Logotherapy\n Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)\n Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT)\n Future-Directed Therapy (FTD)\n Positive Psychotherapy (PPT)\n Group Psychotherapy\n The Future of Psychotherapy and Psychosocial Interventions\n Is Psychotherapy Effective?\n Visualizing the Effects of Psychotherapy USING Neuroimaging Brain Imaging Before and After Psychotherapy\n Neuroimaging and the Effects of Psychotherapy on Borderline Personality Disorder\n Neuroimaging and the Effects of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy\n The Future of Psychosocial Interventions in Psychiatry\n References\n12: Neurodevelopmental, Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders\n Introduction\n Intellectual Disability and Global Developmental Delay\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Specific Learning Disorders\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Autism Spectrum Disorder\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Tic Disorders\n Introductory Text\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Regarding Racial Bias, ADHD, and Disruptive Disorders\n Oppositional Defiant Disorder\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Conduct Disorder\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Other Impulse-Control Disorders\n Conclusion\n References\n13: Neurocognitive Disorders\n Introduction\n Classification\n Clinical Approach\n Alzheimer’s Disease\n Epidemiology\n Clinical Presentation\n Genetics in Early-Onset Familial AD and APOE Polymorphism\n Risk Factors\n Pathophysiology, Biomarkers, and ATN Classification\n Treatment\n Dementia with Lewy Bodies\n Clinical Presentation\n Biomarkers\n Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Frontotemporal Neurocognitive Disorder\n Classification and Subtypes\n Histopathological Types and Genetics\n Treatment\n Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder\n Classification\n Clinical Presentation and Course\n Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Delirium\n Epidemiology\n Risk Factors\n Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n References\nUntitled\n14: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders\n Introduction\n Substance-Related Disorders and Gambling Disorder\n Introduction\n Epidemiology of Substance-Related Disorders and Gambling Disorder\n Etiology\n Genetics\n Neurodevelopment\n The Dopamine Reward System\n The Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis\n Oxytocin Pathways\n Comorbidities with Personality, Psychiatric, and Medical Conditions\n Personality Traits\n Psychiatric and Medical Comorbidities\n Social and Structural Determinants\n Pathophysiology\n Stages of Substance Misuse and Gambling Leading to Substance-Related and Gambling Disorders\n Neuroanatomy\n Binge/Intoxication Stage\n Withdrawal/Negative Affect Stage\n Preoccupation/Anticipation Stage\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Treatment of Substance Intoxication and Withdrawal\n Intoxication\n Withdrawal\n Treatment to Promote Relapse Prevention, Remission, and Recovery\n Pharmacological Interventions\n Nonpharmacological Interventions\n Future Directions\n References\n15: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Genetic Studies\n Environmental Risk Factors\n Obstetric Events\n Advanced Paternal Age\n Cannabis Use\n Migration Status\n Pathophysiology\n Altered Dopamine Transmission\n NMDAR Hypofunction\n Inflammation\n Phenomenology\n The Schizophrenia Phenotype\n Cognitive Impairment\n Positive Symptoms\n Negative Symptoms\n Diagnostic Criteria for Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders\n Treatment\n Pharmacotherapy: Antipsychotics\n Side Effects\n Nonpharmacological Management of Thought Disorders\n References\nUntitled\n16: Bipolar and Related Disorders\n Epidemiology\n Demographic Considerations (Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity)\n Environmental Considerations/Stressors\n Comorbidity\n Etiology and Pathophysiology (Figs. 16.10 and 16.11)\n Genetics\n Neurobiology and Pathophysiology\n Brain Imaging\n Phenomenology and Course\n Biopsychosocial Treatments in Bipolar Disorder\n Biological Interventions\n Mood Stabilizers: Lithium, Valproate, Lamotrigine, and Carbamazepine\n Lithium\n Valproate\n Lamotrigine\n Carbamazepine\n Antipsychotics\n Antidepressants: Benzodiazepines and Other Medications\n Benzodiazepines\n Other Medications\n Choosing Treatment Options\n Acute Mania\n Bipolar Depression\n Maintenance Therapy\n Special Considerations and Populations\n Psychosocial Interventions\n Other Interventions\n Electroconvulsive Therapy\n Self-Management\n Limitations of the Biopsychosocial Model\n Proposal for Future Considerations of the Biopsychosocial Model\n Use Within Healthcare Systems and Potential Pitfalls\n Inclusion of Structural and Cultural Factors\n References\n17: Depressive Disorders\n Introduction\n Diagnostic Criteria and Features\n Epidemiology\n Prevalence\n Disease Course\n Disease Burden\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Genetics and the Environment\n Neuroendocrinology\n Inflammation\n Neuroplasticity\n Monoamines\n Structural and Functional Brain Alterations\n Phenomenology\n Symptomatology and RDoC Approach\n Difficult-to-Treat Depression (Treatment-Resistant Depression)\n Treatment\n Psychotherapy\n Psychopharmacology\n Emerging Therapy\n References\nUntitled\nUntitled\n18: Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders\n Introduction\n Epidemiology\n Prevalence\n AD and OCRDs Throughout the Lifespan\n Impact\n Comorbidities\n Phenomenology\n General Characteristics and Differential Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders\n General Characteristics and Differential Diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (OCRDs)\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Risk Factors\n Genetics\n Physiology\n Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides\n Behavioural Theories\n Threat Processing\n Pavlovian Fear Conditioning, Context Learning and Extinction Learning\n Reconsolidation\n Emotion Regulation\n Goal-Directed Versus Habitual Learning\n Disease Models\n Brain Imaging in ADs and OCRDs\n Treatment\n Psychotherapy\n Pharmacology\n Neuromodulation\n Long-Term Effects of Therapy\n Concluding Remarks\n References\n19: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders and Dissociative Disorders\n Introduction\n Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders\n Trauma and Stress\n Exposure to Trauma and Stressors\n Posttraumatic Stress Disorder\n History and Nosology\n Validity\n Risk Factors\n Comorbidities\n Course\n Treatment\n Dissociative Subtype of PTSD\n Complex PTSD\n Acute Stress Disorder\n Adjustment Disorder\n Prolonged Grief Disorder\n Childhood Trauma\n Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder\n Other Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders\n Dissociative Disorders\n Dissociative Amnesia\n Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder\n Dissociative Identity Disorder\n Other Dissociative Disorders\n References\nUntitled\n20: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders\n Somatic Symptom Disorder\n Phenomenology and Classification\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Illness Anxiety Disorder\n Phenomenology and Classification\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder\n Phenomenology and Classification\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical Conditions\n Phenomenology and Classification\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Factitious Disorder\n Phenomenology and Classification\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n References\n21: Eating Disorders, Feeding, and Elimination Disorders\n Anorexia Nervosa\n Epidemiology\n Biological Risk Factors\n Environmental Risk Factors\n Comorbidity\n Etiology\n Genetics and Inheritance\n Neurobiology\n Stressful Life Events\n Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse\n Substance Abuse\n Pathophysiology\n Physical Signs and Symptoms\n Serum Chemistry\n Phenomenology\n Restriction of Energy Intake\n Fear of Weight Gain or Becoming Fat\n Restrictive vs. Binge-Eating/Purging Type\n Treatment\n Levels of Care\n Interpersonal Psychotherapy\n Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy\n Antidepressants\n Bulimia Nervosa\n Epidemiology\n Biological Risk Factors\n Social Environment\n Comorbidity\n Etiology\n Inheritance\n Hormones\n Neurobiology\n Stressful Life Events\n Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse\n Substance Abuse\n Pathophysiology\n Erosive Soft Palate\n Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal\n Phenomenology\n Body Dissatisfaction\n Treatment\n Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy\n Family-Focused Therapy\n Other Interventions\n Binge-Eating Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Biological Risk Factors\n Comorbidity\n Etiology\n Inheritance\n Substance Abuse\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Binge-Eating Episode\n Marked Distress Regarding Binge Eating\n Severity\n Treatment\n Level of Care\n Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy\n Antidepressants\n Other Eating Disorders\n Pica\n Rumination Disorder\n Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder\n Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorder\n References\n Further Reading\n22: Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Dysphoria, and Paraphilic Disorders\n Introduction\n Sexual Dysfunctions\n Introductory Text\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Gender Dysphoria\n Introductory Text\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Paraphilic Disorders\n Introductory Text\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n References\n23: Sleep-Wake Disorders\n Introduction\n Insomnia Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n The Psycho-Biosocial Point of View\n Diagnosis and Treatments\n Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence\n Narcolepsy\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Diagnosis and Treatment\n Idiopathic Hypersomnia\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Kleine-Levin Syndrome\n Epidemiology\n Etiology and Pathophysiology\n Treatment\n Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders\n Obstructive Sleep Apnea\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Sleep-Related Movement Disorders\n Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS/WED)\n Epidemiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Periodic Limb Movement Disorder\n Propriospinal Myoclonus at Sleep Onset\n Parasomnias\n Disorder of Arousal (DOA)\n Epidemiology\n Pathophysiology\n Etiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Confusional Arousals\n Sleepwalking\n Sleep Terrors\n Sleep-Related Eating Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Pathophysiology\n Etiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n REM-Related Parasomnias\n REM Sleep Behavior Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Recurrent-Isolated Sleep Paralysis\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Nightmare Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders\n Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder\n Advanced Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder\n Shift Work Disorder\n Epidemiology\n Etiology\n Pathophysiology\n Phenomenology\n Treatment\n References\n24: Personality Disorders\n Historical Background and Current Approaches to Diagnosis\n Importance of Personality Disorder Diagnoses\n Recognizing Patients with Personality Disorders\n Antisocial Personality Disorder\n Avoidant Personality Disorder\n Borderline Personality Disorder\n Suicide Risk\n Narcissistic Personality Disorder\n Suicide Risk\n Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder\n Schizotypal Personality Disorder\n Other Personality Disorders (Histrionic, Paranoid, Schizoid, and Dependent)\n Management of Patients with Personality Disorders\n Psychopharmacology\n Psychotherapy\n Summary\n References\n25: The Future of Psychiatry\n Introduction\n WPA-LPC Report Part 1: The Future of the Patient and Treatment\n WPA-LPC Report Part 2: The Future of Psychiatry and Healthcare Systems\n WPA-LPC Report Part 3: The Future of Psychiatry and Society\n WPA-LPC Report Part 4: The Future of Mental Health Law\n WPA-LPC Report Part 5: Digital Psychiatry and Enhancing the Future of Mental Health\n WPA-LPC Report Part 6: Training the Psychiatrist of the Future\n The Future of Identification of the Causes of Psychiatric Disorders\n Genetics\n The Future of Genetic and Genomic Research in Psychiatric Disorders\n Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies (TWAS)\n Endophenotypes\n The Effects of Early Trauma\n The Future of Diagnostics in Psychiatry\n The Future of Classification\n Noninvasive Tests\n Biomarkers\n Neuroimaging\n The Future of Psychiatric Treatment\n The Future of Precision Psychiatry\n Psychotherapy\n Psychopharmacology\n Old and New Targets\n Innovative Medication Combinations\n Drug Repositioning for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders\n New Uses of Available Drugs: The Psychedelics Example\n New Drug Discovery\n Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery Across Barriers\n Medication Dosing Personalization\n Brain Modulation Treatments\n Advanced Treatments\n Molecular Level\n Cascade Level\n Cellular Level\n Stem Cells\n Embryonic Stem Cells\n Human-I nduced Pluripotent Stem Cells\n Network Level: Nuclei, Tract, and Pathway Level\n Person Level\n Digital Therapeutics and Monitoring\n Mood and Behavioral Monitoring\n The future of Music Therapy\n The Future of Psychosurgery\n From Illness to Wellness Interventions\n Envisioning the Future Wellness Center and Wellness Medicine\n Population Level\n The Future of Prediction and Prevention of Psychiatric Disorders\n The Future of Psychiatry Service Delivery\n Financing Psychiatric Services of the Future\n The Future of Psychiatry Laws\n The Future of the Psychiatry Training\n The Future of the Psychiatry Research\n Data Science and Big Data\n Computational Psychiatry\n Digital Phenotyping\n Real-World Data Collection\n The Future of Important Additional Roles of Psychiatry\n Role of Psychiatry in Society Wellness and Happiness\n The Neuroscience of Happiness\n The Role of Psychiatry in Promoting Wellness in the workplace\n The Role of Psychiatry in Physician Wellness\n The Role of Psychiatry in Local, Regional, National, and International Leadership\n Conclusion\n References\nIndex