AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible

نام کتاب : AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : AutoCAD 2015 و AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Wiley
سال نشر : 2014
تعداد صفحات : 0
ISBN (شابک) : 9781118915592 , 1118915607
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : epub    درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF تبدیل می شود
حجم کتاب : 22 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

شروع سریع: ترسیم یک پنجره -- خلاصه -- فصل. 1 شروع به ترسیم -- بررسی مزایای اتوکد -- مقایسه اتوکد و اتوکد LT -- راه اندازی اتوکد و اتوکد LT -- ایجاد یک نقشه جدید -- استفاده از رابط اتوکد و اتوکد LT -- کاوش در ناحیه ترسیم -- کاوش روبان و نوار ابزار دسترسی سریع - استفاده از منوی برنامه - استفاده از خط فرمان و راهنمای ابزار ورودی پویا - کاوش در نوار وضعیت - ایجاد یک پوشه جدید - استفاده از رابط - ذخیره یک نقشه - بستن نقشه و خروج از اتوکد و AutoCAD LT -- خلاصه -- فصل. 2 باز کردن یک طراحی -- ایجاد یک طراحی جدید از یک الگو -- کار با الگوها -- ایجاد الگوهای خود -- ایجاد یک طراحی با تنظیمات پیش فرض -- باز کردن یک طراحی موجود -- جابجایی بین نقشه های باز -- ذخیره یک طراحی در زیر یک نام جدید -- خلاصه -- فصل. 3 با استفاده از دستورات -- درک رابط AutoCAD و AutoCAD LT. مرجع عالی برای همه کاربران اتوکد AutoCAD 2015 و AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible کتابی است که می خواهید برای پاسخ به سوالات روزمره در مورد این صنعت در دسترس داشته باشید. -نرم افزار پیشرو الن فینکلشتاین، نویسنده و مدرس دانشگاه اتودسک، خوانندگان را از طریق AutoCAD 2015 و AutoCAD LT 2015 با آموزش های واضح و قابل درک و آموزش های عملی که حتی به افراد مبتدی اجازه می دهد در همان روز اول خود طرحی را ایجاد کنند، راهنمایی می کند. اگرچه این کتاب به اندازه کافی ساده و اساسی است که توسط افراد تازه کار CAD مورد استفاده قرار گیرد، اما این کتاب به قدری جامع است که حتی Autodesk به شما قدرت می دهد.

فهرست مطالب :

Quick Start: Drawing a Window --
Summary --
ch. 1 Starting to Draw --
Exploring AutoCAD's Advantages --
Comparing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT --
Starting AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT --
Creating a New Drawing --
Using the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Interface --
Exploring the drawing area --
Exploring the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar --
Using the Application menu --
Using the command line and dynamic input tooltip --
Exploring the status bar --
Creating a New Folder --
Using the Interface --
Saving a Drawing --
Closing a Drawing and Exiting from AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT --
Summary --
ch. 2 Opening a Drawing --
Creating a New Drawing from a Template --
Working with Templates --
Creating your own templates --
Creating a Drawing with Default Settings --
Opening an Existing Drawing --
Switching among open drawings --
Saving a Drawing under a New Name --
Summary --
ch. 3 Using Commands --
Understanding the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Interface. Working with the ribbon --
Displaying and using menus --
Using shortcut menus --
Working with dialog boxes --
Using the Quick Access Toolbar --
Managing palettes --
Using the Tool Palettes window --
Using the Command Line and Dynamic Input --
Entering commands with Dynamic Input --
Understanding command names --
Responding to commands --
Repeating commands --
Using recent input --
Canceling commands --
Undoing a command --
Redoing a command --
Using one command within another command --
Using Mice and Pucks --
Getting Help --
Getting help on a command --
Using the main Help system --
Summary --
ch. 4 Specifying Coordinates --
Understanding the X, Y Coordinate System --
Drawing units --
Typing coordinates --
Using the Dynamic Input tooltip to enter coordinates --
Working with absolute Cartesian coordinates --
Working with relative Cartesian coordinates --
Using polar coordinates --
Using direct distance entry --
Working in orthogonal mode. Working with polar tracking --
Displaying Coordinates --
Picking Coordinates on the Screen --
Using snap settings --
Using object snaps --
Running object snaps and Object Snap mode --
Overriding Coordinate Settings --
Locating Points --
Using object snap tracking --
Using the temporary tracking feature --
Finding points with point filters --
Finding offset points with the From feature --
Summary --
ch. 5 Setting Up a Drawing --
Choosing Unit Types --
Setting the drawing units --
Setting the angle type --
Setting the angle measure and direction --
Drawing Limits --
Understanding Scales --
Working with scale formats --
Using annotative scales --
Customizing the scale list --
Deciding on a scale and sheet size --
Creating a Titleblock --
Specifying Common Setup Options --
Summary --
ch. 6 Drawing Simple Lines --
Using the LINE Command --
Drawing Rectangles --
Drawing Polygons --
Creating Construction Lines --
Creating Rays --
Summary. Ch. 7 Drawing Curves and Points --
Drawing Circles --
Understanding the circle options --
Creating circles --
Drawing Arcs --
Understanding arc options --
Creating arcs --
Creating Ellipses and Elliptical Arcs --
Understanding ellipse options --
Understanding elliptical arc options --
Drawing ellipses and elliptical arcs --
Making Donuts --
Understanding DONUT options --
Drawing donuts --
Placing Points --
Changing the point style --
Creating points --
Summary --
ch. 8 Viewing Your Drawing --
Regenerating and Redrawing the Display --
Panning --
Using the ZOOM Command --
Understanding ZOOM options --
Using ZOOM Dynamic --
Using the SteeringWheels --
Creating Named Views --
Saving a view --
Displaying a view --
Managing named views --
Creating animated presentations from named views --
Using named views to manage a drawing --
Working with Tiled Viewports --
Configuring tiled viewports --
Using tiled viewports. Saving and restoring viewport configurations --
Using Snap Rotation --
Understanding User Coordinate Systems --
Understanding UCS options --
Saving and restoring a custom UCS --
Controlling the UCS icon --
Creating Isometric Drawings --
Understanding isometric planes --
Drawing in Isometric mode --
Summary --
ch. 9 Editing Your Drawing with Basic Tools --
Editing a Drawing --
Understanding object-selection basics --
Erasing objects --
Moving objects --
Copying objects --
Copying and moving objects from one drawing to another --
Rotating objects --
Scaling objects --
Using the CHANGE command --
Selecting Objects --
Selecting objects after choosing a command --
Cycling through objects --
Selecting objects before choosing a command --
Implied windowing --
Customizing the selection process --
Summary --
ch. 10 Editing Your Drawing with Advanced Tools --
Copying and Moving Objects --
Mirroring objects --
Using the ARRAY command --
Offsetting objects. Aligning objects --
Resizing commands --
Trimming objects --
Extending objects --
Lengthening and shortening objects --
Stretching objects --
Using Construction Commands --
Breaking objects --
Joining objects --
Creating chamfered corners --
Creating rounded corners --
Creating a Revision Cloud --
Hiding Objects with a Wipeout --
Constraining Objects with Parameters --
Using geometric constraints --
Auto-constraining objects --
Using dimensional constraints --
Working with the Parameters Manager --
Double-Clicking to Edit Objects --
Editing with Grips --
Stretching with grips --
Moving with grips --
Rotating with grips --
Scaling with grips --
Mirroring with grips --
Customizing grips --
Editing with the Quick Properties Palette and the Properties Palette --
Using the Quick Properties palette --
Using the Properties palette --
Working with object selection in the Properties palette --
Working with Selection Filters. Using Quick Select to select objects --
Using the FILTER command --
Naming and editing filters --
Using filters --
Working with Groups --
Creating and modifying groups --
Using groups --
Summary --
ch. 11 Organizing Drawings with Layers and Object Properties --
Working with Layers --
Understanding layers --
Creating new layers --
Using layers --
Using special layer tools --
Modifying layers --
Manipulating Object Color, Linetype, Lineweight, and Transparency --
Changing an object's color --
Changing the current color --
Altering an object's linetype --
Altering the current linetype --
Changing an object's lineweight --
Changing the current lineweight --
Altering an object's transparency --
Altering the current transparency --
Working with Linetype Scales --
Changing linetype spacing by using a different linetype --
Changing linetype spacing by changing the global linetype scale --
Altering linetype spacing by changing the object linetype scale. Matching Properties --
Summary --
ch. 12 Obtaining Information from Your Drawing --
Getting Drawing-Level Information --
Listing the status of your drawing --
Listing system variables --
Tracking drawing time --
Using Object-Level Information --
Listing objects --
Finding coordinates --
Measuring objects --
Getting information from the Properties palette --
Getting information from the Quick Properties palette --
Accessing Drawing Components --
Using the Content Explorer --
Finding components with the DesignCenter --
Purging unused components --
Dividing and Spacing Objects --
Dividing objects --
Measuring objects --
The AutoCAD Calculator --
Calculating numbers --
Using coordinates --
Using object snaps --
Using the scientific calculator --
Converting units --
Working with QuickCalc variables --
Using QuickCalc in the Properties palette --
Summary --
ch. 13 Creating Text --
Creating Single-Line Text --
Justifying single-line text --
Setting the height. Setting the rotation angle --
Adding special characters and formatting --
Editing single-line text --
Understanding Text Styles --
Creating a new text style --
Renaming and deleting text styles --
Modifying a text style --
Making a style current or changing a text object's style --
Importing a text style --
Creating Multiline Text --
Using the In-Place Text Editor --
Creating text for different scales --
Editing paragraph text --
Importing text --
Creating Tables --
Inserting a table --
Specifying a table style --
Adding data to a table --
Modifying a table --
Inserting Fields --
Creating fields --
Editing and updating fields --
Managing Text --
Using Quicktext --
Using AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT fonts --
Turning off text layers --
Finding Text in Your Drawing --
Checking Your Spelling --
Summary --
ch. 14 Drawing Dimensions --
Working with Dimensions --
Understanding the elements of a dimension --
Preparing to dimension. Drawing Linear Dimensions --
Specifying the dimensioned object --
Using dimension options --
Creating jogged dimension lines --
Drawing Aligned Dimensions --
Specifying the dimensioned object --
Using the options --
Creating Baseline and Continued Dimensions --
Drawing baseline dimensions --
Drawing continued dimensions --
Dimensioning Arcs and Circles --
Marking arc and circle centers --
Dimensioning arc lengths --
Creating radial dimensions --
Creating diameter dimensions --
Dimensioning Angles --
Creating Ordinate Dimensions --
Drawing Leaders --
Creating a multileader --
Editing multileaders --
Creating a multileader style --
Aligning and combining leaders --
Using Quick Dimension --
Creating Inspection Dimensions --
Creating Geometric Tolerances --
Starting the tolerance frame --
Inserting the tolerance frame --
Editing a tolerance frame --
Editing Dimensions --
Editing associativity --
Using the DIMEDIT command --
Using the DIMTEDIT command. Flipping dimension arrows --
Editing dimension text --
Using the Properties palette to edit dimensions --
Changing annotative scales --
Spacing dimensions equally apart --
Breaking dimensions --
Using Quick Dimension to edit dimensions --
Using grips to edit dimensions --
Editing objects and dimensions together --
Summary --
ch. 15 Creating Dimension Styles --
Understanding Dimension Styles --
Defining a New Dimension Style --
Managing dimension lines --
Defining symbols and arrows --
Managing dimension text --
Fitting dimensions into tight spaces --
Defining primary units --
Defining alternate units --
Formatting tolerances --
Changing Dimension. Styles --
Choosing a new current dimension style --
Creating a variant of a dimension style --
Modifying a dimension to use a new dimension style --
Modifying dimension styles --
Overriding a dimension style --
Updating dimensions --
Comparing dimension styles --
Summary --
ch. 16 Drawing Complex Objects. Creating and Editing Polylines --
Using the PLINE command --
Editing polylines with the PEDIT command --
Grip editing polylines --
Editing polylines with the Properties palette or Quick Properties palette --
Drawing and Editing Splines --
Understanding splines --
Creating splines --
Editing splines --
Creating Regions --
Creating Boundaries --
Creating Hatches --
Understanding hatch patterns --
Defining a hatch --
Determining the hatch boundary --
Managing islands --
Dragging and dropping hatch patterns --
Creating gradient fills --
Editing hatches --
Using the SOLID command --
Creating and Editing Multilines --
Creating a multiline style --
Drawing multilines --
Editing multilines --
Creating Dlines in AutoCAD LT --
Using the SKETCH Command --
Digitizing Drawings with the TABLET Command --
Summary --
ch. 17 Plotting and Printing Your Drawing --
Preparing a Drawing for Plotting or Printing --
Doing a draft plot --
Plotting a drawing from model space. Creating a Layout in Paper Space --
Entering paper space --
Using the Layout Wizard --
Laying out a drawing in paper space on your own --
Annotating a layout --
Saving a layout template --
Working with Plot Styles --
Setting the plot-style mode --
Creating a plot-style table --
Attaching a plot-style table to a layout --
Setting the plot-style property for a layer or object --
Plotting a Drawing --
Specifying plot settings --
Previewing your plot --
Creating a plot stamp --
Creating the plot --
Summary --
ch. 18 Working with Blocks --
Combining Objects into Blocks --
Understanding base points and insertion points --
Creating a block --
Saving blocks as files --
Replacing an existing file --
Inserting Blocks and Files into Drawings --
Using the Insert dialog box --
Using the DesignCenter --
Managing Blocks --
Working with block layers --
Exploding blocks --
Using the XPLODE command --
Redefining a block --
Editing blocks. Creating and Using Dynamic Blocks --
Understanding action-based parameters --
Understanding the work flow of dynamic blocks --
Defining a dynamic block with action-based parameters --
Inserting and using dynamic blocks --
Using Windows Features to Copy Data --
Manipulating objects with the Windows Clipboard --
Using drag-and-drop --
Summary --
ch. 19 Adding Attributes to Blocks --
Working with Attributes --
Creating Attribute Definitions --
Mode section --
Attribute section --
Text Settings section --
Insertion Point section --
Creating the Block --
Inserting blocks with attributes --
Editing Attributes --
Editing attribute properties with the BATTMAN command --
Editing attribute properties with the ATTEDIT command --
Making global changes in attributes --
Redefining attributes --
Extracting a Database from Attributes --
Summary --
ch. 20 Referencing Other Drawings --
Understanding External References --
Attaching an external reference. Opening an xref --
Using the External References palette --
Editing an Xref within Your Drawing --
Choosing the xref or block to edit --
Editing the xref --
Controlling Xref Display --
Working with dependent symbols in xrefs --
Avoiding circular references --
Clipping xrefs --
Speeding up the display of large xrefs --
Managing Xrefs --
Getting xref notification --
Using DesignCenter to Attach a Drawing --
Attaching Xrefs and Drawings from the Content Explorer --
Creating an xref log file --
Working with DWF, DGN, and PDF Underlays --
Attaching a DWF underlay --
Attaching a DGN underlay --
Attaching a PDF underlay --
Modifying an underlay --
Summary --
ch. 21 Specifying 3D Coordinates --
Working in a 3D Environment --
Using 3D Coordinates --
Absolute and relative Cartesian coordinates in 3D --
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates --
Using editing commands with 3D wireframes --
Using point filters, object snaps, object tracking, and grips in 3D. Creating 3D polylines --
Creating helixes --
Using point clouds --
Using Elevation and Thickness --
Creating surfaces with thickness --
Using the HIDE command --
Controlling the display of hidden lines and objects --
Adding elevation to objects --
Working with the User Coordinate System --
UCSs and viewpoints --
Dragging the UCS icon --
Using UCS options to change the UCS --
Changing the UCS dynamically --
Summary --
ch. 22 Viewing 3D Drawings --
Working with the Standard Viewpoints --
Looking at a drawing from the standard viewpoints --
Using VPOINT --
Using the ViewCube to View Your Drawing --
Creating a Named View with a Camera --
Creating a camera --
Editing a camera --
Adding a Background to a Named View --
Displaying a Quick Plan View --
Displaying Parallel and Perspective Projections --
Using 3D Orbit --
Starting 3D Orbit --
Navigating with 3D Orbit --
Refining your 3D Orbit view --
Using ShowMotion to Cycle Through Views --
Creating shots. Displaying shots --
Walking Through a Model --
Navigating in Walk mode --
Specifying Walk mode settings --
Flying through a model --
Saving the walk as a movie file --
Using a motion path to save a movie file --
Navigating with the SteeringWheels --
Using DVIEW to Create a Perspective View --
Using DVIEW --
Understanding the DVIEW options --
Working with Visual Styles --
Displaying visual styles in AutoCAD --
Creating custom visual styles --
Using the shading options in AutoCAD LT --
Display materials, textures, and lights as you work --
Laying Out 3D Drawings --
Flattening 3D drawings --
Creating 2D view objects --
Using SOLVIEW to lay out paper space viewports --
Using SOLDRAW to create hidden lines and hatching --
Using SOLPROF to create profiles --
Printing in 3D --
Summary --
ch. 23 Creating 3D Surfaces --
Drawing Surfaces with 3DFACE --
Using the 3DFACE command --
Making 3D face edges invisible --
Drawing Surfaces with PFACE. Creating Polygon Meshes with 3DMESH --
Using the 3DMESH command --
Drawing Procedural and NURBS Surfaces --
Creating Planar Surfaces --
Revolved surfaces --
Drawing an Extruded Surface --
Working with the TABSURF command --
Working with the EXTRUDE command --
Sweeping objects along a path --
Drawing Surfaces Between Objects --
Creating ruled surfaces --
Lofting objects --
Using the EDGESURF command --
Using the SURFNETWORK command --
Connecting surfaces with the SURFBLEND command --
Patching holes with the SURFPATCH command --
Editing and Analyzing Surfaces --
Creating surfaces with the SURFOFFSET command --
Trimming and extending surfaces --
Filleting surfaces with the SURFFILLET command --
Projecting objects onto surfaces --
Analyzing surfaces --
Working with Multiple Types of Objects --
Converting 2D objects to surfaces --
Converting meshes to smooth surfaces --
Thickening a surface into a solid --
Sculpting surfaces to create a solid. Extracting edges and isolines from a surface, solid, or a region --
Summary --
ch. 24 Creating Solids and Editing in 3D --
Drawing Basic Smooth Solids --
Drawing a box --
Drawing a wedge --
Drawing a cone --
Drawing a sphere --
Drawing a cylinder --
Drawing a torus --
Drawing a pyramid --
Creating Extruded Solids --
Managing objects used to make other objects --
Using the EXTRUDE command --
Drawing Swept Solids --
Drawing Revolved Solids --
Drawing Lofted Solids --
Drawing Polyline-Like Solids --
Manipulating Solids --
Grip-editing solids --
Selecting subobjects --
Moving, rotating, and scaling with the gizmos --
Working with Mesh Shapes --
Creating meshes --
Editing meshes --
Converting solids and meshes --
Creating Complex Solids --
Combining solids --
Subtracting solids --
Creating a solid from the intersection of two solids --
Creating a solid from surfaces that enclose a volume --
Creating a new solid by using INTERFERE. Pressing or pulling a region --
Using solid history --
Sectioning and Slicing Solids --
Using the SECTION command --
Creating an interactive section object --
Using the SLICE command --
Using Editing Commands in 3D --
Mirroring in 3D --
Arraying in 3D --
Rotating in 3D --
Aligning in 3D --
Trimming and extending in 3D --
Filleting in 3D --
Chamfering in 3D --
Exploding and converting 3D objects --
Using the SOLIDEDIT Command --
Editing faces --
Editing edges --
Editing bodies --
Listing Solid Properties --
Summary --
ch. 25 Keeping Control of Your Drawings --
Accessing Drawing Content with Tool Palettes --
Creating a new tool palette --
Adding content tools --
Adding command tools --
Copying a tool --
Setting tool properties --
Organizing tool palettes --
Using a tool palette --
Setting Standards for Drawings --
Using the CAD Standards tools --
Using layer notification --
Translating layers --
Renaming named objects --
Working with Sheet Sets. Understanding sheet sets --
Creating a sheet set --
Setting up sheet set references --
Using a sheet set --
Organizing Your Drawings --
Archiving drawings --
Finding drawings --
Specifying drawing properties --
Maintaining Security --
Password protection --
Digital signatures --
Keeping Track of Referenced Files --
Handling Errors and Crashes --
Taking care of temporary files --
Repairing corrupted drawing files --
Using backup drawings --
Recovering from a crash --
Managing Drawings from Prior Releases --
Summary --
ch. 26 Working with Other Applications --
Importing and Exporting Other File Formats --
Exporting drawings --
Importing files --
Referencing geographic location data --
Working with Raster Images --
Attaching images --
Managing images --
Clipping images --
Controlling image display --
Pasting, Linking, and Embedding Objects --
Embedding objects into a drawing --
Using Paste Special --
Linking data --
Summary. Ch. 27 Collaborating and Creating Electronic Output --
Opening Drawings from the Web --
Using the Browse the Web dialog box --
Using i-drop to drag objects into a drawing --
Working with drawings on Autodesk 360 --
Sharing Comments with Design Feed --
Creating Object Hyperlinks --
Creating a hyperlink --
Using a hyperlink --
Editing a hyperlink --
Publishing Drawings --
Understanding DWF and DWFx files --
Creating 2D DWF and DWFx files --
Creating 3D DWF and DWFx files --
Using the Publish to Web Wizard --
Posting DWF and DWFx files directly --
Editing web pages --
Viewing DWF and DWFx drawings --
Sending Drawings --
Using eTransmit --
Specifying transmittal settings --
Summary --
ch. 28 Customizing Commands, Toolbars, and Tool Palettes --
Working with Customizable Files --
Editing customizable files --
Backing up customizable files --
Using the command-line form of commands --
Documenting your files --
Creating Aliases for Commands. Creating aliases to Windows programs --
Creating aliases to commands --
Editing autocorrect and synonym lists --
Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar --
Creating and displaying a Quick Access Toolbar --
Adding buttons --
Creating a custom command --
Removing custom commands --
Adding a drop-down list --
Customizing Toolbars --
Customizing classic toolbars --
Creating a new toolbar --
Removing buttons from a toolbar --
Creating flyouts --
Customizing the Status Bar --
Customizing Tool Palettes --
Summary --
ch. 29 Creating Macros and Slide Shows --
Creating Macros with Script Files --
Creating the script file --
Running a script file --
Recording Actions --
Creating an action macro --
Editing an action macro --
Managing a macro file --
Playing back a macro --
Creating Slide Shows --
Creating slides --
Viewing slides --
Using scripts to create slide shows --
Creating Slide Libraries --
Summary --
ch. 30 Creating Your Own Linetypes and Hatch Patterns. Creating Linetypes --
Creating simple linetypes --
Creating complex linetypes --
Creating Hatch Patterns --
Summary --
ch. 31 Creating Shapes and Fonts --
Creating Shapes --
Using shape files --
Creating shape files --
Editing shape files --
Creating Fonts --
Summary --
ch. 32 Customizing the Ribbon and Menus --
Working with the Customization File --
Understanding the customization file --
Loading and unloading customization files --
Customizing the Interface --
Looking at a ribbon panel --
Writing macros --
Customizing the ribbon --
Customizing the Menu bar and shortcuts menus --
Customizing mouse buttons and tablet buttons --
Customizing image-tile menus --
Customizing tablet menus --
Creating keyboard shortcuts --
Customizing the double-click behavior --
Customizing the Quick Properties palette and rollover tooltips --
Summary --
ch. 33 Understanding AutoLISP and Visual LISP Basics --
Introducing Visual LISP --
Opening Visual LISP. Opening and loading an AutoLISP file with Visual LISP --
Loading an AutoLISP file --
Using an AutoLISP routine in AutoCAD --
Looking at an AutoLISP routine --
Using the Visual LISP Editor --
Closing a file and Visual LISP --
Getting Help in Visual LISP --
Working with AutoLISP Expressions --
Understanding AutoLISP syntax --
Working with numbers and text --
Using AutoLISP on the 'Command Line --
Creating AutoLISP Files --
Summary --
ch. 34 Exploring AutoLISP Further --
Creating Variables --
Working with AutoCAD Commands --
Accessing AutoCAD commands --
Creating functions --
Creating functions with arguments --
Working with system variables --
Working with Lists --
Using lists for coordinates --
Creating dotted pairs --
Setting Conditions --
Using conditional statements --
Using Loop statements --
Managing Drawing Objects --
Getting information about an object --
Modifying objects --
Access an object's properties directly --
Creating selection sets. Getting Input from the User --
Putting on the Finishing Touches --
Summary --
ch. 35 Exploring Advanced AutoLISP Topics --
Understanding Global and Local Variables --
Working with Visual LISP ActiveX Functions --
Reviewing AutoLISP retrieval and modification --
Using ActiveX with Visual LISP --
Debugging Code --
Using the Error Trace window --
Working with breakpoints --
Using the Watch window --
Summary --
A Final Word --
Appendix A: Installing and Configuring AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT --
Appendix B: AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Resources --
Appendix C: What's on the Companion Website.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

Quick Start: Drawing a Window -- Summary -- ch. 1 Starting to Draw -- Exploring AutoCAD's Advantages -- Comparing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT -- Starting AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT -- Creating a New Drawing -- Using the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Interface -- Exploring the drawing area -- Exploring the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar -- Using the Application menu -- Using the command line and dynamic input tooltip -- Exploring the status bar -- Creating a New Folder -- Using the Interface -- Saving a Drawing -- Closing a Drawing and Exiting from AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT -- Summary -- ch. 2 Opening a Drawing -- Creating a New Drawing from a Template -- Working with Templates -- Creating your own templates -- Creating a Drawing with Default Settings -- Opening an Existing Drawing -- Switching among open drawings -- Saving a Drawing under a New Name -- Summary -- ch. 3 Using Commands -- Understanding the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT Interface.;The perfect reference for all AutoCAD users AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 Bible is the book you want to have close at hand to answer those day-to-day questions about this industry-leading software. Author and Autodesk University instructor Ellen Finkelstein guides readers through AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015 with clear, easy-to-understand instruction and hands-on tutorials that allow even total beginners to create a design on their very first day. Although simple and fundamental enough to be used by those new to CAD, the book is so comprehensive that even Autodesk power u.

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