توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
پوشش دادن؛ نیم عنوان؛ صفحه عنوان؛ صفحه حق چاپ فهرست مطالب؛ فهرست نقشه ها، شکل ها و جداول. پیشگفتار؛ سپاسگزاریها؛ نقشه 1: فدراسیون روسیه؛ فصل 1 چگونه و چرا این اتفاق افتاد؟ راهزن سرگردان و راهزن ثابت; جوجه تیغی و روباه؛ خلیاوا; قدرت و دارایی؛ حقوق مالکیت؛ میراث مارکسیست-لنینیستی؛ مقصر کیست؟ فصل 2 سیاست های استراتژیک تاکتیکی درخشان اما فاجعه بار: دوران گورباچف. اقتصاد برنامه ریزی شده؛ اصلاحات از خروشچف تا گورباچف؛ گورباچف را وارد کنید. تیم جدید؛ پرسترویکا؛ برنامه 500 روزه؛ گلاسنوست؛ در دهه 1990، "راهزنان سرگردان"، تجارت بزرگ یا الیگارشی ها، روسیه را دزدیدند. آنها بر پرزیدنت یلتسین و دولت او نفوذ پیدا کردند و به تدریج سیاستی را در راستای منافع خود شکل دادند. در این اولین گزارش جامع برای توضیح اینکه چرا روسیه مسیری را که طی کرد، طی کرد، مارتین مککاولی این دوره را از منظر دولت، از جمله دولت در سایه یلتسین، بررسی میکند و به ارتش، پلیس، سرویسهای امنیتی و اطلاعاتی نگاه میکند. روابط بین مسکو و مناطق، صنعت، کشاورزی، سیاست اجتماعی و سیاست خارجی نیز مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Maps, Figure and Tables
Map 1: The Russian Federation
Chapter 1 How and Why Did It Happen?
The roving bandit and the stationary bandit
The hedgehog and the fox
Power and property
Property rights
The Marxist-Leninist legacy
Who is to blame?
Chapter 2 Brilliant Tactical but Disastrous Strategic Policies: the Gorbachev Era
The planned economy
Reforms from Khrushchev to Gorbachev
Enter Gorbachev
The new team
The 500-day programme
Glasnost. Yeltsin breaks with GorbachevThe 19th party conference
The Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet
Conflict within the party
First President
The 28th party congress
Desperate measures
Russia awakes
Gorbachev assailed
President Yeltsin
The attempted coup of August 1991
Yeltsin triumphant
Foreign policy
Eastern Europe
Enterprise leasing
Why did the military allow the Soviet Union to disintegrate?
Gorbachev's legacy
The mafia
The KGB and the mafia
The clan chiefs emerge
Why did the Soviet Union disappear? Chapter 3 Tsar Boris the Bruiser: the First Presidency, 1991-96Yeltsin's team
Confrontation in the Congress of People's Deputies
The Civic Union appears
The President and the 7th Congress
Conflict resumes
On the offensive
Towards a new constitution
The final thrust
The spoils of victory
The constitution and the first Duma
The Federal Assembly
The President's life-style
Political reactions
The Duma tests the President's power
Negotiating a peace
The Duma elections of December 1995
The election results
The presidential race
The electoral campaign
The planned coup. Campaigning Chubais styleKorzhakov's final gamble
Chapter 4 Tsar Boris the Boozer: the Second Presidency, 1996-99
Lebed framed
Yeltsin reasserts himself
The banking war
Yeltsin and the October compromise
Berezovsky goes
The book scandal
Yeltsin revitalised
Chernomyrdin goes
Enter Kirienko
Russia devalues and defaults
Enter Chernomyrdin
Enter Stepashin
Enter Putin
The New Duma
The Tsar departs
Chapter 5 The Tsar's Court: The Presidential Administration, the Security Council and the Government
The development of the administration. The presidential administration during the second presidencyThe Security Council
Other security agencies
Other advisory agencies
Chapter 6 Colonels and Spies: Defence, Internal Affairs and the Security Forces
The military
The Russian ministry of defence
Russian military doctrine
The first Chechen war, 1994-96
The second Chechen war, 1999-
Health, drug abuse and Aids in the military
Nuclear arms
Military reform and doctrine
Internal affairs
The security market
Barannikov departs
The kompromat wars
Enter the FSK.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of Maps, Figure and Tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Map 1: The Russian Federation; Chapter 1 How and Why Did It Happen?; The roving bandit and the stationary bandit; The hedgehog and the fox; Khalyava; Power and property; Property rights; The Marxist-Leninist legacy; Who is to blame?; Chapter 2 Brilliant Tactical but Disastrous Strategic Policies: the Gorbachev Era; The planned economy; Reforms from Khrushchev to Gorbachev; Enter Gorbachev; The new team; Perestroika; The 500-day programme; Glasnost.;During the 1990s, the ""roving bandits"", big business or the oligarchs, stole Russia. They gained influence over President Yeltsin and his government, and gradually shaped policy in their own interests. In this first comprehensive account to explain why Russia took the course it did, Martin McCauley examines the period through the prism of government, including Yeltsin's shadow government, and looks at the military, police, security and intelligence services. Relations between Moscow and the regions, industry, agriculture, social policy and foreign policy are also explored.