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Cover\nContents\nAcknowledgments\nIntroduction\nEARLY MONTREAL FICTION, POETRY, AND LITERARY SKETCHES (1888–1891)\n Edith Eaton. “A Trip in a Horse Car.” Dominion Illustrated, 13 October 1888.\n Edith Eaton. “Misunderstood: The Story of a Young Man.” Dominion Illustrated, 17 November 1888.\n Edith Eaton. “A Fatal Tug of War.” Dominion Illustrated, 8 December 1888.\n Edith Eaton. “The Origin of a Broken Nose.” Dominion Illustrated, 11 May 1889.\n Edith Eaton. “Robin.” Dominion Illustrated, 22 June 1889.\n Edith Eaton. “Albemarle’s Secret.” Dominion Illustrated, 19 October 1889.\n Edith Eaton. “Lines.” Dominion Illustrated, 5 April 1890.\n Edith Eaton. “In Fairyland.” Dominion Illustrated, 18 October 1890.\n Edith Eaton. “A Plea for Sad Songs.” Dominion Illustrated, 3 October 1891.\nSELECTED EARLY JOURNALISM: Montreal (1890–1896)\n Unsigned. “A Chinese Party.” Montreal Daily Witness, 7 November 1890.\n Unsigned. “Girl Slave in Montreal. Our Chinese Colony Cleverly Described. Only Two Women from the Flowery Land in Town.” Montreal Daily Witness, 4 May 1894.\n Unsigned. “Our Local Chinatown. Little Mystery of a St. Denis Street Laundry.” Montreal Daily Witness, 19 July 1894.\n Unsigned. “‘No Tickee, No Washee.’” Montreal Daily Witness, 25 July 1894.\n Unsigned. “Half-Chinese Children.” Montreal Daily Star, 20 April 1895.\n Unsigned. “Chinese Visitors.” Montreal Daily Star, 6 July 1895.\n Unsigned. “Thrilling Experience of a Band of Smugglers in the Lachine Rapids.” Montreal Daily Star, 9 July 1895.\n Unsigned. “They Are Going Back to China: Hundreds of Chinese at the CPR Station.” Montreal Daily Star, 21 August 1895.\n E.E. “Letter to the Editor: Wong Hor Ching.” Montreal Daily Star, 31 August 1895.\n Unsigned. “A Chinese Baby. Accompanies a Party Now on Their Way to Boston.” Montreal Daily Star, 11 September 1895.\n Unsigned. “Chinese Religion. Information Given a Lady by Montreal Chinamen.”Montreal Daily Star, 21 Sept. 1895.\n Unsigned, “A Chinese Child Born. At the Hotel on Lagauchetiere Street.”Montreal Daily Star, 30 September 1895.\n Unsigned, “Another Chinese Baby. The Juvenile Mongolian Colony in Montreal Receives Another Addition – It Is a Girl and There Are Schemes for Her Marriage.” Montreal Daily Star, 12 October 1895.\n Unsigned. “Chinese Food.” Montreal Daily Star, 25 November 1895.\n Unsigned. “Chinamen with German Wives.” Montreal Daily Star, 13 December 1895.\n E.E. “The Chinese Question.” Montreal Daily Star, 16 December 1895.\n Unsigned. “The Chinese and Christmas.” Montreal Daily Star, 21 December 1895.\n Unsigned. “Chinese Entertainment, at which the Chinamen Did Their Share of the Entertaining.”Montreal Daily Star, 31 December 1895.\n E.E. “A Plea for the Chinaman. A Correspondent’s Argument in His Favour.” Montreal Daily Star, 21 September 1896.\n Edith Eaton. “The Chinese Defended. ‘E.E.’ Replies to Her Critics of Saturday and Is Supported by a Brooklyn Doctor.” Montreal Daily Star, 29 September 1896.\n Unsigned. “Born a Britisher. But Fifty Dollars Is the Tax on Him as a Chinaman.” Montreal Daily Witness, 27 October 1896.\nSELECTED EARLY JOURNALISM: Jamaica (1896–1897)\n Fire Fly. “The Kingston Races. First Day. Descriptive Sketch.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 16 December 1896.\n Fire Fly. “The Kingston Races. Second Day. Descriptive Sketch.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 17 December 1896.\n Fire Fly. “The Firefly and Rum.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 23 December 1896.\n Fire Fly. “Fire Fly’s Christmas Budget.” Gall’sDaily News Letter, 24 December 1896.\n Fire Fly. Excerpt from “The Woman about Town: The Horse Car, Sarah Bernhardt.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 30 December 1896.\n Fire Fly. “The Girl of the Period: The Projectographe, Jamaica Lawyers.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 13 January 1897.\n Fire Fly. “The Departure of the Royal Mail.” Gall’sDaily News Letter, 21 January 1897.\n Fire Fly. “The Girl of the Period: The Theatre.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 28 January 1897.\n Fire Fly. “The Girl of the Period: At Alpha Cottage.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 2 February 1897.\n A Canadian Fire Fly. “The Girl of the Period: A Veracious Chronicle of Opinion.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 8 February 1897.\n Fire Fly. “The Girl of the Period: At Church.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 16 February 1897.\n Fire Fly. “The Union Poor House.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 26 February 1897.\n Fire Fly. “Our Visitors: Myrtle Bank.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 5 March 1897.\n Fire Fly. From “Woman’s Gossip: Don’t Tax Bicycles, Civil Service Examinations.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 17 March 1897.\n Fire Fly, “Another Pleasure Party. Mr. John Jacob Astor.” Gall’s Daily News Letter, 5 April 1897.\nSELECTED LATER FICTION (1896–1906)\n Sui Seen Far. “The Gamblers.” Fly Leaf (February 1896).\n Sui Seen Far. “Ku Yum.” Land of Sunshine (June 1896).\n Sui Seen Far. “The Story of Iso.” Lotus (August 1896).\n Sui Seen Far. “A Love Story of the Orient.” Lotus (October 1896).\n Sui Seen Far. “A Chinese Feud.” Land of Sunshine (November 1896).\n Sui Seen Far. “The Daughter of a Slave.” Short Stories (January–March 1897).\n Sui Seen Far. “Sweet Sin: A Chinese-American Story.” Land of Sunshine (April 1897).\n Edith Eaton. “Away Down in Jamaica.” The Metropolitan (19 March 1898).\n Sui Sin Fah. “The Smuggling of Tie Co.” Land of Sunshine (July 1900).\n Sui Sin Far. “Woo-Ma and I.” The Bohemian (January 1906).\nCROSS-CONTINENTAL TRAVEL WRITING (1904)\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing of Los Angeles on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 3 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing of Los Angeles on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 4 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing of Los Angeles on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 5 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 6 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing of Los Angeles on His Travels. Part 5.” Los Angeles Express, 10 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing of Los Angeles on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 24 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing in Montreal.” Los Angeles Express, 27 February 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing in Montreal.” Los Angeles Express, 9 March 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing in Montreal.” Los Angeles Express, 12 March 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 25 May 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing in New York City.” Los Angeles Express, 9 June 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing in New York City.” Los Angeles Express, 14 June 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 5 July 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 8 July 1904.\n Wing Sing. “Wing Sing on His Travels.” Los Angeles Express, 20 July 1904.\nAPPENDICES\n A: Unsigned. “A Visit to Chinatown.” New York Recorder, 19 April 1896.\n B: Biographical Timeline for Edith Maude Eaton\n C: Chronological Bibliography of Works\nIndex\n A\n B\n C\n D\n E\n F\n G\n H\n I\n J\n K\n L\n M\n N\n O\n P\n Q\n R\n S\n T\n U\n V\n W\n Y