توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
شروع PHP و MySQL: از مبتدی تا حرفه ای، نسخه چهارم به روز رسانی اصلی کتاب معتبر W. Jason Gilmore در مورد PHP و MySQL است. نسخه چهارم شامل پوشش کامل ویژگیهای PHP 5.3، از جمله فاصله نام، بهروزرسانی نصب و پیکربندی پشته AMP، بهروزرسانیهای Zend Framework، پوشش MySQL Workbench و بسیاری موارد دیگر است.
فهرست مطالب :
Prelim......Page 1
Contents at a Glance......Page 5
Contents......Page 7
About the Author......Page 31
About the Technical Reviewer......Page 32
Acknowledgments......Page 33
Download the Code......Page 34
Contact Me!......Page 35
History......Page 37
PHP 4......Page 38
PHP 5......Page 39
PHP 5.3......Page 40
Practicality......Page 41
Power......Page 42
Price......Page 43
Summary......Page 44
Installation Prerequisites......Page 45
Downloading PHP......Page 46
Downloading the PHP Manual......Page 47
Installing Apache and PHP on Linux......Page 48
Installing Apache and PHP on Windows......Page 49
Installing IIS and PHP on Windows......Page 51
Testing Your Installation......Page 52
Customizing the Windows Build......Page 54
Managing PHP’s Configuration Directives......Page 55
Language Options......Page 57
Safe Mode......Page 61
Syntax Highlighting......Page 63
Miscellaneous......Page 64
Data Handling......Page 65
Paths and Directories......Page 70
Fopen Wrappers......Page 71
Notepad++......Page 72
Choosing a Web Hosting Provider......Page 73
Seven Questions for Any Prospective Hosting Provider......Page 74
Summary......Page 75
Embedding PHP Code in Your Web Pages......Page 77
Short-Tags......Page 78
ASP Style......Page 79
Shell Syntax......Page 80
Outputting Data to the Browser......Page 81
The print() Statement......Page 82
The printf() Statement......Page 83
Boolean......Page 85
String......Page 86
Array......Page 87
Converting Between Data Types Using Type Casting......Page 88
Adapting Data Types with Type Juggling......Page 89
Retrieving Types......Page 90
Identifiers......Page 91
Variables......Page 92
Reference Assignment......Page 93
Local Variables......Page 94
Function Parameters......Page 95
Static Variables......Page 96
PHP’s Superglobal Variables......Page 97
Retrieving Variables Passed Using GET......Page 99
Retrieving Information About Files Uploaded Using POST......Page 100
Retrieving Information Stored in Sessions......Page 101
Defining a Constant......Page 102
Operators......Page 103
Operator Precedence......Page 104
Arithmetic Operators......Page 105
String Operators......Page 106
Increment and Decrement Operators......Page 107
Equality Operators......Page 108
Bitwise Operators......Page 109
String Interpolation......Page 110
Escape Sequences......Page 111
Single Quotes......Page 112
Heredoc......Page 113
The if Statement......Page 114
The elseif Statement......Page 115
Looping Statements......Page 116
The while Statement......Page 117
The for Statement......Page 118
The foreach Statement......Page 119
The break and goto Statements......Page 121
The include() Statement......Page 122
Ensuring a File Is Required Only Once......Page 124
Summary......Page 125
Invoking a Function......Page 127
Creating a Function......Page 128
Passing Arguments by Value......Page 129
Default Argument Values......Page 130
Using Type Hinting......Page 131
Returning Multiple Values......Page 132
Recursive Functions......Page 133
Function Libraries......Page 136
Summary......Page 137
What Is an Array?......Page 139
Creating Arrays with array()......Page 141
Extracting Arrays with list()......Page 142
Testing for an Array......Page 143
Outputting an Array......Page 144
Printing Arrays for Testing Purposes......Page 145
Adding a Value to the End of an Array......Page 146
Searching an Array......Page 147
Searching Associative Array Values......Page 148
Traversing Arrays......Page 149
Retrieving the Current Array Value......Page 150
Moving the Pointer to the Previous Array Position......Page 151
Passing Array Values to a Function......Page 152
Determining the Size of an Array......Page 153
Counting Array Value Frequency......Page 154
Reversing Array Element Order......Page 155
Sorting an Array......Page 156
Sorting an Array While Maintaining Key/Value Pairs......Page 157
Sorting an Array in Reverse Order While Maintaining Key/Value Pairs......Page 158
Sorting an Array by Key Values......Page 159
Sorting According to User-Defined Criteria......Page 160
Merging, Slicing, Splicing, and Dissecting Arrays......Page 161
Recursively Appending Arrays......Page 162
Slicing an Array......Page 163
Splicing an Array......Page 164
Calculating Associative Array Intersections......Page 165
Calculating Array Differences......Page 166
Returning a Random Set of Keys......Page 167
Adding Array Values......Page 168
Summary......Page 169
Encapsulation......Page 171
Polymorphism......Page 172
Classes......Page 173
Declaring Properties......Page 174
Property Scopes......Page 175
Property Overloading......Page 177
Setting Properties with the __set() Method......Page 178
Getting Properties with the __get() Method......Page 179
Constants......Page 180
Declaring Methods......Page 181
Method Scopes......Page 182
Constructors......Page 185
Invoking Parent Constructors......Page 187
Destructors......Page 188
Static Class Members......Page 189
Helper Functions......Page 190
Learning about Declared Classes......Page 191
Determining Method Existence......Page 192
Summary......Page 193
Advanced OOP Features......Page 195
Cloning Example......Page 196
The __clone() Method......Page 198
Class Inheritance......Page 199
Inheritance and Constructors......Page 201
Inheritance and Late Static Binding......Page 203
Interfaces......Page 204
Implementing a Single Interface......Page 205
Implementing Multiple Interfaces......Page 206
Abstract Classes......Page 207
Introducing Namespaces......Page 208
Summary......Page 210
Configuration Directives......Page 211
Setting the Desired Error Sensitivity Level......Page 212
Displaying Errors to the Browser......Page 213
Ignoring Repeated Errors......Page 214
Error Logging......Page 215
Opening the Logging Connection......Page 216
Sending a Message to the Logging Destination......Page 217
Why Exception Handling Is Handy......Page 218
Extending the Base Exception Class......Page 219
Extending the Exception Class......Page 221
Catching Multiple Exceptions......Page 222
SPL’s Exceptions......Page 224
Summary......Page 226
Regular Expressions......Page 227
Brackets......Page 228
Quantifiers......Page 229
Performing a Case-Sensitive Search......Page 230
Performing a Case-Insensitive Search......Page 231
Replacing Text in a Case-Sensitive Fashion......Page 232
Splitting a String into Various Elements Based on a Case-Insensitive Pattern......Page 233
Regular Expression Syntax (Perl)......Page 234
Metacharacters......Page 235
Searching an Array......Page 236
Searching for a Pattern......Page 237
Delimiting Special Regular Expression Characters......Page 238
Replacing All Occurrences of a Pattern......Page 239
Creating a Custom Replacement Function......Page 240
Other String-Specific Functions......Page 241
Comparing Two Strings Case Sensitively......Page 242
Comparing Two Strings Case Insensitively......Page 243
Calculating the Difference Between Two Strings......Page 244
Converting a String to All Uppercase......Page 245
Capitalizing Each Word in a String......Page 246
Converting Special Characters to Their HTML Equivalents......Page 247
Using Special HTML Characters for Other Purposes......Page 249
Converting Text into Its HTML Equivalent......Page 250
Converting HTML to Plain Text......Page 251
Tokenizing a String Based on Predefined Characters......Page 252
Converting an Array into a String......Page 253
Performing Complex String Parsing......Page 254
Replacing All Instances of a String with Another String......Page 255
Returning Part of a String Based on Predefined Offsets......Page 256
Replacing a Portion of a String with Another String......Page 258
Trimming Characters from the End of a String......Page 259
Padding a String......Page 260
Counting the Number of Characters in a String......Page 261
Counting the Total Number of Words in a String......Page 262
Installing Validate_US......Page 263
Summary......Page 264
Working with the File and Operating System......Page 265
Retrieving a Path’s Directory......Page 266
Learning More about a Path......Page 267
Determining a File’s Size......Page 268
Calculating Total Disk Size......Page 269
Retrieving a Directory Size......Page 270
Determining a File’s Last Changed Time......Page 271
Working with Files......Page 272
Opening and Closing a File......Page 273
Opening a File......Page 274
Reading a File into an Array......Page 275
Reading File Contents into a String Variable......Page 276
Reading a CSV File into an Array......Page 277
Stripping Tags from Input......Page 279
Ignoring Newline Characters......Page 280
Reading a File According to a Predefined Format......Page 281
Writing a String to a File......Page 282
Opening a Directory Handle......Page 283
Reading a Directory into an Array......Page 284
Removing a Directory......Page 285
Touching a File......Page 286
Sanitizing the Input......Page 287
PHP’s Program Execution Functions......Page 288
Retrieving a System Command’s Results......Page 289
Executing a Shell Command with Backticks......Page 290
Summary......Page 291
The Power of PEAR: Converting Numeral Formats......Page 293
Installing PEAR......Page 294
Installing PEAR on Windows......Page 295
Using the PEAR Package Manager......Page 296
Learning More about an Installed PEAR Package......Page 297
Installing a PEAR Package......Page 298
Manually Installing a Package from the PEAR Web Site......Page 299
Upgrading a Single Package......Page 300
Uninstalling a Package......Page 301
Installing Pyrus......Page 302
Summary......Page 303
The Unix Timestamp......Page 305
Validating Dates......Page 306
Formatting Dates and Times......Page 307
Working with Time......Page 309
Learning More about the Current Time......Page 310
Converting a Timestamp to User-Friendly Values......Page 311
Creating a Timestamp Based on a Specific Date and Time......Page 312
Displaying the Localized Date and Time......Page 313
Setting the Default Locale......Page 314
Localizing Dates and Times......Page 315
Determining the Number of Days in Any Given Month......Page 318
Date and Time Enhancements for PHP 5.1+ Users......Page 319
Setting the Date After Instantiation......Page 320
Modifying Dates and Times......Page 321
Summary......Page 322
PHP and Web Forms......Page 323
A Simple Example......Page 324
File Deletion......Page 325
Cross-Site Scripting......Page 326
Sanitizing User Input......Page 327
Escaping Shell Metacharacters......Page 328
Converting Input into HTML Entities......Page 329
Validating and Sanitizing Data with the Filter Extension......Page 330
Sanitizing Data with the Filter Extension......Page 331
Working with Multivalued Form Components......Page 332
Taking Advantage of PEAR: HTML_QuickForm2......Page 333
Creating and Validating a Simple Form......Page 334
Summary......Page 337
HTTP Authentication Concepts......Page 339
Using Apache’s .htaccess Feature......Page 340
PHP’s Authentication Variables......Page 341
Determining if a Variable is Set with isset()......Page 342
File-Based Authentication......Page 343
Database-Based Authentication......Page 345
Installing Auth_HTTP......Page 347
Authenticating Against a MySQL Database......Page 348
Testing Password Guessability with the CrackLib Library......Page 349
Using the CrackLib Extension......Page 350
One-Time URLs and Password Recovery......Page 351
Summary......Page 354
Uploading Files via HTTP......Page 355
max_input_time = integer......Page 356
upload_tmp_dir = string......Page 357
PHP’s File-Upload Functions......Page 358
Moving an Uploaded File......Page 359
Upload Error Messages......Page 360
A Simple Example......Page 361
Uploading a File......Page 362
Learning More About an Uploaded File......Page 363
Uploading Multiple Files......Page 364
Summary......Page 365
DNS, Services, and Servers......Page 367
Checking for the Existence of DNS Records......Page 368
Retrieving DNS Resource Records......Page 370
Retrieving MX Records......Page 371
Retrieving a Service’s Port Number......Page 372
Establishing Socket Connections......Page 373
sendmail_path = string......Page 375
Sending a Plain-Text E-mail......Page 376
Taking Advantage of PEAR: Mail and Mail_Mime......Page 377
Common Networking Tasks......Page 380
Creating a Port Scanner......Page 381
Creating a Subnet Converter......Page 382
Testing User Bandwidth......Page 384
Summary......Page 385
PHP and LDAP......Page 387
Configuring LDAP for PHP......Page 388
Securely Connecting Using the Transport Layer Security Protocol......Page 389
Closing the LDAP Server Connection......Page 390
Searching for One or More Records......Page 391
Doing Something with Returned Records......Page 392
Retrieving a Specific Entry......Page 393
Counting Retrieved Entries......Page 394
Sorting LDAP Records......Page 395
Adding to Existing Entries......Page 396
Renaming Entries......Page 397
Deleting Entry Attributes......Page 398
Loading the DN into an Array......Page 399
Retrieving the Most Recent Error Number......Page 400
Summary......Page 401
What Is Session Handling?......Page 403
The Session-Handling Process......Page 404
Setting the Session Files Path......Page 405
Setting the Session Cookie Lifetime......Page 406
Setting Caching Directions for Session-Enabled Pages......Page 407
Setting the Session Lifetime......Page 408
Destroying a Session......Page 409
Creating and Deleting Session Variables......Page 410
Encoding Session Data......Page 411
Decoding Session Data......Page 412
Practical Session-Handling Examples......Page 413
Automatically Logging In Returning Users......Page 414
Generating a Recently Viewed Document Index......Page 415
Creating Custom Session Handlers......Page 417
Using Custom MySQL-Based Session Handlers......Page 418
Summary......Page 421
What’s a Templating Engine?......Page 423
Introducing Smarty......Page 425
Installing Smarty......Page 426
Using Smarty......Page 427
Smarty’s Presentational Logic......Page 429
Counting Words......Page 430
Assigning a Default Value......Page 431
Truncating a String......Page 432
The if Function......Page 433
The foreach Function......Page 434
The section Function......Page 435
The include Statement......Page 437
The insert Statement......Page 438
The php Statement......Page 439
config_load......Page 440
Using CSS in Conjunction with Smarty......Page 441
Caching......Page 442
Eliminating Processing Overhead with isCached()......Page 443
Creating Multiple Caches per Template......Page 444
Summary......Page 445
Why Web Services?......Page 447
Really Simple Syndication......Page 449
Understanding RSS Syntax......Page 450
Installing SimplePie......Page 452
Parsing a Feed with SimplePie......Page 453
Parsing Multiple Feeds......Page 454
SimpleXML......Page 455
Loading XML from a File......Page 456
Learning More About an Element......Page 457
Learning About a Node’s Children......Page 459
Using XPath to Retrieve Node Information......Page 460
Summary......Page 461
Securing Your Web Site......Page 463
display_errors = On | Off......Page 464
user_dir = string......Page 465
Apache’s ServerTokens Directive......Page 466
Remove All Instances of phpinfo() Calls......Page 467
Hiding the Document Root......Page 468
Data Encryption......Page 469
The MCrypt Package......Page 470
Encrypting Data with MCrypt......Page 471
Summary......Page 472
Introducing Ajax......Page 473
Installing jQuery......Page 475
A Simple Example......Page 476
Responding to Events......Page 477
jQuery and the DOM......Page 478
Modifying Page Elements......Page 479
Creating a Username Existence Validator......Page 480
Determining If a Username Exists......Page 481
Integrating the Ajax Functionality......Page 482
Summary......Page 484
Building Web Sites for the World......Page 485
Step 1: Update the Web Site Scripts......Page 486
Step 3: Create the Translation Files......Page 488
Step 4: Translate the Text......Page 489
Step 6: Set the Desired Language Within Your Scripts......Page 490
Localizing Dates, Numbers, and Times......Page 491
Summary......Page 492
Introducing MVC......Page 493
PHP’s Framework Solutions......Page 495
The symfony Framework......Page 496
Introducing the Zend Framework......Page 497
Installing the Zend Framework......Page 498
Creating a New Project......Page 499
Creating the Contacts Controller......Page 502
Interacting with the Database......Page 505
Summary......Page 511
Flexibility......Page 513
Enterprise-Level SQL Features......Page 514
Security......Page 515
Commercial License......Page 516
MySQL 4......Page 517
MySQL 5......Page 518
MySQL 5.1......Page 519
Other Prominent Users......Page 520
Summary......Page 521
Downloading MySQL......Page 523
RPM, Binary, or Source?......Page 524
Installing and Configuring MySQL on Windows......Page 527
Installing MySQL on Windows......Page 528
Configuring MySQL on Windows......Page 529
Setting the MySQL Administrator Password......Page 530
Stopping MySQL on Linux and Windows......Page 531
The mysqld_safe Wrapper......Page 532
Viewing MySQL’s Configuration Parameters......Page 533
Managing Connection Loads......Page 534
Logging Potentially Nonoptimal Queries......Page 535
The my.cnf File......Page 536
Reconfiguring PHP on Windows......Page 539
Summary......Page 540
The mysql Client......Page 541
Using mysql in Interactive Mode......Page 542
Using mysql in Batch Mode......Page 544
Useful mysql Tips......Page 545
Viewing Configuration Variables and System Status......Page 548
Useful mysql Options......Page 549
mysqladmin Commands......Page 551
mysqlshow......Page 553
mysqlhotcopy......Page 554
myisamchk......Page 555
Client Options......Page 556
Connection Options......Page 557
General Options......Page 558
MySQL’s GUI Client Programs......Page 559
phpMyAdmin......Page 560
Summary......Page 561
Storage Engines......Page 563
MyISAM......Page 564
MyISAM Static......Page 565
MyISAM Compressed......Page 566
MEMORY......Page 567
FEDERATED......Page 569
ARCHIVE......Page 570
Which Storage Engines Are Available on My Server?......Page 571
Is It Wrong to Use Multiple Storage Engines Within the Same Database?......Page 572
Date and Time Data Types......Page 573
Numeric Data Types......Page 576
String Data Types......Page 577
Data Type Attributes......Page 579
Working with Databases......Page 582
Creating a Database......Page 583
Creating a Table......Page 584
Copying a Table......Page 585
Viewing a Database’s Available Tables......Page 586
Altering a Table Structure......Page 587
Summary......Page 591
Securing MySQL......Page 593
What You Should Do First......Page 594
Securing the mysqld Daemon......Page 595
The Two Stages of Access Control......Page 596
Tracing a Real-World Connection Request......Page 597
The user Table......Page 598
The db Table......Page 604
The host Table......Page 605
The tables_priv Table......Page 607
The procs_priv Table......Page 608
Creating Users......Page 609
Renaming Users......Page 610
The GRANT and REVOKE Commands......Page 611
Granting Privileges......Page 613
Revoking Privileges......Page 615
GRANT and REVOKE Tips......Page 616
Limiting User Resources......Page 617
Secure MySQL Connections......Page 618
REQUIRE SSL......Page 619
SSL Options......Page 620
--ssl-key......Page 621
Summary......Page 622
Using PHP with MySQL......Page 623
Using the MySQL Native Driver......Page 624
Working with Sample Data......Page 625
Setting Up and Tearing Down the Connection......Page 626
Retrieving Error Codes......Page 627
Retrieving Error Messages......Page 628
Securing Your Connection Information......Page 629
Retrieving Data......Page 630
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data......Page 631
Parsing Query Results......Page 632
Retrieving Results Using Indexed and Associative Arrays......Page 633
Determining the Number of Rows Returned......Page 634
Working with Prepared Statements......Page 635
Preparing the Statement for Execution......Page 636
Binding Parameters......Page 637
Binding Variables......Page 639
Using Other Prepared Statement Methods......Page 640
Rolling Back a Transaction......Page 641
Summary......Page 642
Introducing PDO......Page 643
Another Database Abstraction Layer?......Page 644
Using PDO......Page 645
PDO’s Database Options......Page 646
Referring to the php.ini File......Page 647
Using PDO’s Connection-Related Options......Page 648
Handling Errors......Page 649
Retrieving SQL Error Messages......Page 650
Retrieving Attributes......Page 651
Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Table Data......Page 652
Selecting Table Data......Page 653
Using Prepared Statements......Page 654
Binding Parameters......Page 655
Retrieving the Next Row in the Result Set......Page 657
Simultaneously Returning All Result Set Rows......Page 659
Setting Bound Columns......Page 660
Beginning a Transaction......Page 661
Summary......Page 662
Stored Routine Advantages......Page 663
Stored Routine Disadvantages......Page 664
Creating a Stored Routine......Page 665
Setting Input and Return Parameters......Page 666
Characteristics......Page 667
Setting Variables......Page 668
Executing a Stored Routine......Page 669
Creating and Using Multistatement Stored Routines......Page 670
Conditionals......Page 671
Iteration......Page 673
Calling a Routine from Within Another Routine......Page 677
Deleting a Stored Routine......Page 678
Viewing a Routine’s Status......Page 679
Handling Conditions......Page 680
Creating the Employee Bonus Interface......Page 681
Retrieving Multiple Rows......Page 682
Summary......Page 683
Why Use Triggers?......Page 685
Taking Action After an Event......Page 686
Before Triggers vs. After Triggers......Page 687
Creating a Trigger......Page 688
The SHOW TRIGGERS Command......Page 690
Deleting a Trigger......Page 692
Integrating Triggers into Web Applications......Page 693
Summary......Page 694
MySQL Views......Page 695
Creating and Executing Views......Page 696
Customizing View Results......Page 698
Modifying the Returned Column Names......Page 699
Using the ALGORITHM Attribute......Page 700
Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Clause......Page 701
Using the SHOW CREATE VIEW Command......Page 702
Using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database......Page 703
Updating Views......Page 704
Incorporating Views into Web Applications......Page 705
Summary......Page 707
Sample Data......Page 709
Installing HTML_Table......Page 710
Creating a Simple Table......Page 711
Creating More Readable Row Output......Page 712
Creating a Table from Database Data......Page 713
Sorting Output......Page 715
Creating Paged Output......Page 716
Listing Page Numbers......Page 718
Querying Multiple Tables with Subqueries......Page 720
Determining Existence with Subqueries......Page 721
Performing Database Maintenance with Subqueries......Page 722
Iterating Result Sets with Cursors......Page 723
Creating a Cursor......Page 724
Using a Cursor......Page 725
Using Cursors with PHP......Page 726
Summary......Page 727
Database Indexing......Page 729
Primary Key Indexes......Page 730
Unique Indexes......Page 731
Single-Column Normal Indexes......Page 732
Multiple-Column Normal Indexes......Page 733
Full-Text Indexes......Page 734
Boolean Full-Text Searches......Page 736
Indexing Best Practices......Page 737
Performing a Simple Search......Page 738
Extending Search Capabilities......Page 740
Performing a Full-Text Search......Page 741
Summary......Page 743
What’s a Transaction?......Page 745
Table Creation......Page 746
Creating Tables and Adding Sample Data......Page 747
Executing an Example Transaction......Page 748
Usage Tips......Page 750
The Swap Meet Revisited......Page 751
Summary......Page 753
Sample Table......Page 755
Importing Data......Page 756
Importing Data with LOAD DATA INFILE......Page 757
A Simple Data Import Example......Page 759
Importing Data with mysqlimport......Page 760
Useful Options......Page 761
Loading Table Data with PHP......Page 763
Exporting Data......Page 764
Usage Tips......Page 765
Exporting MySQL Data to Microsoft Excel......Page 766
Summary......Page 768
and Numbers......Page 769
. A......Page 771
. B......Page 773
. C......Page 774
. D......Page 778
. E......Page 782
. F......Page 785
. G......Page 788
. H......Page 789
. I......Page 790
. J......Page 792
. L......Page 793
. M......Page 795
. N......Page 799
. O......Page 800
. P......Page 801
. Q......Page 807
. S......Page 809
. T......Page 817
. U......Page 818
. V......Page 819
. W......Page 821
. X......Page 822
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition is a major update of W. Jason Gilmore’s authoritative book on PHP and MySQL. The fourth edition includes complete coverage of PHP 5.3 features, including namespacing, an update of AMP stack installation and configuration, updates to Zend Framework, coverage of MySQL Workbench, and much more.