فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page i
Copyright, Page ii
Preface, Page iii, W. Bonfield, G.W. Hastings, K.E. Tanner
Organising Committee, Page iv
Scientific Committee, Page iv
Osteogenic Response of Rat Bone Marrow Cells in Porous Alumina, Hydroxyapatite and Kiel Bone, Pages 3-8, C.A. van Blitterswijk, H.K. Koerten, M. Okumura, H. Ohgushi
Ceramic Surfaces as Wear Partners for Polyethylene, Pages 9-16, R.M. Streicher, M. Semlitsch, R. Schön
Comparative Studies of Plasma Sprayed Alumina Coatings Aiming at Hard Tissue Substitutions, Pages 17-26, P.L. Silva, F.J. Monteiro
Ten Year Surviorship of Cemented Ceramic-Ceramic Total Hip Replacement, Pages 27-37, L. Sedel, R.S. Nizard, J. Witvoet, A. Meunier
Alumina Total Joint Replacement of the First Metatarso-Phalangeal Joint, Pages 39-45, S. Giannini, A. Moroni
Histological Study of Acetabular Clear Zone after Acetabular Reaming for Hip Arthoplasty using an Alumina Ceramic Endoprosthesis and a Metal One, Pages 47-54, K. Asada, Y. Yutani, H. Sakamoto, K. Yoshida, H. Sakane, H. Nakamura, A. Shimazu
Apatite Chemistry in Biomaterial Preparation, Shaping and Biological Behaviour, Pages 57-64, C. Rey, M. Frèche, M. Heughebaert, J.C. Heughebaert, J.L. Lacout, A. Lebugle, J. Szilagyi, M. Vignoles
Crystal Chemistry and Biocompatibility of α-TCP produced from β-TCP by a Plasma Spraying Technique, Pages 65-69, Y. Kuroyama, M. Higashikata, S. Nakamura, M. Ohgaki, M. Akao, H. Aoki
The Production and Characterisation of a Hydroxyapatite Ceramic Material, Pages 71-78, J.D. Santos, S. Morrey, G.W. Hastings, F.J. Monteiro
Preliminary Studies on Castable Apatite-Mullite Glass-Ceramics, Pages 79-86, R.G. Hill, M. Patel, D.J. Wood
Effect of Strontium Content on the Mechanical Properties of Bone and Sintered Hydroxyapatite, Pages 87-90, H. Aoki, S. Okayama, M. Akao
Slip Casting of Hydroxyapatite with Differential Porosity, Pages 91-97, L.P. Simoes, R.N. Correia, M.M. Almeida
Development and Use of an Injectable Form of Bioglass®, Pages 99-103, J. Wilson, A.E. Clark, R.D. Walker, M. Ramer
Crystallographic Aspects of the Growth of Calcium Phosphate on Type I Collagen and Hydroxyapatite, Pages 107-112, K.I. Clarke, A.T.-C. Wong, J.T. Czernuszka, B. Dowling, J.T. Triffitt
Apatite Formation on Ceramics, Metals and Polymers Induced by a CaO SiO2 Based Glass in a Simulated Body Fluid, Pages 113-120, T. Kokubo, K. Hata, T. Nakamura, T. Yamamuro
Resorption of Calcium Hydroxyapatite Substrata by Osteoclast-like Cells in Vitro, Pages 121-126, M. Ogura, T. Sakae, J.E. Davies
Reactions in and at the Surface of Bioactive Glasses in Aqueous Solutions, Pages 127-133, Ö.H. Andersson, K.P. Yrjas, K.H. Karlsson
In Vitro Dissolution and Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate Phases on Various Biomaterials Correlates with in Vivo Bioactivity, Pages 135-144, P. Ducheyne, S. Radin, L. King, K. Ishikawa, C.S. Kim
Influence of Metal Ions on the Dissolution Behaviour of Hydroxyapatite, Pages 145-153, C. Castro Ribeiro, M.A. Barbosa
The Kinetics of Bioactive Ceramics Part III: Surface Reactions for Bioactive Glasses compared with an Inactive Glass, Pages 155-162, L.L. Hench, G.P. LaTorre, Ö.H. Andersson
Differences in Bone Bonding Mechanisms between Surface Active Ceramics & Resorbable Ceramics: Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopic Study, Pages 165-170, M. Neo, S. Kotani, Y. Fujita, T. Nakamura, T. Yamamuro, Y. Bando, M. Yokoyama, C. Ohtsuki, T. Kokubo
Characterization of Bone-Glass Ceramic Interface, Pages 171-178, W. Höland, G. Völksch, K. Naumann, G. Carl, W. Götz
A Histological and Ultrastructural Assessment of the Tissue Response to Calcium Phosphate Ceramics, Pages 179-185, R.S. Archer, S. Downes
In Vivo Response to Ceramic Percutaneous Implants, Pages 187-190, L.A. Poole-Warren, M.D. Hallett, B.K. Milthorpe, P.C. Farrell, K. Schindhelm, M. Swain, T.W. Turney, C.R. Howlett
The Replacing Behaviour of Tetra-Calciumphosphate (TeCP) - Alteration to Bone Tissue In Vivo, Pages 191-197, H. Oonishi, S. Kushitani, M. Aono, K. Minami, A. Watanabe, A. Ogino, N. Fujisawa, E. Tsuji, T. Mizukoshi
Bone Interfaces with Retrieved Alumina and Hydroxyapatite Ceramics, Pages 199-204, J.E. Davies, R.M. Pilliar, D.C. Smith, R. Chernecky
Modified Hydroxyapatite Granules and Plaster as Binder: In Vitro and Clinical Tests, Pages 205-211, J. Cavalheiro, R. Branco, M. Vasconcelos
Osteogenic Capacity of Hydroxyapatite Coated Porous Calcium Carbonate Implants, Pages 213-219, H. Ohgushi, M. Okumura, T. Yoshikawa, T. Senpuku, K. Inoue, S. Tamai, E.C. Shors
Clinical Applications of Hydroxyapatite Artifical Root of Fibrous Tissue Attachment Type, Pages 223-230, K. Nishihara, T. Akagawa
Dental Applications of Bioglass® Implants, Pages 231-238, L.L. Hench, H.R. Stanley, A.E. Clark, M. Hall, J. Wilson
Hydroxyapatite-Polyethylene Composite in Orbital Surgery, Pages 239-246, R.N. Downes, S. Vardy, K.E. Tanner, W. Bonfield
Solo Implantation of Porous Cuboidal Hydroxyapatite for the Treatment of Simple Bone Cysts, Pages 247-254, O. Inoue, K. Ibaraki, H. Shimabukuro, Y. Shingaki
Hyperthermic Treatment of Experimental Bone Tumours with a Bioactive Ferromagnetic Glass-Ceramic, Pages 255-262, M. Ikenaga, K. Ohura, T. Nakamura, Y. Kotoura, T. Yamamuro, M. Oka, Y. Ebisawa, T. Kokubo
Clinical Application of Hydroxyapatite Fillers for Pyogenic Osteomyelitis, Pages 263-270, K. Shinjo, T. Asai, S. Saito, M. Tukamoto
Carbon Fibre Re-inforced Ceramic Composite for Biomaterials, Pages 273-279, N. Murase, M. Hori, A. Hanabayasi, T. Hattori, S. Niwa, M. Iwata
MATERIALS AND METHODS, Pages 282-283,286
Coral Based and Sintered Hydroxylapatite Blocks Reinforced with Fibrous Cage-like Polylactide Composite: A Comparative Study, Pages 287,290-291,294, R. Taurio, P. Törmälä
A Novel Bioactive Bone Cement based on CaO-SiO2-P2O5-CaF2 Glass, Pages 295,298-299, N. Nishimura, T. Yamamuro, T. Nakamura, Y. Taguchi, T. Kokubo, S. Yoshihara
Advanced Bone Cement for Long Term Orthopaedic Implantations, Pages 302-307, J.C. Behiri, M. Braden, S.N. Khorasani, D. Wiwattanadate, W. Bonfield
Ultrastructural, Crystallographic and Chemical Analysis of Different Calcium Phosphate Plasma Coatings Before Implantation, Pages 311-315, J. Delécrin, S. Szmuckler-Moncler, G. Daculsi, J. Rieu, B. Duquet
Biphasic Calcium Phosphate and HA Coated Implants: Mechanical Test and Biological Evaluations After Implantation in Rabbit Cortical Bone, Pages 317-324, J. Delécrin, G. Daculsi, J. Pouëzat, N. Passuti, S. Szmuckler-Moncler, B. Duquet
Electrochemical Impedance Studies on Calcium Phosphate-Metal Interfaces, Pages 325-333, M.A. Barbosa
Porous Titanium Implants with and without Hydroxyapatite Coating: A Biomechanical Study, Pages 335-342, A. Moroni, V. Pezzuto, G. Rollo, F. Gottsauner-Wolf, V. Caja, E.Y.S. Chao, E. Eggar
Mechanical Characterisation of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite-Titanium Alloy Interfaces, Pages 343-350, R.M. Pilliar, M.J. Filiaggi
Osseointegration of Hydroxyapatite Coated and Un-coated pure Titanium mesh Implants in an Infected Implantation Site. Results of an Animal Experiment, Pages 351-357, J. Orth, A. Wilke, M. Kraft, P. Griss
Cell Material Adhesion and Cytoskeletons, Pages 359-362, H. Sakamoto, K. Asada, H. Okuda, T. Yutani, K. Yosida, K. Takahashi, A. Shimazu
Endodontic-Endosseos Anchoring Method using Hydroxyapatite Sprayed Titanium Sticks, Pages 363-369, H. Oguchi, K. Seto, K. Ishikawa, G. Eguchi
Author Index, Pages 373-374
Subject Index, Pages 375-378