Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels

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کتاب مکانیک سیالات زیستی: جریان خون در عروق بزرگ نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels

نام کتاب : Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مکانیک سیالات زیستی: جریان خون در عروق بزرگ
سری :
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
سال نشر : 1990
تعداد صفحات : 546
ISBN (شابک) : 9783540527305 , 9783642523380
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 23 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

این کتاب شامل 87 مقاله از سمپوزیوم 1989 در مورد جنبه های مکانیکی جریان خون و بیماری های قلبی عروقی است. در بخش اول مطالعات بالینی به سوالاتی مانند تکنیک های بای پس جراحی تعویض دریچه قلب، مطالعات اولتراسوند در انسان و حیوان، واکنش داروها و نقش واکنش همودینامیک بر روی سلول های اندوتلیال می پردازد. در بخش دوم، تکنیک‌های تجربی مانند اولتراسوند، لیزر داپلر، آنمومتری، MRI و تجسم جریان مورد بحث قرار می‌گیرند. محیط همودینامیک سیستم گردش خون سلول-سلول، برهمکنش های سلول-دیواره، پاسخ اندوتلیال به تنش برشی و سایر پارامترها و همچنین تحقیقات در زمینه رئولوژی در بخش سوم ارائه شده است. در نهایت، این اقدامات کمک های قابل توجهی را در زمینه مطالعه عددی پارامترهای جریان خون ارائه می دهد. هدف اصلی این دومین سمپوزیوم بین المللی گرد هم آوردن پزشکان، فیزیکدانان، مهندسان زیستی و متخصصان فنی با تجربه در تجزیه و تحلیل بالینی، تجربی، رئولوژیکی و عددی مشکلات پیچیده جریان خون و بیماری های قلبی عروقی بود. متخصصان از 22 کشور شرکت کرده اند.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter....Pages I-XXIV
Hemodynamically Induced Atrophic Lesions of Atherosclerosis....Pages 1-6
What Protects Arm Arteries from Atherosclerosis?....Pages 7-16
Analysis of Transcranial Doppler Waves: Pathophysiology of Unilateral Stenoses of the Carotid Artery....Pages 17-23
Cerebral Hemodynamic Evaluation by Means of Transcranial Doppler Sonography....Pages 25-32
Fluid Dynamical Mechanism of Anacrotic Notch in the Great Arteries....Pages 33-41
Radiogrametric Analysis of Carotid Bifurcation: Hemodynamic-Atherogenetic Repercussions on Surgical Patients....Pages 45-56
Modified Gorlin Equation for the Prediction of Stenotic Valve Orifice Area: An In Vitro Study on a Bioprosthesis....Pages 57-62
A Ten Times Enlarged Model of Artificial Heart Valve Flow....Pages 63-73
Model Studies at Mechanical Aortic Heart Valve Prostheses in Steady and Physiological Pulsatile Flow....Pages 75-89
Direct Measurement of Aortic and Vena Caval Flow to Evaluate the Effect of Vasodilators in Experimental Acute mitral regurgitation....Pages 91-100
Echocardiographic and Flow Visualization Studies of the Mechanism for Systolic Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy....Pages 101-108
The Potential Importance of Arterial Wall Properties and Blood Flow in Relation to Atherogenesis in Essential Hypertension....Pages 109-112
Reliability and Problems of Doppler-Sonography in the Assessment of Carotid Stenoses....Pages 113-119
The On-line Assessment of Blood Flow Characteristics During Cerebro-vascular Examinations....Pages 121-124
A Method of Measuring the Peak Flow-Rate and the Regurgitant Volume of Regurgitation....Pages 125-129
Characterization of Pulmonary Artery Blood Velocity Patterns in Lambs....Pages 131-140
Detection of Very Early Atherosclerosis by Duplex Sonography....Pages 141-145
Normal and Stenotic Blood Flow Velocities in Human Left Coronary Artery Measured by an 80 Channel 20 MHz Pulsed Doppler Velocimeter....Pages 147-154
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen as a Marker of Vascular Injury in Patients with Essential Hypertension....Pages 155-158
Hemodynamic and Pathomorphologic Changes of the Aorto-Iliac Arteries Following Unilateral Above Knee Amputation....Pages 159-165
Intraoperative Evaluation of Blood Velocity Waveforms in Different Types of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts-Sequential Saphenous Vein Graft and Internal Mammary Artery Graft....Pages 167-173
Hydraulic Conductivity and Shear Dependent Albumin Permeability of Cultured Endothelial Cell Monolayers....Pages 175-181
Cellular Recognition and Transduction of Fluid Mechanical Shear Stress Signals....Pages 183-191
Electrical Impedance of the Carotid Artery in Response to Various Types of Stress....Pages 193-200
Morphometry of the Brain Arterial Tree....Pages 201-208
Microscopic Visualization of Flow in Rat Cerebral Arteries: Biofluid Dynamical Study on Experimentally Induced Aneurysm....Pages 209-216
Effect of the Transmural Pressure on LDL and Albumin Transport and Distribution Across the Intact Arterial Wall....Pages 217-221
Areas of High Shear Show Sparing of Lipid Deposition in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits with Constricted Aortas....Pages 223-229
Investigations Concerning Localization of Induced Thrombus Formation at Arteriolar Bifurcations....Pages 231-236
Quantification and Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Blood Flow....Pages 237-240
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cardiac Blood Flow: An In Vitro Study....Pages 241-247
MRI Flow Measurements by a Dynamic Frequency Variation and a flowing Slice Selection....Pages 249-255
Visualization of Pulsatile Flow in a Modelled Arterial Anastomosis....Pages 257-264
Varicose Meandering: An Indirect Sign of Locally Increased Arterial Flow Transmitted by Arteriovenous Communications (AVCs)?....Pages 265-274
Flow Separation Opposite A Side Branch....Pages 275-283
The Influence of External Carotid Artery Stenoses on Internal Carotid Artery Flow-An Experimental Investigation....Pages 285-288
Blood flow Simulations in a Cast of the Aortic Bifurcation....Pages 289-299
Wall Shear in a Compliant Cast of a Human Artery Perfused With a Non-Newtonian Fluid, and Its Correlation With Intimal Thickness....Pages 301-305
Flow Studies in a Rigid T-Junction Model with a Non-Newtonian Fluid Using a 3-D Laser-Doppler-Anemometer....Pages 307-320
Evaluation of Two Fiber Laser Doppler Velocimeter....Pages 321-327
Fluid Flow Through Distensible Models of the Carotid Artery Bifurcation....Pages 329-334
Separated Flow Demonstrated by Digitized In Vitro Cineangiography Compared with LDV....Pages 335-342
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Performance and Shear Stresses in a Nutating Centrifugal Blood Pump....Pages 343-349
Effects of n-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on the Rheological Behavior of Human Blood Measured Ex Vivo....Pages 351-355
The Role of Hemorheology in Cerebral Vasospasm Following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)....Pages 357-365
Rheological Analogs for Human Blood in Large Vessels....Pages 367-374
Computer Controlled Laser Doppler Velocimeter for Measuring In Vitro Red Cell and Platelet Distributions....Pages 375-379
The Influence of Rheological Properties of Test Fluids on the Flow Pattern Inside the Artificial Ventricle (Type Rostock) and in the Aortic Outflow Tract....Pages 381-389
Tomographic Analysis of the Effect of Hematocrit on the Distribution of Erythrocytes in Blood Flow in Glass Capillaries of Various Diameters....Pages 391-399
Plasma Induced Surface Modification for Medical Application....Pages 401-408
A Study of Predicted and Experimental Wall Collapse in Models of Highly Stenotic Arteries....Pages 409-416
Pressure-Flow Relationships in Partially Occluded Flexible Tubes....Pages 417-423
Flow in a Collapsible Tube Connected to Rigid Pipes....Pages 425-431
Normal Range of Volume Elastic Modulus in Finger Arteries Determined Indirectly by Electric Impedance-Cuff....Pages 433-441
Renal Arterial Stenosis in Renal Transplantation: A Mathematical Pathogenetic Hypothesis and Its Possible Clinical Implications....Pages 443-445
A Mathematical Approach to the Development of Arteriosclerosis in Dialysis Patients....Pages 447-450
The Role of Wave Reflections in the Ascending Aorta of Man....Pages 451-454
Assessment of the Problem of Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow Through Three-Dimensional Bifurcations....Pages 455-462
Coronary Blood Flow....Pages 463-470
Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Simulation and Wall Shear Stress in an Arterial Bifurcation....Pages 471-477
Comparison of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Blood Flow in Stenotic Vessels using Numerical Simulation....Pages 479-485
The Application of Finite Elements Method in the Analysis of Blood Circulation....Pages 487-492
Flows Induced by Moving Boundaries and Applications in Biofluid-Mechanics....Pages 493-499
Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow Through Branches....Pages 501-511
Atherosclerotic Plaques and the Three Dimensional Distribution of Wall Shear Stress-A Numerical Model Study....Pages 513-519
Phasic Waveforms of Coronary Arterial and Venous Blood Flow Predicted by a Numerical Model of the Coronary Circulation....Pages 521-532
Membrane Phospholipid Metabolism in Sheared Endothelial Cells....Pages 533-533
Laser in Biomedical Research, Analysis and Diagnostics....Pages 534-534
Problems in the Application of Cardiovascular Models....Pages 535-535
Mononuclear Cells Adherence to Aortic Endothelium. The Effect of Transmural Pressure....Pages 536-536
The Influence of the Pulsatility and Shear Rate Changes on the Blood Viscosity in Large Vessels....Pages 537-537
A Model Fluid for Blood Using Polystyrene Microspheres....Pages 539-540
Arterial and Venous Whole Blood- and Plasma Viscosity in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)....Pages 541-541
An Integral-Momentum Approach for the Measurement of Size-Effects in Stenosis for Different Diseases....Pages 542-542
Erythrocytic Deformability in Cystic Fibrosis....Pages 543-543
Calculation of the Velocity Profile, Flow and Wall Shear Stress in Arteries From the Pressure Gradient: Importance of Distensibility and Taper....Pages 545-546
Attenuation of Hydrodynamic Disturbances in Tapered Arterial Prostheses....Pages 547-555
Synergetics of Normal and Abnormal Reactions of the Blood In Motion: Fluid-Dynamics, Rheology and Biochemistry....Pages 557-562

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

This book contains 87 papers of the 1989 Symposium on mechanical aspects of blood flow and cardiovascular disease. In the first section clinical studies deal with questions such as heart valve replacement surgical bypass techniques, ultrasound studies in humans and animals, the reaction of pharmaceuticals, and the role of hemodynamic reaction on the endothelial cells. In the second section experimental techniques such as ultrasound, laser-Doppler-anemometry, MRI, and flow visualization are discussed. The hemodynamic environment of the circulatory system cell-cell, cell-wall interactions, endothelial responses to shear stress and other parameters as well as research in the field of rheology is represented in the third section. Finally, these proceedings present notable contributions to the field of numerical study of blood flow parameters. The main goal of this 2nd International Symposium was to bring together physicians, physicists, bioengineers, and technical specialists with experience in clinical, experimental, rheological, and numerical analysis of the complex problems of blood flow and cardiovascular disease. Specialists from 22 countries have taken part.

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