فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Brief Contents
To the Student
About the Authors
Part One: What Is Biopsychology?
Chapter 1. Biopsychology as a Neuroscience: What Is Biopsychology, Anyway?
The Case of Jimmie G., the Man Frozen in Time
Four Major Themes of This Text
Thinking Creatively about Biopsychology
Clinical Implications
The Evolutionary Perspective
Emerging Themes of This Text
Thinking about Epigenetics
What Is Biopsychology?
Defining Biopsychology
What Are the Origins of Biopsychology?
How Is Biopsychology Related to the Other Disciplines of Neuroscience?
What Types of Research Characterize the Biopsychological Approach?
Human and Nonhuman Subjects
Experiments and Nonexperiments
Quasiexperimental Studies
Case Studies
Pure and Applied Research
What Are the Divisions of Biopsychology?
Physiological Psychology
The Case of Mr. R., the Student with a Brain Injury Who Switched to Architecture
Cognitive Neuroscience
Comparative Psychology
How Do Biopsychologists Conduct Their Work?
Converging Operations: How Do Biopsychologists Work Together?
Scientific Inference: How Do Biopsychologists Study the Unobservable Workings of the Brain?
Thinking Critically about Biopsychological Claims
Evaluating Biopsychological Claims
Case 1: José and the Bull
Case 2: Two Chimpanzees, Moniz, and the Prefrontal Lobotomy
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Part Two: Foundations of Biopsychology
Chapter 2. Evolution, Genetics, and Experience: Thinking about the Biology of Behavior
Thinking about the Biology of Behavior: From Dichotomies to Interactions
The Origins of Dichotomous Thinking
Is it Physiological, or is it Psychological?
Is it Inherited, or is it Learned?
Problems with Thinking about the Biology of Behavior in Terms of Traditional Dichotomies
Physiological-or-Psychological Thinking Runs into Difficulty
The Case of the Man Who Fell Out of Bed
The Case of the Chimps with Mirrors
Nature-or-Nurture Thinking Runs into Difficulty
The Case of the Thinking Student
A Model of the Biology of Behavior
Human Evolution
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Evolution and Behavior
Social Dominance
Courtship Display
Course of Human Evolution
Evolution of Vertebrates
Evolution of Amphibians
Evolution of Reptiles
Evolution of Mammals
Emergence of Humankind
Thinking about Human Evolution
Evolution of the Human Brain
Fundamental Genetics
Mendelian Genetics
Reproduction and Recombination
Structure and Replication
Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Traits
Genetic Code and Gene Expression
Human Genome Project
Modern Genetics: Growth of Epigenetics
Epigenetics of Behavioral Development: Interaction of Genetic Factors and Experience
Selective Breeding of “Maze-Bright” and “Maze-Dull” Rats
Phenylketonuria: A Single-Gene Metabolic Disorder
Genetics of Human Psychological Differences
Development of Individuals versus Development of Differences among Individuals
Heritability Estimates: Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart
A Look into the Future: Two Kinds of Twin Studies
Twin Studies of Epigenetic Effects
Twin Studies of the Effects of Experience on Heritability
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 3. Anatomy of the Nervous System: Systems, Structures, and Cells That Make Up Your Nervous System
General Layout of the Nervous System
Divisions of the Nervous System
Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Blood–Brain Barrier
Cells of the Nervous System
Anatomy of Neurons
Neuron Cell Membrane
Classes of Neurons
Neurons and Neuroanatomical Structure
Glia: The Forgotten Cells
Neuroanatomical Techniques and Directions
Neuroanatomical Techniques
Golgi Stain
Nissl Stain
Electron Microscopy
Neuroanatomical Tracing Techniques
Directions in the Vertebrate Nervous System
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System
Spinal Cord
Five Major Divisions of the Brain
Cerebral Cortex
Limbic System and the Basal Ganglia
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 4. Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission: How Neurons Send and Receive Signals
The Lizard: A Case of Parkinson’s Disease
Resting Membrane Potential
Recording the Membrane Potential
Ionic Basis of the Resting Potential
Generation, Conduction, and Integration of Postsynaptic Potentials
Generation and Conduction of Postsynaptic Potentials
Integration of Postsynaptic Potentials and Generation of Action Potentials
Conduction of Action Potentials
Ionic Basis of Action Potentials
Refractory Periods
Axonal Conduction of Action Potentials
Conduction in Myelinated Axons
The Velocity of Axonal Conduction
Conduction in Neurons without Axons
The Hodgkin-Huxley Model in Perspective
Synaptic Transmission: From Electrical Signals to Chemical Signals
Structure of Synapses
Synthesis, Packaging, and Transport of Neurotransmitter Molecules
Release of Neurotransmitter Molecules
Activation of Receptors by Neurotransmitter Molecules
Reuptake, Enzymatic Degradation, and Recycling
Glia, Gap Junctions, and Synaptic Transmission
Overview of the Neurotransmitter Classes
The Roles and Functions of Neurotransmitters
Amino Acid Neurotransmitters
Monoamine Neurotransmitters
Unconventional Neurotransmitters
Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission and Behavior
How Drugs Influence Synaptic Transmission
Behavioral Pharmacology: Three Influential Lines of Research
Wrinkles and Darts: Discovery of Receptor Subtypes
Pleasure and Pain: Discovery of Endogenous Opioids
Tremors and Mental Illness: Discovery of Antipsychotic Drugs
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 5. The Research Methods of Biopsychology: Understanding What Biopsychologists Do
The Ironic Case of Professor P.
Part One Methods of Studying the Nervous System
Methods of Visualizing and Stimulating the Living Human Brain
X-Ray-Based Techniques
Contrast X-Rays
Computed Tomography
Radioactivity-Based Techniques
Magnetic-Field-Based Techniques
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Diffusion Tensor MRI
Functional MRI
Ultrasound-Based Techniques
Transcranial Stimulation
Recording Human Psychophysiological Activity
Psychophysiological Measures of Brain Activity
Scalp Electroencephalography
Psychophysiological Measures of Somatic Nervous System Activity
Muscle Tension
Eye Movement
Psychophysiological Measures of Autonomic Nervous System Activity
Skin Conductance
Cardiovascular Activity
Invasive Physiological Research Methods
Stereotaxic Surgery
Lesion Methods
Aspiration Lesions
Radio-Frequency Lesions
Knife Cuts
Reversible Lesions
Interpreting Lesion Effects
Bilateral and Unilateral Lesions
Electrical Stimulation
Invasive Electrophysiological Recording Methods
Intracellular Unit Recording
Extracellular Unit Recording
Multiple-Unit Recording
Invasive Eeg Recording
Pharmacological Research Methods
Routes of Drug Administration
Selective Chemical Lesions
Measuring Chemical Activity of the Brain
2-Deoxyglucose Technique
Cerebral Dialysis
Locating Neurotransmitters and Receptors in the Brain
In Situ Hybridization
Genetic Methods
Gene Knockout Techniques
Gene Knockin Techniques
Gene Editing Techniques
Fantastic Fluorescence and the Brainbow
Optogenetics: A Neural Light Switch
Part Two Behavioral Research Methods of Biopsychology
Neuropsychological Testing
Modern Approach to Neuropsychological Testing
The Single-Test Approach
The Standardized-Test-Battery Approach
The Customized-Test-Battery Approach
Tests of the Common Neuropsychological Test Battery
Language Lateralization
Tests of Specific Neuropsychological Function
Behavioral Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience
The Case of the Vegetative Patient
Paired-Image Subtraction Technique
Default Mode Network
Mean Difference Images
Functional Connectivity
Biopsychological Paradigms of Animal Behavior
Paradigms for the Assessment of Species-Common Behaviors
Open-Field Test
Tests of Aggressive and Defensive Behavior
Tests of Sexual Behavior
Traditional Conditioning Paradigms
Seminatural Animal Learning Paradigms
Conditioned Taste Aversion
Radial Arm Maze
Morris Water Maze
Conditioned Defensive Burying
Thinking Creatively About Biopsychological Research
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Part Three: Sensory and Motor Systems
Chapter 6. The Visual System: How We See
The Case of Mrs. Richards: Fortification Illusions and the Astronomer
Light Enters the Eye and Reaches the Retina
Pupil and Lens
Eye Position and Binocular Disparity
The Retina and Translation of Light into Neural Signals
Structure of the Retina
Cone and Rod Vision
Spectral Sensitivity
Eye Movement
Visual Transduction: The Conversion of Light to Neural Signals
From Retina to Primary Visual Cortex
Retina-Geniculate-Striate System
Retinotopic Organization
The M and P Channels
Seeing Edges
Contrast Enhancement
Receptive Fields of Visual Neurons: Hubel & Wiesel
Receptive Fields of the Retina-Geniculate-Striate System: Hubel & Wiesel
Receptive Fields of Primary Visual Cortex Neurons: Hubel & Wiesel
Simple Striate Cells
Complex Striate Cells
Binocular Complex Striate Cells
Organization of Primary Visual Cortex: Hubel & Wiesel’s Findings
The Case of Mrs. Richards, Revisited
Changing Concept of the Characteristics of Visual Receptive Fields
Retinal Ganglion Cells
Lateral Geniculate Cells
Changing Concept of Visual Receptive Fields: Contextual Influences in Visual Processing
Seeing Color
Component and Opponent Processing
Color Constancy and the Retinex Theory
Cortical Mechanisms of Vision and Conscious Awareness
Three Different Classes of Visual Cortex
Damage to Primary Visual Cortex: Scotomas and Completion
The Physiological Psychologist Who Made Faces Disappear
The Case of D.B., the Man Confused by His Own Blindsight
Functional Areas of Secondary and Association Visual Cortex
Dorsal and Ventral Streams
D.F., the Woman Who Could Grasp Objects She Did Not Consciously See
A.T., the Woman Who Could Not Accurately Grasp Unfamiliar Objects That She Saw
Is Prosopagnosia Specific to Faces?
R.P., a Typical Prosopagnosic
What Brain Pathology is Associated with Prosopagnosia?
Can Prosopagnosics Perceive Faces in the Absence of Conscious Awareness?
Two Cases of Drug-Induced Akinetopsia
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 7. Sensory Systems, Perception, and Attention: How You Know the World
The Case of the Man Who Could See Only One Thing at a Time
Principles of Sensory System Organization
Types of Sensory Areas of Cortex
Features of Sensory System Organization
Case of the Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Functional Segregation
Parallel Processing
Summary Model of Sensory System Organization
Auditory System
Physical and Perceptual Dimensions of Sound
The Ear
From the Ear to the Primary Auditory Cortex
Auditory Cortex
Organization of Primate Auditory Cortex
What Sounds Should be used to Study auditory Cortex?
What Analyses does the Auditory Cortex Perform?
Two Streams of Auditory Cortex
Auditory–Visual Interactions
Where does the Perception of Pitch Occur?
Effects of Damage to the Auditory System
Auditory Cortex Damage
Deafness in Humans
Somatosensory System: Touch and Pain
Cutaneous Receptors
Two Major Somatosensory Pathways
Cortical Areas of Somatosensation
Effects of Damage to the Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Somatosensory System and Association Cortex
The Case of W.M., Who Reduced His Scotoma with His Hand
Somatosensory Agnosias
The Case of Aunt Betty, Who Lost Half of Her Body
Rubber-Hand Illusion
Perception of Pain
Pain is Adaptive
The Case of Miss C., the Woman Who Felt No Pain
Pain has no Clear Cortical Representation
Pain is Modulated by Cognition and Emotion
Neuropathic Pain
Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste
Adaptive Roles of the Chemical Senses
Olfactory System
Gustatory System
Brain Damage and the Chemical Senses
Role of Prior Experience in Perception
Perceptual Decision Making
The Binding Problem
Selective Attention
Characteristics of Selective Attention
Change Blindness
Neural Mechanisms of Attention
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 8. The Sensorimotor System: How You Move
The Case of Rhonelle, the Dexterous Cashier
Three Principles of Sensorimotor Function
The Sensorimotor System Is Hierarchically Organized
Motor Output Is Guided by Sensory Input
The Case of G.O., the Man with Too Little Feedback
Learning Changes the Nature and Locus of Sensorimotor Control
General Model of Sensorimotor System Function
Sensorimotor Association Cortex
Posterior Parietal Association Cortex
The Case of Mrs. S., the Woman Who Turned in Circles
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Association Cortex
Secondary Motor Cortex
Identifying the Areas of Secondary Motor Cortex
Mirror Neurons
Primary Motor Cortex
Conventional View of Primary Motor Cortex Function
Current View of Primary Motor Cortex Function
Belle: The Monkey That Controlled a Robot with Her Mind
Effects of Primary Motor Cortex Lesions
Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
Basal Ganglia
Descending Motor Pathways
The Two Dorsolateral Motor Pathways and the Two Ventromedial Motor Pathways
Sensorimotor Spinal Circuits
Receptor Organs of Tendons and Muscles
Stretch Reflex
Withdrawal Reflex
Reciprocal Innervation
Recurrent Collateral Inhibition
Walking: A Complex Sensorimotor Reflex
Central Sensorimotor Programs and Learning
A Hierarchy of Central Sensorimotor Programs
Characteristics of Central Sensorimotor Programs
Central Sensorimotor Programs are Capable of Motor Equivalence
Sensory Information that Controls Central Sensorimotor Programs is not Necessarily Conscious
Central Sensorimotor Programs can Develop without Practice
Practice can Create Central Sensorimotor Programs
Functional Brain Imaging of Sensorimotor Learning
Neuroplasticity Associated with Sensorimotor Learning
The Case of Rhonelle, Revisited
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Part Four: Brain Plasticity
Chapter 9. Development of the Nervous System: From Fertilized Egg to You
The Case of Genie
Five Phases of Early Neurodevelopment
Stem Cells and Neurodevelopment
Induction of the Neural Plate
Neural Proliferation
Migration and Aggregation
Axon Growth and Synapse Formation
Axon Growth
Synapse Formation
Neuron Death and Synapse Rearrangement
Synapse Rearrangement
Early Cerebral Development in Humans
Prenatal Growth of the Human Brain
Postnatal Growth of the Human Brain
Development of the Prefrontal Cortex
Effects of Experience on Postnatal Development of Neural Circuits
Critical Periods vs. Sensitive Periods
Early Studies of Experience and Neurodevelopment: Deprivation and Enrichment
Experience and Neurodevelopment
Ocular Dominance Columns
Topographic Sensory Cortex Maps
Neuroplasticity in Adults
Neurogenesis in Adult Mammals
Effects of Experience on Adult Neurogenesis
Functions of Newly Born Neurons in the Adult Brain
Effects of Experience on the Reorganization of the Adult Cortex
Atypical Neurodevelopment: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams Syndrome
Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASD is a Heterogeneous Disorder
The Case of Alex: Are You Ready to Rock?
The Case of S.D.: The Self-Advocate
ASD Savants
Cases of Amazing Savant Abilities
Genetic Mechanisms of ASD
Neural Mechanisms of ASD
Williams Syndrome
The Case of Anne Louise McGarrah: Uneven Abilities
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Part Five: Biopsychology of Motivation
Chapter 10. Brain Damage and Neuroplasticity: Can the Brain Recover from Damage?
The Ironic Case of Professor P.
Causes of Brain Damage
Brain Tumors
Cerebral Hemorrhage
Cerebral Ischemia
Traumatic Brain Injuries
The Case of Junior Seau
Infections of the Brain
Bacterial Infections
Viral Infections
Genetic Factors
Programmed Cell Death
Neurological Diseases
Focal Seizures
The Subtlety of Complex Seizures: Two Cases
Generalized Seizures
Parkinson’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Alzheimer’s Disease
Animal Models of Human Neurological Diseases
Kindling Model of Epilepsy
MPTP Model of Parkinson’s Disease
The Case of the Frozen Drug Users
Responses to Nervous System Damage: Degeneration, Regeneration, Reorganization, and Recovery
Neural Degeneration
Neural Regeneration
Neural Reorganization
Cortical Reorganization Following Damage in Laboratory Animals
Cortical Reorganization Following Damage in Humans
Mechanisms of Neural Reorganization
Recovery of Function after CNS Damage
Neuroplasticity and the Treatment of CNS Damage
Neurotransplantation as a Treatment for CNS Damage: Early Research
The Case of Roberto Garcia d’Orta: The Lizard Gets an Autotransplant
Modern Research on Neurotransplantation
Promoting Recovery from CNS Damage by Rehabilitative Training
Treating Strokes
Treating Spinal Injury
Benefits of Cognitive and Physical Exercise
Treating Phantom Limbs
Cases of Carlos and Philip: Phantom Limbs and Ramachandran
The Ironic Case of Professor P.: Recovery
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 11. Learning, Memory, and Amnesia: How Your Brain Stores Information
Amnesic Effects of Bilateral Medial Temporal Lobectomy
The Case of H.M., the Man Who Changed the Study of Memory
Formal Assessment of H.M.’s Anterograde Amnesia: Discovery of Unconscious Memories
Digit-Span + 1 Test
Block-Tapping Test
Mirror-Drawing Test
Incomplete-Pictures Test
Pavlovian Conditioning
Three Major Scientific Contributions of H.M.’s Case
Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia
Semantic and Episodic Memories
The Case of K.C., the Man Who Can’t Time Travel
The Case of the Clever Neuropsychologist: Spotting Episodic Memory Deficits
Effects of Global Cerebral Ischemia on the Hippocampus and Memory
The Case of R.B., Product of a Bungled Operation
Amnesias of Korsakoff’s Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease
Amnesia of Korsakoff’s Syndrome
The Up-Your-Nose Case of N.A.
Amnesia of Alzheimer’s Disease
Amnesia after Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence for Consolidation
Posttraumatic Amnesia
Gradients of Retrograde Amnesia and Memory Consolidation
Hippocampus and Consolidation
Evolving Perspective of the Role of the Hippocampus in Memory
Animal Models of Object-Recognition Amnesia: The Delayed Nonmatching-to-Sample Test
Monkey Version of the Delayed Nonmatching-to-Sample Test
Rat Version of the Delayed Non-Matching-to-Sample Test
Neuroanatomical Basis of the Object-Recognition Deficits Resulting from Bilateral Medial Temporal Lobectomy
Neurons of the Medial Temporal Lobes and Memory
Morris Water Maze Test
Radial Arm Maze Test
Hippocampal Place Cells and Entorhinal Grid Cells
The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map
Jennifer Aniston Neurons: Concept Cells
Engram Cells
Where Are Memories Stored?
Five Brain Areas Implicated in Memory
Inferotemporal Cortex
Prefrontal Cortex
The Case of the Cook Who Couldn’t
Cerebellum and Striatum
Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory
Synaptic Mechanisms of Learning and Memory: Long-Term Potentiation
Induction of LTP: Learning
Maintenance and Expression of LTP: Storage and Recall
Variability of LTP
Nonsynaptic Mechanisms of Learning and Memory
Conclusion: Biopsychology of Memory and You
Infantile Amnesia
Smart Drugs: Do They Work?
Posttraumatic Amnesia and Episodic Memory
The Case of R.M., the Biopsychologist Who Remembered H.M.
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 12. Hunger, Eating, and Health: Why Do So Many People Eat Too Much?
The Case of the Man Who Forgot Not to Eat
Digestion, Energy Storage, and Energy Utilization
Digestion and Energy Storage in the Body
Energy Storage in the Body
Three Phases of Energy Metabolism
Theories of Hunger and Eating: Set Points versus Positive Incentives
Set-Point Assumption
Glucostatic Theory
Lipostatic Theory
Problems with Set-Point Theories of Hunger and Eating
Positive-Incentive Perspective
Factors That Determine What, When, and How Much We Eat
Factors That Influence What We Eat
Learned Taste Preferences and Aversions
Learning to Eat Vitamins and Minerals
Factors That Influence When We Eat
Premeal Hunger
Pavlovian Conditioning of Hunger
Factors That Influence How Much We Eat
Satiety Signals
Sham Eating
Appetizer Effect and Satiety
Serving Size and Satiety
Social Influences and Satiety
Sensory-Specific Satiety
Physiological Research on Hunger and Satiety
Role of Blood Glucose Levels in Hunger and Satiety
Evolution of Research on the Role of Hypothalamic Nuclei in Hunger and Satiety
The Myth of Hypothalamic Hunger and Satiety Centers
Modern Research on the Role of Hypothalamic Nuclei in Hunger and Satiety
Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Satiety
Hypothalamic Circuits, Peptides, and the Gut
Serotonin and Satiety
Prader-Willi Syndrome: Patients with Insatiable Hunger
Prader-Willi Syndrome: The Case of Miss A.
Body-Weight Regulation: Set Points versus Settling Points
Set-Point Assumptions about Body Weight and Eating
Variability of Body Weight
Set Points and Health
Regulation of Body Weight by Changes in the Efficiency of Energy Utilization
Set Points and Settling Points in Weight Control
Human Overeating: Causes, Mechanisms, and Treatments
Overeating: Who Needs to Be Concerned?
Overeating: Why Is There An Epidemic?
Why Do Some People Gain Weight from Overeating While Others Do Not?
Differences in Energy Expenditure
Differences in Gut Microbiome Composition
Genetic and Epigenetic Factors
Why Are Weight-Loss Programs Often Ineffective?
Leptin and the Regulation of Body Fat
The Discovery of Leptin
Leptin, Insulin, and the Arcuate Melanocortin System
Leptin as a Treatment for High Body-Fat Levels in Humans
The Case of the Child with No Leptin
Treatment of Overeating and High Body-Fat Levels
Serotonergic Agonists
Gastric Surgery
Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Relation between Anorexia and Bulimia
Anorexia and Positive Incentives
Anorexia Nervosa: A Hypothesis
The Case of the Student with Anorexia
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 13. Hormones and Sex: What’s Wrong with the Mamawawa?
Men-are-Men-and-Women-are-Women Assumption
Developmental and Activational Effects of Sex Hormones
Neuroendocrine System
Sex Steroids
The Pituitary
Female Gonadal Hormone Levels are Cyclic; Male Gonadal Hormone Levels are Steady
Control of the Pituitary
Control of the Anterior and Posterior Pituitary by the Hypothalamus
Discovery of Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones
Regulation of Hormone Levels
Regulation by Neural Signals
Regulation by Hormonal Signals
Regulation by Nonhormonal Chemicals
Pulsatile Hormone Release
Summary Model of Gonadal Endocrine Regulation
Hormones and Sexual Development of the Body
Sexual Differentiation
Fetal Hormones and Development of Reproductive Organs
Internal Reproductive Ducts
External Reproductive Organs
Puberty: Hormones and Development of Secondary Sex Characteristics
Sexual Development of Brain and Behavior
Sex Differences in the Brain
First Discovery of a Sex Difference in Mammalian Brain Function
Aromatization Hypothesis
Sex Differences in the Brain: The Modern Perspective
Development of Sex Differences in Behavior
Development of Reproductive Behaviors in Laboratory Animals
Development of Sex Differences in the Behavior of Humans
Three Cases of Exceptional Human Sexual Development
Exceptional Cases of Human Sexual Development
The Case of Anne S., the Woman with Testes
The Case of the Little Girl Who Grew into a Boy
The Case of the Twin Who Lost His Penis
Do the Exceptional Cases Prove the Rule?
Effects of Gonadal Hormones on Adults
Male Sexual Behavior and Gonadal Hormones
The Case of the Man Who Lost and Regained His Manhood
Female Sexual Behavior and Gonadal Hormones
Anabolic Steroid Abuse
Brain Mechanisms of Sexual Behavior
Four Brain Structures Associated with Sexual Activity
Cortex and Sexual Activity
Hypothalamus and Sexual Activity
Amygdala and Sexual Activity
Ventral Striatum and Sexual Activity
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation and Genes
Sexual Orientation and Early Hormones
What Triggers the Development of Sexual Attraction?
What Differences in the Brain Can Account for Differences in Sexual Attraction?
Gender Identity
Independence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 14. Sleep, Dreaming, and Circadian Rhythms: How Much Do You Need to Sleep?
The Case of the Woman Who Wouldn’t Sleep
Stages of Sleep
Three Standard Psychophysiological Measures of Sleep
Three Stages of Sleep EEG
Discovery of the Relationship between REM Sleep and Dreaming
Testing Common Beliefs About Dreaming
External Stimuli and Dreams
Dream Duration
People who don’t Dream
Sexual Content in Dreams
Sleeptalking and Sleepwalking
Does REM Sleep = Dreaming?
Lucid Dreaming
The Case of the Levitating Teenager
The Case of the Artistic Dreamer
The Case of the Bored Lucid Dreamer
Why Do We Dream What We Do?
Why Do We Dream?
Hobson’s Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
Revonsuo’s Evolutionary Theory of Dreams
Hobson’s Protoconsciousness Hypothesis
The Dreaming Brain
Why Do We Sleep, and Why Do We Sleep When We Do?
Two Kinds of Theories of Sleep
Comparative Analysis of Sleep
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Interpretation of the Effects of Sleep Deprivation: The Stress Problem
Predictions of Recuperation Theories about Sleep Deprivation
Two Classic Sleep-Deprivation Case Studies
The Case of the Sleep-Deprived Students
The Case of Randy Gardner
Studies of Sleep Deprivation in Humans
Sleep-Deprivation Studies of Laboratory Animals
REM-Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Deprivation Increases the Efficiency of Sleep
Circadian Sleep Cycles
Circadian Rhythms
Free-Running Circadian Sleep–Wake Cycles
Jet Lag and Shift Work
A Circadian Clock in the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei
Neural Mechanisms of Entrainment
Genetics of Circadian Rhythms
Four Areas of the Brain Involved in Sleep
Two Areas of the Hypothalamus Involved in Sleep
The Case of Constantin von Economo, the Insightful Neurologist
Reticular Formation and Sleep
Reticular REM-Sleep Nuclei
Drugs That Affect Sleep
Hypnotic Drugs
Antihypnotic Drugs
Sleep Disorders
Mr. B., the Case of Iatrogenic Insomnia
REM-Sleep-Related Disorders
The Case of the Sleeper Who Ran Over Tackle
Effects of Long-Term Sleep Reduction
Differences between Short and Long Sleepers
Long-Term Reduction of Nightly Sleep
Long-Term Sleep Reduction by Napping
Effects of Shorter Sleep Times on Health
Long-Term Sleep Reduction: A Personal Case Study
The Case of the Author Who Reduced His Sleep
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 15. Drug Use, Drug Addiction, and the Brain’s Reward Circuits: Chemicals That Harm with Pleasure
The Case of the Drugged High School Teachers
Basic Principles of Drug Action
Drug Administration, Absorption, and Penetration of the Central Nervous System
Oral Ingestion
Absorption through Mucous Membranes
Drug Action, Metabolism, and Elimination
Drug Penetration of the Central Nervous System
Mechanisms of Drug Action
Drug Metabolism and Elimination
Drug Tolerance, Drug Withdrawal Effects, and Physical Dependence
Drug Tolerance
Drug Withdrawal Effects and Physical Dependence
Drug Addiction: What Is It?
Role of Learning in Drug Tolerance
Contingent Drug Tolerance
Conditioned Drug Tolerance
Thinking about Drug Conditioning
Five Commonly Used Drugs
Tobacco Smoking
Nicotine Vaping
Addiction and Nicotine
Cocaine and Other Stimulants
The Opioids: Heroin and Morphine
Comparing the Health Hazards of Commonly Used Drugs
Interpreting Studies of the Health Hazards of Drugs
Comparison of the Hazards of Nicotine, Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine, and Heroin
Early Biopsychological Research on Addiction
Physical-Dependence and Positive-Incentive Perspectives of Addiction
Intracranial Self-Stimulation and the Mesotelencephalic Dopamine System
Early Evidence of the Involvement of Dopamine in Drug Addiction
Nucleus Accumbens and Drug Addiction
Current Approaches to the Mechanisms of Addiction
Three Stages in the Development of an Addiction
Initial Drug Taking
Habitual Drug Taking
Drug Craving and Relapse
Current Concerns about the Drug Self-Administration Paradigm
Unnatural Housing and Testing Conditions
Excessive Focus on Stimulants
A Noteworthy Case of Addiction
The Case of Sigmund Freud
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Part Six: Disorders of Cognition and Emotion
Chapter 16. Lateralization, Language, and the Split Brain: The Left Brain and Right Brain
Cerebral Lateralization of Function: Introduction
Discovery of the Specific Contributions of Left-Hemisphere Damage to Aphasia and Apraxia
Tests of Cerebral Lateralization
Sodium Amytal Test
Dichotic Listening Test
Functional Brain Imaging
Discovery of the Relation Between Speech Laterality and Handedness
Sex Differences in Brain Lateralization
The Split Brain
Groundbreaking Experiment of Myers and Sperry
Commissurotomy in Humans with Epilepsy
Evidence That the Hemispheres of Split-Brain Patients Can Function Independently
Doing Two Things at Once
Dual Mental Functioning and Conflict in Split-Brain Patients
The Case of Peter, the Split-Brain Patient Tormented by Conflict
Independence of Split Hemispheres: Current Perspective
Differences Between Left and Right Hemispheres
Examples of Cerebral Lateralization of Function
Superiority of the Left Hemisphere in Controlling Ipsilateral Movement
Superiority of the Right Hemisphere in Spatial Ability
Specialization of the Right Hemisphere for Emotion
Superior Musical Ability of the Right Hemisphere
Hemispheric Differences in Memory
What Is Lateralized? Broad Clusters of Abilities or Individual Cognitive Processes?
Anatomical Asymmetries of the Brain
Evolution of Cerebral Lateralization and Language
Theories of the Evolution of Cerebral Lateralization
Analytic–Synthetic Theory
Motor Theory
Linguistic Theory
The Case of W.L., the Man Who Experienced Aphasia for Sign Language
When Did Cerebral Lateralization Evolve?
Evolution of Human Language
Vocal Communication in Nonhuman Primates
Motor Theory of Speech Perception
Gestural Language
Cortical Localization of Language: Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Historical Antecedents of the Wernicke-Geschwind Model
The Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Wernicke-Geschwind Model: The Evidence
Effects of Cortical Damage and Brain Stimulation on Language Abilities
Evidence from Studies of the Effects of Cortical Damage
Evidence from Structural Neuroimaging Studies
Evidence from Studies of Electrical Stimulation of the Cortex
Current Status of the Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
Three Premises That Define the Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Language
Functional Brain Imaging and the Localization of Language
Bavelier’s Fmri Study of Reading
Damasio’s Pet Study of Naming
Cognitive Neuroscience of Dyslexia
Developmental Dyslexia: Causes and Neural Mechanisms
Cognitive Neuroscience of Deep and Surface Dyslexia
The Case of N.I., the Woman Who Read with Her Right Hemisphere
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 17. Biopsychology of Emotion, Stress, and Health: Fear, the Dark Side of Emotion
Biopsychology of Emotion: Introduction
Early Landmarks in the Biopsychological Investigation of Emotion
The Mind-Blowing Case of Phineas Gage
Darwin’s Theory of the Evolution of Emotion
James-Lange and Cannon-Bard Theories
Sham Rage
Limbic System and Emotion
Klüver-Bucy Syndrome
A Human Case of Klüver-Bucy Syndrome
Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System
Emotional Specificity of the Autonomic Nervous System
Emotions and Facial Expression
Universality of Facial Expression
Primary Facial Expressions
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
Voluntary Control of Facial Expression
Facial Expressions: Current Perspective
Fear, Defense, and Aggression
Types of Aggressive and Defensive Behaviors
Aggression and Testosterone
Neural Mechanisms of Fear Conditioning
Amygdala and Fear Conditioning
Contextual Fear Conditioning and the Hippocampus
Amygdala Complex and Fear Conditioning
Brain Mechanisms of Human Emotion
Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion
Amygdala and Human Emotion
The Case of S.P., the Woman Who Couldn’t Perceive Fear
Medial Prefrontal Lobes and Human Emotion
Lateralization of Emotion
Neural Mechanisms of Human Emotion: Current Perspectives
Stress and Health
The Stress Response
Animal Models of Stress
Psychosomatic Disorders: The Case of Gastric Ulcers
Psychoneuroimmunology: Stress, the Immune System, and the Brain
Innate Immune System
Adaptive Immune System
What Effect does Stress have on Immune Function: Disruptive or Beneficial?
How does Stress Influence Immune Function?
Does Stress Affect Susceptibility to Infectious Disease?
Early Experience of Stress
Stress and the Hippocampus
The Case of Charles Whitman, the Texas Tower Sniper
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Chapter 18. Biopsychology of Psychiatric Disorders: The Brain Unhinged
Schizophrenia: The Case of Lena
What Is Schizophrenia?
Discovery of the First Antipsychotic Drugs
The Dopamine Theory of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia: Beyond the Dopamine Theory
Atypical Antipsychotics
Renewed Interest in Hallucinogenic Drugs
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Schizophrenia
Neural Bases of Schizophrenia
Depressive Disorders
What Are Depressive Disorders?
The Case of S.B., the Depressed Biopsychology Student
Antidepressant Drugs
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Selective Monoamine-Reuptake Inhibitors
Atypical Antidepressants
Nmda-Receptor Antagonists
Effectiveness of Drugs in the Treatment of Depressive Disorders
Brain Stimulation to Treat Depression
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Deep Brain Stimulation
Theories of Depression
Monoamine Theory of Depression
Neuroplasticity Theory of Depression
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Depression
Neural Bases of Depression
Bipolar Disorder
What Is Bipolar Disorder?
The Case of S.B. Revisited: The Biopsychology Student with Bipolar Disorder
Mood Stabilizers
Theories of Bipolar Disorder
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Bipolar Disorder
Neural Bases of Bipolar Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
The Case of M.R., the Woman Who Was Afraid to Go Out
Four Anxiety Disorders
Pharmacological Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
Antidepressant Drugs
Animal Models of Anxiety Disorders
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Anxiety Disorders
Neural Bases of Anxiety Disorders
Tourette’s Disorder
The Case of R.G.—Barking Like a Dog
What Is Tourette’s Disorder?
Pharmacological Treatment of Tourette’s Disorder
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Tourette’s Disorder
Neural Bases of Tourette’s Disorder
The Case of P.H., the Neuroscientist with Tourette’s Disorder
Clinical Trials: Development of New Psychotherapeutic Drugs
Clinical Trials: The Three Phases
Phase 1: Screening for Safety
Phase 2: Establishing the Testing Protocol
Phase 3: Final Testing
Controversial Aspects of Clinical Trials
Requirement for Double-Blind Design and Placebo Controls
The need for Active Placebos
Length of Time Required
Financial Issues
Targets of Psychopharmacology
Lack of Diversity
Effectiveness of Clinical Trials
Conclusion of the Case of S.B.: The Biopsychology Student Who Took Control
Themes Revisited
Key Terms
Appendix I. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Appendix II. Some Functions of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Neurons
Appendix III. The Cranial Nerves
Appendix IV. Functions of the Cranial Nerves
Appendix V. Nuclei of the Thalamus
Appendix VI. Nuclei of the Hypothalamus
Name Index
Subject Index