فهرست مطالب :
Introduction: “Contributors” and the “Enlightened,” or the Invention of Italianness
Colombo, Caboto, Verrazzano: Allegiance to What?
From Bressani the Jesuit to Castiglioni the Traveller
Were Travel Reports Trustworthy and Influential?
The “Contribution School”: The Illusory Search for Completeness
The “Enlightenment School”: Were They All Real Italians?
1 Early Relations between the Italian Peninsula and North America: Codfish, Leghorn, and Genoa, 1744–1839
The Codfish Networks, 1766–85
Leghorn, 1744–88
Genoa, 1759–1839
2 Early Relations between the Italian Peninsula and North America: Naples, Turin, Venice, Trieste, and Milan, 1761–1825
Naples and Sicily, 1778–1809
Turin and Piedmont, 1777–1825
Venice and Trieste, 1761–96
Milan and Lombardy, 1784–1824
3 Rome, the Italian Peninsula’s Most International Capital: Students, Consuls, and Distinguished Visitors, 1788–1848
Two American Young Men in the Eternal City, 1788–97
Sartori’s Double Allegiance: Roman and American Consul, 1793–1841
Cicognani: Rome’s Trusted American Consul, 1810–48
Literary Legacy: Thayer, Plessis, and Grassi, 1783–1820
4 Rome: Priests across the Ocean and the Extent of Romanization, 1801–1836
Rome’s Catholic Priests Go to North America: Their Background and Heritage, 1801–30
North American Priests in Rome: Competing Networks, 1815–30
The Moulding of a North American Catholic Elite: The Urban College, 1815–36
The Moulding of a North American Catholic Elite: The Roman College, 1818–29
5 North Atlantic Networks of Trade and Religion: Leghorn and Filippo Filicchi, 1788–1816
Filippo Filicchi’s and Antonio Filicchi’s Role in Leghorn’s Political and Economic Life, 1788–1840
Filippo Filicchi’s Early Life and Career, 1763–85
Filippo Filicchi’s Two Visits to the United States, 1785–8 and 1789–90
Filippo Filicchi: Leghorn’s Trusted American Consul, 1794–8
Networks of People and Interests: The Seton-Bayley-Curson Extended Family, 1784–1857
Networks of People and Interests: Filippo Filicchi, Antonio Filicchi, and the American Catholics, 1785–1842
6 Antonio Filicchi’s Business and Personal Networks across the North Atlantic, 1816–1847
People, Goods, and Ideas in Antonio Filicchi’s Activities, 1816–47
The Entrepreneur: Vito Viti, 1828–41
The Scientist: Carlo L. Bonaparte, Prince of Musignano, 1828–39
Merchants and Traders, 1828–41
Artists and Kin, 1828–41
7 Angelo Inglesi, from Rome with Love: The Ultimate Scoundrel Priest in North America, c. 1795–1825
Inglesi’s European Background and Arrival in Quebec City, 1795–1819
Louisiana: Inglesi Enthrals Bishop Dubourg, 1819–20
Louisiana: Early Doubts Creep In, 1822–3
Europe: Inglesi’s Fundraising Tour, 1820–1
Rome: Inglesi, a Man Sent by Providence, 1821
Rome and Umbria: Suspicions and Reality, 1821
From Tuscany to France: Inglesi Retraces His Steps, 1822–3
Philadelphia: Joining the Hogan Schism, 1823
Philadelphia to Haiti: Inglesi’s Ignominious End, 1824–5
Inglesi’s Last Supporters: Father Rese and Consul General Deabbate in Defence of a “Son of Italy,” 1823–4
Conclusion: Lives of Non-illustrious Men
List of Tables
Archival Sources
Printed Sources