فهرست مطالب :
Title Pages
List of plates
Body-centered research on violence
Research aims, questions and problems
Materials, method and theoretical background
Method and theoretical background
Problem of historicity
History of Research
Enemies and prisoners of war in ancient Egypt: A critical history of research
War and violence in archaeology
Sun exposure
Beating and harassment
Branding and marking
Eye and ear removal
Hand cutting
Phalli cutting
Hanging upside-down
Skeletal evidence
“Execration pits” from Tell el-Dabca
Execution or execration in the case of Karnak temple
Hand cutting in Tell el-Dabca
Burning of enemies at Amman
Frames of War in New Kingdom Egypt
Bodies as objects of violence
Human sacrifice
Body parts of enemies as commodities
Bodies as media of violence
Difference between the king and soldiersin treatments of enemies and prisoners of war
Violence as performance
“Propaganda” and the social production and control of fear
Doc. 1: Ahmose relief block from Abydos
Doc. 2: The Coronation of Queen Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahari temple
Doc. 3: Autobiography of Ahmose son of Ebana
Doc. 4: Tombs of Djehuty (TT 11) and Montuherkhepeshef (TT 20).
Doc. 5: The Annals of Thutmose III in temple of Amun at Karnak
Doc. 6: Poetic stela of Thutmose III from Karnak(Cairo CG 34010; JE3425)
Doc. 7: Gebel Barkal stela of Thutmose III(Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 23.733)
Doc. 8: Autobiography of Amenemhab called Mahu (TT 85)
Doc. 9: Great Sphinx Stele Amenhotep II in Giza
Doc. 10: Memphis stela of Amenhotep II(Egyptian Museum in Cairo, JE 86763)
Doc. 11: Amada inscription and Elephantine stela of Amenhotep II(Wien ÄS 5909-upper part; Kairo CG 34019, JE 28585-lower part).
Doc. 12: Chariot of Thutmose IV from his tomb(Egyptian Museum in Cairo, CG 46097).
Doc. 13: Autobiography of Ahmose-Pennekhbet
Doc. 14: Stela of Amenhotep III between Aswan and Philae
Doc. 15: Amenhotep III Semnah stela (British Museum EA 138 (657))
Doc. 16: Letter of the Assyrian king Ashuruballit to Akhenaten (EA 16)
Doc. 17: Stela of Akhenaten from the temple of Buhen,Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (Phil. E16022 A and B).
Doc. 18: Walking stick of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61737; Carter no. 048a)
Doc. 19: Walking stick of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61735; Carter no. 048b).
Doc. 20: Walking stick of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61736; Carter no. 048c)
Doc. 21: Walking stick of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61733; Carter 048d).
Doc. 22: Walking stick of Tutankhamun(Cairo JE 61732; Carter no: 050uu).
Doc. 23: Walking stick of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61734; Carter no. 100a)
Doc. 24: Chariot yoke of Tutankhamun (Carter no. 159=120d)
Doc. 25: Painted box of Tutankhamun (Cairo JE 61467; Carter no. 021)
Doc. 26: Memorial temple for Tutankhamun at Karnak
Doc. 27: Memphite tomb of Horemhab
Doc. 28: Karnak, Northern Wars of Seti I,Campaign from Sile to Pa-Canaan, Year 1
Doc. 29: Kanais, temple of Seti I
Doc. 30: Decree of Blessing of Ptah
Doc. 31: Abydos, Battle of Qadesh
Doc. 32: Karnak, Battle of Qadesh
Doc. 33: Luxor, Battle of Qadesh
Doc. 34: Ramesseum, Battle of Qadeshand the Taking of Dapur under Ramesses II
Doc. 35: Abu Simbel, Battle of Qadesh
Doc. 36: Beit el-Wali/South temple, Nubian campaign
Doc. 37: Papyrus Anastasi II (BM EA 10243).
Doc. 38: Athribis stela of Merenptah, Kom el-Ahmar, Menuf(Cairo JE 50568)
Doc. 39: Amada temple stela-inscription dedicated to Merenptah
Doc. 40: Papyrus Harris I (British Museum EA 9999),Ramesses III’ concluding prayer to Amun
Doc. 41: Karnak, Great Libyan War Inscription of Ramesses III
Doc. 42: Medinet Habu, East High Gate, North Tower, Façade
Doc. 43: Medinet Habu, Speech of Amun to Ramesses IIIin Presentation Scene on Pylon II (Campaign against Sea Peoples)
Doc. 44: Medinet Habu, First Pylon, South Triumph Scene
Doc. 45: Medinet Habu, Great Inscription of Year 5 of Ramesses III
Doc. 46: Medinet Habu, First Libyan war of Ramesses III, Battle withthe Libyans
Doc. 47: Medinet Habu, First Libyan War,Presentations of spoils of war to the king
Doc. 48: Medinet Habu, First Libyan war of Ramesses III,Presentation of spoils of war to the king
Doc. 49: Medinet Habu, First Libyan War of Ramesses III,Battle with the Libyans
Doc. 50: Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples campaign of Ramesses III,Land Battle
Doc. 51: Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples campaign of Ramesses III,River mouth battle
Doc. 52: Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples campaign of Ramesses III,Presentation of spoils of war to the king
Doc. 53: Medinet Habu, Second Libyan War of Ramesses III,Battle with the Libyans
Doc. 54: Medinet Habu, Second Libyan War of Ramesses III,Presentation of spoils of war to the king
Doc. 55: Medinet Habu, Siege of Tunip by Ramesses III
Doc. 56: Medinet Habu, Nubian campaign of Ramesses III
Doc. 57: Karnak, Amun precinct, Second Libyan War of Ramesses III,Battle with the Libyans
Doc. 58: Karnak, Amun precinct, Asiatic campaign of Ramesses III
Doc. 59: Karnak, Mut precinct, Second Libyan War of Ramesses III
Doc. 60: Karnak, Mut precinct, Asiatic campaign of Ramesses III
Terms and themes
Geograhic areas
Middle Egyptian and Late Egyptian words