توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
تاریخچه و معنای نقل قول ها و کلمات رایجی که شکسپیر به کار می برد و عباراتی که به اشتباه به وی نسبت داده شده است را بررسی می کند. و عباراتی که به نادرستی به او نسبت داده شده است
فهرست مطالب :
Cover\r......Page 1
Back Cover......Page 2
Front Flap......Page 3
Back Flap......Page 4
Half Title......Page 5
Other Michael Macrone titles......Page 6
Title......Page 7
Copyright page\r......Page 8
Contents\r......Page 9
List of Illustrations\r......Page 11
Acknowledgments\r......Page 13
At First Brush\r......Page 15
Organization\r......Page 16
Spelling and Punctuation\r......Page 18
Dating\r......Page 19
All the World\'s a Stage\r......Page 25
Antic Disposition\r......Page 26
Bated Breath\r......Page 28
The Be-All and the End-All\r......Page 29
To Beggar Description\r......Page 31
We Have Seen Better Days\r......Page 32
\'Tis Better to Be Vile than Vile Esteemed\r......Page 33
The Better Part of Valor is Discretion\r......Page 34
Beware the Ides of March\r......Page 35
A Blinking Idiot\r......Page 36
Brave New World\r......Page 37
Breathe Life into a Stone\r......Page 38
Breathe One\'s Last\r......Page 40
Brief Authority\r......Page 41
Budge an Inch\r......Page 43
Cakes and Ale\r......Page 44
Caviar to the General\r......Page 45
Chance May Crown Me\r......Page 46
Chaos Is Come Again\r......Page 47
The Course of True Love\rNever Did Run Smooth\r......Page 48
The Crack of Doom\r......Page 49
Cruel to Be Kind\r......Page 50
Cudgel Thy Brains\r......Page 52
Dancing Days\r......Page 53
A Dish Fit for the Gods\r......Page 54
The Dogs of War\r......Page 55
Double, Double Toil and Trouble\r......Page 56
He Hath Eaten Me out of House and Home\r......Page 57
Every Inch a King\r......Page 58
The Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame\r......Page 59
Fair Play\r......Page 60
A Feast of Languages\r......Page 61
Flaming Youth\r......Page 62
As Flies to Wanton Boys Are\rWe to the Gods\r......Page 63
For Goodness\' Sake\r......Page 64
Foregone Conclusion\r......Page 65
Fortune\'s Fool\r......Page 66
Frailty, Thy Name Is Woman\r......Page 67
Friends, Romans, Countrymen,\rLend Me Your Ears\r......Page 68
Full Circle\r......Page 69
Get Thee to a Nunnery\r......Page 70
Gilded Monuments\r......Page 71
The Glass of Fashion\r......Page 72
Good Riddance\r......Page 73
The Green-Eyed Monster\r......Page 74
Hath Not a Jew Eyes?\r......Page 76
In My Heart of Hearts\r......Page 77
Heart on My Sleeve\r......Page 78
A Hit, a Very Palpable Hit\r......Page 79
Hob Nob\r......Page 80
Hoist with His Own Petard\r......Page 81
Hold a Mirror Up to Nature\r......Page 82
A Horse, a Horse! My Kingdom for a Horse!\r......Page 83
Household Words\r......Page 84
An Improbable Fiction\r......Page 85
Her Infinite Variety\r......Page 86
Infirm of Purpose\r......Page 87
An Itching Palm\r......Page 88
A King of Infinite Space\r......Page 89
Knock, Knock! Who\'s There?\r......Page 91
The Lady Doth Protest too Much\r......Page 92
Laid on with a Trowel\r......Page 93
Laugh Oneself into Stitches\r......Page 94
A Lean and Hungry Look\r......Page 95
Let\'s Kill All the Lawyers\r......Page 96
Life\'s Fitful Fever\r......Page 97
Light, Seeking Light,\rDoth Light of Light Beguile\r......Page 98
What Light through\rYonder Window Breaks\r......Page 99
A Long Farewell to All My Greatness\r......Page 100
Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be\r......Page 101
They Did Make Love to This Employment\r......Page 102
Make Mad the Guilty, and Appall the Free\r......Page 104
The Makings of\r......Page 105
The Marriage of True Minds\r......Page 106
Method in the Madness\r......Page 107
The Milk of Human Kindness\r......Page 109
In My Mind\'s Eye\r......Page 110
A Ministering Angel\r......Page 111
More Honored in the Breach\r......Page 112
More in Sorrow than in Anger\r......Page 114
More Matter with Less Art\r......Page 115
More Sinned against than Sinning\r......Page 116
More than Kin and Less than Kind\r......Page 117
The Multitudinous Seas Incarnadine\r......Page 118
If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On\r......Page 119
There Was Never Yet Philosopher that\rCould Endure the Toothache Patiently\r......Page 120
The Noblest Roman of Them All\r......Page 122
Nothing Either Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes It So\r......Page 123
Nothing in His Life Became Him\rlike the Leaving It\r......Page 124
Once More unto the Breach\r......Page 125
One Fell Swoop\r......Page 126
One May Smile, and Smile, and Be a Villain\r......Page 127
One that Loved Not Wisely but Too Well\r......Page 128
Out, Damned Spot\r......Page 129
A Pair of Star-Crossed Lovers\r......Page 130
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow\r......Page 131
Passing Strange\r......Page 132
The Patient Must Minister to Himself\r......Page 133
What a Piece of Work Is A Man\r......Page 134
A Plague on Both Your Houses\r......Page 135
The Play\'s the Thing\r......Page 136
Pomp and Circumstance\r......Page 137
A Pound of Flesh\r......Page 138
The Primrose Path\r......Page 139
Prodigious Birth\r......Page 141
Put Money in Thy Purse\r......Page 142
The Quality of Mercy Is Not Strained\r......Page 143
Neither Rhyme nor Reason\r......Page 144
Let Rome in Tiber Melt\r......Page 145
O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?\r......Page 146
A Round Unvarnished Tale\r......Page 149
Salad Days\r......Page 150
Screw Your Courage to the Sticking Place\r......Page 152
The Serpent\'s Egg\r......Page 153
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer\'s Day?\r......Page 154
How Sharper than a Serpent\'s Tooth\r......Page 155
Short Shrift\r......Page 156
Sigh No More, Ladies, Sigh No More\r......Page 157
So Sweet Was Never So Fatal\r......Page 158
Something Is Rotten in the\rState of Denmark\r......Page 159
Something Wicked This Way Comes\r......Page 160
There Is Special Providence in\rthe Fall of a Sparrow\r......Page 162
A Spotless Reputation\r......Page 164
Who Steals My Purse Steals Trash\r......Page 165
Sterner Stuff\r......Page 166
Strange Bedfellows\r......Page 167
Strive Mightily\r......Page 168
Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made on\r......Page 169
Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity\r......Page 171
Sweets to the Sweet\r......Page 172
Swift as a Shadow\r......Page 173
Take Physic, Pomp\r......Page 174
That Way Madness Lies\r......Page 175
That Within which Passes Show\r......Page 176
There Are More Things in\rHeaven and Earth, Horatio\r......Page 178
This Thing of Darkness\r......Page 179
Thinking Too Precisely on the Event\r......Page 180
A Thousand Times Good Night\r......Page 181
Thrift, Thrift, Horatio\r......Page 182
There Is a Tide in the Affairs of Men\r......Page 183
The Time Is out of Joint\r......Page 184
To Be, or Not to Be\r......Page 185
To Thine Own Self Be True\r......Page 190
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow\r......Page 191
Too Much of a Good Thing\r......Page 192
Touch of Nature\r......Page 193
A Tower of Strength\r......Page 194
Trippingly on the Tongue\r......Page 195
Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown\r......Page 196
The Most Unkindest Cut of All\r......Page 197
Unsex Me Here\r......Page 198
Vale of Years\r......Page 199
Valiant Dust\r......Page 200
The Vasty Deep\r......Page 201
Vaulting Ambition\r......Page 202
We Came Crying Hither\r......Page 203
What the Dickens\r......Page 204
What\'s Done is Done\r......Page 205
What\'s Past Is Prologue\r......Page 206
The Whirligig of Time\r......Page 207
Wild-Goose Chase\r......Page 208
On the Windy Side.\r......Page 209
The Winter of Our Discontent\r......Page 210
The Woman\'s Part\r......Page 211
____ is the Word\r......Page 212
Let the World Slip\r......Page 213
The World\'s Mine Oyster\r......Page 215
Alas, Poor Yorick\r......Page 216
\"Household Words\": Common and Uncommon Words Coined by Shakespeare\r......Page 217
Faux Shakespeare: Phrases Often Misattributed to Shakespeare\r......Page 228
Good Enough to Call Your Own: Titles Borrowed from Shakespeare\r......Page 236
Index of Words and Phrases......Page 251
Index of Characters by Play\r......Page 257
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Examines the history and meaning of quotations and common words which were used by Shakespeare, and phrases which have been inaccurately attributed to him. Abstract: Examines the history and meaning of quotations and common words which were used by Shakespeare, and phrases which have been inaccurately attributed to him