Building Modern SaaS Applications with C# and .NET

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کتاب ساخت برنامه های مدرن SaaS با سی شارپ و دات نت نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Building Modern SaaS Applications with C# and .NET

نام کتاب : Building Modern SaaS Applications with C# and .NET
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ساخت برنامه های مدرن SaaS با سی شارپ و دات نت
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Packt Publishing
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 346
ISBN (شابک) : 9781804610879
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 5 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents
Part 1: Getting Started
1 - SaaS – the Modern Distribution Model that We All Need
What is SaaS?
What other types of applications are there?
Desktop application
On-premises web application
What is “the cloud”?
Where did it all begin?
Why is SaaS a popular choice for businesses large and small?
Which tools are required to build SaaS apps?
Database development
API development
Frontend development
Authentication and authorization
Which techniques will be used to build SaaS apps?
Test-driven development (TDD)
Domain-driven design (DDD)
Reactive design
Progressive web apps (PWAs)
No installations needed
Browser-based delivery
Iterate quickly
Global market
Flexible payment model
How does this affect the development process?
Release often, release early
Testing, testing, testing
You’d better be full stack
Know thy user
What to expect from this book
How to assess and pay off technical debt
Further reading
2 - Building a Simple Demo Application
Technical requirements
Setting up
Visual Studio Code
Dev containers
What is a dev container?
Configuring the Docker containers
Configuring dev containers in VSCode
Starting the environment
Configuring VSCode
Exiting the environment
Building out a sample application
Database technologies
API technology
User interface technology
Starting the application
Adding a solution file
Where do we go from here?
Further reading
Part 2: Building the Backend
3 - What Is Multi-Tenancy, and Why Is It Important in SaaS Applications?
Technical requirements
What is multi-tenancy?
Disambiguating customers, tenants, and users
What are the alternatives to multi-tenancy?
The advantages and disadvantages of multitenancy
Options for data storage with multitenant applications
Key considerations
Design considerations through the application layers
One database per tenant
Shared schema
One schema per tenant
One table per tenant
Security considerations
Potential security pitfalls
Good security practices for multi-tenant applications
Further reading
4 - Building Databases and Planning for Data-Rich Applications
Technical requirements
The importance of data in a SaaS application
Building a database
Types of database
What is ACID?
Entity Framework
Testing data-rich applications
Upgrading a database
Applying the migrations
Further reading
5 - Building Restful APIs
Technical requirements
What are RESTful APIs?
HTTP status codes
Dealing with errors
JSON data formatting
Matching API operations to HTTP verbs
Data transfer objects
Designing better with REST
An example API design
Versioning public APIs
Example code showing how to version an API
Testing APIs
Further reading
6 - Microservices for SaaS Applications
Technical requirements
What are microservices and why use them?
The difference between loose and tight coupling
Best practices for building microservices
Design for failure
Focus on decoupling
Embrace automation
Use contract-driven development
Monitor and log aggressively
Implement security
Focus on scalability
Separate data stores
Mixing microservices and RESTful APIs
Splitting up a single REST API into microservices
Common pitfalls and how to avoid them
Some practical advice
A microservice architecture example
The services
A practical example
API gateway
Running the combined application
Further reading
Part 3: Building the Frontend
7 - Building a User Interface
Technical requirements
Introduction to the tech stack
What is WebAssembly?
The development environment
UX considerations – knowing your customer
User personas
User journey mapping
Visually appealing design
Navigation and information architecture
Responsive design
Feedback and user testing
Building a simple UI
Planning the UI
Writing a ticket
What is Blazor?
Setting up the Blazor project
Building the UI
Connecting the UI to the backend
Dealing with CORS issues
Logic, including calling the API
Building usable UIs
Responsive UI frameworks
Responsive design techniques
Designing for different screen sizes
Further reading
8 - Authentication and Authorization
Technical requirements
What are authentication and authorization
The synergy of authentication and authorization
Criticality of secure authentication and authorization
Multi-tenancy and microservices
Multi-tenancy considerations
Microservices architecture considerations
Managing users, roles, and permissions
User provisioning and deprovisioning
Role management and assignment
Permission management and fine-grained access control
Further reading
Part 4: Deploying and Maintaining the Application
9 - Testing Strategies for SaaS Applications
Technical requirements
Testing strategies for SaaS applications
The importance of testing for SaaS applications
Testing best practices
Test-driven development (TDD)
Testing techniques
The testing pyramid – unit, integration, and E2E testing
Unit testing
Integration testing
E2E testing
An overview of testing tools and frameworks for SaaS applications
General testing of .NET applications
Testing APIs
Testing Blazor applications
The challenges of writing tests for databases
A practical demonstration
Further reading
10 - Monitoring and Logging
Key aspects of monitoring
Monitoring tools
How to do this
Best practices for monitoring
Key aspects of logging
Logging tools
How to do this
Best practices for logging
Monitoring and logging considerations for SaaS applications
Further reading
11 - Release Often, Release Early
Understanding CI/CD
Benefits of adopting CI/CD
Is CI/CD DevOps?
Configuring CI/CD pipelines
Source control integration
Build triggers and build agents
Defining build tasks and stages
Release triggers and environments
Deploying to multiple tenants
Deploying microservices in SaaS applications
Approvals and gates for quality control
CI/CD pipelines and tools overview
Popular CI/CD tools
Factors to consider when choosing a CI/CD tool
Building a flexible and adaptable CI/CD process
SaaS-specific considerations
Security and compliance in CI/CD pipelines
Further reading
12 - Growing Pains – Operating at Scale
The challenges of operating at scale
Performance and response time
Reliability and availability
Security and compliance
Infrastructure scalability
Cost and resource management
Data consistency and integrity
Planning for scaling and growth
Embracing DevOps and automation
Scaling the database
Indexing and query optimization
Data archiving and retention
Scaling the API
Load balancing and API gateway optimization
API versioning and backward compatibility
Rate limiting and throttling
Caching strategies for API performance
Asynchronous communication and message queuing
Stateless and idempotent API design
Security and authentication at scale
Scaling the UI
Best practices for designing scalability and performance for the UI
Optimizing static assets and bundling
Implementing progressive loading and lazy loading techniques
Leveraging caching strategies for UI components
Further reading
Part 5: Concluding Thoughts
13 - Wrapping It Up
Well done!
Commitment to learning
Mastering SaaS development skills
Embracing industry best practices
Personal and professional growth
What have you learned?
How can you use these skills?
Apply your knowledge to your current job or projects
Freelance or consulting opportunities
Build your own SaaS product or start-up
Contribute to open source projects
Stay up to date with industry trends and best practices
Mentor and teach others
What to do next
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