توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
ایمنی محل کار کالیفرنیا: منبع مدیران ایمنی راهنمایی و ابزارهایی را برای کمک به پیروی از دقیق ترین الزامات قانونی Cal/OSHA ارائه می دهد. شامل نمونه طرح های مکتوب، برنامه های آموزشی، چک لیست های حسابرسی، و فرم هایی برای کمک به کارفرمایان در حفظ پیشگیرانه ایمنی. مقدمهای آسان برای سازمانهای کالیفرنیا، بهعلاوه توضیحاتی درباره تعریف جدید نقضهای جدی، بیشتر استانداردهای پراستناد، قوانین پیشنهادی، و غیره ارائه میکند. موضوعاتی از جمله: ارتباطات مخاطره آمیز، پیشگیری از بیماری گرما، خشونت در محل کار، ارگونومی، lockout/tagou. �بیشتر بخوانید... < /div>
چکیده: ایمنی محل کار کالیفرنیا: منابع مدیران ایمنی راهنماها و ابزارهایی را برای کمک به رعایت دقیق ترین الزامات قانونی Cal/OSHA فراهم می کند. شامل نمونه طرح های مکتوب، برنامه های آموزشی، چک لیست های حسابرسی، و فرم هایی برای کمک به کارفرمایان در حفظ پیشگیرانه ایمنی. مقدمهای آسان برای آژانسهای کالیفرنیا، بهعلاوه توضیحاتی درباره تعریف جدید تخلفات جدی، استانداردهای متداول استناد شده، قوانین پیشنهادی و غیره ارائه میدهد. موضوعات مهمی از جمله: ارتباطات خطر، پیشگیری از بیماری گرما، خشونت در محل کار، ارگونومی، قفل کردن را پوشش میدهد. /tagou
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Cover
Title page
Table of Contents
Workplace Safety & Health
Accident prevention signs and tags
Aerosol transmissible diseases
Bloodborne pathogens
Emergency action plan
Heat illness prevention
Injury and illness recordkeeping
Medical services and first aid
Occupational carcinogens
Powered industrial trucks
Portable fire extinguishers
Workplace violence
California Environmental Protection Agency
Hazardous Waste
Defining hazardous waste
Frequently asked questions. EPA identification numbers for generatorsHazardous waste manifest changes
Hazardous wastes of concern
Managing empty containers
Hazardous Waste Emergency Permits
Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act of 1989
Used Oil Management
Used oil testing requirements
Used oil testing exemptions
Alternatives to used oil testing and documentation requirements forTransporters
DTSC reporting requirements for transporters
Used oil generator requirements. Used oil testing requirements for DTSC-permitted facilitiesTesting and reporting agreements for out-of-state facilities
Key Elements
Electronic Hazardous Waste
Managing waste cathode ray tubes
Frequently asked questions
Best practices for handling CRTs
Employee training
Community Right To Know
A Comparison of California and Federal Requirements
California Code Of Regulations
Title 19 Chapter 4 --
Hazardous Material Release Reporting, Inventory, and Response Plans Subchapter 3
Storm Water Permitting
Background. Types Of Storm Water Discharges Covered By The General PermitTypes Of Discharges Not Covered By The General Permit
Notification Requirements
Description Of General Permit Conditions
Questions and Answers
Activities Which Do Not Require Permits
General Permit Applications
Notice of Intent Requirements
Notice of Termination (NOT)
General Permits Outline
General Permit Requirements for Construction Activities
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
Underground Storage Tanks
Introduction. Understanding California Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations and LawsPermits
What are the Leak Detection Requirements for New USTs?
Leak Detection Requirements For Existing USTs
Repair and Upgrade Requirements
Corrective Action: Investigation and Cleanup
Tank Closure
Waste Minimization
Waste Minimization
Waste Minimization Techniques
Pollution Prevention
California Diesel Fuel
Managing Universal Waste in California
What are universal wastes?
What items are designated as universal wastes?
Do these regulations apply to me?
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
California Workplace Safety: The Safety Managers' Resource provides guidance and tools to help comply with Cal/OSHA's most scrutinized regulatory requirements. Includes sample written plans, training programs, audit checklists, and forms to help employers stay proactive in safety. Provides an easy-to-understand introduction to California agencies, plus explanations of the new definition of serious violations, most frequently cited standards, proposed rules, etc. Covers important topics including: hazard communication, heat illness prevention, workplace violence, ergonomics, lockout/tagou. �Read more... Abstract: California Workplace Safety: The Safety Managers' Resource provides guidance and tools to help comply with Cal/OSHA's most scrutinized regulatory requirements. Includes sample written plans, training programs, audit checklists, and forms to help employers stay proactive in safety. Provides an easy-to-understand introduction to California agencies, plus explanations of the new definition of serious violations, most frequently cited standards, proposed rules, etc. Covers important topics including: hazard communication, heat illness prevention, workplace violence, ergonomics, lockout/tagou