فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
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Title Page
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
1.1 Average Capital Account Openness in 24 Emerging Countries, 1973–2005
1.2 Trajectory of Capital Account Liberalization in 24 Emerging Countries, 1973–2005
1.3 Average Income Before and After Financial Opening
1.4 Financial Opening and Capital Accumulation
1.5 Trajectory of Capital Account Liberalization by Region, 1973–2005
2.1 Distributional Dynamics, 1964–82
2.2 Growth Dynamics, 1964–82
2.3 Real Exchange Rate, 1979–82
2.4 Real Exchange Rate, 1983–91
2.5 Distributional Dynamics, 1983–98
2.6 Growth Dynamics, 1983–98
2.7 Gross Fixed Investment, 1985–91
2.8 Unemployment Rate, 1980–91
2.9 Share of Exports in GDP, 1974–91
2.10 Share of Copper in Total Exports, 1974–91
2.11 Real Exchange Rate Index, 1989–92
3.1 Distributional Dynamics, 1970–98
3.2 Growth Dynamics, 1970–98
3.3 Non-defense Expenditure as Percent of GNP, 1953–60
3.4 Domestic and Foreign Credit as Percent of GNP, 1965–75
3.5 Exports and Imports as Percent of GDP, 1965–79
3.6 Top 30 Chaebols’ Share in Value-Added GNP, 1985–95
3.7 Nominal Exchange Rate, 1989–96
3.8 Korean Banks’ Foreign Exchange Liabilities, 1992–97
3.9 Bank Credit to Private Sector (% GDP), 1992–97
4.1 Distributional Dynamics, 1970–98
4.2 Growth Dynamics, 1970–98
4.3 Real Exchange Rate, 1979–90
4.4 Exports and Imports, 1980–93
4.5 Treasury Bills and Government Bonds as a Percentage of GNP, 1980–90
4.6 External Debt–Exports Ratio, 1983–96
4.7 Inflation Rate, 1982–93
4.8 Wage Growth, 1984–92
4.9 Personnel Expenditure’s Share in Total Consolidated Budget Expenditures, 1982–93
4.10 Short-Term Debt, 1983–96
C.1 Risks and Adverse Consequences Associated with Financial Opening
D.1 Average Capital Account Openness, Miniane Index
D.2 Average Capital Account Openness, Chinn-Ito Index
D.3 Capital Account Liberalization in 12 Emerging Countries, Miniane Index
D.4 Capital Account Liberalization in 24 Emerging Countries, Chinn-Ito Index
List of Tables
1.1 Mechanisms and Sources of Institutionalization
2.1 Foreign Debt, 1978–82
2.2 Financial Expansion, 1978–82
2.3 Boom and Crash, 1977–83
2.4 Export Growth Rates by Types of Goods, 1974–95
2.5 Nonfinancial Public Sector, 1985–91
2.6 Net Capital Inflows, 1985–91
2.7 Private and Public Sectors’ Use of Capital Inflows, 1985–91
3.1 Select Macroeconomic Indicators, 1961–72
3.2 HCI Drive
3.3 GDP Growth and Balance of Payments, 1987–97
3.4 Capital Inflows and Outflows, 1990–97
4.1 Economic Growth, 1981–87
4.2 Economic Slowdown, 1988–89
4.3 Domestic Debt and Its Components as percentage of GNP, 1990–2000
B.1 Stylized Facts on Capital Inflows
B.2 The Impact of Capital Mobility on Social Classes
1 Introduction: Distribution Relations and Capital Mobility
Which Type of Capital Mobility?
Explaining Capital Account Liberalization
Currency Convertibility in Argentina
Capital Flows, Growth, and Distribution
Theories of Institutional Change
Distribution and Institutional Change
The Logic of the Comparative-Historical Analysis
Case Selection and Data Sources
2 Boom, Crash, Restraint: The Politics of Taming Capital Flows in Chile
Distributional Conflict and Neoliberal Economic Transformation
Financial Opening: Boom and Crash under Unrestricted Openness
The Reordering of Political and Economic Power
Recovery, Export Miracle, and its Political Consequences
Capital Mobility Restrained
3 Embracing Hot Money, Rejecting Cold Money in South Korea
Distribution, Finance, and Korean Development
The Historical Origins of the Developmental Alliance
The Developmental Alliance under Strain
The Politics of Embracing Hot Money
4 Premature Financial Opening and Boom-Bust Cycles in Turkey
Background: Distribution Relations and Recurring Balance of Payments Problems
External Liberalization
Unorthodox Liberalization, Uneven Growth, and the Restructuring of the State
1989: Capital Account Liberalization
Epilogue: Neoliberal Rent Distribution
5 Conclusion
Interests, Ideas, and Diffusion
Distribution Relations, Neoliberalism, and Institutional Change
Concluding Words
Appendix A: Distribution and Economic Growth
Appendix B: Capital Mobility and Social Interests
Appendix C: Perils of Capital Account Liberalization
Appendix D: Measuring Capital Account Openness
Appendix E: List of Interviewees