توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب از کارگاهی گرفته شده است که در سوئد برای بررسی پیامدهای زیست محیطی افزایش چشمگیر سطح دی اکسید کربن در جو در 50 سال گذشته و یافتن راه هایی برای کاهش انتشار گازهای گلخانه ای برگزار شده است. این رویکرد چند رشته ای خواندن آن را نه تنها برای شیمیدانان بلکه برای همه مهندسان، زیست شناسان و محیط بانان مرتبط با این موضوع بسیار مهم ضروری می کند.
فهرست مطالب :
About the Author, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Pages v-vii, Claire-Marie Pradier, Jan Paul
Introduction, Pages 3-4, Claire-Marie Pradier
CO2 Chemistry: An Option for CO2 Emission Control?, Pages 5-15, Baldur Eliasson
Challenges in CH4 + CO2 Reforming, Pages 16-22, K. Seshan, J.A. Lercher
The Thermodynamics of CO2 Conversion, Pages 23-30, Michael Schmidt
CO2 Activation on Transition Metal Surfaces, Pages 31-43, J. Wambach, H.-J. Freund
Activation and Reactions of CO2 on Rh Catalysts, Pages 44-54, F. Solymosi
Characterization of CO2 Adsorption and Reaction on Single Crystal Metal Surfaces, Pages 55-63, F.M. Hoffmann, M.D. Weisel, J.A.K. Paul
Selective Synthesis of Gaseous and Liquid Fuels from CO2, Pages 64-73, Tomoyuki Inui
Catalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Lower Alkanes, Pages 74-81, T. Hattori, S. Yamauchi, M. Endo, S. Komai, A. Satsuma, Y. Murakami
Transition Metal Catalysed Activation of Carbon Dioxide, Pages 82-92, E. Dinjus, W. Leitner
Effects of Compositional Changes of Cu/ZnO, Cu/Al2O3, and Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalysts on Methanol Synthesis from CO2 Hydrogenation, Pages 93-101, O.S. Joo, K.D. Jung, S.H. Han, S.J. Uhm
Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol over Palladium-promoted Cu/ZnO Catalysts, Pages 102-109, Y. Kanai, T. Watanabe, M. Saito
Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Hydrocarbons, Pages 110-116, Yoshie Souma, Hisanori Ando, Masahiro Fujiwara
Introduction, Pages 119-120, Roger C. Prince
Bacterial Autotrophic CO2 Fixation, Pages 121-127, Roger C. Prince
Interactions of Rubisco, Nature's Most Abundant Enzyme, with CO2, Pages 128-134, George H. Lorimer
Inorganic Carbon Fluxes in Lichens and their Photosynthesizing Partners, Pages 135-141, Kristin Palmqvist
Biological Uptake of CO2, Pages 142-149, R.H. Brown
Carbon Dioxide Fixation in Biology: Structure and Function of Ribulose Biphosphate Carboxylase/ Oxygenase (Rubisco), Pages 150-159, Gunter Schneider
How Carbonic Anhydrases Solve the Greenhouse Problem in the Mammalian Body, Pages 160-170, Susanna J. Dodgson
The Hydration of CO2 Catalysed by Carbonic Anhydrase, Pages 171-178, David N. Silverman
The Carbamate Reaction in the Mammalian Respiratory System, Pages 179-188, R.E. Forster
The Coprocessing of Fossil Fuels and Biomass for CO2 Emission Reduction in the Transportation Sector, Pages 189-199, Meyer Steinberg, Yuanji Dong, Robert H. Borgwardt
Introduction, Pages 203-204, Guido Sartori
Sterically-hindered Amines for Acid Gas Absorption, Pages 205-221, G. Sartori, W.S. Ho, W.A. Thaler, G.R. Chludzinski, J.C. Wilbur
Development of Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide Recovery Technology, Pages 222-235, T. Suda, M. Fujii, T. Miura, S. Shimojo, M. Iijima, S. Mitsuoka
Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Recovery from Power Plants, Pages 236-249, P.H.M. Feron
CO2-Zeolite Reactions for Gas Separations, Pages 250-260, L.V.C. Rees, J.A. Hampson
Concentration and Subsequent Methanation of Carbon Dioxide for Space and Environmental Applications, Pages 261-269, W. Jehle, Th. Staneff, B. Wagner, J. Steinwandel
Fundamental Study on CO2 Removal from the Flue Gas of Thermal Power Plant by Hollow-fiber Gas-Liquid Contactor, Pages 270-281, H. Matsumoto, T. Kamata, H. Kitamura, M. Ishibashi, H. Ohta, N. Nishikawa
Thermally-reversible Polymeric Sorbents for Acid Gases, Pages 282-289, A. Diaf, J. Garcia, E.J. Beckman
Introduction, Pages 293-294, David Dyrssen, David R. Turner
Transport Proteins for Calcium and Magnesium, Pages 295-300, R.J.P. Williams
Large Scale Oceanic Production of Calcium Carbonate: Coccolithophorids and Cyanobacteria, Pages 301-304, V.J. Fabry, L.L. Robbins
Anorthite Surface Speciation and Weathering Reactivity in Bicarbonate Solutions at 25°C, Pages 305-316, Astrid Berg, Steven Banwart
Uptake of Carbon Dioxide by the Oceans, Pages 317-328, D. Dyrssen, D.R. Turner
Disposing of CO2 in the Ocean, Pages 329-337, H.J. Herzog, J. Edmond
Extended CO2 Phase Analysis: Clathrates, Hydrates, Pages 338-347, H. Noda, A. Saji, M. Sakai, T. Tanii, T. Kamata, H. Kitamura
Deep Sea CO2 Sequestration, Pages 348-360, Y. Shindo, Y. Fujioka, K. Takeuchi, T. Hakuta, H. Komiyama
Introduction, Pages 363-364, Jan Paul
An Overview of Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction, Pages 365-374, W.M. Ayers
Photon Assisted Reduction of CO2, Pages 375-387, K. Ravindranathan Thampi, A.J. McEvoy, M. Grätzel
Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction, Pages 388-395, Kazuhito Hashimoto, Akira Fujishima
Carbon Dioxide as both Solvent and Monomer in Copolymerizations, Pages 396-401, M.S. Super, K.L. Parks, E.J. Beckman
Subject Index, Pages 402-405
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book derives from a workshop held in Sweden to examine the environmental implications of the dramatic increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in the last 50 years and to find ways of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This multi-disciplinary approach makes it essential reading not only for chemists but for all engineers, biologists and environmentalists concerned with this crucially important issue