فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Dedication, Page v, Mats Brittberg, Wayne Gersoff
Contributors, Pages vii-viii, Jens D. Agneskirchner, Peter Behrens, J.P. Benthien, James Bicos, Brice W. Blatz, Jason Boyer, Mats Brittberg, Peter U. Brucker, William Bugbee, Sebastian Concaro, Marco Delcogliano, Stephen J. Duguay, Jack Farr, Wayne K. Gersoff, Karen Hambly, László Hangody, László Rudolf Hangody, Marcus Head, Andreas B. Imhoff, Gregory C. Janes, et al.
Preface, Page ix, Mats Brittberg, Wayne Gersoff
Chapter 1 - Cartilage Morphology, Pages 1-8, Mats Brittberg
Chapter 2 - Patient Evaluation and Treatment Algorithms, Pages 9-18, Marco Delcogliano, Jason Boyer, Bert R. Mandelbaum
Chapter 3 - Debridement of the Injured Cartilage, Pages 19-25, Mats Brittberg
Chapter 4A - Bone Marrow Stimulating Techniques: Drilling, Abrasion Arthroplasty, and Microfracture, Pages 27-32, Wayne Gersoff
Chapter 4B - Bone Marrow Stimulating Techniques: Carbon Fiber Resurfacing, Pages 33-41, Mats Brittberg
Chapter 4C - Bone Marrow Stimulating Techniques: Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC), Pages 43-49, Peter Behrens, J.P. Benthien
Chapter 4D - Bone Marrow Stimulating Techniques: TRUFIT Plugs, Pages 51-65, Tim. Spalding
Chapter 5 - Osteochondral Mosaicplasty, Pages 67-82, László Hangod, Gábor Vásárhelyi, László Rudolf Hangody
Chapter 6 - Mega-OATS, Pages 83-94, Peter U. Brucker, Jochen Paul, Andreas B. Imhoff
Chapter 7 - Osteochondral Allografts, Pages 95-108, William Bugbee
Chapter 8 - Fixation of Osteochondral Fragments, Pages 109-120, William Bugbee, Brice W. Blatz, Bert R. Mandelbaum
Chapter 9A - Cartilage Biopsy Handling, Pages 121-130, Anders Lindahl, Sebastian Concaro
Chapter 9B - Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: Quality Assurance of Cells for Chondrogenic Implantation, Pages 131-138, Stephen J. Duguay
Chapter 9C - Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: ACI First and Second Generation, Pages 139-146, Mats Brittberg
Chapter 9D - Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: Transarthroscopic Implantation of Hyalograft (Hyaff 11) with Autologous Chondrocytes, Pages 147-160, Mats Brittberg, Sebastian Concaro
Chapter 9E - Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: Matrix-Induced Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (MACI), Pages 161-173, David Wood, Gregory C. Janes
Chapter 10 - Allograft Particulate Cartilage Transplantation:: DeNovo Natural Tissue (NT) Graft, Pages 175-180, Jack Farr
Chapter 11 - Cartilage Fragment Implantation, Pages 181-191, Mats Brittberg
Chapter 12 - Unloading Osteotomies: Effect on Cartilage and Cartilage Repair, Pages 193-210, Jens D. Agneskirchner, Alex E. Staubli, Philipp Lobenhoffer
Chapter 13 - Unloading the Patellofemoral Joint for Cartilage Lesions, Pages 211-231, James Bicos
Chapter 14 - Meniscal Allografts, Cartilage Repair, and Concomitant Procedures, Pages 233-261, Wayne Gersoff
Chapter 15 - Bone Grafting around an Articular Joint, Pages 263-271, Marcus Head, James B. Richardson
Chapter 16 - Postoperative Cartilage Repair Rehabilitation, Pages 273-290, Holly J. Silvers, Karen Hambly
Index, Pages 291-302