Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: Proceedings of the 158th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Keele, United Kingdom, June 26–30, 1995

دانلود کتاب Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: Proceedings of the 158th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Keele, United Kingdom, June 26–30, 1995

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کتاب متغیرهای کاتالیسمیک و اشیای مرتبط: مجموعه مقالات پانزده و هشتمین کنفرانس اتحادیه بین المللی نجوم، که در کیل، بریتانیا، 26 تا 30 ژوئن 1995 برگزار شد. نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب متغیرهای کاتالیسمیک و اشیای مرتبط: مجموعه مقالات پانزده و هشتمین کنفرانس اتحادیه بین المللی نجوم، که در کیل، بریتانیا، 26 تا 30 ژوئن 1995 برگزار شد. بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: Proceedings of the 158th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Keele, United Kingdom, June 26–30, 1995

نام کتاب : Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: Proceedings of the 158th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Held at Keele, United Kingdom, June 26–30, 1995
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : متغیرهای کاتالیسمیک و اشیای مرتبط: مجموعه مقالات پانزده و هشتمین کنفرانس اتحادیه بین المللی نجوم، که در کیل، بریتانیا، 26 تا 30 ژوئن 1995 برگزار شد.
سری : Astrophysics and Space Science Library 208
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : Springer Netherlands
سال نشر : 1996
تعداد صفحات : 490
ISBN (شابک) : 9789401066327 , 9789400903258
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 11 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

در سال 1993 ما شروع به بررسی امکان برگزاری کنفرانسی در مورد متغیرهای کاتاسمیک (CVs) در دانشگاه کیل کردیم. اخیراً جلسات متعددی در زمینه رزومه ها برگزار شده است (به عنوان مثال، ایلات، آبانو-پادووا، کیپ تاون). با این حال، همانطور که آماده سازی برای جلسه Keele پیشرفت می کرد، متوجه شدیم که، در حالی که تعدادی از جلسات IAU به موضوعات مرتبط و پیرامونی اختصاص یافته بود (مانند IAU Coloquium 122 در کلاسیک Novae در سال 1989، IAU Colloquium 129 در مورد Acretion Disks در سال 1990). برای چندین سال هیچ کنفرانسی با حمایت IAU در زمینه cataclysmi/: متغیرها (CVs) برگزار نشده بود. بنابراین ما احساس کردیم که زمان آن فرا رسیده است که یک جلسه IAU برای رای دادن به بررسی اجمالی رزومه ها و موضوعات مرتبط باشد و SOC کنفرانس را به گونه ای سازماندهی کرد که بر بررسی های دعوت شده از جدیدترین پیشرفت ها در این زمینه تاکید شود. کنفرانس CVها و LMXBها و روابط متقابل بین آنها را پوشش داد. این نشست در زمانی برگزار شد که رصدخانه های ماهواره ای قدرتمند و پیشرفت های سریع در ابزار دقیق زمینی، منجر به پیشرفت های زیادی در تحقیقات CV و LMXB شده بود. این کنفرانس یک انجمن برای بررسی مشاهدات ASCA، EUVE، ROSAT، Ginga و HST که اخیراً بازسازی شده است، فراهم کرد. مشاهدات متریک عکس، طیف‌سنجی و پلاریمتری CVs و LMXBs نور جدیدی را بر توزیع ماده و ماهیت اجزای ستاره‌ای در این سیستم‌ها پرتاب کرده است.

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter....Pages i-xvi
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
The Nova-Like Variables....Pages 3-12
The Nova-Likes Ac Cnc, Rw Tri, Ux Uma and the Nova Dq Her: Common and Different Properties....Pages 13-14
Temperature Structure of the Disk in V1315 Aql....Pages 15-16
Spectrally Resolved Maps of Optically Thick Accretion Disks....Pages 17-20
Roche Tomography of the Cool Star in IP Peg....Pages 21-24
Applications of Indirect Accretion Disc Imaging to Orbital Solutions for Primary Stars....Pages 25-26
Distances and Absolute Magnitudes of a Sample of Faint Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 27-28
Studies in Flickering....Pages 29-32
Decomposing Interacting Binary Light Curves: The Eclipses of the Mean Light, Secular Variability and Flickering in Rw Tri....Pages 33-34
The Place of Origin of the Flickering in Z Cha....Pages 35-36
TT Ari-94: A Study of 1.6...60 Minute Variability....Pages 37-40
Time Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of V795 Her....Pages 41-42
HST UV Observations of the Disk and Wind of V795 Her....Pages 43-44
Dwarf Nova Outbursts and Superoutbursts....Pages 45-54
IUE and Optical Spectra Of RZ LMi and ER UMa Throughout their 19 and 43 Day Cycles....Pages 55-58
New Observational Frontiers of Er Uma (= PG 0943+521) Type Dwarf Novae....Pages 59-60
Superhumps in the SU UMa Star AK CNC....Pages 61-62
Outburst Activity Data on Selected Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 63-64
Eclipse Observations of IP Peg During Outburst....Pages 65-70
Slingshot Prominences During Dwarf Nova Outbursts?....Pages 71-72
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Results of Optical Monitoring of the Dwarf Nova SS Cyg During the 1993 Campaign of Coordinated Observations with the Asca Satellite....Pages 73-74
The Long Period Dwarf Nova Uy Pup in Outburst....Pages 75-76
Observation of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova AL Com....Pages 77-78
Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of Dwarf Novae Systems at Quiescence and in Outburst....Pages 79-80
Is there Observational Evidence for theEvaporation of the Inner Accretion Disk in Dwarf Novae at Quiescence?....Pages 81-84
The Temperatures of White Dwarfs in Dwarf Novae....Pages 85-86
Line Formation in U Gem and T Leo....Pages 87-88
Population Studies of Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 89-92
Spectrophotometry Of 106 To-Be-Confirmed CVs....Pages 93-94
Front Matter....Pages 95-95
Accretion Disc Viscosity....Pages 97-106
Dynamo Driven Accretion Discs and Dwarf Nova Eruptions....Pages 107-108
On the Turbulent Viscosity Prescription in Accretion Discs....Pages 109-110
The Rise and Fall of α-Model Viscosity....Pages 111-114
SPH Simulations of Tidally Unstable Accretion Disks....Pages 115-116
Inner Edge Drag by an Asynchronous Primary and Accretion Disc Structure In Close Binaries....Pages 117-118
Synthetic Spectra For Accretion Discs: The UV Absorption Spectrum....Pages 119-122
A Quantitative Study of Limb Darkening In Accretion Disks....Pages 123-124
Physical Parameter Mapping Of Accretion Disks....Pages 125-126
Thermal-Tidal Instability Model Of Dwarf Novae Below The Period Gap: A Unification Theory....Pages 127-130
Non Circular Disks in AM CVn Systems?....Pages 131-132
Front Matter....Pages 95-95
Model Spectra for the Helium Cataclysmic Variable: AM CVn....Pages 133-134
Disk Instabilities in the Black Hole Binaries....Pages 135-138
The Accretion Disk Model for the First Hundred Days of the Outburst Evolution in the Black Hole X-Ray Novae....Pages 139-140
Front Matter....Pages 141-141
The Intermediate Polars....Pages 143-152
Mass and Angular Momentum Flows in Magnetic CVs....Pages 153-160
Accretion Disc Formation in Intermediate Polars....Pages 161-164
The Flares of AE Aqr....Pages 165-166
Triggering the Radio Emission from AE Aqr....Pages 167-168
HST FOS Observations of YY Dra....Pages 169-172
The 71-Second Oscillation of DQ Her at 2180 Å....Pages 173-176
Spin-Resolved Hα Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Intermediate Polar RXJ0558+5353....Pages 177-178
Rotational Disturbance in BG CMi....Pages 179-180
Simultaneous Ubvrijk Photometric and Polarimetric Observations of PQ Gem....Pages 181-182
The Magnetic Field of the Intermediate Polar RE0751+14....Pages 183-183
On the Long-Term Light Curve Behaviour of the Intermediate Polar TX Col....Pages 185-186
Front Matter....Pages 187-187
Magnetic Fields and Accretion Streams in Polars....Pages 189-198
Radiation Hydrodynamics of Accreting Magnetic White Dwarfs....Pages 199-202
Magnetic Fields In AM Her Binaries....Pages 203-204
The Hard X-Ray Spectra of EF ERI and Other CVS....Pages 205-208
Different Types of Photometric and Polarimetric Behaviour of Am Her in 1989–1994....Pages 209-210
Front Matter....Pages 187-187
Soft X-Ray Flickering of Am Her....Pages 211-212
X-Ray and Optical Observations of by CAM....Pages 213-214
Asynchronous Rotation in by CAM:Its Got a Good Beat and you can Dance to it (Very Slowly)....Pages 215-216
QPOS of by CAM in Low and High States....Pages 217-218
Long-Term Brightness Changes of Two CVS....Pages 219-220
Optical Flickering and Shot Noise in AM Her Systems....Pages 221-222
High Speed UV Photometry of the AM Her Systems Am Her, VV Pup and V834 Cen, with the Hubble Space Telescope....Pages 223-224
Recent Progress on the Polar QS Tel: The HST Results....Pages 225-226
QQ Vul Revisited....Pages 227-228
Rx J1015.5+0904: A New Polar at the Lower Period Limit....Pages 229-230
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Far Ultraviolet Observations of Dwarf Novae made with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope....Pages 233-241
EUVE Observations of VW Hyi in Superoutburst....Pages 243-246
The Possible Contribution from the Accretion Disk during the Quiescence of VW Hyi....Pages 247-248
Preliminary Analysis of a Hubble FOS Spectrum of VW Hyi in Quiescence: A DAZQ White Dwarf and Accretion Belt/Ring....Pages 249-250
VW Hyi: A Rapidly Cooling White Dwarf?....Pages 251-252
Accretion Disk Winds in Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 253-256
The Transient EUV Sky as Observed by Alexis....Pages 257-258
ASCA Observations of Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 259-268
An ASCA observation of the Eclipsing Dwarf Nova HT CAS....Pages 269-272
ROSAT Observations of Non-Magnetic CVS....Pages 273-276
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
COMPTEL Observations of X-Ray Binaries....Pages 277-278
Front Matter....Pages 279-279
Classical Nova Evolution: Clues from Soft X-ray Emission....Pages 281-287
The ROSAT Observations of Classical Novae....Pages 289-289
Observations of NOVAE in M51, M87, and M101: A Preliminary Report....Pages 291-294
Are NOVAE Standard Candles?....Pages 295-298
TNR on Top of Accreting WDS: 2-D Simulations....Pages 299-300
Nova Ejecta Abundances Resulting from Multi-Cycle Evolutionary Calculations....Pages 301-302
The Gamma-Ray Spectrum of Classical Novae....Pages 303-304
The nature of GQ Mus as depicted from photoionization models of the shell....Pages 305-306
Nova Outbursts on Rotating Oblate White Dwarfs....Pages 307-308
Optical Imaging of Old Nova Shells....Pages 309-312
Shaping of Nova Shells by Binary Motion....Pages 313-314
Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry of Classical Novae in Outburst: Evidence for Aspherical Ejecta....Pages 315-316
A Unified Model for the Radio and Optical Images and Spectra of Nova V1974 Cyg 1992....Pages 317-320
V1974 Cyg (Nova Cyg 1992) - A Possible Link to SU UMa Stars....Pages 321-322
UBV Photometry of V705 Cas (Nova Cas 1993) During the First Year of the Outburst....Pages 323-324
Infrared Spectroscopy of Nova V705 Cas....Pages 325-326
Detection of the Irradiated Red Dwarf in WY Sge (Nova 1783)....Pages 327-328
The Spectrum of the Old Nova V603 Aql Observed with the HST....Pages 329-330
A New Type of Asymmetric Outflow in the Recurrent Nova RS OPH in Quiescence....Pages 331-332
Front Matter....Pages 279-279
V1016 Cyg: Proper Motion of Radio Emission....Pages 333-334
Evolution of an Accretion Disk in the Symbiotic Binary CI Cyg....Pages 335-338
The Peculiar Symbiotic Star CH Cyg — A Bright Counterpart of Cataclysmic variables?....Pages 339-340
Possible Periodic Components in the Flickering of CH Cyg and MWC 560....Pages 341-342
A Close look at the Outburst of the Very Slow Symbiotic Nova PU Vul — A Triple System....Pages 343-344
A Unique Symbiotic-Like/Cataclysmic Triple Star 4 Dra (=CQ DRA): Six Years of UBV Monitoring....Pages 345-346
Front Matter....Pages 347-347
Observations of Low Mass X-ray Binaries....Pages 349-358
Generation of X-ray Fluctuations in X-ray Binaries....Pages 359-362
Cyg X-2: its Recurrent X-ray Behaviour....Pages 363-364
The Orbital Period of the Galactic Z Source Sco X-2....Pages 365-366
Optical Counterpart of the LMXB GX 13+1....Pages 367-368
Detection of the Secondary Star in X1822-371....Pages 369-370
Radio Emitting X-ray Binary Stars....Pages 371-374
MERLIN Observations of Extended Emission Around GRS....Pages 375-376
Accretion Disk Dynamics of Her X-l....Pages 377-380
An Archival Study of HST Observations of Her X-l/HZ Her....Pages 381-382
The 35 day cycle of Her X-l....Pages 383-384
Models of soft X-ray transients and dwarf novae....Pages 385-394
Doppler imaging of V404 Cyg in Quiescence....Pages 395-398
The X-ray Nova GRO J0422+32 in Decline and Quiescence....Pages 399-400
Front Matter....Pages 347-347
Investigation Of The Optical Variability Of GRO J0422+32....Pages 401-402
Investigation of the Optical Variability of Relativistic Objects with High Time Resolution....Pages 403-404
Front Matter....Pages 405-405
Accreting white dwarfs and Type Ia supernovae....Pages 407-415
A Model for the Galactic Population of Supersoft X-ray Sources....Pages 417-420
The Period Distribution of Supersoft Sources....Pages 421-422
ROSAT and Optical Observations of Supersoft X-ray Sources....Pages 423-424
Visual Light from the Eclipsing Supersoft X-ray Source CAL 87....Pages 425-426
The Supersoft Source RXJ0019.8+2156: New Photoelectric Observations....Pages 427-428
The Supersoft X-ray Source RXJ0537.6-7033....Pages 429-429
Front Matter....Pages 431-431
Understanding the Long-term Evolution of CVs and LMXBs: Principles and Problems....Pages 433-442
Simulations of Angular Momentum Evolution in Wind-fed CV Precursors....Pages 443-444
A core-envelope decoupling dynamo model for Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 445-446
Nova outbursts and the secular evolution of cataclysmic variables....Pages 447-448
Secular Evolution of Cataclysmic Variables with Irradiation-Induced Mass Transfer....Pages 449-452
From Common Envelope to Pre-Cataclysmic Variables: An Observational Test of Common Envelope Evolution....Pages 453-456
The 12 C/ 13 C Ratio as a Tracer of the Evolution of Post Common Envelope Systems and Cataclysmic Variables....Pages 457-458
Evolutionary Scenarios for Double Degenerate Systems....Pages 459-460
On the Origin of the Abundance Anomalies in IK Peg....Pages 461-462
The Extended Dust Emission Around GK Per....Pages 463-464
Low Mass White Dwarfs in Binaries....Pages 465-468
Front Matter....Pages 431-431
Hot Subdwarfs in Binaries: Multiwavelength Observations and Evolutionary Implications....Pages 469-470
The Eclipses of the Close Binary star BE UMa....Pages 471-472
An Evolutionary Scenario for Short Period (≤10 days) millisecond binary Pulsars....Pages 473-474
On the Orbital Period Distribution of Recycled Pulsars....Pages 475-476
Front Matter....Pages 477-477
Keele Cataclysmic Commentary....Pages 479-482
Back Matter....Pages 483-490

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

In 1993 we began to consider the possibility of holding a conference on Catacysmic Variables (CVs) at Keele University. There have been several meetings in the area of CVs recently (e. g. Eilat, Abano-Padova, Capetown). However as preparations for the Keele meeting progressed we realized that, while there had been a number of IAU meetings devoted to related and to peripheral topics (such as IAU Colloquium 122 on Classical Novae in 1989, IAU Colloquium 129 on Accretion Disks in 1990), there had been no IAU-sponsored conferences in the area of cataclysmi/: variables (CVs) for a number of years. We felt therefore that the time was ripe to have an IAU meeting de­ voted to an overview of CVs and related objects and the SOC organized the conference such that there was an emphasis on invited reviews of the most recent advances in the field. The conference covered both CVs and LMXBs and the inter-relations between them. The meeting was held at a time when powerful satellite observatories, and rapid improvements in ground based instrumentation, had led to many advances in both CV and LMXB research. The conference provided a forum to review observations from ASCA, EUVE, ROSAT, Ginga and the recently-refurbished HST. Photo­ metric, spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of CVs and LMXBs have thrown new light on the distribution of matter and the nature of the stellar components in these systems.

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