فهرست مطالب :
Content: Values for 21st century global citizensMoral and citizenship education in 21st century: The role of parents and the community W. VeugelersHow to control hate speech and hoaxes: Character language for character citizens J. JumantoCan students develop self-regulated learning through worked examples? S. Nurhayati, E. Retnowati & Y.A. AlzuhdyPresenting Indonesian character in English language teaching materials: Is it possible? S. SudartiniQuestioning western character hegemony in Indonesian aesthetics books K. KasiyanConstructing global citizenship: Kindergarten and primary schoolteachers' understanding of globalization and education H. Yulindrasari & S. SusilowatiThe seafarers' characters standard for international shipping industry W. Pratama, P. Pardjono & H. Sofyan Preparing teachers for integrated values educationThe importance of Halal education in forming the civilized and exemplary global citizen B. KartikaOnline learning as an innovative model of Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) in the digital era: A literature review W. Wuryaningsih, M. Darwin, D.H. Susilastuti & A.C. PierewanThe practice of early childhood musicality education in Germany L. KurniawatiConstraints on the physics practicum for visually impaired students in inclusive junior high schools J. Arlinwibowo, H. Retnawati & R.G. PradaniTeachers' intention to implement instructional innovation: Do attitudes matter? B. BasikinThe determinants of supervision success for the improvement of educators' professionalism in the era of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Community (AEC) S. SlametoTeacher competency to design and evaluate the craft and entrepreneurship learning based on the Indonesian national curriculum E. Mulyani, A. Widiastuti & T. NursetoChances for the Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) based recruitment of human resources in the industries and professions as productive teachers of Vocational High Schools (VHS) B. Kartowagiran, A. Jaedun, H. Retnawati & F. Musyadad Teacher professional development for enhancing character educationCharacter-based reflective picture storybook: Improving students' social self-concept in elementary school A. Mustadi, S. Suhardi, E.S. Susilaningrum, R. Ummah, P.E. Wijayanti & M. PurwatiningtyasPerception of pre-service SM3T teachers of access, participation and control: A gender analysis W. Setyaningrum, L. Nurhayati & K. KomariahTeacher's understanding of gaining children's consent in the research process: A phenomenology approach L. Lutfatulatifah, V. Adriany & E. KurniatiThe improvement of independent learning through the use of a virtual laboratory in chemistry hybrid learning J. Ikhsan, K.H. Sugiyarto & D.T. KurniaBeing professional or humanistic? Teachers' character dilemmas and the challenge of whether or not to help their students A. Suryani, S. Soedarso, Z. Muhibbin & U. AriefDeveloping picture storybook based on scientific approach through inquiry method N. Hidayatunnisa & Z.K. PrasetyoHigher order of thinking skill in chemistry: Is it a character education? S. Handayani & E. RetnowatiNeed analysis for developing a training model for Office Administration Vocational School teachers M. Muhyadi, S. Sutirman & Rr.C.S.D. KusumaDeveloping a picture storybook based on the scientific approach through project-based learning L.Y. Nawangsih & Z.K. PrasetyoThe social competence of in-service teacher at inside and outside school communities S.I. IndrianiBuilding the nation through the evaluation of the curriculum for teacher education R. RosidahIntegrating values in EFL teaching: The voice of student teachers A. AshadiPancasila education system and religious skills S. RochmatThe prevention strategies needed to avoid the negative impacts of using social media and a humanistic approach to character education S. NurhayatiFinancial well-being among college students: The role of financial literacy and financial coping behavior R.C. Sari, D. Priantinah & M.N. AisyahBuilding professional characters based on a teacher's understanding of professionalism R.E. Kusmaryani, J.R. Siregar, H. Widjaja & R. Jatnika Curriculum syllabus lesson plan learning materials development for integrated values educationCreative problem solving for improving students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and characters E. Apino & H. RetnawatiAs linguistics is separated from the literary domain: Questioning the blurred portrait of English language instruction in Indonesian senior high schools S. Sugirin, K. Kasiyan & S. SudartiniDeveloping a picture storybook based on a scientific approach through a problem-based learning method C. Setyaningrum & H. RasyidDevelopment of Indonesian national qualification framework based instruments for a custom-made fashion competence test in universities E. Budiastuti & W. Widihastuti Developing learning activities tasks strategies for character educationStudy of Indonesian national culture from the civil engineering students' perspective P.F. KamingThe impact of cooperative blended learning on higher order thinking skills using a mobile application D. Sulisworo, M. Mutammimah & P. ParwitiTembang macapat lyrics-based character education learning materials for secondary school students D.B.P. Setiyadi & P. HaryonoDo ethics education and religious environment mitigate creative accounting? R.C. Sari, M. Sholihin & D. RatmonoEnhancing the character of students' responsibility through context-based chemistry learning in vocational high school A. Wiyarsi, H. Pratomo & E. PriyambodoThe embedded values of the electronic textbook of Indonesia for primary school students T. Subekti, K. Saddhono & K.L. MerinaThe use of visual cues instruction in school to develop children's discipline and self-reliance A. Listiana & A.I. PratiwiHow undergraduate students of mathematics education perform microteaching with the topic of the incircle and the area of a triangle for grade VIII M. Marsigit, H. Retnawati & R.K. NingrumMastering 21st-century skills through humanistic mathematics learning D.B. WidjajantiFactors influencing students' performance in solving international mathematics tests A. Hamidy & J. JailaniCultural values-integrated mathematical learning model to develop HOTS and character values H. Djidu & H. RetnawatiInstilling character values through a local wisdom-based school culture: An Indonesian case study S. Madya & I. IshartiwiDeveloping an Android application as a medium for mathematics learning and character forming: Needs assessment N. Fitrokhoerani & H. RetnawatiThe teaching of morality through musical elements based on learning models of the Netherlands and Indonesia K.S. Astuti & A. WidyantoroA model for development of extracurricular activity-based civic intelligence in primary schools M. MasrukhiIndividual student planning: Counselors' strategies for development of academic success in middle-school students A.R. Kumara, C.P. Bhakti, B. Astuti & SuwardjoIntegration of Javanese characters and chemistry concepts on developing TOKIJO as chemical literacy learning media S. Purtadi, D. Dina & R.L.P. SariA needs assessment for development of a learning set to improve students' higher-order thinking skills and self-confidence E. Kurnianingsih & H. RetnawatiStudents' character learning through internalization of character values from wayang figures B. NurgiyantoroDeveloping young children's characters using project-based learning O. Setiasih, E. Syaodih & N.F. RomadonaCultivating character in junior high school students through the subject of Islamic religious education M. MarzukiRevitalization of Banyumas traditional games as media for instilling character S. Yulisetiani & T. TriantonRole models in language acquisition and character education S. SugirinDeveloping social care and hard work characteristics through a service learning program: A case study of a natural resource management course I.Y. Listyarini & L.D. HandoyoDesign of a learning environment for children's basic character development R. Mariyana, A. Listiana & B. ZamanThe effect of science fair integrated with project-based learning on creativity and communication skills I.D. Tantri & N. AznamWater safety as preventive action and for child character behavior development in aquatic learning E. SusantoThe implementation of integrity values in the elementary schools: Problems and potential solutions S. Rahmadonna, Suyantiningsih & R.A. WibowoIntellectual character in the learning of musical interpretation as an enhancement of 21st-century skills A.N. MachfauziaFostering students' character of patriotism and critical thinking skills R. Yo, N. Sudibjo & A. SantosoImproving character education through industrial ethics using a model of private sector cooperation M. Khairudin, K.I. Ismara & S. SoehartoAn exercise model to develop the biomotor ability of endurance in teenage martial arts athletes N.A. Rahman & S. SiswantoyoImplementation of a work-based learning model to improve work attitudes and learning achievements of students in vocational education D. Rahdiyanta & A. AsnawiCulture-based character education in a national character education course D. KumalasariDeveloping the culture of quality in learning: A case study in Indonesia A. GhufronCharacter education in Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks: Does it still exist? S.D. AmaliaProfile of student character on discipline behavior and cleanliness culture in higher education M. MutaqinThe implementation of a local wisdom-based character education model in primary schools in Bantul, Yogyakarta R. Rukiyati, L. Hendrowibowo & M. MurtamadjiThe strengthening of multicultural values within civic learning: How do teachers make it work? S. Samsuri & S. SuharnoCharacter education through innovative literary learning using film-based teaching material F. Nugrahani & A.I. Alma'ruf Assessing student's character development (Values acquisition assessment)Development of the psychosocial skills scale and its relationship with the negative emotional states of elementary school children S. Nopembri & Y. SugiyamaDeveloping assessment instruments of communication skills for vocational school students S. SurantoThe implementation of affective domain assessment in elementary school H. Sujati Creating managing conducive school culture to character educationEmotional analysis of student drawings of the human figure as an indicator of intelligence D.A. FebriyantiDo demographics really affect lecturer performance? S. SukirnoThe meaning of cleverness: Elementary school students' perspectives A. Listiara & D. RusmawatiChallenges in developing character education at a "risk school" in Yogyakarta, Indonesia A. EfianingrumDevelopment of a physics test for 10th graders based on Marzano's higher-order thinking skills E. Ermansah & E. Istiyono