فهرست مطالب :
Acknowledgments & Thanks
Style Sheet (SS)
SS.l Hanyu Pinyin Orthography
SS.2 Exceptions in the Manual to Pinyin Rules
55.3 Chinese & Japanese Characters
55.4 Formatting Chinese Sl English Text
55.5 Dynasties & Historical Periods
55.6 Names of Rulers
SS.7 Dates of Birth & Death
SS.S Calendar Dates
SS.9 Cross References
SS. 10 Citations
SS.12 Transcriptions of Neighboring Languages
A. 1.1 The Three Ages of Antiquity
A. 1.2 Ancient, Medieval, Modern
A. 1.3 Redline Theory
A. 1.4 Conclusions
A.2 Dynasties
A.2.1 Dynastic Tables
A.2.2 Naming the Dynasties
A.2.3 Sets of Dynasties
A.2.4 Dating the Dynasties
A.2.5 The Dynastic Cycle
A.2.6 Legitimate Succession
A.3 Absolute Dates
A.3.1 Absolute Year Dates
A.3.2 Absolute Day Dates
A.3.3 Raising Antiquity
A.4 Long Periods Of Time
A-5 Grade-School History
A.6 European Chronologies
A. 7 Dynasties of Japan, Korea Sl Vietnam
Book 1. Language
1 History of the Chinese Language
1*1 Introduction
1.1.1 Old Chinese
1.1.2 Middle Chinese
1.1.3 Early Modern Chinese
1.1.4 Modem Chinese
1.2 Pronunciation, Tones & Rhymes
1.2.1 Indicating the Pronunciation
1.2.2 Identifying the Tones
1.2.3 Classifying the Rhymes
1.3 Dialects
1A Chinese as a Global Language?
2 Script & Calligraphy
2.1 Words, Syllables, Characters
2.2 Evolution of Script Forms
2,3.1 Signifies
2.3.2 Phonetics
2.3.3 Basic Components (万部件)
2 A Types of Characters
2.5 The Number of Characters
2.6 Learning the Characters Today
2.7 Word Families
2.8 Studying Classical Sl Ancient Scripts
2.8.1 Classical Chinese
2.8.2 Epigraphy Ä Paleography
2.8.3 Ancient Scripts
2.9 Variant Characters
2.9.1 Graphic Variants
2.9.2 Wrong Characters & Misprints
2.9.3 Correct Non-Standard Characters
2.9.4 Return of Full-Form Characters
2.9.5 Borrowed Characters
2.9.6 Ancient 6l Modern Characters
2.9.7 Different Pronunciations
2.9.8 Dialect Characters
2,9.9 Womens Script
2.10 Calligraphy
3 Translation from Chinese
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Personal Names
3.1.2 Institutions & Official Titles
3.1.3 Era Names
3.1.4 Toponyms
3.1.5 Book & Chapter Titles
3.1.6 Philosophical, Medical &l Scientific Terms
3.1.7 Comparing Translations
3.1.8 Bibliographies of Translations
3.1.9 Journals of Translation Studies
3.1.10 Readings
3.2 Borrowings from Chinese
3.2.1 Japanese
3.2.2 Korean
3.2.3 Vietnamese
3.2*4 English
4 Transcription of Chinese
4.1 Introduction
4*2 Systems Based on Nanjing Mandarin
4,3 Systems Based on Beijing Mandarin
4A Hanyu Pinyin & Its Antecedents
5 Translation into Chinese
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Buddhist Translations
5.1.2 Lack of Interest in Foreign Cultures
5.1,3 Government Interpreters
5.1.4 Bilingual Glossaries
5.1.5 Second Translation Boom
5.1.6 Bibliographies of Translations
5.1.7 Readings
5.2 Chinese Borrowings
5.2.1 Overview & Types
5.2.2 Pre-Qin
5.2.3 Han-Yuan
5.2.4 From Europe
5.2.5 Nineteenth-Century Borrowings
5.2,6 Via Japanese (1898-1911)
5.2.7 Recent Trends
5.2.8 Readings
5-3 Pidgin English
6 Dictionaries
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Types of Dictionaries
6.1.2 Arranging the Characters
6.1,3 Etymology
6.1.4 An Ideal Chinese Dictionary
6*2 Dictionaries of Classical Chinese
6.2.1 Ancient Dictionaries of Classical Chinese
6.2.2 Modern Dictionaries of Classical Chinese
6.3 Dictionaries of Modern Chinese
6.3.1 字典
6.3.2 Dictionaries of Words & Phrases
6.4 Comprehensive Dictionaries
6.4.3 Pa/ZTa/Ha/i仅大漢和辭典
6.5 Dialect Dictionaries
6.6 Special-Purpose Dictionaries
6.7 Dictionaries of Japanese
Book 2. People
7 Family & Kin
7A Introduction
7.1.1 Historical Overview
7.1.2 Genealogy
7.1.3 Key Kin Terms
7.2 Relationship Terminology
7.2.1 Descriptive Relationship Terminology
7.2.2 Collateral & Generational Indicators
7.3 Addressing or Referring to Relatives
7.4 Fictive Use of Relationship Terms
7.5 Relationship Terms: Sources
7.6 Non-Kin Terms of Address
7.6.1 Polite Forms of Address
7.6.2 Self-Depreciatory Expressions
7.6.3 Derogatory Terms of Address
7.6.4 Greetings on Meeting Someone
7.7 Nonverbal Salutations
7.7.1 Overview
7.7.2 Genuflections Sl Obeisances
7.7.3 Hand Salutations
7.7.4 Left & Right
7.8 Family Instructions, Wills, Testaments
7.8.1 Family Instructions
7.8.2 Wills & Last Testaments
8 Personal Names
8.1 Historical Stages: Overview
8.1.1 Family Names Extended to All
8.1.2 A New Type of Given Name
8.1.3 New Birth-Order Names
8.1.4 Simplification
8,2 Clan, Lineage & Family Names
8.2.1 Clan À Lineage Names
8.2.2 Family Names
8.2.3 Imperial Name Bestowals
8-3 Given Names
8.3.1 Summary
8.3.2 Pre-Qin Given Names
8.3.3 Han Dynasty Given Names
8,3.5 Tang Given Names
8.3.6 Five Dynasties Sl Song
8.3.7 Ming Given Names
8.3.8 Late Qing  Early Republic Given Names
8.4 Commoners\'Given Names
8.4.1 Given Names of Han Soldiers
8.4.2 Commoners in Fourth-Century Changsha
8.4.3 Names of Commoners at Dunhuang
8.4.4 Commoners* Number Names in the Song
8.4.5 Upgrading Names
8.5 Selecting a Given Name
8.6 Childhood Names
8.6.1 Apotropaic Childhood Names
8.6.2 Pseudo Foster Names
8.7 Ranking Names
8.7.1 Birth-Order Ranking
8.7.2 Generation Ranking
8.7.3 Wealth Ranking
8.8 Courtesy Names
8-9 Alternative Names
8.9.1 Self-Chosen Alternative Names (1)
8.9.2 Sources for Self-Chosen Alternative Names (1)
8.9.3 Self-Chosen Alternative Names (2)
8.11 Office Names & Other Forms of Address
8.12 Illegitimate or Adopted Children
8.13 Name Taboos
8.13.1 Taboo on Using Certain Words in Names
8.13.2 Taboo on Certain Names
8.13.3 Relaxation of Name Taboos
8.14 Many People, Few Names
8.15.1 Early Onomastic Research
8.15.2 Modern Surveys
8.15.3 Bibliography
8.15.4 Indexes of Alternative Names
8.16 Foreign Names in Chinese
8.17 Manchu, Mongol, Tibetan & Türkic Names
8.17.1 Manchu Names
8.17.2 Mongol Names
8.17.3 Tibetan Names
8.17.4 Türkic Names
8.18 Vietnamese, Korean & Japanese Names
8.18.1 Vietnamese Names
8.18.2 Korean Names
8.18.3 Japanese Names
9 Biography
9.1 Commemorative Writings
9.1.1 Tomb-Tablet Collections by Period
9.1.2 Tomb-Tablet Collections by Place
9.1.3 Tomb-Tablet Collections in Libraries
9.2 Official Résumés
9.4 Chronological Biographies
9.5 Biographies in Local Gazetteers
9.5.1 Particular Periods
9.5.2 Particular Places
9.5.3 Gazetteers Sl Genealogies in the National Library
9.6 Biographical Collections
9.7 Biographical Reference Works
9.7.1 A Chinese Dictionary of National Biography?
9.8 Diaries, Autobiographies & Letters
9.8.1 Personal Diaries
9.8.2 Autobiographies
9.8.3 Letters
9.9 Biographical Topoi
9.10 Stages of Life
9.11.1 Counting a Personas Age
9.11.2 Recording a Person’s Age
9.11.3 Birthdays
9.11.4 Words for Death, Dying & Suicide
9.12 Size Matters
10 Women’s Histories
10.1 Womens Names
10.2 Pre-Qin
10.3 Women in Imperial China
10.3.1 Works Written by Women
10.3.2 Works Written for Women
XO.3.3 Women in the Histories
10.3.4 Women in Literature
10.3.5 Ethics Ä Gender
10.3.6 Status & Image of Women
10.4 Research Tools
10.4.1 Bibliography
10.4.2 Biographical Dictionaries
10.4.3 Source Collections  Excerpts
10.4.4 Journals & Websites
11.1 Textiles
11 Clothing & Hairstyles
11.1.1 The Lexical Influence of Textiles
11.1.2 Textile Fibers
11.1.3 Textile Measures
11.1.4 Sources
11,2 Clothing Styles
11.2.1 Sumptuary Laws & Changing Styles
11.2.2 Republican Styles
11.2.4 Research Tools
11.3 Hairstyles
11.3.1 Children’s Hairstyles
11.3.2 A Full Head of Hair, Bound Sl Capped
11.3.3 Shaved Crown with Queue
11.3.4 Freely Flowing
11.3.5 Short Cuts, Bobs & Permanent Waves
11*4 References
Book 3. Geography & Environment
12 Zhongguo, China & the Chinese People
12.1 Zhongguo
12.2 China Sl the Chinese People
12.2.1 China
12.2.2 The Chinese People
13 Environmental History
13.1 Climate Change
13.2 Natural Disasters & Famines
13.2.1 Earthquakes & Fires
13.2.2 Famines
13.2.3 Journals Ä Yearbooks
13,3 Distribution of Wild Animals
13.5 Loessification & Desertification
13.6 Water Control
13.6.3 Secondary Sources on Water Control
13.6.4 Major Ancient Water Control Works
13.7 Land Use & Environmental Impacts
13.8 Journals
14 Maps, Geographical Studies & Gazetteers
14.1.3 Han to Yuan
14.1.4 Ming-Qing
14.1.5 Twentieth-Century Maps
14.1.6 Geographical Database
14,1.7 Research & Reproductions
14.1.8 Bibliographies of Maps
14.2 Geographical Studies
14.2.1 Early Works
14.2.2 Geographical Treatises in the Histories
14.2.3 Comprehensive Gazetteers
14.2.4 Empire-Wide Geographical Studies
14.3 Local Gazetteers
14.3.1 Types & Origin
14.3.2 Contents of Local Gazetteers
14.3.3 Evaluation of Local Gazetteers
14.3,4 Selections from Gazetteers
14.3.5 Online & Print Catalogues of Gazetteers
14.3.6 Gazetteer Reprint Series
14.3.7 Gazetteer Databases 6l Indexes
14.3.8 Twentieth-Century Gazetteers
14.3.9 Yearbook
14,3.10 Guides & Studies of Gazetteers
14.4 Historical Atlases
15 Toponyms
15.1.1 Structure
15.1.2 Seven Types of Toponyms
15.1.3 Toponym Euphony
15.1.4 The Number of Chinese Toponyms
15.2 Descriptive Toponyms
15.2.1 Descriptive or Associative
15.2.2 Directional or Positional Toponyms
15.3 Possessive Toponyms
15,4 Commemorative Toponyms
15.4.1 V/a/iÄao 年號 Toponyms
15.4.2 Transfer Toponyms
15.5 Commendatory Toponyms
15.5.1 Auspicious Toponyms
15.5.2 Religious Toponyms: Buddhist Temples
15.5.3 Ideological Toponyms
15.6 Folk-Etymology Toponyms
15.7 Offensive & Taboo Toponyms
15.7.1 Toponyms with Animal Signifies
15.7.2 Vulgar Toponyms
15.7.3 Imperial Name Taboo Toponyms
15.8 Manufactured Toponyms
15.8.1 Toponym Blends
15.8.2 Abbreviated Toponyms
15.9 Alternative Toponyms
15.11 Province Names
15.12 Short Names for Provinces & Cities
15.13 Imperial Mausolea Names
15.14 Street Names
15.15 Rivers, Lakes, Seas & Oceans
15.15.3 Transnational River Names
15,15,4 Seas, Lakes & Oceans
15-16 Toponym Difficulties
15.16.1 Same Place, Different Names
15.16.2 Same Name,Different Places
15.16.3 Transcription of Chinese Toponyms
15.16.4 English Names of Chinese Places
15.17 How to Identify Historical Places
15.17.1 Historical Place-Name Dictionaries
15,17.2 Atlases of Place-Name & Border Changes
15.17.3 Tables of Place-Name Changes
15.18 Readings
16 Urban History
16.2 City Construction
16.3 City Maps
16.4 City Life Sl Soundscapes
16.5 State of the Field
16.5.1 General
16.5.2 Medieval Urban Revolution?
16.5.3 Comparative Studies
16.5.4 Studies of Specific Cities
16.5.5 Marketing Systems
16.5.6 Regional Urban History
16.5.7 Association <& Journal
Book 4. Governing & Educating
17 Central & Local Government
17.1 Central Government
17.1.1 Succeeding to the Throne
17.1.2 Deliberative & Advisory Organs
17.3 The Metropolitan Region
17.4 Local & Border Administration
17.4.1 Overview
17.4.2 County Administration
17.4.3 Provincial Administration
17.4.4 Administration of Border Regions \'
17.5 Recruitment, Ranking & Emoluments
17.6 Official Titles
17.6.1 Formal Official Titles
17.6.2 Alternative Official Titles
17,7 The Ups & Downs of an Official Career
18 Titles Sl Names of Rulers
18.1 Title in Office
18.2 Honorifics
18,3 Temple Titles
18 A Royal & Imperial Posthumous Titles
18.5 Insulting Titles
18.6 Bad Last Rulers
18.7 Imperial Name Taboos
18.7.2 Infringements Ä Derogations
18.7.3 Avoiding Taboo Characters
18.7.4 Effects of Name Taboos
18.7.5 Name Taboos & Textual Criticism
18.8 Self-Designations of Rulers
18.9 Addressing the Ruler
18.10 Referring to a Ruler
ls»12 IMPERIAL Family
18.13 Tables of Chinese Rulers
19 Titles of Nobility Sl Elite Posthumous Titles
19.1 Titles of Nobility
19.2 Elite Posthumous Titles
20 Official Communications
20.1 Edicts
20.2 Hortatory Edicts Sl Slogans
20.2.1 Hortatory Edicts & Ethical Rules
20.2.2 Political Slogans
20.3 Memorials
20.4 Lateral Communications
20.6 Aids for Documentary Chinese
21 Census Ä Taxation
21.1 Registers & Policies
21*2 Census Terminology
21.3 Land Taxation & Services
21A Demographic Change
21.5 Reactions to Population Growth
21.5.3 Wang Shiduo 汪士鐸
21.6 Population in the Republic
21.7 Population in the PRC
21.8 Demographic Studies
22 Education Sl Examinations
22,1 Old Ways of Learning the Characters
22.1.1 Elementary Schools: Han, Song  Qing
22.1.2 Reading & Writing
22.1.3 Dissecting the Characters
22.1.4 Primers & Elementary Textbooks
22.1.5 Literacy Requirements
22.1.6 How Many Texts Were Memorized?
22.2 Examinations for Officialdom
22,3 Preparations for the Exams
22.4 Publishing the Exam Results
22.5 How Efficient Were the Examiners?
22.6 Sources
22.6.1 Overviews
22.6.2 By Period
23 Law
23.1 Introduction
23.1.1 Bibliography
23.1.2 General Introductions
23.2 Shang-Sui
23.3 Law Codes: Tang-Qing
23,4 Administrative Laws & Regulations
23.5 Punishments
23.6 Cases
23.7 Customary Law
23.8 Guides & Handbooks
23.9 Law in Fiction
23.10 Law in the Twentieth Century
23.10.2 Law in the People\'s Republic, 1949-99
24 War
24,1 Wars, Campaigns, Battles & Sieges
24.1.1 How Many Battles Were There?
24.1.2 Land Campaigns, Battles Sl Sieges
24.1,3 Naval Battles
24.2 Uprisings & Rebellions
24.3 Foreign & Civil Wars: 1840-1949
24.4 Strategic Topography
24.5 Military Statistics
24.5.1 Inflated Statistics
24.5.2 The Size of Steppe Armies
24.6 Rhetoric & Reality
24.7 Military Terms
24.8 The Art of War
24.8.1 Sunzi
24.8.2 Sun Bin
24.8.3 The Seven Military Classics
24.8.4 Ming&Qing
24*9 Recruitment & Military Exams
24.10 Army Organization
24.11 Military Technology to Late Qing
24.12.1 Early Long Walls
24.12.2 The Ming “Great: Wall”
24.12.3 Sources on the “Great Wall”
24.13 Military Provisions
24.14 Sports & Games
24.14.1 Military or Military-Origin Sports
24.14.2 Board Games
24.14.3 New Sports
24.15 Primary Sources on the Military
24.15.1 Archeology
24.15.2 Encyclopedias
24.15.3 Standard Histories
24.15.4 Biographies of Generals
24.15.5 Websites
25 Migration Sl Travel
25.1 Internal Migration
25.2 Becoming Chinese
25.2.1 Names Transcribed with Characters
25.2.2 Readings
25.3 External Migration
25.3.1 Reprints of Source Materials
25.3.2 Encyclopedias Dictionaries
25.3.3 Bibliography
25*3.4 E-Resources
25.3.5 Journals
25.5 Travel: Titles by Period
26 Minorities
26.1 Languages
26.2 Written Sources: Minority Languages
26.2.1 Scripts
26.2.2 Primary Sources: Minority Languages
26.2.3 Mythology
26.2.4 Early Literature
26.2.5 Chinese Primary Sources Bibliographies Archives
26.4 Anthropology & Ethnology
26-5 Research Tools
26.5.3 Outline Histories & Studies
26.5.4 Bibliographies of Secondary Sources
26.5.5 Journals & Yearbook
27 Foreign Relations
27.1 The Chinese World Order
27,2 Sino-Steppe Relations
27.2.1 Common Ancestry
27.2.2 Cyclical & Other Interpretations
27.2.3 Conclusions
27.2.4 General Studies
27,3 Naming the Barbarians
27.3.1 Exonyms for Non-Chinese Peoples
27.3,2 Yi 夷,Di 狄,Rong 戎 & Man 蠻
27.3.3 Hu 胡 & Fan 番
27.3.4 Differentiating the Barbarians
27.3.5 Derogatory Terms
27.4 Border Regions & Foreign Peoples
27.4.1 Excerpts, Translations Ä Studies
27.4.2 Bibliography
27.5 India
27.6 The West & Westerners
27.7 The Yi Controversy
27,8 Foreign Sources on China
27.8.1 Japanese
27.8.2 Korean
27.8.3 Ryukyu 琉球
27.8.4 Vietnamese
27.8.5 Arabic, Persian, European, American
Book 5. Ideas, Beliefs, Literature & Fine Arts
28 The Confucian Classics
28.1 Introduction: Intellectual History
28.1.1 Reading Ancient Texts
28.1.2 Translating Philosophical Concepts
28.1.3 Historical Surveys
28.1.4 Chronological Table
28.1.5 Translated Excerpts
28.1.6 Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
28.1.7 Bibliography
28.1.8 Journals & Annual Surveys
28.2 Ethics in the Three-Character Classic
28.3 Biographies of Confucius
28.3.1 Commemorating Confucius\'s Birthday
28.3.2 Confucius: Physical Appearance
28.4 Formation of the Confucian Canon
28.4.2 From Six to Thirteen Classics
28.4.3 The Titles of the Classics
28.5 Classification of the Classics
28.6 Apocryphal Texts
28.7 Commenting the Classics
28.7.1 Ancient Script & Current Script Editions
28.7.2 Han-Tang
28.7.3 Neo-Confucianism
28.7.4 Qing
28.8 Stone-Carved CLy455/C5
28.10.1 Book, Classic, or Canon?
28.10.2 Citation Conventions
28.11 Reference Works
28.11.1 Collected Glosses & Dictionaries
28.11.2 Encyclopedia
28.11.3 Classical Studies: History & Research
28.11.4 Bibliographies
29 Religion
29.1 Introduction
29.1.1 Bibliographies, Surveys & Databases
29*1.2 Introductions & Anthologies
29.1.3 Yearbook
29.1.4 Journals
29.1*5 Calendars
29-2 Common Religion
29.3 Daoism
29.3.1 Introduction
29.3.2 Basic Texts
29.3.3 Daozang
29.3.4 Catalogues of the Daozang
29.3.5 Other Daoist Collections
29.3.6 Other Daoist Sources
29.3.7 Hagiographies & Biographies
29.3.8 Anthologies of Translated Daoist Sources
29.3.9 Research Tools
29.3.10 Further Readings Histories
29.4.1 Summary
29.4.2 The Buddhist Canon
29.4.3 Biographical Sources
29.4.4 Buddhist Names
29.4.5 Other Sources
29.4.6 Main Chinese Buddhist Schools
29.4.7 Tibetan Buddhism
29A,8 Pilgrimage Inside China
29.4.9 Buddhist Food Taboos Sl Fasting
29.4.10 Buddhist Calendar
29.4.11 Buddhist Hours
29.4.12 Buddhist Posture, Gestures 6l Clothing
29.4.13 General Introductions
29.4.14 Research Tools
29.5 Islam
29.5.1 Bibliography
29.5.2 Chronology
29.5.3 Glossary
29.6 Zoroastrianism Sl Manichaeism
29.6.1 Zoroastrianism
29.6.2 Manichaeism
29.7 Christianity & Judaism
29,7,1 Nestorianism
29.7.2 The Jesuits & Other Catholic Missions
29.7.3 Judaism in China
29.7.4 Protestants in China
29,7.5 The Term Question
29.7.6 The Chinese Christian Churches
29.7.7 Missionary Cases
29.7.8 General Reference Works
30 Literature
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Poetry
30.2.1 Main Poetry Genres
30.2.2 Pre-Tang Poetry Collections
30.2.3 Tang Sl Later Poetry Collections
30.2.4 Translating Chinese Poetry
30.3 General Anthologies
30.3.2 General Anthologies: Specific Periods
30.3.3 Anthologies of Specific Places
30.3.4 Anthologies on Specific Subjects
30.4.1 Content & Arrangement
30.4.2 Titles of Collected Works
30.4.3 Extant Collected Works By Period
30.5 Literary Criticism
30.6 Literary Quotations
30.7 Guides & Research Tools
30.8 Bibliographies of Chinese Literature in Translation
31 Vernacular Literature & Folklore
31.1 Vernacular Literature
31.1.1 Databases
31.1.2 Collected Prefaces & Postscripts
31.1.3 Plot Summaries & Catalogs
31.1.4 Bibliographies of Translations Into Chinese
31.1.5 Dictionaries
31.1.6 Dictionaries of Individual Works
31.2.1 Jokes & Humor
32 Fine Arts
32.1 Painting, Portraits, Sculpture & Forgery
32.1.1 Painting
32.1.2 Portraits
32.1.3 Sculpture
32.1.4 Forgery
32.1.5 Twentieth-Century Painting
32.1.6 Research Tools
32.2 Seals
32.3 Ceramic Inscriptions
33 Architecture
33.2 Building Construction
33,3 Furniture: From Mats to Chairs
33.3.1 Bibliography
33.3.2 Journal
33.4 Imperial Parks & Villas
33.5 Inscribed Landscapes
34 Music
34.1 Outline
34.1.1 Recordings
34.1.2 Ancient Instruments by Province
34.1.3 Dance
34.1.4 New Directions
34.2 Research Tools
34.2.1 Bibliographies
34.2.2 Biographies
34.2.3 Chronological Table
Book 6. Agriculture, Food & Drink
35 Agriculture
35.1 Agricultural Archeology
35.1.1 Cereal Crops
35.1.2 Fiber Crops (see §11.1.2)
35.1.3 Vegetables
35.1.4 Fruits & Cucurbits
35.1.5 Fish
35.1.6 Domestic Animals
35.1.7 Journals
35.2 Early Almanacs
35.3 Agricultural Treatises
35.3.1 First Century BCE & CE
35.3.2 Second Century
35.3.3 Sixth Century
35.3.4 Tenth Century
35.3.5 Eleventh Century
35.3.6 Thirteenth Century
35.3.7 Fourteenth Century
35.3.8 Fifteenth-Seventeenth Century
35.3.9 Eighteenth Century
35.3 10 Nineteenth Century
35.3.11 Twentieth Century
35.4 Research Tools
35.4.1 Botanical Terms
35.4.2 Bibliography: Primary Sources
35.4.3 Research
35.4.4 Journals
35.4.5 Website
36 Food & Drink
36.2 Prehistoric Diet
36.3 Zhou to Han
36.4 Han
36.6 Song
36.7 Ming-Qing
36.8 Commoners
36.9.1 Salt Production Methods
36.9.2 Consumption
36.9.3 The Salt Monopoly
36.9.4 Bibliography
36.12 Tea
36.12.1 Tea Exports
36.12.2 Black Tea
36.12.3 Oolong Tea
36.12.4 Hongcha 紅茶
36.12.5 Bibliography
36.13 Dairy Products
36.14 Opium & Tobacco
36.14.1 Opium
36,14.2 Tobacco
36.15 Regional Cuisines
36.15.1 Proto-Cantonese Cuisine
36.15.2 Early Sichuanese Cuisine
36.16 Restaurants
36.17 Methods, Implements & Inventions
36.17.2 Chopsticks
36.17.3 Dining Tables & Seating Order
36.17.4 Chinatown Innovations
36.18 Naming Chinese Dishes
36.19 Food & the Language of Love
36.20 Primary Sources
36.21 Modern Research Tools & Studies
36.21.2 Research
Book 7. Technology & Science
37 The Historical Context
37.1 Priorities & Approaches
37.4 Priority of Invention
37.5.1 Evaluation of 5CC
37.5.2 Enumeration of SCC
37.6 Research Tools
37.6.1 Primary Sources
37.6.2 Research
37.6.3 Biography
37.6.4 Technical & Scientific Terms
37.6.5 Chronological Table
37.6.6 Societies
37.6.7 Journals
37.7 The Transfer of Modern Science
38 Numbers &l Statistics
38.1 Base 10
38.2 The Earliest Numbers
38.3 Cardinal Numbers
38.4 Ordinal Numbers
38.5 Extremely Large Numbers
38.6 Extremely Small Numbers
38.7 Fractions
38.8 Approximate Numbers
38.9 Hyperbolic Numbers
38.10 Magical & Auspicious Numbers
38,11 Numerological Mnemonics
38.12 Number Codes & Riddles
38.13 Wrong Numbers
38.13.1 Copyist’s Errors
38.14 Common Causes of Confusion
38.15 Misleading Statistics
38.15.2 The Size of Ancient China
38.15.3 The Size of the Imperial Harem
38.16 Sources on Chinese Mathematics
39 Astrology, Astronomy Sl Calendars
39.1 Astrology Sl Astronomy
39.1.1 The Universe
39.1,2 Charting the Heavens
39.1.3 Astronomical Cycles
39,2 The Solar Calendar
39.3.1 Introduction
39.3.3 Origins
39.3.4 Alternative Ways of Writing Ganzhi
39.4.1 Months
39.4.2 Ten-Day Periods 旬)& Weeks
39.4,3 Days
39.5 Calendrical Difficulties
39.6 Imperial Almanacs
39.7 The Taiping Calendar
39.8 Buddhist, Muslim, Tibetan & Other Calendars
39.8.1 Buddhist Calendar 佛曆
39.8.2 Muslim Calendar 回曆
39.8.3 Tibetan Calendars 藏曆
39.8.4 Tujuet Uighur & Mongol Calendars
39.8.5 Dai Calendar 儀曆
39.8.6 Yi Calendars 彝曆
39.8.7 Calendrical Concordances
39.9 Twentieth-Century Calendars
39.9.1 Republican Calendars
39.9.2 PRC Calendar
39.10 Calendars in Japan, Korea Sl Vietnam
39.11 Recording Years
39.11.2 Era & Reign Names
39.11«3 Ganzhi as a Year Count
39.11.4 Ganzhi as an Alternative Year Count
39.11.5 Zodiacal Year Count
39.11.6 Late Qing Alternative Year Counts
39.12 Dates & Their Conversion
39.12.1 Date Notations
39.12.2 Date Conversions
39.12.3 Pre-Qin Dates
39.13.1 Chronological Tables
39.13.2 Calendrical Concordances
39.14 Events & Event Mnemonics
39.15 Festivals Sl Holidays
39.15.1 Festivals Before 1912
39.15.2 Holidays & Festivals in the Republic PRC
39.15.3 Readings
39.15.4 Holidays
39.15.5 Anniversaries
39.16 Fate Calculation
39.16.1 Popular Almanacs
39.16.2 Lucky & Unlucky Days
39.16.3 Odd & Even Days
39.17 Primary & Secondary Sources
39.17.1 Compendia of Astronomical Observations
39.17.2 Treatises in the Standard Histories
39.17.3 Additional Readings
40 Timekeeping
40.1 Introduction
40.2 Divisions of the Day: Shang Sl Zhou
40.3 The 100-Mark System
40.4 The Curfew Sl the Night Watch
40.4.1 The Curfew
40.4.2 The Night Watch
40.5 The 12 Double-Hour System
40.6.1 Double-Hours
40.6.2 Elapsed Time & Cat’s Eyes
40.6.3 Horoscope Hours
40.6.4 Buddhist Hours
40.8 Matching 100-從刻 with 12-0/扣v 辰
40.9 Qing Reforms
40.10 Republican Time
40. X1 Time in the Japanese Empire
40.12 Time in the People’s Republic
41 Medicine
41,1 Excavated Texts
41.2 Transmitted Works
41.2.2 Pharmacopeia
41.2.3 Gender in Chinese Medicine
41.2.4 Biographies
41.2.5 Medical Language & Terminology
41.2.6 Apothecary Measures
41*3 Longevity Techniques
41.3.3 Female Prostitution
41.4 Bibliography
41.4.1 Primary Sources
41,4,2 Secondary Sources
41.4.3 Journal
41.5 Modern Studies
Book 8. Trade Topics
42 Weighing & Measuring
42.1.1 Volume Ä Area Measures
42.1.2 Liquid measures
42.1.3 Confusion-Proof Characters
42.1.4 Metrological Units as Signifies
42.2 Pre-Qin Weights Sl Measures
42.3 Han to Early Qing Weights Sl Measures
42.4 Historic Values
42.5 Weighing & Measuring Instruments
42.6 Cultivated-Land Measures
42.7 Special Measures
42.8 Treaty-Port Weights & Measures
42.9 Weighing & Measuring
42.9.1 石斛 儋
42.10 Twentieth Century Reforms
42.10.3 1949 to the Present
42.11 Sources, References & Studies
43 Money & Prices
43.1.1 Cowry Shells
43.1.2 Bronze
43.1.3 Commodity Money
43.1.4 Iron
43.1.5 Copper
43.1.6 Coin Inscriptions
43.1.8 Silver
43.1.9 Silver Dollars
43.1.10 Paper
43.1.11 Counterfeiting & Forgery
43.1.12 Tibet & Xinjiang Coinage
43.1.13 Showing the Face
43.1.14 Additional Readings
43.2 Prices
43.2.1 References on Prices General
44 Notes on Industry & Trade
44.2 Internal Trade
44.2.1 Merchant Records
44.2.2 Contracts
44,3 External Overland Trade
44.3.2 Other Overland Routes
44.4 Maritime Trade
44.4.1 Main Ports
44.4.2 Chinese Junks
44.4.3 The Mariner’s Compass
44.5 Official Supervision
44.5.1 The Canton System
44.5.2 Cohong Merchant Names
44.5.3 China-Coast English
44.5.4 Piracy: Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries
44.6 Marine Archeology
Book 9. History
45 Modern Histories, Guides Sl Databases
45.1 Modern Histories
45.1.1 Recent Histories of China in English
45.1.2 Influential Histories of China in English
45.1.3 Histories of China in Chinese
45.1.4 National Museum of China
45.2 Guides & Readers
45.2.1 English-Language Historical Guides
45.2.2 Chinese Historical Guides
45.2.3 Japanese Historical Guides
45.2.4 Guides to Japanese Reference Works
45.2.5 Guide to Korean Sources
45.3.1 Databases & Web Portals
45.3.2 Encyclopedias
46 Sources, Genres & Historiography
46.1 Primary & Secondary Sources
46.3 Published Archival & Other Sources
46.4 Private Documents
46.6 Historiography
46.5 Main Genres of Historical Writing
46.6.1 Historical Criticism
46.6.2 History Sl Literature
46.6.3 Studies of Chinese Historiography
47 Official Records Sl the History Office
47.2 Court Annalistic Works
47.2.1 Court Diaries
47.2.2 Veritable Records
48 Annals
48.2 Annals: Han to Tang
48.3.1 Objectives
48.3.2 Editions & Translations & References
48.3.3 Evaluations & Analysis of the Zizhi Tongjian
48.4 Continuations of the Zizhi Tongjian
48.5 網目體
48.6 Continuations of the Gangmu
48.7 Simplifications of the
48.8 Annals Written in the Song Sl Later
49 Standard Histories
49*2 Origins & Later Developments
49.4 Printed Sets of the Histories
49.5 Main Editions of the Histories
49.6 Abbreviations & Excerpts
49.7 Studies, Supplements & Reference Tools
49.7.2 Collections of Supplements & Studies
49.7.3 Translations
49,7.4 Indexes, Concordances & Dictionaries
49.8 Treatises
49.8.1 Astrology & Mathematical Harmonics
49.8.2 Rivers & Canals
49.8.3 Financial Administration
49.8.5 Five Phases
49.8.4 Penal Law
49.8.6 Administrative Geography
49.8.7 Book Catalogues
49.8.8 Official Posts & Examination System
49.8.9 Equipage & Dress
49.8.10 Army, Guards & Militia
49.9 Who Read the
49.9.1 Introduction
49.9.2 Han-Tang
49.9.3 Tang
49.9.5 Ming-Qing
49.9.6 Influence of the Civil Examinations
49.9,7 Evidence from School Curricula
49.9.8 Methods of Reading the Classics Sl Histories
49.9.9 Scholarly Reading of the Histories
49.9.10 Conclusions
49.10 Evaluation of the Histories
49.11 References & Further Readings
49.12 The Language of the Histories
50 Topically Arranged Histories
51 Digests of Government Institutions
52 Miscellaneous Histories
52.1 Introduction
52.2 Pre-Qin&Han
52.3 End of Han to Tang
52.4 Tang-Yuan
52,5 Ming-Qing
53 Biji
53.2 Biji Databases & Indexes
54 Popular Perceptions of History
54.1 History Dramatized
54,2 Informal History
Book 10. Pre-Qin
55 Archeology
55.1 Chinese Archeology
55.2 The Current Archeological Scene
55.3 Archeological Science
55.4 Research Tools
55.4.1 Atlas of Cultural Relics by Province
55.4.2 Dictionaries
55.4.3 Reprint Series
55.4.4 Bibliographies
55.4.5 Keeping Up to Date
55.4.6 Societies & Yearbooks
55.4.7 journals
56 Prehistory
56.1 HomoErectus
56.2 Neolithic Cultures
56.3 Prehistoric Signs & Symbols
56.3.1 Mnemonics
56.3.3 Early Turtle Shell & Bone Inscriptions
56.3.4 Pottery Pictographs
56.3.5 Pottery Number Marks & Notches
56.3.6 Multiple Pottery Marks
56.3.7 Conclusions
56*4 Sage Kings Sl Cultural Heroes
56.5 Ancient Chronology
56.5.1 Han Adjustments
56.5.2 Tang Adjustments
56.5.3 Sexagenary Retrofitting
56.6 Doubting Antiquity
56.7 Recent Chronological Studies
56.8 Sources &l Studies of Myths
57 Xia-Shang 夏商
57.1 XIA
57.2 Shang
57.2.1 Shang Archeology
57.2.2 Shang: Overviews & Historical Studies
57.2.3 Shang Royal Names
57.3 Shang Oracle-Bone Inscriptions
57.3.1 The Discovery of the Oracle Bones
57.3.2 Pyromancy
57.3.3 Number of Inscriptions & of Characters
57.3.4 Corpora Inscriptionum  Research Tools
57.4 Regional Early Bronze Age Cultures
58 Zhou
58.1 Periodization Terminology Defined
58,2 Bronze Inscriptions
58,2.1 Overview
58.2.2 Corpora Inscriptionum Sl Indexes
58.2.3 Readers
58.2.4 Dictionaries,Concordances, Interpretations
58.3 Inscriptions on Bone, Jade, Pottery Sl Stone
58.3.3 Pottery Inscriptions
58.3.4 Stone Inscriptions
58.5 The Chu Silk Manuscript
58.6 Zhou Transmitted Texts
58.6.1 Pre-Qin Thinkers
58.6.2 Pre-Qin Texts
58.6.3 Pre-Han Texts Si Translations
58.7 Later Sources on the Pre-Qin
58.8 Zhou Archeology
58.9 Zhou Research Tools
58.9.1 Biography
58.9.2 Official Titles
58,9.3 Geography
58.9.4 Six Calendars
58.9.5 Regional Reference Works
58.9.6 Source Guides
58.9.7 Illustrations
58.9.8 Bibliographies
58.9.9 Yearbooks, Societies Ä Journals
Book 11. Qin-Wudai
59.1 Main Sources ( 1 ) : 5^\"/ 史記
59.1.1 Introduction
59.1.2 Sima Qian^s Life
59.1.3 Five-Part Arrangement of the Shÿi
59.1.4 Later Additions to the Sh{fi
59.1.5 Circulation of the
59.1.6 Corrections, Commentaries Ä Editions
59.1.7 Indexes to the Shiji
59.1.8 Main Translations of the 5/rÿ/
59.1.9 Modern Studies
59.1.10 Bibliographies of the Shiji
59.2 Main Sources (2) : Hanshu
59.2.1 Ban Gu\'s Life
59.2.2 Contents, Arrangement of the Hanshu
59.2.3 Corrections, Commentaries & Editions
59.2.4 Main Translations from the Hanshu
59.2,5 Tables & Translated Treatises
59.2.6 Indexes to the Hanshu
59.3 Main Sources (3):Hou-Hanshu
59.3.1 Commentaries
59.3.2 Editions Si Indexes
59.3.2 Translations & Studies
59*4 Other Important Historical Sources
59.5 Other Transmitted Sources
59.5A Laws & Institutions
59.5.5 Official Titles
59.5.6 Official Communications
59,5.7 Politics, Philosophy, Religion & Ritual
59.5.8 Literature
59.5.9 Agriculture & the Economy
59.5.10 Mathematics
59.5.11 Chronology
59.5.12 Medicine
59.5.13 Peasant Uprisings
59.6 Excavated Sources
59.6.1 Qin Books & Documents on Bamboo
59.6.2 Han Books & Documents on Bamboo
59.6.3 Han Records on Bone
59.6.4 Han Silk Manuscripts
59.7 Archeology & Inscriptions
59.7.1 Archeological Sites
59.7.2 Archeological References
59.7.3 Stone Inscriptions
59.7.4 Seals & Pottery Script
59.8 XlONGNU
59-9 Research Tools
59.9.1 Primary Sources Sl Bibliographies
59.9.2 Research
59.9.3 Societies 6l Journals
60 Wei-Jin, Nanbeichao 魏晉南北朝
60.1 Main Historical Sources
60.1.1 Three Kingdoms
60,1.2 Jin
60.1.3 The Southern Dynasties
60,1.4 The Northern Dynasties
60.1.5 Studies, Translations Sl Supplements
60.2 Other Textual Sources
60.3 Documents on Bamboo Sl Wood
60.4 Documents on Paper
60.5 Archeology & Inscriptions
60.5.1 Archeological Sites
60.5.2 Stone Inscriptions
60,5.3 Illustrations
60.6 Research Tools
60.6.1 Bibliographies of Primary Sources
60.6.2 Guides to Secondary Sources
60,6,3 Bibliographies
60.6.4 Geographical Tools
60.6.5 Biographical Tools & Studies
60.6.6 Societies & Journals
61.1 Main Historical Sources
61.2 Other Textual Sources
61.2.1 Language
61.2.2 Biography
61.2.3 Geography
61.2.4 Laws & Institutions
61.2.5 Official Titles Sl Officeholders
61.2.6 Edicts & Memorials
61.2.7 Examinations
61.2.8 Encyclopedias
61.2.10 iîÿ/筆記
61.2.11 Prose & Poetry Collections
61.2.12 Agriculture
61.2.13 Calendar & Astronomy
61.2.14 Peasant Uprisings
61.3 Dunhuang & Turfan Documents
61.3.1 Foreign Archeological Expeditions
61.3.2 Catalogues of Dunhuang Manuscripts
61.3.3 Turfan Documents
61.3.4 Dunhuang-Turfan Manuscripts
61.3.5 Social, Economic & Legal Documents
61.3.6 Guides & Research Tools
61.3.7 Language
61.3.8 Bibliography
61.4 Archeology & Inscriptions
61.4.2 Tang Artifacts in Japan
61.4.3 Sui, Tang Ä Wudai Inscriptions
61.5 Foreign Sources
61.5.1 Japanese
61.5.2 Korean
61.5.3 Arabic
61.7 The Early Tibetan Empire
61.8 The Uighur Empire
61.10 Research Tools
61.10.1 T’ang Civilization Reference Series
61.10.2 Primary Sources: Bibliographies
61.10.3 Primary Sources: Guides & Readers
61.10.4 Secondary Sources: Bibliographies
61.10.5 Societies  Journals
61.11 Bohai
61.12.1 Main Historical Sources
61.12.2 Guides & Research Tools
Book 12. Song - Qing
62.1 Main Historical Sources
62.2 Other Textual Sources
62.2.1 Language
62.2.2 Biography
62.2.3 Geography
62.2.5 Laws & Institutions
62.2.6 Official Titles & Officeholders
62.2.7 Edicts Sl Memorials
62.2.8 Army
62.2.9 Leishu
62.2.10 Prose & Poetry Collections
62.2.11 Â/gï 别集
62.2.13 Agriculture
62.2.14 Technology
62.2.15 Chronology
62.2.16 Peasant Uprisings
62.3 Archeology & Inscriptions
62.3.1 Archeology
62.3.2 Inscriptions
62.4.1 Japanese
62*4.2 Korean
62.4.3 Vietnamese
62.4.4 Arabic
62.5.1 Bibliographies Sl Guides to Primary Sources
62.5.2 Bibliographies Sl Guides to Scholarship
62.5.3 Societies, Journals Si Online Resources
63 Liao,Jin,Xixia 遼金西夏
63.1 Liao: Introduction
63.2 Liao: Main Historical Source
63.3 Liao: Other Sources
63.3.1 Language
63.3.2 Biography
63.3.3 Law
63.3.4 Prose & Poetry Collections
63.3.5 Foreign Sources
63.3.6 Archeology & Inscriptions
63.3.7 Bibliographies of Secondary Sources
63.3.8 Societies & Journals
63.4 Jin: Introduction
63.5 Jin: Main Historical Sources
63.6.1 Biography
63.6.2 Law
63.6.3 Edicts
63.6.4 Prose & Poetry Collections
63.6.5 筆記
63.6.6 Foreign Sources
63.6.7 Archeology
63.6.8 Dictionaries
63.6.9 Bibliography of Secondary Sources
63*6.10 Societies & Journals
63.8 Xixia: Main Sources
63.8.1 Excavated Xixia Documents
63.8.2 The Xixia in the Standard Histories
63.8.3 Collections of Source Materials
63.8.4 The Xixia Code
63.8.5 Xixia Language
63.8.6 Archeology
64.1.1 The Mongolian Plateau
64.1.2 Mongol & Kahn
64.1.3 Da Yuan
64.1.5 The Mongols at Sea
64.1.6 The Mongols After the Yuan
64.2 Main Historical Sources
64.3 Other Important Sources
64.3.4 Laws & Institutions
64.3.5 Education
64.3.6 Leishu
64.3.7 Comprehensive Literary Collections
64.3.8 万ïg//别集
64.3.9 5诉筆記
64.3.10 Agriculture
64.3.11 Technology & Science
64.3.12 Medicine & Diet
64.3.13 Peasant Uprisings
64.3.14 Song & Jin Works
64.4.1 Archeology
64.5 Foreign Sources
64.5.2 European
64.5.3 Persian
64.5.4 丨apanese
64.5.5 Korean
64.5.6 Tibetan
64.5.7 Vietnamese
64,6 Research Tools
64.6.1 Historical Dictionaries, Chronology
64.6.2 Primary Sources: Bibliographies
64.6.3 Source Collections
64.6.4 Bibliographies of Research
64.6.5 Secondary Works
64.6.6 Societies Sl Journals
Ming 明
65.1 Main Historical Sources
65.1.1 Veritable Records
65.1.2 Court Diaries
65.1.3 Histories
65.1.4 Calendars & Chronologies
65.2 Other Important Sources
65.2.1 Language
65.2.2 Biography
65.2.3 Geography
65.2.4 Zheng He,s Expeditions
65.2.5 Law: Criminal & Administrative
65.2.6 Official Titles & Office Holders
65.2.7 Edicts & Memorials
65.2.8 Leishu
65.2.11 Agriculture
65.2.12 Technology & Science
65.2.13 Merchants
65.2.14 Peasant Uprisings
65.2.15 Piracy
65.3 Archives
65.3.1 HouhuKu 後湖库
65.3.2 Huang Shicheng 皇史歲
65.4 Archeology & Inscriptions
65.4.2 Beijing & the Forbidden City
65.4.3 The Ming Great Wall
65.4.4 Other Sites
65.4.5 Inscriptions
65.4.6 Illustrations
65.5 Foreign Sources
65.5.1 Manchu
65.5.2 Korean
65.5.3 European
65.5.4 Japanese
65.6 Research Tools
65.6.1 Primary Sources: Bibliographies
65,6.2 Guides to Primary Sources
65.6.3 Bibliographies of Research
65.6.4 Societies, Journals & Online Resources
66.1 Introduction
66.1.1 The Origins of “Manju” & “Qing”
66.1.2 The Achievements of the Qing
66.2.2 Extant Qing Archives
66.2.3 The First Historical Archives of China
66.2.4 Catalogues &l Guides to Ming-Qing Archives
66.2.5 Central Archives Held in the National Library
66.2.6 Central Archives Held in Taibei
66.2.7 Central Archives Held in Japan
66.2.8 Shengjing Archives
66.2.9 Manchu-Language Archives
66.2.10 Tibetan-Language Archives
66.2.11 Mongolian-Language Archives
66.2.12 Provincial Sl County Archives
66.2.13 Publications
66.2.14 Economic Records
66.2.15 Yishiguan Anniversary Publications
66.2.16 Guides to Qing Documents
66.2.16,2 Terminology
66.2.17 Landlord Records: IiUroductkm
66.2.18 Border Peoples
66.2.19 Taiwan
66.2.20 Records on Foreign Relations €l Wars
66.3 Main Historical Sources
66.3.3 Veritable Records
66.3.7 Other Histories
66.3.8 Histories of Institutions
66.3,9 Calendars & Chronologies
66.4 Other Important Sources
66.4.1 Chinese Language Studies
66.4.2 Biography
66.4.3 Geography
66.4.4 Official Titles &l Officeholders
66.4.5 The Great Qing Code
66.4.6 Administrative Law
66.4.7 Edicts & Memorials
66.4.11 Fiction
66.4.12 Agricultus
66.4.13 cprisings^RebellionM
66.4.14 Gazettes, Periodicals Sl Newspapers
66.5 Archeology & Inscriptions
66.5.1 Qing Monuments
66.5.2 Ming-Qing Stone Inscriptions
66.6 Foreign Sources
66.6.1 Japanese
66.6.2 Korean
66.6.3 Vietnamese
66.6.4 Changes in Western Images of China
66.6.5 European
66.6.6 Russian
66.6.7 Nineteenth Century (to 1912)
66.7 Research Tools
66.7.1 Bibliographies, Guides & Readers
66.7.2 Bibliographies: Research
66.7.3 Societies, Journals & Online Resources
Book 13. Early Twentieth Century
67,1 Archives
67.1.1 Guides to Archives
67.1.2 Most Important National Archives
67.1.3 Archives in Taiwan
67.1.4 Archives Relating to Taiwan
67.1.5 Published Archival & Other Sources
67.2 Books
67.3 Newspapers & Periodicals
67.3.1 Republican Periodicals
67.3.2 Supplements
67.3.3 News Agencies
67.3.4 Journalist Associations
67.3.5 References
67.3.6 Foreign-Language Newspapers
67,3.7 Learned Journals
67.3.8 Government Gazettes
67.4 Economy & Society: Sources & Statistics
67.4.1 Yearbooks, Annuals, Handbooks, Directories
67.4.2 Towns, Cities & Treaty Ports
67.4.3 The Maritime Customs
67.4.4 Business History
67.4.5 Prices & Inflation
67.4.6 Agriculture
67.4.7 Social Surveys
67.4.8 The Labor Movement
67,4,9 Women’s Histories
67.5 Biographical Dictionaries
67.5.2 Aliases, Pen Names, Alternative Names
67.5.3 Collected Works & Notebooks
67.5.4 Personal Diaries
67,5,10 Lives & Works of Political Leaders
67.7 WARFARE, 1912-1949
67.7.1 Warlords & Bandits
67.7.2 Communist Armies
67,7.3 Major Wars, Campaigns, Battles Ä Sieges
67.7.4 Nanjing Massacre Statistics
67.8 Published GMD Documents
67.9 Selection of Published CCP Documents
67.9.1 Histories of the CCP
67.9.2 Documentary Sources for CCP History
67.9,5 Documentary Collections on Events or Places
67.10 Twentieth Century Taiwan
67.11 Tibet
67.11.1 Archive Catalogues & Document Reprints
67.11.2 Bibliographies of Tibetan Studies
67.11.3 Shangri-La
67.12 History of Hong Kong
67.13 External Relations
67.14.1 Japanese Research Institutions
67.14.2 Taiwan
67.14.3 ManshQkoku
67.15.1 Diplomatic & Other Government Archives
67.15.2 Unofficial Archives
67.16 Visitors to the Republic of China, 1912-1949
67.17 Historic Sites
67.18 Research Tools
67.18.2 Various Tools
68 National Studies & National History
68.1 Liang Qichao Sl the New History
68.2 Pragmatist Historians
68.3 Marxist Histories, 1924-79
68.4 Historical Writing in China, 1980s-
Book 14. Bibliography
69 From Bamboo Slips to Silicon Chips
69,1 Bamboo
69.1.1 Discoveries
69.1.2 The Act of Writing
69.1.3 A Weighty Matter
69.1.4 Circulation
69.1.5 Editing
69-1.6 Bibliography Ä References
69.1.7 Websites
69.1.8 Collections of Articles & Journals
69.2 Silk
69.3 Paper
69.4 Woodblock Printing
69.5 Movable-Type Printing
69.6 From Sutra Binding to Thread-Binding
69.7 Terminology of Woodblock Printing
69,8 New Printing Techniques
69.9 The History of the Book
69.10 Computer-Generated Fonts
69-11 Stone Inscriptions
69.11.2 Early Studies
69.11.3 Guides & Research Tools
69.11*4 Published Collections of Stone Rubbings
69.11.5 Collections of Steles
70 Aspects of the Book
70.1 Rare Books
70.2 Recovered Books
70.3 Forged Books
70.4.1 Authors’Alternative Names
70.4.2 Imperially Authored or Commissioned Works
70.4.3 Officially Compiled Works
70.5 Textual Criticism
70,6 Book Titles
70.6.1 Chapter & Book Titles
70.6.2 Same Book, Several Titles
70.7 Prefaces & Colophons
70.8 Page Layout
70.9 Punctuation
71 Collecting 6l Cataloguing
71.1 Libraries & Collectors
71.1.1 Imperial Libraries
71.1.2 Buddhist Temple Libraries
71,1.3 Academy Libraries
71.1.4 Private Libraries
71.1.5 Lending & Public Libraries
71.1.6 Book Markets
71.1.7 Destruction &l Dispersal of Book Collections
71.1.8 Censorship
71.1.9 The Size of Chinese Book Collections
71.1.10 The Total Number of Pre-1912 Books
71.2 Library Classification
71.2.1 Six Branches
71.2.2 Four Branches
71.2.3 Five Branches
71.2.4 New Six Branches
71.3 Library Catalogues
71.3.1 Book Catalogues (Shizhi) in the 25 Histories
71.3.2 Supplementary Book Catalogues
71.3.3 Collected Editions of the Shizhi
71.3.4 Official & Imperial Catalogues
71.3.5 Private Catalogues
71.3.6 Dictionaries & Readings
72.1 Terminology of the 57a^/ßiMA/sw/
72.3 Contents of the Seven Siku Exemplars
72.4 Banned & Destroyed Books
72.8 Rare Books from the
72.9 The 57/0/Catalogue
72.10 Continuations of the Siku Catalogue
72.11 Siku Supplements & Indexes
73.1.1 The Leishu as a Genre
73.1.3 for Daily Use
73.1.4 General Readings on Le涵“
73.2.1 Early Twentieth-Century Congshu
73.2.2 Late Twentieth-Century Congshu
74 Indexes & Concordances
74.1 Introduction
74.2 ICS Indexes
74.3 Harvard-Yenching & Other Indexes
75 Modern Libraries, Publishers & Bookstores
75.1 Modern Library Classification Schemes
75.2 China
75.2.1 Hong Kong
75.2.2 National Catalogues of Modern Books
75.4.1 Tokyo
75.4.2 Kyoto
75.4.3 Osaka
75,4.4 Nagoya
75.4.5 Combined & Union Catalogues
75.5 The United States, Europe Sl Russia
75.5.1 The United States
75.5.2 Europe
75.6 Publishers & Bookstores
75.7,1 Summary
75.7.2 Chinese Bibliographies & Union Catalogues
75.7.3 Japanese Annotated Bibliographies
75.5.4 Western Annotated Bibliographies
75.5.5 Electronic Indexes to Catalogues
76 Keeping Up To Date
76.1 Introduction
76.1.1 Guides to China Studies Websites
76.1.2 Comprehensive Citation Indexes
76.2 Chinese Secondary Sources
76.2.1 Yearbooks & Trend Journals
76.2.2 Indexes & Databases of Journal Articles
76.2.3 Doctoral Dissertations
76.2.4 Previous Scholarship
76.2.5 Chinese Historical Journals
76.2.6 Historical Journals Published in Taiwan
76.2.7 Main Chinese Journals in English Translation
76.2.8 Chinese Periodical Holdings
76.3 Japanese Secondary Sources
76.3.1 Japanese Academic-Trends Bibliographies
76.3.2 Online Resources
76.3.3 Doctoral Dissertations
76*3.4 Unannotated Bibliographies
76.3.5 Main Japanese Journals on Chinese History
76.4 Western Secondary Sources
76.4.1 Sinology & China Studies
76.4.2 Bibliography
76.4.3 Doctoral Dissertations
76.4.4 Main Western-Language Journals
List of Publishers
Name Index
Book Index
Database Index
Subject Index