توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این متن یک درمان جامع از VHDL و کاربردهای آن در طراحی و شبیه سازی مدارهای واقعی و استاندارد صنعتی ارائه می دهد. این برنامه به جای اینکه صرفاً روی زبان باشد، بر استفاده از VHDL متمرکز است، و نشان می دهد که چرا و چگونه انواع خاصی از مدارها از ساختارهای زبان استنباط می شوند و چگونه هر یک از چهار دسته شبیه سازی را می توان پیاده سازی کرد. تمایز دقیقی بین VHDL برای سنتز و VHDL برای شبیه سازی ایجاد می کند. کدهای VHDL در تمام نمونههای طراحی کامل هستند و نمودارهای مدار، سنتز فیزیکی در FPGA، نتایج شبیهسازی و نظرات توضیحی همراه با طرحها گنجانده شدهاند. این متن مفاهیم اساسی الکترونیک دیجیتال و طراحی را مرور میکند و شامل مجموعهای از ضمیمهها میشود که آموزشهایی را در مورد ابزارهای طراحی مهم از جمله ISE، Quartus II، و ModelSim، و همچنین توضیحاتی درباره دستگاههای منطقی قابل برنامهریزی که طرحها در آنها پیادهسازی شدهاند، ارائه میدهد. برد، بستههای استاندارد VHDL و سایر ویژگیها. هر چهار نسخه VHDL (1987، 1993، 2002، و 2008) پوشش داده شده است.
این ویرایش دوم توسعهیافته، اولین کتاب درسی VHDL است که شامل تجزیه و تحلیل دقیق شبیهسازی مدار با میزهای آزمایش VHDL در هر چهار دسته (غیر خودکار، کاملاً خودکار، عملکردی و شبیهسازی زمانبندی)، همراه با مثالهای عملی کامل است. فصلهای 1 تا 9 با نمونههای طراحی جدید و جزئیات جدید در مورد موضوعاتی مانند انواع دادهها و دستورات کد بهروزرسانی شدهاند. فصل 10 کاملاً جدید است و منحصراً به شبیه سازی می پردازد. فصلهای 11 تا 17 نیز کاملاً جدید هستند و طرحهای توسعهیافته و پیشرفته را با پوشش نظری و عملی مدارهای ارتباطی دادههای سریال، مدارهای ویدیویی و موضوعات دیگر ارائه میکنند. تصاویر بسیار بیشتری وجود دارد و تمرینات به روز شده و تعداد آنها بیش از دو برابر شده است.
فهرست مطالب :
1 Introduction
1.1 About VHDL
1.2 VHDL Versions
1.3 Design Flow
1.4 EDA Tools
1.5 Translation of VHDL Code into a Circuit
1.6 Circuit Simulation
1.7 VHDL Syntax
1.8 Number and Character Representations in VHDL 3
2 Code Structure
2.1 Fundamental VHDL Units
2.2 VHDL Libraries and Packages
2.3 Library/Package Declarations
2.7 Introductory VHDL Examples
2.8 Coding Guidelines
2.9 VHDL 2008
2.10 Exercises
3 Data Types
3.1 Introduction
3.2 VHDL Objects
3.3 Data-Type Libraries and Packages
3.4 Type Classifications
3.5 Standard Data Types
3.6 Standard-Logic Data Types
3.7 Unsigned and Signed Data Types
3.8 Fixed- and Floating-Point Types
3.9 Predefined Data Types Summary
3.10 User-Defined Scalar Types
3.11 User-Defined Array Types
3.12 Integer versus Enumerated Indexing
3.13 Array Slicing
3.14 Records
3.15 Subtypes
3.16 Specifying PORT Arrays
3.17 Qualified Types and Overloading
3.18 Type Conversion
3.19 Legal versus Illegal Assignments
3.20 ACCESS Types
3.21 FILE Types
3.22 VHDL 2008
3.23 Exercises
4 Operators and Attributes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Predefined Operators
4.3 Overloaded and User-Defined Operators
4.4 Predefined Attributes
4.5 User-Defined Attributes
4.6 Synthesis Attributes
4.9 VHDL 2008
4.10 Exercises
5 Concurrent Code
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Using Operators
5.3 The WHEN Statement
5.4 The SELECT Statement
5.5 The GENERATE Statement
5.6 Implementing Sequential Circuits with Concurrent Code
5.7 Implementing Arithmetic Circuits with Operators
5.8 Preventing Combinational-Logic Simplification
5.9 Allowing Multiple Signal Assignments
5.10 VHDL 2008
5.11 Exercises
6 Sequential Code
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Latches and Flip-flops
6.4 The IF Statement
6.5 The WAIT Statement
6.6 The LOOP Statement
6.7 The CASE Statement
6.8 CASE versus SELECT
6.9 Implementing Combinational Circuits with Sequential Code
6.10 VHDL 2008
6.11 Exercises
7.1 Introduction
7.5 The Inference of Registers
7.6 Dual-Edge Circuits
7.7 Making Multiple Signal Assignments
7.8 Exercises
8.1 Introduction
8.5 COMPONENT Instantiation with GENERATE
8.8 VHDL 2008
8.9 Exercises
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The ASSERT Statement
9.5 FUNCTION versus PROCEDURE Summary
9.6 Overloading
9.7 VHDL 2008
9.8 Exercises
10 Simulation with VHDL Testbenches
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Simulation Types
10.3 Writing Data to Files
10.4 Reading Data from Files
10.5 Graphical Simulation (Preparing the Design)
10.6 Stimulus Generation
10.7 General VHDL Template for Testbenches
10.8 Type I Testbench (Manual Functional Simulation)
10.9 Type II Testbench (Manual Timing Simulation)
10.10 Type III Testbench (Automated Functional Simulation)
10.11 Type IV Testbench (Automated Timing Simulation)
10.12 Testbenches with Record Types
10.13 Testbenches with Data Files
10.14 Exercises
11 VHDL Design of State Machines
11.1 Introduction
11.2 VHDL Template for FSMs
11.3 Poor FSM Model
11.4 FSM Encoding Styles
11.5 The State-Bypass Problem in FSMs
11.6 Systematic Design Technique for Timed Machines
11.7 FSMs with Repetitive States
11.8 Other FSM Designs
11.9 Exercises
12 VHDL Design with Basic Displays
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Basic LED/SSD/LCD Driver
12.3 Playing with a Seven-Segment Display
12.4 Frequency Meter (with LCD)
12.5 Digital Clock (with SSDs)
12.6 Quick-Finger Game (with LEDs and SSDs)
12.7 Other Designs with Basic Displays
12.8 Exercises
13 VHDL Design of Memory Circuits
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Implementing Bidirectional Buses
13.3 Memory Initialization Files
13.4 ROM Design
13.5 RAM Design
13.6 External Memory Interfaces
13.7 Exercises
14 VHDL Design of Serial Communications Circuits
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Data Serializers/Deserializers
14.3 PS2 Interface
14.4 I 2 C Interface
14.5 SPI Interface
14.6 TMDS Interface
14.7 Video Interfaces: VGA, DVI, and FPD-Link
14.8 Exercises
15 VHDL Design of VGA Video Interfaces
15.1 Introduction
15.2 VGA Connector
15.3 DDC and EDID
15.4 Circuit Diagram
15.5 Control Signals
15.6 Pixel Signals
15.7 Setup for the Experiments
15.8 Comments on VHDL Code for VGA Systems
15.9 Hardware-Generated Image
15.10 Image Generation with a File and On-Chip Memory
15.11 Arbitrary Image Generation with a File and O¤-Chip Memory
15.12 Image Equalization with Gamma Expansion
15.13 Exercises
16 VHDL Design of DVI Video Interfaces
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Circuit Diagram
16.3 Display Resolutions
16.4 DVI Types and DVI Connectors
16.5 DVI versus HDMI
16.6 Setup for the Experiments
16.7 Hardware-Generated Image
16.8 Other DVI Designs
16.9 Exercises
17 VHDL Design of FPD-Link Video Interfaces
17.1 Introduction
17.2 FPD-Link Encoder
17.3 Setup for the Experiments
17.4 Hardware-Generated Image
17.5 Hardware-Generated Image with Characters
17.6 Other Designs
17.7 Exercises
A Programmable Logic Devices
B Altera Quartus II Tutorial
C Xilinx ISE Tutorial
D ModelSim Tutorial
E Altera DE2 Board Tutorial
F BMP-to-RAW File Converter Tutorial
G Using Macrofunctions
H Package standard (2002 and 2008)
I Package std_logic_1164 (1993 and 2008)
J Package numeric_std (1997 and 2008)
K Package std_logic_arith
L Package std_logic_signed
M Package textio (2002 and 2008)
N Package numeric_std_unsigned (2008)
O Reserved Words in VHDL 2008
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This text offers a comprehensive treatment of VHDL and its applications to the design and simulation of real, industry-standard circuits. It focuses on the use of VHDL rather than solely on the language, showing why and how certain types of circuits are inferred from the language constructs and how any of the four simulation categories can be implemented. It makes a rigorous distinction between VHDL for synthesis and VHDL for simulation. The VHDL codes in all design examples are complete, and circuit diagrams, physical synthesis in FPGAs, simulation results, and explanatory comments are included with the designs. The text reviews fundamental concepts of digital electronics and design and includes a series of appendixes that offer tutorials on important design tools including ISE, Quartus II, and ModelSim, as well as descriptions of programmable logic devices in which the designs are implemented, the DE2 development board, standard VHDL packages, and other features. All four VHDL editions (1987, 1993, 2002, and 2008) are covered.
This expanded second edition is the first textbook on VHDL to include a detailed analysis of circuit simulation with VHDL testbenches in all four categories (nonautomated, fully automated, functional, and timing simulations), accompanied by complete practical examples. Chapters 1–9 have been updated, with new design examples and new details on such topics as data types and code statements. Chapter 10 is entirely new and deals exclusively with simulation. Chapters 11–17 are also entirely new, presenting extended and advanced designs with theoretical and practical coverage of serial data communications circuits, video circuits, and other topics. There are many more illustrations, and the exercises have been updated and their number more than doubled.