توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مشارکتهای گستردهای مانند مطالعات موردی، بررسیها، گزارشهای مربوط به پیشرفتهای فناوری، خروجیهای تحقیقات/مطالعات، و نمونههایی از پروژههای موفق، ارائه دانش فعلی و افزایش آگاهی برای کمک به بخشهای کشاورزی و جنگلداری برای یافتن راهحلهایی را جمعآوری میکند. کاهش تنوع آب و هوا و سازگاری با تغییرات. موضوع خدمات اکوسیستمی را به آموزش و یادگیری نزدیکتر میکند، همانطور که کنوانسیون چارچوب تغییرات آب و هوا و توافقنامه پاریس، دستور کار 2030 برای توسعه پایدار و استراتژی تنوع زیستی اتحادیه اروپا تا سال 2020 هدفگذاری شدهاند. تغییرات آب و هوا و تأثیرات آن بر کشاورزی و جنگلداری کشاورزی در 50 سال گذشته در سراسر جهان مشاهده شده است. افزایش دما، خشکسالی، تنش های زیستی و اثرات رویدادهای شدید به طور مداوم انعطاف پذیری سیستم های زراعت جنگلی را در برابر اثرات تغییرات آب و هوایی کاهش داده است. به این ترتیب، نیاز به انطباق سیستمهای کشاورزی و زراعت جنگل وجود دارد تا بتوانند بهتر بتوانند شرایط آب و هوایی همیشه در حال تغییر را مدیریت کنند و زیستگاهها و خدمات اکوسیستم را حفظ کنند.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-x
Terraced Agroforestry Systems in West Anti-Atlas (Morocco): Incidence of Climate Change and Prospects for Sustainable Development (Mohamed Ziyadi, Abdallah Dahbi, Abderahmane Aitlhaj, Abdeltif El Ouahrani, Abdelhadi El Ouahidi, Hafid Achtak)....Pages 1-19
Increasing Pulse Consumption to Improve Human Health and Food Security and to Mitigate Climate Change (Beatriz Oliveira, Ana Pinto de Moura, Luís Miguel Cunha)....Pages 21-35
Ecosystem Services and Incentive Mechanisms for Environmental Preservation in Brazil (Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti, Walter Leal Filho, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro)....Pages 37-51
Are We Missing the Big Picture? Unlocking the Social-Ecological Resilience of High Nature Value Farmlands to Future Climate Change (A. Lomba, A. Buchadas, João P. Honrado, F. Moreira)....Pages 53-72
Profitability of Cassava Based Farms Adopting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices in Delta State, Nigeria (Anthony O. Onoja, Joshua Agbomedarho, Ibisime Etela, Eunice N. Ajie)....Pages 73-88
Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices (CSA) Adoption by Crop Farmers in Semi-arid Regions of West and East Africa: Evidence from Nigeria and Ethiopia (Anthony O. Onoja, Amanuel Z. Abraha, Atkilt Girma, Anthonia I. Achike)....Pages 89-113
Challenges, Futures and Possibilities of Land Use in Rural Areas of Cela Municipality: Risks, Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Links to Sustainability (Bernardo Castro)....Pages 115-136
Future Climate Change Impacts on Malta’s Agriculture, Based on Multi-model Results from WCRP’s CMIP5 (Charles Galdies, Kimberly Vella)....Pages 137-156
The Urgent Need for Enhancing Forest Ecosystem Resilience Under the Anticipated Climate Portfolio Over Kerala Under RCP 4.5 and Its Possible Implications on Forests (Praveen Dhanya, Andimuthu Ramachandran)....Pages 157-174
Mediterranean Marginal Lands in Face of Climate Change: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (Helena Castro, Paula Castro)....Pages 175-187
Sustainable Food Systems in Culturally Coherent Social Contexts: Discussions Around Culture, Sustainability, Climate Change and the Mediterranean Diet (F. Xavier Medina)....Pages 189-196
Multifunctional Urban Agriculture and Agroforestry for Sustainable Land Use Planning in the Context of Climate Change in Serbia (Jelena Živanović Miljković, Tijana Crnčević)....Pages 197-213
Alien Plant Species: Environmental Risks in Agricultural and Agro-Forest Landscapes Under Climate Change (Joana R. Vicente, Ana Sofia Vaz, Ana Isabel Queiroz, Ana R. Buchadas, Antoine Guisan, Christoph Kueffer et al.)....Pages 215-234
Remote Sensing of Droughts Impacts on Maize Prices Using SPOT-VGT Derived Vegetation Index (John A. Ogbodo, Ejiet John Wasige, Sakirat M. Shuaibu, Timothy Dube, Samuel Emeka Anarah)....Pages 235-255
Anthropic Action Effects Caused by Soybean Farmers in a Watershed of Tocantins—Brazil and Its Connections with Climate Change (José Jamil Fernandes Martins, Amadeu M. V. M. Soares, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro, Mauro Lucio Torres Correia)....Pages 257-281
Enhancing Food Security and Climate Change Resilience in Degraded Land Areas by Resilient Crops and Agroforestry (Muhammad Saqib, Javaid Akhtar, Ghulam Abbas, Ghulam Murtaza)....Pages 283-297
Community Participation in Climate Change Mitigation Research in the Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Sudan (N. A. Mutwali, M. E. Ballal, A. M. Farah)....Pages 299-316
Using of Optimization Strategy for Reducing Water Scarcity in the Face of Climate Change (Mohammad Javad Zareian, Saeid Eslamian)....Pages 317-331
Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Irrigation Network (Zohreh Dehghan, Farshad Fathian, Saeid Eslamian)....Pages 333-354
Implication of Climate Change and Food Security Status on Rural Farmers in Kura Kano State North–Western Nigeria (Salisu Lawal Halliru)....Pages 355-365
Decentralised, Off-Grid Solar Pump Irrigation Systems in Developing Countries—Are They Pro-poor, Pro-environment and Pro-women? (Sam Wong)....Pages 367-382
Livestock Technologies and Grazing Land Management Options for Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation as a Contribution for Food Security in Ethiopia: A Brief Overview (Shigdaf Mekuriaw, Alemayehu Mengistu, Firew Tegegne)....Pages 383-396
Impacts of Climate Change on Food Security in Ethiopia: Adaptation and Mitigation Options: A Review (Tadesse Alemu, Alemayehu Mengistu)....Pages 397-412
Comparative Study on Agriculture and Forestry Climate Change Adaptation Projects in Mongolia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste (Cynthia Juwita Ismail, Takeshi Takama, Ibnu Budiman, Michele Knight)....Pages 413-430
Perceiving, Raising Awareness and Policy Action to Address Pollinator Decline in Nigeria (Thomas Aneni, Charles Aisagbonhi, Victor Adaigbe, Cosmas Aghayedo)....Pages 431-454
Promoting Circular Economy Through Sustainable Agriculture in Hidalgo: Recycling of Agro-Industrial Waste for Production of High Nutritional Native Mushrooms (María Virginia Ozcariz-Fermoselle, Gabriela de Vega-Luttmann, Fernando de Jesús Lugo-Monter, Cristina Galhano, Oscar Arce-Cervantes)....Pages 455-469
People and Parks: On the Relationship Between Community Development and Nature Conservation Amid Climate Change in South-Eastern Zimbabwe (Wedzerai Chiedza Mandudzo)....Pages 471-491
Environmental Assets and Carbon Markets: Could It Be Amazônia’s New Belle Époque? (Thiago Lima Klautau de Araújo, Amadeu M. V. M. Soares, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro)....Pages 493-520
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book collects wide-ranging contributions such as case studies, reviews, reports on technological developments, outputs of research/studies, and examples of successful projects, presenting current knowledge and raising awareness to help the agriculture and forestry sectors find solutions for mitigating climate variability and adapting to change. It brings the topic of ecosystem services closer to education and learning, as targeted by the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. Climate change and its impacts on agriculture and agroforestry have been observed across the world during the last 50 years. Increasing temperatures, droughts, biotic stresses and the impacts of extreme events have continuously decreased agroforestry systems’ resilience to the effects of climate change. As such, there is a need to adapt farming and agroforestry systems so as to make them better able to handle ever-changing climate conditions, and to preserve habitats and ecosystems services.