توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
منبع جامع داده های طراحی تعمیم یافته برای پرکاربردترین سطوح باله در CHE
تحلیل، طراحی و بهینه سازی مبدل حرارتی فشرده: رویکرد FEM و CFD
i> مفاهیم جدیدی از تولید دادههای طراحی را به صورت عددی به ارمغان میآورد (که مقرون به صرفهتر از دادههای طراحی عمومی است) و میتواند توسط مهندسان طراح و مجرب به طور مؤثرتری مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. روشها/تکنیکهای عددی برای تخمین زوال عملکرد مانند عدم یکنواختی جریان، عدم یکنواختی دما، و اثرات هدایت حرارتی طولی با استفاده از FEM در سطح واحد CHE و عوامل Colburn j و روش تولید دادههای فاکتورهای اصطکاک Fanning برای انواع مختلف معرفی شدهاند. باله های CHE با استفاده از CFD. علاوه بر این، نمونه های کار شده برای CHE های جریان تک فاز و دو فاز ارائه شده است و آزمایش های صلاحیت کامل برای استفاده از CHE در کاربردهای هوافضا ارائه شده است.
فصل ها پوشش می دهند: انتقال حرارت پایه. مبدل های حرارتی فشرده؛ مبانی روش های المان محدود و حجم محدود. تجزیه و تحلیل اجزای محدود مبدل های حرارتی فشرده. تولید داده های طراحی با تجزیه و تحلیل CFD. طراحی حرارتی و مکانیکی مبدل حرارتی فشرده. و ساخت و تست صلاحیت مبدل های حرارتی فشرده.
- اطلاعات کاملی در مورد طراحی پایه مبدل های حرارتی فشرده ارائه می دهد
- طراحی و تولید داده بر اساس تکنیک های عددی مانند FEM و روشهای CFD به جای روشهای تجربی یا تحلیلی
- جنبههای طراحی پیچیده شامل چرخه کامل طراحی، ساخت و صلاحیت یک مبدل حرارتی فشرده میشود
- ضمیمههای مربوط به خواص اساسی سیال، فلز ویژگی ها و استخراج معادله ریاضی سری فوریه
تجزیه و تحلیل، طراحی و بهینه سازی مبدل حرارتی فشرده: رویکرد FEM و CFD برای دانشجویان ارشد و فارغ التحصیلان در حال مطالعه تجهیزات ایده آل است. طراحی و طراحی مبدل حرارتی.
فهرست مطالب :
Content: Preface xiii Series Preface xv 1 Basic Heat Transfer 1 1.1 Importance of Heat Transfer 1 1.2 Heat Transfer Modes 2 1.3 Laws of Heat Transfer 3 1.4 Steady-State Heat Conduction 4 1.4.1 One-Dimensional Heat Conduction 5 1.4.2 Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation 7 1.4.3 Boundary and Initial Conditions 10 1.5 Transient Heat Conduction Analysis 11 1.5.1 Lumped Heat Capacity System 11 1.6 Heat Convection 13 1.6.1 Flat Plate in Parallel Flow 14 Laminar Flow Over an Isothermal Plate 14 Turbulent Flow over an Isothermal Plate 16 Boundary Layer Development Over Heated Plate 17 1.6.2 Internal Flow 18 Hydrodynamic Considerations 19 Flow Conditions 19 Mean Velocity 20 Velocity Profile in the Fully Developed Region 21 1.6.3 Forced Convection Relationships 23 1.7 Radiation 28 1.7.1 Radiation - Fundamental Concepts 30 1.8 Boiling Heat Transfer 35 1.8.1 Flow Boiling 36 1.9 Condensation 38 1.9.1 Film Condensation 39 1.9.2 Drop-wise Condensation 39 Nomenclature 40 Greek Symbols 42 Subscripts 42 References 43 2 Compact Heat Exchangers 45 2.1 Introduction 45 2.2 Motivation for Heat Transfer Enhancement 46 2.3 Comparison of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger 48 2.4 Classification of Heat Exchangers 49 2.5 Heat Transfer Surfaces 51 2.5.1 Rectangular Plain Fin 52 2.5.2 Louvred-Fin 52 2.5.3 Strip-Fin or Lance and Offset Fin 53 2.5.4 Wavy-Fin 53 2.5.5 Pin-Fin 53 2.5.6 Rectangular Perforated Fin 54 2.5.7 Triangular Plain Fin 54 2.5.8 Triangular Perforated Fin 54 2.5.9 Vortex Generator 55 2.6 Heat Exchanger Analysis 56 2.6.1 Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference 58 Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger 59 Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger 62 2.6.2 Effectiveness-NTU Method 65 2.6.3 Effectiveness-NTU Relations 69 2.6.4 Evaluation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Data 73 Flow Properties and Dimensionless Numbers 73 Data Curves for j andf 75 2.7 Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 77 2.7.1 Description 77 2.7.2 Geometric Characteristics 78 2.7.3 Correlations for Offset Strip Fin (OSF) Geometry 81 2.8 Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger 81 2.8.1 Geometrical Characteristics 82 2.8.2 Correlations for Circular-Finned-Tube Geometry 84 2.8.3 Pressure Drop 85 2.8.4 Correlations for Louvred Plate-Fin Flat-Tube Geometry 86 2.8.5 Louvre-Fin-Type Flat-Tube Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers 90 Geometric Characteristics 91 Correlations for Louvre Fin Geometry 93 2.9 Plate-Fin Exchangers Operating Limits 93 2.10 Plate-Fin Exchangers - Monitoring and Maintenance 94 2.10.1 Advantage 95 2.10.2 Disadvantages 95 Nomenclature 95 Greek Symbols 97 Subscripts 98 References 98 3 Fundamentals of Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods 101 3.1 Introduction 101 3.2 Finite Element Method 101 3.2.1 Finite Element Form of the Conduction Equation 103 3.2.2 Elements and Shape Functions 104 3.2.3 Two-Dimensional Linear Triangular Elements 109 Area Coordinates 112 3.2.4 Formulation for the Heat Conduction Equation 114 Variational Approach 115 Galerkin Method 118 3.2.5 Requirements for Interpolation Functions 119 3.2.6 Plane Wall with a Heat Source - Solution by Quadratic Element 128 3.2.7 Two-Dimensional Plane Problems 130 Triangular Elements 131 3.2.8 Finite Element Method-Transient Heat Conduction 141 Galerkin Method for Transient Heat Conduction 142 3.2.9 Time Discretization using the Finite Element Method 145 3.2.10 Finite Element Method for Heat Exchangers 146 Governing Equations 146 Finite Element Formulation 148 3.3 Finite Volume Method 164 3.3.1 Navier-Stokes Equations 165 Conservation of Momentum 168 Energy Equation 171 Non-Dimensional Form of the Governing Equations 173 Forced Convection 174 Natural Convection (Buoyancy-Driven Convection) 175 Mixed Convection 177 Transient Convection - Diffusion Problem 177 3.3.2 Boundary Conditions 178 Nomenclature 178 Greek Symbols 179 Subscripts 179 References 179 4 Finite Element Analysis of Compact Heat Exchangers 183 4.1 Introduction 183 4.2 Finite Element Discretization 184 4.3 Governing Equations 184 4.4 Finite Element Formulation 189 4.4.1 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 189 4.4.2 Counter Flow/Parallel Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers 193 4.4.3 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger 194 4.5 Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction Effects 195 4.5.1 General 195 4.5.2 Validation 198 4.5.3 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 199 4.5.4 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger 200 4.5.5 Parallel Flow Heat Exchanger 206 4.5.6 Counter Flow Heat Exchanger 206 4.5.7 Relative Comparison of Results 207 4.6 Inlet Flow Non-Uniformity Effects 207 4.6.1 General 207 4.6.2 Validation 214 4.6.3 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 215 4.6.4 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger 221 4.6.5 Pressure Drop Variations - Flow Non-Uniformity 224 4.7 Inlet Temperature Non-Uniformity Effects 228 4.7.1 General 228 4.7.2 Validation 229 4.7.3 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 229 4.7.4 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger 233 4.8 Combined Effects of Longitudinal Heat Conduction, Inlet Flow Non-Uniformity and Temperature Non-Uniformity 235 4.8.1 General 235 4.8.2 Validation 237 4.8.3 Combined Effects of Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction and Inlet Flow Non-Uniformity 238 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger - Combined Effects (LHC, FN) 238 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger - Combined Effects (LHC, FN) 243 4.8.4 Combined Effects of Longitudinal Wall Heat Conduction, Inlet Flow Non-Uniformity and Temperature Non-Uniformity 247 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger - Combined Effects (LHC, FN, TN) 251 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger - Combined Effects (LHC, FN, TN) 257 4.8.5 Combined Effects of Inlet Flow Non-Uniformity and Temperature Non-Uniformity 260 Cross Flow Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 263 Cross Flow Tube-Fin Heat Exchanger 267 4.9 FEM Analysis of Micro Compact Heat Exchangers 273 4.9.1 Governing Equations and Finite Element Formulation 277 4.10 Influence of Heat Conduction from Horizontal Tube in Pool Boiling 282 4.10.1 General 282 4.10.2 Governing Equations 284 4.10.3 Finite Element Analysis 285 One-Dimensional Case 286 Two-Dimensional Case (Axial and Radial) 286 Two-Dimensional Case (Azimuthal and Radial) 287 Three-Dimensional Case 287 4.10.4 Results 288 One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Case 290 Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction Case 292 Three-Dimensional Heat Conduction Case 293 4.11 Closure 298 Nomenclature 299 Greek Symbols 301 Subscripts 302 References 303 5 Generation of Design Data - Finite Volume Analysis 307 5.1 Introduction 307 5.2 Plate Fin Heat Exchanger 307 5.3 Heat Transfer Surfaces 308 5.3.1 Lance and Offset Fins 308 5.3.2 Wavy Fins 308 5.3.3 Rectangular Plain Fins 309 5.3.4 Rectangular Perforated Fins 310 5.3.5 Triangular Plain Fins 311 5.3.6 Triangular Perforated Fins 311 5.4 Performance Characteristic Curves 311 5.4.1 Working Fluids 312 5.5 CFD Analysis 312 5.5.1 Pre-Processor 313 5.5.2 Main Solver 313 5.5.3 Post-Processor 313 5.5.4 Errors and Uncertainty in CFD Modelling 313 5.6 CFD Approach 314 5.6.1 Mathematical Model 315 5.6.2 Governing Equations 315 5.6.3 Assumptions 316 5.6.4 Boundary Conditions 316 Inlet Boundary Conditions 317 Outlet Boundary Conditions 317 Wall Boundary Conditions 318 Constant Pressure Boundary Condition 318 Symmetric Boundary Condition 318 Periodic Boundary Condition 318 5.6.5 Turbulence Models 318 5.7 Numerical Simulation 319 5.7.1 Transient Analysis 320 Data Reduction and Validation 321 5.7.2 Steady State Analysis 328 Wavy Fin 328 Offset Fins 334 Rectangular Plain Fin 337 Rectangular Perforated Fin 344 Triangular Plain Fin Surface 350 Triangular Perforated Fin Surface 356 5.7.3 Flow Non-Uniformity Analysis 362 5.7.4 Characterization of CHE Fins for Two-Phase Flow 366 Experimental Set-Up 367 Brazed Test Core 368 Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficient 370 Two-Phase Condensation 374 5.7.5 Estimation of Endurance Life of Compact Heat Exchanger 377 Computational Analysis 378 CFD Analysis of CHE 378 Endurance Life Estimation 382 Fatigue Life Estimation 382 Effect of Creep 383 Results of Endurance Life 384 5.8 Closure 385 Nomenclature 388 Greek Symbols 391 Subscripts 391 References 392 6 Thermal and Mechanical Design of Compact Heat Exchanger 399 6.1 Introduction 399 6.2 Basic Concepts and Initial Size Assessment 400 6.2.1 Effectiveness Method 400 6.2.2 Inverse Relationships 403 6.2.3 LMTD Method 403 6.3 Overall Conductance 407 6.3.1 Fin Efficiency and Surface Effectiveness 409 6.4 Pressure Drop Analysis 410 6.4.1 Single Phase Pressure Drop 410 6.4.2 Two-Phase Pressure Loss 413 Two-Phase Frictional Losses 414 Two-Phase Momentum Losses - Change of Quality 416 Two-Phase Gravitational Losses - Upward Flow (Boiling) 416 Downward Flow (Condensation) 417 6.5 Two-Phase Heat Transfer 417 6.5.1 Condensation 418 All Liquid Heat Transfer Coefficient 418 Correction for the Vapour Volume 418 Correction for the Multicomponent Streams 419 6.5.2 Evaporation 419 Reynolds Number Calculation 420 Determine j and f Factors 420 Heat Transfer Coefficient Calculation for Quality between 0 and 0.95 420 Heat Transfer Coefficient for High and Low Values of Quality 421 6.6 Useful Relations for Surface and Core Geometry 421 6.7 Core Design (Mechanical Design) 424 6.7.1 Fins 424 6.7.2 Separating/Parting Sheets 424 6.7.3 Cap Sheets 424 6.7.4 Headers 424 6.7.5 Supports 425 6.7.6 Fin Minimum Thickness 425 6.7.7 Parting/Separating and Cap Sheets Minimum Thickness 426 6.7.8 Side-Bar Minimum Thickness 426 6.7.9 Headers Minimum Thickness 427 6.8 Procedure for Sizing a Heat Exchanger 427 6.9 Design Procedure of a Typical Compact Heat Exchanger 430 6.10 Worked Examples 434 6.10.1 Example 1: Direct Transfer Heat Exchanger 434 6.10.2 Example 2: Two-Pass Cross Flow Heat Exchanger 442 6.10.3 Example 3: Compact Evaporator Design 450 6.10.4 Example 4: Compact Condenser Design 451 Nomenclature 454 Greek Symbols 456 Subscripts 457 References 457 7 Manufacturing and Qualification Testing of Compact Heat Exchangers 461 7.1 Construction of Brazed Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 461 7.2 Construction of Diffusion-Bonded Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger 461 7.3 Brazing 464 7.3.1 Operations in Brazing 465 7.3.2 Brazing Filler Metals 469 7.3.3 Brazing Processes 469 7.3.4 Vacuum Brazing 470 Brazing of Aluminium and its Alloys 470 Brazing of Stainless Steels 474 Brazing of Super Alloys 475 7.3.5 Vacuum Furnace Brazing Cycles 476 Vacuum Level during Brazing 477 Cooling Gases 477 Post Brazing Inspection 478 7.4 Influence of Brazing on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop 478 7.5 Testing and Qualification of Compact Heat Exchangers 479 7.5.1 Acceptance Tests 480 Thermal Performance and Pressure Drop Test 480 Pressure Drop Test 484 Leakage Test 484 Proof Pressure Test 484 7.5.2 Qualification Tests 485 Vibration Test 485 Combined Pressure, Temperature and Flow Cycling 487 Experimental Evaluation of Endurance Life of Compact Heat Exchanger 488 Pressure Cycling Test 490 Thermal Shock Test 491 Acceleration Test 491 Shock Test 491 Humidity Test 492 Fungus Test 493 Salt Fog Test 493 Freeze and Thaw 493 Rain Resistance 493 Sand and Dust 494 Shock Test (Arrestor Landing) 494 Gunfire Vibration Test 494 Burst Pressure Test 495 References 496 Appendices 497 A.1 Derivation of Fourier Series Mathematical Equation 497 A.2 Molar, Gas and Critical Properties 501 A.3 Thermo-Physical Properties of Gases at Atmospheric Pressure 502 A.4 Properties of Solid Materials 509 A.5 Thermo-Physical Properties of Saturated Fluids 515 A.6 Thermo-Physical Properties of Saturated Water 518 A.7 Solar Radiative Properties of Selected Materials 521 A.8 Thermo-Physical Properties of Fluids 522 References 524 Index 525
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
A comprehensive source of generalized design data for most widely used fin surfaces in CHEs
Compact Heat Exchanger Analysis, Design and Optimization: FEM and CFD Approach brings new concepts of design data generation numerically (which is more cost effective than generic design data) and can be used by design and practicing engineers more effectively. The numerical methods/techniques are introduced for estimation of performance deteriorations like flow non-uniformity, temperature non-uniformity, and longitudinal heat conduction effects using FEM in CHE unit level and Colburn j factors and Fanning friction f factors data generation method for various types of CHE fins using CFD. In addition, worked examples for single and two-phase flow CHEs are provided and the complete qualification tests are given for CHEs use in aerospace applications.
Chapters cover: Basic Heat Transfer; Compact Heat Exchangers; Fundamentals of Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods; Finite Element Analysis of Compact Heat Exchangers; Generation of Design Data by CFD Analysis; Thermal and Mechanical Design of Compact Heat Exchanger; and Manufacturing and Qualification Testing of Compact Heat Exchanger.
- Provides complete information about basic design of Compact Heat Exchangers
- Design and data generation is based on numerical techniques such as FEM and CFD methods rather than experimental or analytical ones
- Intricate design aspects included, covering complete cycle of design, manufacturing, and qualification of a Compact Heat Exchanger
- Appendices on basic essential fluid properties, metal characteristics, and derivation of Fourier series mathematical equation
Compact Heat Exchanger Analysis, Design and Optimization: FEM and CFD Approach is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying equipment design and heat exchanger design.