Compulsory Liability Insurance from a European Perspective

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کتاب بیمه مسئولیت اجباری از دیدگاه اروپایی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Compulsory Liability Insurance from a European Perspective

نام کتاب : Compulsory Liability Insurance from a European Perspective
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : بیمه مسئولیت اجباری از دیدگاه اروپایی
سری : Tort and Insurance Law; 35
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : De Gruyter
سال نشر : 2016
تعداد صفحات : 580
ISBN (شابک) : 9783110486179 , 9783110484694
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 3 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents\nIntroduction and Questionnaire\n Introduction\n I. Choice of Subject Matter\n II. Research Aims\n III. Methodology\n Questionnaire\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\nCountry Reports\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Austria\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Belgium\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in the Czech Republic\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Finland\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Germany\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Hungary\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Italy\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in Switzerland\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in the United Kingdom\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\nSpecial Reports\n Compulsory Liability Insurance and European Union Law\n I. Introduction\n II. Duties to Take Out Insurance in European Secondary Law\n III. Conflict of Laws\n IV. Primary Law (Four Freedoms)\n V. Summary\n Compulsory Liability Insurance and Constitutional Law\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)\n I. Compulsory Liability Insurance: A ‘Social Dimension’ of Private Insurance Law\n II. Compulsory Liability Insurance and the Internal Market\n III. The Role of the Principles of European Insurance Contract Law (PEICL)\n IV. Summary\n Compulsory Liability Insurance: Economic Perspectives\n I. Introduction\n II. Aims of Compulsory Liability Insurance\n III. Types and Contents of the Duty\n IV. Control of Moral Hazard\n V. Level of Governance\n VI. Alternative Mechanisms\n VII. Limits of Compulsory Liability Insurance\n VIII. Enforcement\n IX. Reforms/Recent Literature\n X. Concluding Remarks\n Compulsory Liability Insurance in a Changing Legal Environment – An Insurance and Reinsurance Perspective\n I. Executive Summary\n II. General Insurance Principles\n III. Concept of Liability Insurance\n IV. Key Issues of Insurability\n V. Compulsory Insurance Schemes in Europe\n VI. Compulsory Insurance in Economic Terms\n VII. Prerequisites of Compulsory Insurance\n VIII. Advantages and Disadvantages of Compulsory Insurance\n IX. Other Financial Security Instruments\n X. Buyer’s Perspective on Compulsory Insurance\n XI. Changing Legal Environment – Outlook\n XII. Conclusion\nComparative Report and Conclusions\n Comparative Report\n I. The Term Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Aims\n III. Content of Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision and Sanctions\n VI. Statutory Provisions required by the Constitution or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)\n VII. Reform Efforts\n VIII. Compulsory Liability Insurance and Liability Law\n Conclusions\n I. The Purpose of Compulsory Liability Insurance\n II. Establishment of Duties to Take out Liability Insurance\n III. Content of the Insurance Cover\n IV. Protection Mechanisms\n V. Supervision\nAnnex: Rules on Compulsory Liability Insurance\n Austria\n I. Federal Law\n II. Laws of the Provinces (State Laws)\n Belgium\n I. Federal Law\n II. Regional Legislation and Regulation (Laws of Local Entities in the Federal State: ‘Regions’ and ‘Communities’)\n Czech Republic\n I. Federal Law\n II. Laws of the Provinces (State Laws)\n Finland\n I. National Law\n II. Laws of the Provinces (State Laws)\n Germany\n I. Federal Law\n II. Laws of the (Federal) States (Bundesländer)\n III. Codes of Conduct (based on the Law of the Federal States)\n Hungary\n I. National Law\n II. Laws of the Provinces (State Laws)\n Italy\n I. National Law\n II. Regional Laws\n Switzerland\n I. Federal Law\n II. Laws of the Provinces (State Laws)\n United Kingdom\n I. United Kingdom Legislation\n II. Devolved Legislation\nList of Contributors and Editors\nIndex\nPublications

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