Computing the continuous discretely. Integer-point enumeration in polyhedra

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کتاب محاسبه پیوسته به صورت گسسته شمارش عدد صحیح در چند وجهی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Computing the continuous discretely. Integer-point enumeration in polyhedra

نام کتاب : Computing the continuous discretely. Integer-point enumeration in polyhedra
ویرایش : 2
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : محاسبه پیوسته به صورت گسسته شمارش عدد صحیح در چند وجهی
سری : Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Springer New York
سال نشر : 2015
تعداد صفحات : 295
ISBN (شابک) : 9781493929689 , 1493929690
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 2 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Preface......Page 8
What Is the Discrete Volume?......Page 10
The Fourier–Dedekind Sums Are the Building Blocks: Number Theory......Page 11
The Relevant Solids Are Polytopes: Geometry......Page 12
Part II......Page 14
Acknowledgments......Page 15
Contents......Page 18
Part I The Essentials of Discrete Volume Computations......Page 22
1.1 Why Use Generating Functions?......Page 23
1.2 Two Coins......Page 25
1.3 Partial Fractions and a Surprising Formula......Page 28
1.4 Sylvester’s Result......Page 32
1.5 Three and More Coins......Page 34
Notes......Page 36
Exercises......Page 39
Open Problems......Page 46
2.1 The Language of Polytopes......Page 47
2.2 The Unit Cube......Page 49
2.3 The Standard Simplex......Page 51
2.4 The Bernoulli Polynomials as Lattice-Point Enumerators of Pyramids......Page 54
2.5 The Lattice-Point Enumerators of the Cross-Polytopes......Page 58
2.6 Pick’s Theorem......Page 60
2.7 Polygons with Rational Vertices......Page 63
2.8 Euler’s Generating Function for General Rational Polytopes......Page 68
Notes......Page 71
Exercises......Page 73
Open Problems......Page 78
3.1 Triangulations......Page 79
3.2 Cones......Page 82
3.3 Integer-Point Transforms for Rational Cones......Page 84
3.4 Expanding and Counting Using Ehrhart’s Original Approach......Page 88
3.5 The Ehrhart Series of an Integral Polytope......Page 91
3.6 From the Discrete to the Continuous Volume of a Polytope......Page 96
3.7 Interpolation......Page 98
3.8 Rational Polytopes and Ehrhart Quasipolynomials......Page 100
Notes......Page 101
Exercises......Page 102
Open Problems......Page 108
Chapter 4: Reciprocity......Page 109
4.1 Generating Functions for Somewhat Irrational Cones......Page 110
4.2 Stanley’s Reciprocity Theorem for Rational Cones......Page 112
4.3 Ehrhart–Macdonald Reciprocity for Rational Polytopes......Page 113
4.4 The Ehrhart Series of Reflexive Polytopes......Page 114
Notes......Page 116
Exercises......Page 118
Open Problems......Page 120
5.1 Face It!......Page 121
5.2 Dehn–Sommerville Extended......Page 123
5.3 Applications to the Coefficients of an Ehrhart Polynomial......Page 125
5.4 Relative Volume......Page 126
Notes......Page 128
Exercises......Page 129
Chapter 6: Magic Squares......Page 132
6.1 It’s a Kind of Magic......Page 133
6.2 Semimagic Squares: Integer Points in the Birkhoff–von Neumann Polytope......Page 134
6.3 Magic Generating Functions and Constant-Term Identities......Page 138
6.4 The Enumeration of Magic Squares......Page 143
Notes......Page 144
Exercises......Page 146
Open Problems......Page 147
Part II Beyond the Basics......Page 149
7.1 A Motivating Example......Page 150
7.2 Finite Fourier Series for Periodic Functions on Z......Page 152
7.3 The Finite Fourier Transform and Its Properties......Page 156
7.4 The Parseval Identity......Page 158
7.5 The Convolution of Finite Fourier Series......Page 160
Notes......Page 162
Exercises......Page 163
8.1 Fourier–Dedekind Sums and the Coin-Exchange Problem Revisited......Page 166
8.2 The Dedekind Sum and Its Reciprocity and Computational Complexity......Page 170
8.3 Rademacher Reciprocity for the Fourier–Dedekind Sum......Page 171
8.4 The Mordell–Pommersheim Tetrahedron......Page 175
Notes......Page 177
Exercises......Page 178
Open Problems......Page 181
9.1 Definitions and Examples......Page 183
9.2 Paving a Zonotope......Page 186
9.3 The Permutahedron......Page 188
9.4 The Ehrhart Polynomial of a Zonotope......Page 192
Notes......Page 194
Exercises......Page 195
Open Problems......Page 197
10.1 Simplicial Polytopes and (Unimodular) Triangulations......Page 199
10.2 Fundamental Parallelepipeds Open Up, with an h-Twist......Page 203
10.3 Palindromic Decompositions of h*-Polynomials......Page 205
10.4 Inequalities for h*-Polynomials......Page 207
Notes......Page 208
Exercises......Page 209
Open Problems......Page 212
11.1 The Identity “Σm∈Z zm = 0”. . . Or “Much Ado About Nothing”......Page 214
11.2 Technically Speaking. . .......Page 216
11.3 Tangent Cones and Their Rational Generating Functions......Page 219
11.4 Brion’s Theorem......Page 220
11.5 Brion Implies Ehrhart......Page 222
Notes......Page 224
Exercises......Page 225
Chapter 12: Euler–Maclaurin Summation in Rd......Page 227
12.1 Todd Operators and Bernoulli Numbers......Page 228
12.2 A Continuous Version of Brion’s Theorem......Page 230
12.3 Polytopes Have Their Moments......Page 232
12.4 Computing the Discrete Continuously......Page 235
Notes......Page 237
Exercises......Page 238
Open Problems......Page 239
13.1 A New Discrete Volume Using Solid Angles......Page 240
13.2 Solid-Angle Generating Functions and a Brion-Type Theorem......Page 244
13.3 Solid-Angle Reciprocity and the Brianchon–Gram Relations......Page 245
13.4 The Generating Function of Macdonald’s Solid-Angle Polynomials......Page 249
Notes......Page 250
Exercises......Page 251
Open Problems......Page 252
14.1 The Residue Theorem......Page 253
14.2 The Weierstraß ℘- and ζ-Functions......Page 255
14.3 A Contour-Integral Extension of Pick’s Theorem......Page 257
Notes......Page 258
Exercises......Page 259
Open Problems......Page 260
Appendix A: Vertex and Hyperplane Descriptions of Polytopes......Page 261
A.1 Every h-Cone Is a v-Cone......Page 262
A.2 Every v-Cone Is an h-Cone......Page 264
Chapter 1......Page 267
Chapter 2......Page 268
Chapter 3......Page 270
Chapter 4......Page 271
Chapter 6......Page 272
Chapter 8......Page 273
Chapter 10......Page 274
Chapter 12......Page 275
Chapter 14......Page 276
References......Page 278
List of Symbols......Page 289
Index......Page 291

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