توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
فضای متحدالمرکز به عنوان یک اصل زندگی فراتر از شوپنهاور، نیچه و ریکور، دید تازه ای از تجربه انسانی و جستجوی معانی زندگی را از نظر گشایش های بالقوه از طریق فضای رابطه ای دعوت می کند. با ارائه یک بازخوانی فضایی رادیکال از ایدههای بنیادی متفکران تأثیرگذار شوپنهاور، نیچه و ریکور، استدلال میکند که این ایدهها میتوانند برای درک اساسیتر از زندگی، خود و دیگران بازاندیشی شوند. این کتاب مفهومی مجدد رادیکال از فضا را به عنوان یک اصل متحرک برای زندگی از طریق ویژگیهای مشترک، اگرچه قبلاً پنهان، در افکار شوپنهاور، نیچه و ریکور ارائه میدهد. این تفسیر فضایی تازه ای از مضامین کلیدی در آثار این متفکران ارائه می دهد، مانند شفقت، اراده به زندگی، خلسه دیونوسی، اراده به قدرت، غلبه بر خود، ارزش گذاری مجدد ارزش ها، عود ابدی، استعاره زنده و بین الاذهانی. این یک بازسازی فضایی تجربه از فضاهای قطری طرد به فضاهای متحدالمرکز گنجاندن برای یک بازسازی تجربی به سمت حالتهای یکپارچه تجربه پیشنهاد میکند. این بازخوانی فضایی این شخصیتهای اصلی در فلسفه مستقیماً بسیاری از درکهای قبلی را به چالش میکشد تا چارچوبی فضایی-پدیدارشناختی متمایز برای بررسی یک اصل زندگی ارائه دهد. این کتاب برای دانشگاهیان، محققان و فارغ التحصیلان درگیر در مطالعه فلسفه، رفاه، آموزش و پرورش و توسعه انسانی جذاب خواهد بود. دامنه بین رشته ای این کتاب تضمین می کند که برای کسانی که در زمینه های روانشناسی، انسان شناسی، روانکاوی و مطالعات فرهنگ هستند نیز مورد توجه است.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of figures
1. Introduction
A protolanguage of space as concentric and diametric space
Space and a life principle
2. Features of the spatial protolanguage of concentric and diametric space
Concentric and diametric space as a protolanguage of relation: beyond space as a shadow text
Diametric and concentric projected spatial structures of relation: assumed separation and assumed connection
Diametric space as mirror image inversion and its relation with concentric space
Third entailment of the relative differences between
concentric and diametric spaces: foreground–background
interaction versus noninteraction
Gestalt figure–ground spatial relations as a variant of
diametric space
3. Compassion and space
The reduction of Schopenhauer’s distinctive concept of
compassion to egoism: a debate resting on primordial spatial
assumptions of concentric and diametric space
Compassion as concentric projected spatial structures of
relation in contrast to egoism as diametric space – a spatial
protolanguage of connection and the thick partition of
Diametric space as illusion and obstacle
Compassion within the determinism of the empirical world: background conditions of space
Compassion: a different kind of rationality
Foreground–background interaction
4. Rapture and space
Rapture as an experiential expansion in Dionysian music:
tentative Nietzschean steps towards concentric space as
opened boundaries in his gloss on Schopenhauer’s principium
The issue of crossing in experience from foreground to
background space: a protolanguage of monism, concentric
spatial relation and diametric spatial opposition
The prerepresentative mode of music as a concentric spatial dimension restructuring experience
Critique of Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s rapture
5. The spatial background between Dionysian and Apollonian myths
A prior spatial protolanguage in Nietzsche’s Dionysus–Apollo
relation as an optic of life: diametric space as figure–ground
contrasts and monism that lacks an inclusion principle
Promissory notes towards a concentric spatial relation? A transformational relation short of dissolving
The void
Hermeneutic approaches in a spatial-phenomenological reading of Nietzsche
6. Power and space
Nietzsche’s will to power as a diametric spatial inversion of a life principle
Will to power as splitting through a diametric spatial movement
The mirror image inversion of diametric space as a spatial process of turning: a reversal of life towards destruction
Diametric space in the historical myth of Dionysus
Will to power: hemiplegia of the connective will
7. Space as freedom in experience
Differing Dionysian visions and conceptions of bounded freedom in Nietzsche’s work
Beyond reevaluation of values to restructuring habits of
emotion and experience: an emergent vision of ‘freedom for’
8. Space as movement: eternal recurrence beyond homogenous time
Eternal recurrence as concentric space interacting with the diametric space of will to power
The relationship between eternal recurrence and will to power in primordial spatial terms
Taylor’s carnival inversion as a diametric mirror image space
for play: search for a life principle prior to a homogenous
space as monism
Vertical interplay between concentric and diametric space as
eternal recurrence includes a horizontal movement towards
flattened homogenous space as monism for experience of
9. Space prior to metaphor
Other key entailments of the multidimensional contrasts
between diametric and concentric primordial spaces:
inverted symmetry/symmetry as unity, closure/openness
Ricoeur’s objections to Heidegger’s critique of the
metaphysical within the metaphorical and to Jakobson’s
selection-combination binarism: issues for the proposed
spatial discourse of concentric and diametric structures of
Beyond metaphor to concentric and diametric space as a
system of meaning prior to language as protolanguage
10. Space and internalisation of the other
A living spatial movement of relation – reconceptualising
life in spatial terms in Ricoeur’s Oneself as another via
Heidegger’s Being and Time
Beyond Lévi-Strauss’ structuralism to the interplay
between diametric and concentric spaces as pure spatial
movement in Heidegger’s Being and Time
Care and conatus, Angst and suffering
Diametric space as assumed separation and closure: a discourse anticipated by Ricoeur
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Concentric Space as a Life Principle beyond Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur invites a fresh vision of human experience and search for life meanings in terms of potential openings through relational space. Offering a radical spatial rereading of foundational ideas of influential thinkers Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur, it argues that these ideas can be rethought for a more fundamental understanding of life, self and other. This book offers a radical reconceptualisation of space as an animating principle for life through common, although previously hidden, features across the thought of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur. It offers a fresh spatial interpretation of key themes in these thinkers' works, such as compassion, will to life, Dionysian rapture, will to power, selfovercoming, re-valuation of values, eternal recurrence, living metaphor and intersubjectivity. It proposes a spatial restructuring of experience from diametric spaces of exclusion towards concentric spaces of inclusion for an experiential restructuring towards unifying modes of experience. This spatial rereading of these major figures in philosophy directly challenges many previous understandings, to offer a distinctive spatial-phenomenological framework for examining a life principle. This book will appeal to academics, researchers and postgraduates engaged in the study of philosophy, wellbeing, education and human development. The book's interdisciplinary scope ensures that it is also of interest for those in the fields of psychology, anthropology, psychoanalysis and culture studies.